Python代写|Assignment代写 - Introduction to Vision and Robotics
1 Overview of the Simulator
1.1 Installation of Lab Library
1. Use UBUNTU as instructed in labs.
2. Create a folder in your home directory, here we named the folder catkin ws, enter the folder and create
another folder named src. You can do it via the terminal:
mkdir catkin ws
cd catkin ws
mkdir src
3. The package for the lab is in a repository (repo) on Github which you can find through the following link: You can download it, unzip, and put in a
folder named ivr assignment inside the src folder you just created. Important: Make sure the folder
that includes the downloaded files is named ivr assignment and is inside the src folder.
4. Get back to your workspace folder cd ∼/catkin ws. Use the following command to install the package
you just downloaded:
catkin make
source devel/setup.bash
Important: The setup.bash file will have to be sourced as above in every new terminal. You can also
add this to the end of your .bashrc file to automatically do it whenever a new terminal is opened. To do
so you can open /.bashrc using gedit /.bashrc. Add the following two lines at the end of the opened
file and save:
source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash
source ∼/catkin ws/devel/setup.bash
x z y Camera1
5. Once the installation is completed you can navigate to the ∼/catkin ws/src/ivr assignment/src folder
and run the following command to make the python files executable:
chmod +x target
Note: If you create any python files in this folder you should make them executable using chmod command.
Once the installation is completed you can navigate to the ∼/catkin ws folder and run the robot simulator
roslaunch ivr assignment spawn.launch
Figure 1: The robot in Gazebo simulation environment, and two camera and a moving target.
This opens the simulated robot in ROS simulation environment. The robot has 4 degrees of freedom and
moves in a 3D world. The joints of the robot are shown by yellow (joint 1), blue (joint 2 & 3), and green (joint4)
spheres. The red sphere is the robot end effector. Joint 1 is a revolute joint rotating around its z axis. Joint 2
and 3 are located at the blue circle and are revolute joints moving around the drawn x and y axes, respectively.
Joint 4 is a revolute joint rotating around the x axis. The table below gives a description for each link:
Link Length Rotation axis Joint location
1 2.5 [m] z Yellow
2 0 [m] x Blue
3 3.5 [m] y Blue
4 3 [m] x Green
The robot is in position control mode. You can move the robot’s joints using the following command in a
new terminal:
rostopic pub -1 /robot/joint1 position controller/command std msgs/Float64 “data: 1.0”
This line of code will move the joint 1 by 1 Radian. You can start to get familiar with the simulator by changing
the joint angles. If you want to move another joint change the joint number in the above code. Joint 1 can be
moved between π and π and the rest of the joint can be moved between π/2 and π/2.
The simulator is also designed to return two RGB arrays from two cameras placed around the robot. The
images from the cameras are what you will be performing computer vision algorithms on.
The main codes which you shall use in the labs is inside ∼/catkin ws/src/ivr assignment/src and named and
This codes receive the images from the cameras, process it and publish the results. To run the codes, open
up a new terminal and use these commands:
rosrun ivr assignment
It should show the image received from camera1.
rosrun ivr assignment should show the image received from camera2.
Try to move the robot and check if the robot moves in the camera views. You should modify these codes as
you did in the labs.
2 Robot Vision (20 marks)
2.1 Joint state estimation (15 marks)
As part of the new simulation you are given two orthogonal views on the zy plane and the xz plane. Similar to
the labs you will need to calculate the joint angles for the robot to use. For this part of the assignment assume
joint 1 is fixed. Next, update the python codes ( or to move the other three joints using
the following sinusoidal signals:
joint2= π2
sin( π
15 * t)
joint3= π2
sin( π
18 * t)
joint4= π2
sin( π
20 * t)
where t denotes the time.
Estimate the value of the 3 joints using computer vision. You may use whichever technique you want. Note
that some of the spheres might not be clearly visible in one camera when the robot moves in 3D or when the
robot tip is touching the target. Your algorithm should be able to handle these scenarios.
In your report, describe your algorithm (3 marks) and provide 3 plots (each 4 marks). In each plot, you
should compare the estimated value of one joint with the sinusoidal signal that you used to move the joint. The
plot should show the estimated joint values for at least 5 seconds.
2.2 Target detection (5 marks)
The second part of the vision component will be to detect the target in the image. Open up a new terminal
and use the command:
rosrun ivr assignment target
This will move the two orange objects around the robot. There are two moving orange objects, a box and a
sphere. You should write an image processing code to estimate the position of the sphere in meters with respect
to the robot base frame. As mentioned earlier both targets have the same RGB values, so colour alone will not
disambiguate them. Feel free to crop any part of the images to gather samples if you need.
In your report, describe your algorithm and comment on the sources of error in your measurements (2 mark).
Provide a plot (3 marks) showing the estimated x, y, and z position of the sphere. The plot should show the
estimated x, y, and z position for at least 10 seconds.
2.3 Expected outcome
By the end your system should be able to accurately acquire the joint states of the robot (maximum of 0.15
radiant error), and be able to identify the correct target for the robot to reach to, i.e. the orange sphere.
To plot the results you can publish your estimated joints/measurments on a topic and use rqt plot command. We have used several codes in the labs to create a publisher and publish data. Check out the lab
solutions if you don’t know how to do it. To plot two topics vs each other you can use
rqt plt [TOPIC1 NAME] [TOPIC2 NAME]/data[num]
use TOPIC1 NAME if the topic is only one number and [TOPIC2 NAME]/data[num] if the topic is an array .
The actual position of the target are published under the following topics:
/target/x position controller/command
/target/y position controller/command
/target/z position controller/command
To change the limits of rqt plot click on the arrow shaped button. Select a reasonable length to show the
results, e.g. 5 seconds. You can save your plot by clicking on the save button. Additionally, you can record your
data using rosbag record command and plot them in Matlab. See the following link for more information
3 Robot Control (20 marks)
3.1 Forward Kinematics (10 marks)
In this section we will be using the joint angles you have obtained from the previous part. Calculate the
equations for robot Forward Kinematics (FK). We are interested in controlling the x,y, and z position of the
robot end-effector. The FK should look like this:
xe ye ze = K(q) ,where q = θ1θ2θ3θ4
K is a 3 × 1 vector, xe, ye and ze are the robot end-effector positions, and q is a vector of joints’ angles.
Present the results of your Forward kinematics calculation (5 marks). To verify your FK, move the robot
to 10 different points across it’s workspace using rostopic pub command. Do not keep any of the joints zero.
Compare the estimated end-effector position via the images to the estimated end-effector position via FK in a
table and comment on accuracy (5 marks).
3.2 Closed-loop Control (10 marks)
From the previous tasks you can acquire an estimation of the joint states and the location of the correct target.
Calculate the Jacobian of the robot. Develop a Controller similar to lab3 to follow the target sphere.
By the end your robot should be moving to the correct target. Not only this you should be able to report
quantitatively the accuracy of the arm movement. Present the results of your Velocity kinematics calculation
(4 marks). Present three plots (2 marks for each) comparing the x,y, and z position of the robot end-effector
with the x,y, and z position of the target (i.e, the sphere). The plot should show the positions for at least 10
4 Perform one of the following tasks (10 marks)
4.1 Joint state estimation (10 marks)
Repeat the process described in section 2.1. This time do not fix joint 1. Move the joints using the following
sinusoidal signals:
joint1= πsin( π
15 * t)
joint2= π2
sin( π
15 * t)
joint3= π2
sin( π
18 * t)
joint4= π2
sin( π
20 * t)
where t denotes the time.
Estimate the value of the 4 joints using computer vision. You may use whichever technique you want. In
your report, describe your algorithm (2 marks) and provide 4 plots (each 2 marks). In each plot, you should
compare the estimated value of one joint with the sinusoidal signal that you used to move the joint. The plot
should show the estimated joint values for at least 5 seconds.
4.2 Null-space Control (10 marks)
Develop a null space controller that uses the robot’s redundancy to make sure the robot doesn’t hit the orange
box while the robot’s end-effector follows the spherical target.
Discuss your algorithm and how it is different from the previous controller. (4 marks). Present three plots
(2 marks for each) comparing the the position of the robot end-effector with the position of the sphere and the
position of the box. 1 plot for x positions, one for y, and one for z.
4.3 Joint state estimation (10 marks)
Copy the robot.urdf file inside the ivr assignment folder into the urdf folder and replace the existing robot.urdf
file. Launch the gazebo simulator. You will see that the robot’s joints are all black. Repeat the process described
in section 2.1 using the newly updated robot. Move the joints using the following sinusoidal signals:
joint2= π2
sin( π
15 * t)
joint3= π2
sin( π
18 * t)
joint4= π2
sin( π
20 * t)
where t denotes the time.
Estimate the value of the 3 joints using computer vision. You may use whichever technique you want. In
your report, describe your algorithm (4 marks) and provide 3 plots (each 2 marks). In each plot, you should
compare the estimated value of one joint with the sinusoidal signal that you used to move the joint. The plot
should show the estimated joint values for at least 5 seconds.
5 Submission
You will need to submit a report in the format of studentNo1 studentNo2.pdf. Each group should submit one
file. At the beginning of the report explain who has worked on what part of the project. In your report give us
a link to your GitHub account for downloading your final ROS library. Your repository should be public. Only
one link is needed for each group. We should be able to download your library and run your executable files
and get the results of part 3 of the project (in section 4) without errors. Your GitHub account should clearly
show the history of development of your code. Do not copy and paste the final library in GitHub. Gradually
update it (commit and push) during the course of four weeks as you are writing your code.
The final report should include plots and short answers to the questions asked in the assignment. Your
figures should be clear, readable, with legend, and all axis labeled properly. The report must be maximum of
5 pages, minimum of 1 cm margin on all sides, single spacing, and font of 11. Reports that don’t follow these
guidelines will not be marked.