3551 Trousdale Rkwy, University Park, Los Angeles, CA
Sentiment Analysis is a branch of Natural Language Processing (NLP) that allows us to determine
algorithmically whether a statement or document is “positive” or “negative”.
Sentiment analysis is a technology of increasing importance in the modern society as it allows individuals
and organizations to detect trends in public opinion by analyzing social media content. Keeping abreast
of socio-political developments is especially important during periods of policy shifts such as election
years, when both electoral candidates and companies can benefit from sentiment analysis by making
appropriate changes to their campaigning and business strategies respectively.
The purpose of this assignment is to compute the sentiment of text information, in our case tweets posted
during the 2016 Canadian elections, and answer the question regarding: “Can we use Sentiment analysis
on Twitter data to get an insight into the American’s political landscape?”
Learning Objectives
• How to parse and clean data
• How to write and implement algorithms
• How to analyze an algorithm
• How to analyze and display results
Tool Required
• You can use any built-in functions of Python. Besides, you can use anything in these three
packages: Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib. You are not allowed to use any other packages of Python,
unless, the question clearly states.
• Data Files
o corpus.txt: corpus containing a set of words and associated sentiment value
o stop_words.txt: file containing a list of all stop words to delete for tweets
o us_election_tweets.csv: a csv file containing tweet data
INF1340H: Programming for Data Science Fall 2020
To Do
A. Implement functionality to parse and clean a data by applying each of these functions to all
1- Write a function lower_tweet(tw) that takes in as input tw, a tweet string. Then, return the same
string all in lower case (%2).
def lower_tweet(tw):
(str) -> str
Input: a string tw (a tweet line)
Output: lower case string
>>> lower_tweet(“Hello World!”)
‘hello world!’
2- Write a function clean_data(tw) that takes in as input tw, a tweet string, cleans it by removing all
punctuations and returns the cleaned tweet as output . (The function must have a return
statement) (%5).
def clean_data(tw):
(str) -> str
Input: a string tw
Output: a string whose content is that of tw with
punctuations removed
>>> clean_data(“living the dream.#tommulcair
'living the dream tommulcair instagramcomp8up9qepkxw’
3- Write a function remove_stop_words(tw) that takes as input tw, a tweet string line, and returns
the cleaned (stop words removed) version of the tweet as a string. Use the stop_words.txt file for
this section. Note that before attempting to remove the stop words, all punctuations should be
removed from the lower case tweet. (The function must have a return statement.) (%10)
def remove_stop_words(tw):
(str) -> str
Input: a string tw
Output: a string whose content is tw with stop words removed
>>> remove_stop_words(“living the dream.#tommulcair
living dream.#tommulcair
4- Write a function, bag_of_words(tw), that takes as input a tweet and creates a bag-of-words for
it. A bag-of-words is a proper data structure that lists the number of times a word occurs in each
tweet (10%). When called on a string: drink forgotten table drink, bag_of_words should return a
proper Python data structure: 'drink': 2, 'forgotten': 1, 'table': 1
INF1340H: Programming for Data Science Fall 2020
B. Implement functionality to calculate sentiment of each tweet related to each candidate. And return a
value to show how positive and negative each tweet is. Note that you need to first clean your data and
then do this part. Accordingly, define and apply these functions to all tweets (after writing and applying
functions in section A):
1- Write a function candidate_relation(tw), that takes as an input a tweet and decides if the tweet
is about which candidate (you can search for candidate’s names) (10%). When called on a string:
Trump has a campaign today at Florida, candidate_relation should return: T
Polls aren’t consistent with Biden’s winning, candidate_relation should return: B
The world has never seen a fight like this, candidate_relation should return: None
Who do you think will win? Donald or Joe, candidate_relation should return: TB or BT
2- Write a function tweet_score(tw) to calculate a sentiment score for a tweet using the words it
contains and their associated sentiment values. You can use the data in corpus.csv file to get the
sentiment values associated with some of them. Notice that not all words in a tweet will have
associated pre-calculated sentiment values. It is up to you, how you calculate the overall score for
a tweet. The score should be a number between 0 (fully negative) and 1 (fully positive), e.g., score
of 0.8 would indicate a tweet that is more positive than negative. A tweet that your algorithm
cannot classify at all using the data in the corpus should be given a score of -1. (%20)
C. Analysis and insight extraction: In this section you need to answer questions below by using functions
from previous sections. The answer should include related code and analysis, followed by explanations
in text blocks concluded from your analysis.
1- How positive or negative is the twitter environment toward each candidate? (18%)
2- How many supporters can you estimate for each one among these twitter users? (15%)
3- Analyze popularity of each candidate throughout the two months period. (10%)
D. (Optional) Visualize a proper word cloud for tweets related to each candidate. It is allowed to use any
packages you want for this part only. (+10%)
INF1340H: Programming for Data Science Fall 2020
Submit a single notebook file (.ipynb) via Quercus with the following naming convention:
Make sure that you comment your code appropriately and describe your algorithms in sufficient detail.
Your module should be self contained, i.e., the functions you submit cannot call functions you defined in
other Python modules or Python codes.
Note: DO NOT place any print() or input() statements in the functions you submit.