mips verilog代写-ECE 3504
ECE 3504 Project 2
Fall 2021

Total points: 100

Version: 1 (Any updates will be announced on Canvas.)

Deadline: Sunday Nov 16th at 11:59 PM

Late Policy: Projects have strict deadlines and have to be digitally submitted at 11:59
PM on the day they are due. If submitted before 2 AM, a 5% reduction in grade will
apply and the project will still be accepted. If submitted by 11:59 PM of the day after the
due date, a 20% reduction in grade will be applied and the project will still be accepted.
No project will be accepted after that point without a letter from Dean’s Office. In order
for your projects to be accepted, you need to complete the submission process.
Uploading files but not making them available to the instructor, submitting the wrong
version, and other technical or non-technical issues do not make you eligible for a late

Project Overview

Around 300 BC Euclid described an algorithm to compute the greatest common divisor
of two numbers, which is the largest number that divides evenly into both numbers
without leaving a remainder. However, Euclid’s original algorithm requires use of the
mod (remainder) function, which is an expensive operation. The binary GCD algorithm
avoids the use of the mod operation and only requires subtraction, shift, and Boolean
You can find an iterative C implementation of the binary GCD algorithm at
https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/steins-algorithm-for-finding-gcd/. All numbers are
assumed to be unsigned, and hence the shift operations can be logical shifts.
Part 1
Convert the iterative C algorithm to a MIPS assembly language function with name
binaryGCD. The function should accept the a and b arguments in registers $a0 and
$a1, and return the result in register $v0. The function should use the $t* (caller-
saved) registers beginning with $t0 and hence does not need to save anything on the
You should try to minimize the variety (rather than the number) of assembly language
instructions used since you later have to implement these instructions in simulated
hardware. You should only use core instructions and avoid referencing memory (i.e.
avoid using lw or sw instructions). Looking ahead to Part 3, the ALU Verilog code
provided supports only the following instructions: sll (only by 1), srl (only by 1), sub,
subi, slt, or, ori, beq, bne, add, addi, and, andi, and lui. These
instructions allow arbitrary control flow, loading constants into registers, and performing
simple arithmetic / Boolean / shift operations on unsigned numbers. The body of your
binaryGCD function (except for the final “jr $ra” instruction) should try to limit itself to
these instructions. The main function can use any instructions including pseudo-
instructions since main code will not be executed in ModelSim. You should be able to
create an unconditional branch (effectively a jump) using beq.
Test the binaryGCD algorithm with at least the following arguments:
1. gcd(12, 780) = 12
2. gcd(780, 12) = 12
3. gcd(2048, 16384) = 2048
4. gcd(500005199, 709) = 1
5. gcd(554400, 655200) = 50400
6. gcd(1048576, 131072) = 131072
7. gcd(0, 12345) = 12345
Perform each test by loading the arguments into $a0 and $a1, calling binaryGCD, and
then moving the ith result (stored in $v0) to $si. This allows you and the GTA to quickly
check the correctness of your binaryGCD function by inspecting the contents of $s1 to
$s7 after all tests have been run. Ensure that your binaryGCD function has meaningful
labels and comments that describe the function of each register.
Part 2
Ensure that your code works correctly by creating a single testbench.s file with a main
function that calls your binaryGCD function once for each of the above test cases. The
assembly instructions created should be preceded by the following assembler directives
at the start of the file in order to have QtSpim assemble and load your instructions
.globl main


< your assembly instructions to call binaryGCD for each test case>

ori $v0, $0, 10


jr $ra
The ori and syscall instructions return from the main function to the run-time monitor.
Be sure to always use the Qtspim File -> Reinitialize and Load File command
after changing the assembler source code. Unlike Project 1, uncheck Enable Delayed
Branches in the MIPS tab of the QtSpim Preferences to avoid the need to insert a
delay slot instruction after a branch instruction; bad things will happen if you don’t do
this. It will be helpful to use the Registers -> Decimal formatting option. Run the
code in QtSpim and check that $s1 to $s7 contain the expected values.

Part 3
Extend the Verilog-implemented datapath provided for the single-cycle MIPS
architecture with the instructions needed to execute the binaryGCD calculation just once
for the first test case (i.e. gcd(12, 780)). The Verilog datapath will be simulated with
ModelSim, which is available through the Quartus Prime Lite package
(https://fpgasoftware.intel.com/?edition=lite, under Individual Files).
Unlike Part 2, binaryGCD will not be a function and hence the $a0, $a1, and $v0
registers will not be used. Rather, the first instructions will load 12 into $t0 (variable a
in the C code) and 780 into $t1 (variable b in the C code). The shift variable in the C
code should use register $t2, and any additional temporary values should use registers
$t3, $t4, ... The “jr $ra” instruction should be replaced with an infinite loop that
branches to itself:
done: beq $t0, $t0, done
Using $t0 in this instruction will conveniently cause ModelSim ( to display the result in
the Waveform window. Following this guidance will make it easier for you and the GTA
to validate your assembly code and Verilog.
The zipped P2-start folder includes the starting datapath. The instructions sll, addi
and lui are already implemented within this datapath, however you do not necessarily
have to use the lui instruction. All the modules needed to finish this project are given
to you, although additional code is required in the MIPS and MIPS_CONTROL modules.
The comments at the beginning of each file give you the description and important
information about the module defined in that file. The modules for this project are written
in behavioral Verilog. You are not expected to understand how every module has been
implemented. However, you need to recognize inputs, outputs and functionality of each
module. Some of these modules are already instantiated in the top-level MIPS module,
but some modules still need to be instantiated in the top-level module to complete the
In order to load ModelSim’s instruction memory with your code that loads $t0 and $t1
with the gcd arguments, executes a single binaryGCD calculation, and then enters an
infinite loop that reveals the result in $t0, you first need to type this code into a
program.s file and have it assembled with QtSpim. It would also be a good idea to
execute the code with QtSpim to ensure that the code produces the correct result. The
assembled hex code should be cut and pasted from the QtSpim text window to a file
named program.txt. Unlike Part 2 above, check Enable Delayed Branches in the
MIPS tab of the QtSpim Preferences so that your machine code has branch offsets
relative to PC+4; bad things will happen if you don’t do this.
Each line in the program.txt file should only have eight hexadecimal characters
(without a leading “0x”) and all spaces, address, source and comment fields should be
removed. The first instruction should be copied from address 0x400024 (i.e. where you
initialize $t0) and the last instruction should be the infinite loop. Count the total number
of instructions in program.txt and replace the last argument in instruction-mem.v’s
$readmemh system task with one less than this value (e.g. 39 if there were 40
instructions in program.txt). Your program cannot be longer than 128 words since the
IMEM module only allocates a 128-word instruction array called mem_array.
You need to extend the initial datapath to support only the MIPS instructions used by
your binaryGCD function. Support for load and store instructions need not be
implemented if you do not reference data memory. Instruction implementation will
require the instantiation of components and buses/wires in the MIPS module, and the
generation of control signals in the MIPS_CONTROL module.
A hints video from a previous iteration of this project has been uploaded to Canvas to
aid with ModelSim and code modifications.

What to turn in
1. Verilog modules: Create a folder called Project2_PID where PID is your PID. Put
all the Verilog files associated with this part, including the ones that you did not
modify, in this directory.
2. Test program: The code that includes a main function should be named
testbench.s. The code that is loaded into ModelSim’s instruction memory should
be named program.s, with the assembled version named program.txt. Put all
three of these files in the Project2_PID folder.
3. Report: Write a brief report that includes a description of your implementation and
tests. Your report should be titled Project2_report_PID and included in the
Project2_PID folder. Your report should include the following sections:
a. A list of the instructions that were implemented.
b. A summary of the changes made to the Verilog code to implement these
instructions along with any unresolved problems.
c. Any bonus features (such as additional instructions) and their tests.
d. One or more QtSpim screenshots showing the results of executing
testbench.s, including the $s1 to $s7 results from the seven calls to
binaryGCD displayed in decimal.
e. One or more ModelSim waveform screenshots showing the initial state of the
simulation just after loading the gcd arguments into $t0 and $t1, as well as
the state of the simulation after completing the gcd calculation. The
screenshots should include relevant signals such as the program counter
and instruction, as well as relevant registers such as $t0 and $t1 before the
computation and $t0 after the computation.
Upload a zipped version of the Project2_PID folder to Canvas before the deadline.

Grading Scheme

Component Points
program.s completeness and readability 20
Verilog code additions and readability 35
Demonstrate correctness of binaryGCD with QtSpim 10
Demonstrate correctness of hardware with ModelSim 20
Report discussions 15

jr $ra
The ori and syscall instructions return from the main function to the run-time monitor.
Be sure to always use the Qtspim File -> Reinitialize and Load File command
after changing the assembler source code. Unlike Project 1, uncheck Enable Delayed
Branches in the MIPS tab of the QtSpim Preferences to avoid the need to insert a
delay slot instruction after a branch instruction; bad things will happen if you don’t do
this. It will be helpful to use the Registers -> Decimal formatting option. Run the
code in QtSpim and check that $s1 to $s7 contain the expected values.

Part 3
Extend the Verilog-implemented datapath provided for the single-cycle MIPS
architecture with the instructions needed to execute the binaryGCD calculation just once
for the first test case (i.e. gcd(12, 780)). The Verilog datapath will be simulated with
ModelSim, which is available through the Quartus Prime Lite package
(https://fpgasoftware.intel.com/?edition=lite, under Individual Files).
Unlike Part 2, binaryGCD will not be a function and hence the $a0, $a1, and $v0
registers will not be used. Rather, the first instructions will load 12 into $t0 (variable a
in the C code) and 780 into $t1 (variable b in the C code). The shift variable in the C
code should use register $t2, and any additional temporary values should use registers
$t3, $t4, ... The “jr $ra” instruction should be replaced with an infinite loop that
branches to itself:
done: beq $t0, $t0, done
Using $t0 in this instruction will conveniently cause ModelSim ( to display the result in
the Waveform window. Following this guidance will make it easier for you and the GTA
to validate your assembly code and Verilog.
The zipped P2-start folder includes the starting datapath. The instructions sll, addi
and lui are already implemented within this datapath, however you do not necessarily
have to use the lui instruction. All the modules needed to finish this project are given
to you, although additional code is required in the MIPS and MIPS_CONTROL modules.
The comments at the beginning of each file give you the description and important
information about the module defined in that file. The modules for this project are written
in behavioral Verilog. You are not expected to understand how every module has been
implemented. However, you need to recognize inputs, outputs and functionality of each
module. Some of these modules are already instantiated in the top-level MIPS module,
but some modules still need to be instantiated in the top-level module to complete the
In order to load ModelSim’s instruction memory with your code that loads $t0 and $t1
with the gcd arguments, executes a single binaryGCD calculation, and then enters an
infinite loop that reveals the result in $t0, you first need to type this code into a
program.s file and have it assembled with QtSpim. It would also be a good idea to
execute the code with QtSpim to ensure that the code produces the correct result. The
assembled hex code should be cut and pasted from the QtSpim text window to a file
named program.txt. Unlike Part 2 above, check Enable Delayed Branches in the
MIPS tab of the QtSpim Preferences so that your machine code has branch offsets
relative to PC+4; bad things will happen if you don’t do this.
Each line in the program.txt file should only have eight hexadecimal characters
(without a leading “0x”) and all spaces, address, source and comment fields should be
removed. The first instruction should be copied from address 0x400024 (i.e. where you
initialize $t0) and the last instruction should be the infinite loop. Count the total number
of instructions in program.txt and replace the last argument in instruction-mem.v’s
$readmemh system task with one less than this value (e.g. 39 if there were 40
instructions in program.txt). Your program cannot be longer than 128 words since the
IMEM module only allocates a 128-word instruction array called mem_array.
You need to extend the initial datapath to support only the MIPS instructions used by
your binaryGCD function. Support for load and store instructions need not be
implemented if you do not reference data memory. Instruction implementation will
require the instantiation of components and buses/wires in the MIPS module, and the
generation of control signals in the MIPS_CONTROL module.
A hints video from a previous iteration of this project has been uploaded to Canvas to
aid with ModelSim and code modifications.

What to turn in
1. Verilog modules: Create a folder called Project2_PID where PID is your PID. Put
all the Verilog files associated with this part, including the ones that you did not
modify, in this directory.
2. Test program: The code that includes a main function should be named
testbench.s. The code that is loaded into ModelSim’s instruction memory should
be named program.s, with the assembled version named program.txt. Put all
three of these files in the Project2_PID folder.
3. Report: Write a brief report that includes a description of your implementation and
tests. Your report should be titled Project2_report_PID and included in the
Project2_PID folder. Your report should include the following sections:
a. A list of the instructions that were implemented.
b. A summary of the changes made to the Verilog code to implement these
instructions along with any unresolved problems.
c. Any bonus features (such as additional instructions) and their tests.
d. One or more QtSpim screenshots showing the results of executing
testbench.s, including the $s1 to $s7 results from the seven calls to
binaryGCD displayed in decimal.
e. One or more ModelSim waveform screenshots showing the initial state of the
simulation just after loading the gcd arguments into $t0 and $t1, as well as
the state of the simulation after completing the gcd calculation. The
screenshots should include relevant signals such as the program counter
and instruction, as well as relevant registers such as $t0 and $t1 before the
computation and $t0 after the computation.
Upload a zipped version of the Project2_PID folder to Canvas before the deadline.

Grading Scheme

Component Points
program.s completeness and readability 20
Verilog code additions and readability 35
Demonstrate correctness of binaryGCD with QtSpim 10
Demonstrate correctness of hardware with ModelSim 20
Report discussions 15

