SQL代写|数据库代写 - CSCI235/CSCI835 Database Systems
This assignment includes the tasks related to a design of logical schema of MongoDB
database, data manipulation in MongoDB, application of aggregation framework in
MongoDB, and indexing of the collections of documents.
The outcomes of the laboratory work are due by Saturday 14 November, 2020, 7.00 pm
Please read very carefully information listed below.
This assignment contributes to 20% of the total evaluation in a subject CSCI235 and it
contributes to 17% of the total evaluation in a subject CSCI835.
A submission procedure is explained at the end of specification.
This assignment consists of 3 tasks and specification of each task starts from a new page.
It is recommended to solve the problems before attending the laboratory classes in order to
efficiently use supervised laboratory time.
A submission marked by Moodle as "late" is treated as a late submission no matter how
many seconds it is late.
A policy regarding late submissions is included in the subject outline.
A submission of compressed files (zipped, gzipped, rared, tared, 7-zipped, lhzed, … etc) is
not allowed. The compressed files will not be evaluated.
All files left on Moodle in a state "Draft(not submitted)" will not be evaluated.
An implementation that does not compile due to one or more syntactical and/or run time
errors scores no marks.
It is expected that all tasks included within Assignment 3 will be solved individually
without any cooperation with the other students. If you have any doubts, questions, etc.
please consult your lecturer or tutor during lab classes or office hours. Plagiarism will result
in a FAIL grade being recorded for the assessment task.
Install VirtualBox on your system, if it is not installed yet. If you do not remember how
you did it in CSIT115 then it is explained in
how to do it.
Download from Moodle ova image of a virtual machine with Ubuntu and MongoDB.
The image is available in a section OTHER RESOURCES. You should get a file:
Start VirtualBox and import ova image of a virtual machine with Ubuntu and MongoDB.
You should get a new virtual machine Ubuntu18.04-64bits-MongoDB-4.2.2-
Start a virtual machine Ubuntu18.04-64bits-MongoDB-4.2.2-08-JAN-2020.
A password to login as CSCI235 user is:
When logged in, start Terminal program (3rd icon from bottom in a column of icons on the
left-hand size of a screen).
To start MongoDB server, process the following command in Terminal window.
mongod --dbpath DATA --port 4000
When MongoDB server is ready then among many, many, … the other messages you
should get a message:
… waiting for connection on port 4000
Minimize Terminal window. Do not close the window, from now, it is used as a console
window by MongoDB server.
Open another Terminal window and to start MongDB command line interface, process the
following command.
mongo –port 4000
For a good start, process a command help.
Download to your virtual machine the files: bsontpchr.bmp, customer.zip,
part.zip, and supplier.zip from a section SAMPLE DATABASES on Moodle.
Unzip the files: customer.zip, part.zip, and supplier.zip.
You should get the files: customer.js, part.js, and supplier.js.
To create a collection tpchr and to load the documents into the collection, process the
scripts customer.js, part.js, and supplier.js. at > prompt of mongo client in
the following way.
A logical schema of a collection tpchr is available in a file bsontpchr.bmp. It is
strongly recommended to make yourself familiar with a logical schema of a sample
Next, you can use the methods
db.orders.find().count() and
to count the total number of the documents in a collection tpchr and to list all documents
in a pretty format.
Task 1 (7.5 marks)
Data manipulations
Download and unzip a file solution1.zip. You should get a file solution1.js.
The file contains the specifications of the following 5 data manipulation operations on a
collection tpchr.
(1) Remove information about an address from a description of a customer who submitted
an order with an order key 1031. Next list a complete description of a customer who
submitted an order with an order key 1031.
(2) Rename a key "shipped" to "shipped by" in the parts that have a retail price less
than 902. Next, display all information about parts that have a retail price less than
(3) Increase an account balance of all suppliers from Japan by 50% of the present value.
Next, display a supplier name, nation and balance of all suppliers from Japan in a
pretty format.
(4) Append to all parts that belong to a brand Brand#54 the following information about
a new shipment:
"partsupp_id" : "5_1",
"availqty" : 100,
"supplycost" : 17,
"ref supplier" : "1".
Next list all information about all parts that belong to a brand Brand#54 in a pretty
(5) Remove information about an order that has a key 1031 submitted by a customer
whose key is 8. Next, list all information about all orders submitted by a customer
whose key is 8.
Implement the data manipulations listed above in a data manipulation language of
MongoDB. Write your solutions into the empty slots following a specification of each data
manipulation in a file solution1.js. Do not remove the specifications of the data
manipulations and semicolons following the specifications.
Implementation of each data manipulation is worth 1.5 mark.
When ready create a report from processing of the data manipulations in the following way.
Use gedit editor to open a file solution1.js with the specifications and
implementations of the data manipulations.
Select the entire contents of the file and Copy it into a buffer.
Open a new Terminal window and start mongo client in the following way.
mongo –port 4000
Paste the contents of the buffer copied earlier from gedit window in front of > prompt
of mongo client. You may have to press Enter key to process the last data manipulation
in a case when it is not followed by a newline control character.
Select the entire contents of the Terminal window and Copy&Paste it into a file
solution1.lst. Save a file solution1.lst.
A file solution1.lst with a report from processing of MongoDB script
solution1.js with the implementation of the data manipulations listed above.
And again, please remember that:
- a report without the specifications of the data manipulations and listings of the processed
data manipulations scores no marks, - a report that contains any kind of processing errors scores no marks.
Task 2 (7.5 marks)
Query processing and data transformation with aggregation framework
Drop a collection tpchr in the following way.
To re-create a collection tpchr and to load the documents into the collection, process
the scripts customer.js, part.js, and supplier.js. at > prompt of mongo
client in the following way.
Download and unzip a file solution2.zip. You should get a file solution2.js.
The file contains the comments with the specifications of the following 5 queries and data
(1) Save information about a customer key, name, and nation of all customers from
SUDAN or ROMANIA or CANADA into a collection SUROCAN. Display in a pretty
format without document identifiers the contents of a collection SUROCAN.
(2) Save all information about the supply costs (supplycost)of a part with a name
floral moccasin royal powder burnished into a collection
supplycosts that consists of the documents like {"supply cost": avalue-of-supply-cost}. Display in a pretty format without document
identifiers all documents in a collection supplycosts.
(3) Find the total number of part shipments of the parts of type LARGE BURNISHED
STEEL or SMALL BURNISHED STEEL. Display a result in a format
{"total number of shipments":integer-value}.
(4) Find the total number of shipments per each part. List the results in a format
{"total number of shipments":integer-value,
"part key":integer-value"}.
(5) Find 5 largest extended prices (extended price) from all orders. List the results
in a format
{"customer key": integer-value,
"order key":integer-value,
"line number":integer-value,
Use the methods aggregate() and pretty() to implement all the queries and data
transformations and to display the results. Note, that you may need two or more statements
to implement a single task.
Implementation of each query/data transformation is worth 1.5 mark.
When ready create MongoDB script file solution2.js with the implementations of
your queries and create a report from processing of the data manipulations in the following
Use gedit editor to open a file solution2.js with the specifications and
implementations of the data manipulations.
Select the entire contents of the file and Copy it into a buffer.
Open a new Terminal window and start mongo client in the following way.
mongo –port 4000
Paste the contents of the buffer copied earlier from gedit window in front of > prompt
of mongo client. You may have to press Enter key to process the last data manipulation
in a case when it is not followed by a newline control character.
Select the entire contents of the Terminal window and Copy&Paste it into a file
solution2.lst. Save a file solution2.lst.
A file solution2.lst with a report from processing of MongoDB script
solution2.js with the implementation of the data manipulations listed above.
Please remember that:
- a report without the specifications of the queries and data manipulations and listings of
the processed queries and data manipulations scores no marks, - a report that contains any kind of processing errors scores no marks.
Task 3 (5 marks)
Implementation of indexing
Download and unzip a file solution2.zip. You should get a file solution2.js.
Consider the documents included in a collection tpchr and the queries consistent with
the following query templates.
(1) Find all parts that belongs to a given brand.
(2) Find all parts that has a retail price greater than a given value.
(3) Find the names of all suppliers.
(4) Find the brands and types of all parts.
(5) Find the names of customers who submitted at least one order.
Repeat the implementations of the following four steps for each one of the query patterns
listed above.
Step 1 Create an index that speeds up processing of a query consistent with a pattern.
Step 2 Apply a method getIndexes() to list all existing indexes, for example
Step 3 Apply a method explain() to verify whether the system plans to use the indexes
created for processing of a query consistent with a pattern, for example
The constants used in a query are up to you.
Step 4 Drop an index created in Step 1 with a method dropIndex(), e.g.
You can find a name given to an index by the system from the results of the Step 2.
Write your solutions into a file solution3.js in the empty slots following a
specification of each problem. Do not remove the comments with the specifications of
queries and semicolons following the comments !
Implementation of each index, displaying query processing plans and dropping an index is
worth 1 mark.
When ready create a report from processing of the queries in the following way. Use
gedit editor to open a file solution3.js with the specifications of the queries and
implementations of the queries.
Select the entire contents of the file and Copy it into a buffer.
Open a new Terminal window and start mongo client in the following way.
mongo –port 4000
Paste the contents of the buffer copied earlier from gedit window in front of > prompt
of mongo client. You may have to press Enter key to process the last query in a case when
it is not followed by a newline control character.
Select the entire contents of the Terminal window and Copy&Paste it into a file
solution3.lst. Save a file solution3.lst. Examine the contents of a file
solution3.lst for possible errors.
A file solution3.lst with a report from processing of MongoDB script
solution3.js with the implementation of indexing, listing the indexes and query
processing plans, and dropping the indexes.
And again, please remember that:
- a report without the listings of applied methods and feedback messages issued by
MongoDB scores no marks,
- a report that contains any kind of processing errors scores no marks.
Submit the files solution1.lst, solution2.lst, and solution3.lst through
Moodle in the following way:
(1) Access Moodle at http://moodle.uowplatform.edu.au/
(2) To login use a Login link located in the right upper corner the Web page or in the
middle of the bottom of the Web page
(3) When logged select a site CSCI835/CSCI235 (S220) Database
(4) Scroll down to a section SUBMISSIONS
(5) Click at a link In this place you can submit the outcomes of
Assignment 3
(6) Click at a button Add Submission
(7) Move a file solution1.lst into an area You can drag and drop files
here to add them. You can also use a link Add…
(8) Repeat a step (7) for the files solution2.lst, and solution3.lst.
(9) Click at a button Save changes
(10)Click at a button Submit assignment
(11)Click at the checkbox with a text attached: By checking this box, I
confirm that this submission is my own work, … in order to
confirm the authorship of your submission.
(12)Click at a button Continue