linux代写-TELE 6510
TELE 6510: IoT Project, 100 points total
Due on 12/11/21
I. Goal: Run MQTT traffic
1. Install an MQTT broker (i.e. MQTT mosquitto).
2. Install an MQTT client (i.e. Paho MQTT or MQTT mosquito subscriber/publisher).
3. Launch the broker on a VM/computer.
4. Have one client instance (app) (on another VM/computer) subscribe to a “temperature”
5. Have another client instance (sensor) (on another VM/computer) publish a “tempera-
ture” event.
I.1. Perform the following steps:
1. Capture (and paste) wireshark traces between clients and broker.
2. Measure how long it takes for the sensor event to reach the app (use wireshark times-
for uniform 0%, 3%, 5% and 10% packet loss introduced at the sensor. Make a table packet
loss vs latency for each quality level at most once, at least once and exactly once.
I.2. Describe the messages that are exchanged between devices and broker.
I.3. How does quality affect latency? Why?
II. Goal #2: Run CoAP traffic
1. Install a CoAP server (i.e. libcoap based)
2. Install a CoAP client (i.e. libcoap based)
3. Have the server respond to confirmable/non-confirmable CoAP requests
4. Have the client send confirmable/non-confirmable CoAP requests
5. Any type of events is fine (temperature, time, humidity etc)
II.1. Perform the following steps:
1. Capture (and paste) wireshark traces between client and server.
2. Measure how long it takes for the server event to reach the client (use wireshark times-
for uniform 0%, 3%, 5% and 10% packet loss introduced at the client. Make a table packet
loss vs latency for both confirmable and non-confirmable traffic.
II.2. Describe the messages that are exchanged between client and server for each case (what
are the flows?)
III. Goal #3: Run HTTP traffic
1. Install an HTTP server (i.e. apache, nodejs)
2. Install an HTTP client (i.e. curl, wget)
3. Have the server respond to HTTP requests
4. Have the client send HTTP requests
5. Any type of events is fine (temperature, time, humidity etc)
III.1. Perform the following steps:
1. Capture (and paste) wireshark traces between client and server.
2. Measure how long it takes for the server event to reach the client (use wireshark times-
for uniform 0%, 3%, 5% and 10% packet loss introduced at the client. Make a table packet
loss vs latency.
III.2. Describe the messages that are exchanged between client and server for each case
(what are the flows?)
III.3. How do CoAP, HTTP and MQTT compare to each other?
