Python代写-COMP 5/600
COMP 5/600 Final Project Guideline
Instructor: Bo Liu
September 21, 2021
General Guideline
In the final project, you will work in groups (the maximum number of team members per group
is 4) to apply the techniques that you’ve learned in this class to a new setting that you’re interested in.
Specifically, you will build a system to solve a well-defined task. Which task you choose is completely
open-ended. Have fun, and don’t wait until the last minute!
The final project should consist of the following parts:
• Task definition: What does your system do (what is its input and output)? What real-world problem
does this system try to solve? Make sure that the scope of the project is not too narrow or broad. This
is probably the most important part of the project, and is also the part that you will not get practice
from doing homework.
The first task you might come up with is to apply binary classification on some standard datasets.
This is probably not enough. If you are thinking in terms of binary classification, you are probably
thinking too narrowly about the task. For example, when recommending news articles, you might not
want to make predictions for individual articles, but might benefit from choosing a diverse set.
An important part of defining the task is the evaluation. In other words, how will you measure
the success of your system? For this, you need to obtain a reasonably sized dataset of example input-
output pairs, either from existing sources, or collecting one from scratch. A natural evaluation metric
is the accuracy, but it could be memory or running time. How big the dataset depends on your task
at hand.
• Infrastructure: In order to do something interesting, you have to set up the infrastructure. This
involves collecting data for machine learning tasks (either by scraping, using crowdsourcing, or hand
labeling). For game-based tasks, this involves building the game engine/simulator. While infrastructure
is necessary, try not to spend too much time on it. You can sometimes take existing datasets or modify
existing simulators to save time, but if you want to solve a task you care about, this is not always an
option. Note that if you download existing datasets that are already preprocessed (e.g., Kaggle), then
you will be expected to do more with the project.
• Approach: Identify the challenges of building the system and the phenomena in the data that you’re
trying to capture. How should you model the task (e.g., supervised learning, unsupervised learn-
ing, reinforcement learning, etc.)? There will be many ways to do this, but you should pick one or
two and explain how the methods address the challenges as well as any pros and cons. What algorithms
are appropriate for handling the models that you came up with, and what are the tradeoffs between
accuracy and efficiency? Are there any implementation choices specific to your problem? Besides your
primary approach(es), you should have two types of other ones, baselines, and oracles. These are
really important as they tell you how significant the problem you’re solving is. Baselines are simple
algorithms, including predicting the majority label, using a small set of hand-crafted rules, training
a simple classifier, etc. Baselines are meant to be extremely simple, but you might be surprised at
how effective they are. Oracles are algorithms that "cheat" and look at the correct answer or involve
humans. If your problem has two components (identifying entities and classifying them), an oracle
uses the correct answer for one of the components and sees how well the other can do. Baselines give
lower bounds, and oracles give upper bounds on your performance. If this gap is too small, then you
probably don’t have an interesting enough task.
• Literature review: Have there been other attempts to build such a system? Compare and contrast
your approach with existing work, citing the relevant papers. The comparison should be more than
just high-level descriptions. You should try to fit your work and other work into the same framework.
Are the two approaches complementary, orthogonal, or contradictory?
• Error analysis: Design a few experiments to show the properties (both pros and cons) of your system.
For example, if your system is supposed to deal with graphs with lots of cycles, construct both examples
with lots of cycles and ones without testing your hypothesis. Each experiment should ask a concise
question: Do we need to model the interactions between the ghosts in Pac-Man? Or How well does
the system scale up to large datasets? Analyze the data and show either graphs or tables to illustrate
your point. What’s the take-away message? Were there any surprises?
Throughout the rest of the semester, there will be several milestones so that you can get adequate feedback
on the project. You have TWO presentations milestones (the proposal, progress report, and final report)
and Two submission milestones (midterm presentation and final presentation).
• Proposal (1-page report): Define the input-output behavior of the system and the scope of the
project. What is your evaluation metric for success? Collect some preliminary data, and give concrete
examples of inputs and outputs. Implement a baseline and an oracle and discuss the gap. What are
the challenges? Which topics (e.g., search, MDPs, etc.) might be able to address those challenges (at
a high-level, since we haven’t covered any techniques in detail at this point)? Search the Internet for
similar projects and mention the related work. You should basically have all the infrastructure (e.g.,
building a simulator, cleaning data) completed doing something interesting by now. The content of
the proposal can be directly used in the final report (with minor adaptations). In summary, it
should include:
1. problem formulation, clearly identifying the input/output and the challenges
2. identifying data source
3. literature review with a reference list
4. evaluation, including baseline methods and setting (oracle information), evaluation metric, and
evaluation test dataset.
• Midterm presentation & Final presentation(only slides presentation): Propose a model and an algo-
rithm for tackling your task. You should describe the model and algorithm in detail and use a concrete
example to demonstrate how the model and algorithm work. Don’t describe methods in general; de-
scribe precisely how they apply to your problem (what are variables, factors, states, etc.)? You should
also have finished implementing a preliminary version of your algorithm (maybe it’s not fully optimized
yet, and it doesn’t have all the features you want). Report your initial experimental results, such as
a toy example with a baseline algorithm implementation. Midterm presentation is shorter(usually 3
minutes, yet may vary), and the final presentation is longer so you can showcase!
• Final report (suggested length: around 8 pages report with slides presentation): You should
have completed everything (task definition, infrastructure, approach, literature review, error analysis).
(1) You can have an appendix beyond the maximum number of allowed pages with any figures/plots/examples
if you need.
(2) Everyone should be present (or have asked leaves justified beforehand) during any of
the presentations. If not, your individual’s corresponding milestone score is 0, no matter if
you submit the progress report or not.
Each of the team should submit the submission milestones individually.
• For each milestone, you should submit proposal.pdf, or final.pdf containing a PDF of your writeup.
group.txt containing the names and Banner IDs of the entire group, one per line. title.txt containing
the title of your project on one line. keywords.txt containing one keyword (e.g., Bayesian networks)
per line.
For the final, you should also submit supplementary material, mainly the code. There is no late extension
for the final report!
• Code: You can just package it up: containing the code (any language is fine; does not have to
run on corn out-of-the-box) and a README file documenting what everything is and what commands
you ran.
• Data: you don’t need to submit the data, but should give the webpage hyperlink to the data.
The grading is only based on the quality of the milestones, regardless of the group size. Below are the key
grading elements you need to deliver in your milestones:
• Task definition: is the task precisely defined, and does the formulation make sense?
• Infrastructure: have you explained the data, experimental setting, and designs clearly?
• Approaches and Experiments: was a baseline, an oracle, and an advanced method described clearly,
well justified, and tested? There must be comparison baseline methods and performance
• Analysis: did you interpret the results and try to explain why things worked (or didn’t work) the way
they did? Do you show concrete examples?
• Extra credit: does the project present interesting and novel ideas (i.e., would this be publishable at a
good conference)?
The grading policy is (given a 100 point base)
• [100, 75) An excellent project.
• [75, 50) A decent project with ≤ 2 major drawbacks.
• [50, 25) A project with > 2 major drawbacks, but at least with baselines and plots.
• [25, 0) No baseline methods or plots, or none of the two.
• [0] There are fake results or plagiarism.
An example strategy
This is a suggestion of how to approach the final project with an example.
• Pick a topic you’re passionate about (e.g., food, language, energy, politics, sports, card games, robotics).
As a running example, say we’re interested in how people read the news to get their information.
• Brainstorm to find some tasks on that topic: ask "wouldn’t it be nice to have a system that does
X?" or "wouldn’t it be nice to understand X?" A good task should not be too easy (sorting a list of
numbers) and not too hard (building a system that can automatically solve the homework). Please
come to office hours for feedback on finding the right balance. Let’s focus on recommending news to
• Define the task you’re trying to solve clearly and convince yourself (and a few friends) that it’s impor-
tant/interesting. Also, state your evaluation metric – how will you know if you have succeeded or not?
Concentrate on a small set of popular news sites:,,,,
etc. Each user and each day, assume we have acquired a set of articles that the user is interested in
reading (training data). Our task is to predict for a new day, given the full set of articles, the best
subset to show the user; evaluation metric would be prediction accuracy.
• Gather and clean the necessary data (this might involve scraping websites, filtering outliers, etc.). This
step can often take an annoyingly large amount of time if you’re not careful, so do not try to get bogged
down here. Simplify the task or focus on a subset of the data if necessary. You might find yourself
adjusting the task you’re trying to solve based on new empirical insights you get by looking at the
data. Notice that even if you’re not doing machine learning, it’s necessary to have data for evaluation
• Implement a baseline algorithm. For a classification task, this would always be predicting the most
common label. If your baseline is too high, then your task is probably too easy. One baseline is to always
produce the first document from each news site. Also implement an oracle, for example, recommending
the document based on the number of comments. This is an oracle because you wouldn’t have the
number of comments when you wanted to recommend the article!
• Formulate a model and implement the algorithm for that model. You should try several variants
and compare them. Remember to try as much as possible to separate the model (what you want to
compute) from algorithms (how you do it). You might train a classifier to predict, for each news article,
whether to include it or not.
• Perhaps the most important part of the project is the final step, which is to analyze the results. It’s
more important that you do a thorough analysis and interpret your results rather than implement a
huge number of complicated heuristics to figure out the maximum performance. The analysis should
begin with basic facts, e.g., how much time/memory did the algorithm take, how does the accuracy
vary with the amount of training data? What are the instances that your system does the worst on?
Give concrete examples and try to understand why. Is there a bottleneck? Is it due to a lack of training
You are free to use existing tools for parts of your project as long as you’re clear what you used. When you
use existing tools, the expectation is that you will do more on other dimensions.
• scikit-learn: machine learning library implemented in Python
• Tensorflow/PyTorch + Keras: deep learning toolbox.
• Caffe: deep learning toolbox, highly optimized for CNN.
• OpenAI Gym: deep reinforcement learning toolbox, also contains usual deep learning tools.
• Natural language Toolkit (NLTK): a set of tools for basic NLP in Python
• OpenCV: Python libraries for simple computer vision
Some project ideas
AI Algorithms
• Hierarchical search algorithms: We have introduced many search algorithms. Can you combine them
to make a hierarchical algorithm?
• Variant of Standard Machine Learning Algorithm: Can you tweak the existing machine learning algo-
• Atari: Deep Reinforcement Learning: Use the platform offered by(,
see if you can beat their performance. Let us know what tricks and hacks you used.
AI Applications
• Predict the price of airline ticket prices given day, time, location, etc.
• Predict the amount of electricity consumed for a day.
• Predict whether the phone should be switched off / silenced based on sensor readings from your
• Auto-complete code when you’re programming.
• Answer natural language questions for a restricted domain (e.g., movies, sports).
• Search for a mathematical theorem based on an expression which normalizes over variable names.
• Find the optimal way to get from one place on campus to another place, taking into account uncertain
travel times due to traffic.
• Solve Sudoku puzzles or crossword puzzles.
• Build an engine to play Go, chess, Poker, etc.
• Break substitution codes based on knowledge of English.
• Automatically generate the harmonization of a melody. Generate poetry on a given topic.

