CSC369H1 F LEC0101 20209:Operating Systems-C/C++代写
In this assignment, you will investigate memory access patterns,
simulate the operation of page tables
and implement several page replacement algorithms. This will give you
some practice working with the
algorithms we have been talking about in class.
Part 1: Memory reference traces
There are three different programs that can be found in
/u/csc369h/fall/pub/a3 on the teach.cs machines:
simpleloop.c - loops over an array allocated in the heap (You can also
modify the code to run the
same loop using stack memory)
matmul.c - naive matrix multiply with the ability to change the element
size to change the memory
access behaviour
blocked.c - a more memory aware matrix multiply that should exhibit a
better hit rate under some
page replacement algorithms
Valgrind has an option that will allow you to print out the memory
reference trace of a running program,
and you can see how we use it by looking at the shell script runit .
There are two aspects of the output of valgrind that are unsatisfactory
for our purposes. First, it includes
the entire program memory trace including loading the program and
libraries into memory which makes
is harder to focus on the access patterns of the algorithm. To address
this problem, we have added
special variables to the programs whose only purpose is to serve as a
marker, so that we will only keep
the reference trace between the two markers. The python program carries out this task.
These address level traces for the three programs are stored in
/u/csc369h/fall/pub/a3/traces/addr-*.ref .
These are the trace files that you will analyze in Part 1.
This still produces a massive trace because it displays every memory
reference, even if they are to the
same page. The program reduces the size of the traces and
focus on page accesses. You
will use these traces to run your page replacement algorithms in Part 2.
These traces can be found
in /u/csc369h/fall/pub/a3/traces/page-*.ref . You can find all traces in
compressed archive format at /u/csc369h/fall/pub/a3-traces.tgz . Use
scp to
download them to your machine. The file can probably be unpacked by a
program on your system by
clicking on it, or you can use tar xf a3-traces.tgz .
12/3/2020 Assignment 3: Virtual Memory 2/8
The directory includes all of the code to build and generate the traces,
so that you can try it out on
different programs if you like. If you want to do this, you will need to
copy the files to your account.
Remember not to commit trace files to your repo because two of them are
quite large.
Your task is to read the programs to get a picture of how they are using
memory and write a short
program in the language of your choice to analyze the trace output. Then
compare your counts to the
program to match the access pattern to variables and operations in the
The resulting address trace files have the following format, where the
first character indicates whether
the access is an Instruction, Store, Load, or Modify, the second value
is the address in hex, and the third
value is the size of the access:
S 04228b70,8
I 04001f4f,4
I 04001f53,3
L 04227f88,8
I 04001f99,7
L 04228a50,8
I 04001fa0,3
I 04001fa3,2
I 04001fa5,4
M 04227e80,8
I 04001fa9,7
L 04228a48,8
Your analysis program will translate each memory reference into a page
number assuming pages are
4096 bytes. It will output a table of each unique instruction pages with
a count of the number of
accesses for each page, and a table of unique data pages with a count of
the number of accesses for
each page.
For example, the above snippet will produce the following:
Instructions 7
Loads 3
Stores 1
Modifies 1
What to submit for Part 1:
The program you wrote to produce the table with instructions for how to
run it on the teach.cs
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A text file called analysis.txt containing the following information
about each of the provided traces:
The number of instruction pages (I).
The number of data pages (S, L, M).
In analysis.txt , identify which pages are accessed the most and explain
briefly which variable(s) or
code from the program might be stored in these pages.
Note: The intent is that you should be able to do this exercise in about
an hour or two. You do not need
to write more than a few sentences.
Part 2: Virtual to physical translation
The remainder of the assignment is based on a virtual memory simulator
that uses the memory
reference traces from Part 1. The next task is to implement
virtual-to-physical address translation and
demand paging using a two-level page table. Then you will implement
three different page replacement
algorithms: FIFO, Clock, exact LRU. Finally, you will create some small
memory reference traces and
use the reference traces from Part 1 to analyze the replacement
Before you start work, you should complete the set of readings about
memory, if you haven't done so
Paging: Introduction
( Requirements
Log into MarkUs to create or update your repo and get the starter code.
Remember that you cannot
manually create a new a3 directory in your repo or MarkUs won't see it.
The traces from Part 1 will be interesting to run once you have some
confidence that your program is
working, but you will definitely want to create small traces by hand for
The format of the traces will look like the following. Note that the
addresses are all the 0th byte of a page
(the lower 12 bits (3 hex digits) are always 0).
I 4000000
M 4226000
L fff000000
I 400b000
S 4227000
I 4002000
L 4225000
L 400000
I 4003000
L 4227000
L 400000
S 4226000
12/3/2020 Assignment 3: Virtual Memory 4/8 Task 1 -
Address Translation and Paging
Implement virtual-to-physical address translation and demand paging
using a two-level pagetable.
The main driver for the memory simulator, sim.c , reads memory reference
traces in the format produced
by the tool from valgrind memory traces. For each line in
the trace, the program asks for
the simulated physical address that corresponds to the given virtual
address by calling find_physpage,
and then reads from that location. If the access type is a write ("M"
for modify or "S" for store), it will also
write to the location. You should read sim.c so that you understand how
it works but you should not
have to modify it..
The simulator is executed as ./sim -f -m -s -a
where memory size and swapfile size are the number of frames of
simulated physical memory
and the number of pages that can be stored in the swapfile,
respectively. The swapfile size should be as
large as the number of unique virtual pages in the trace, which you
should be able to determine easily.
There are four main data structures that are used:
1. char *physmem : This is the space for our simulated physical memory.
We define a simulated page size
(and hence frame size) of SIMPAGESIZE and allocate SIMPAGESIZE * "memory
size" bytes for
2. struct frame *coremap : The coremap array represents the state of
(simulated) physical memory. Each
element of the array represents a physical page frame. It records if the
physical frame is in use and,
if so, a pointer to the page table entry for the virtual page that is
using it.
3. pgdir_entry_t pgdir[PTRS_PER_PGDIR] : We are using a two-level page
table design; the top-level is
referred to as the page directory, which is represented by this array.
Each page directory entry
( pde_t ) holds a pointer to a second-level page table (which we refer
to simply as page tables, for
short). We use the low-order bit in this pointer to record whether the
entry is valid or not. The page
tables are arrays of page table entries ( pte_t ), which consist of a
frame number if the page is in
(simulated) physical memory and an offset into the swap file if the page
has been written out to
swap. The format of a page table entry is shown here:
Note that the frame number and status bits share a word, with the
low-order PAGE_SHIFT bits (12 in
our implementation) used for status (we only have 4 status bits, but you
can add more if you find it
useful). Thus, for a given physical frame number (e.g. 7), remember to
shift it over to leave room for
the status bits (e.g., 7 << PAGE_SHIFT ) when storing into the pte
and to shift it back when retrieving a
frame number from a pte (e.g., p->frame >> PAGE_SHIFT ).
12/3/2020 Assignment 3: Virtual Memory 5/8 4. swap.c :
The swapfile functions are all implemented in this file, along with
bitmap functions to track
free and used space in the swap file, and to move virtual pages between
the swapfile and
(simulated) physical memory. The swap_pagein and swap_pageout functions
take a frame number and
a swap offset as arguments. Be careful not to pass the frame field from a
page table entry (pte_t)
directly, since that would include the extra status bits. The simulator
code creates a temporary file in
the current directory where it is executed to use as the swapfile, and
removes this file as part of the
cleanup when it completes. It does not, however, remove the temporary
file if the simulator crashes
or exits early due to a detected error. You must manually remove the
swapfile.XXXXXX files in this
To complete this task, you will have to write code in pagetable.c . Read
the code and comments in this
file -- it should be clear where implementation work is needed and what
it needs to do. The rand
replacement algorithm is already implemented for you, so you can test
your translation and paging
functionality independently of implementing the replacement algorithms.
Task 2
Using the starter code, implement each of the three different page
replacement algorithms: FIFO, exact
LRU, CLOCK (with one ref-bit).
You will find that you want to add fields to the struct frame for the
different page replacement algorithms.
You can add them in pagetable.h , but please label them clearly. You may
NOT modify the pgtbl_entry_t
or pgdir_entry_t structures, but you should take advantage of features
already provided in the page table
Note: to test your page replacement algorithms, we will replace your
pagetable.c with a solution version,
so you page replacement algorithm must be contained to the provided
Task 3
Once you are done implementing the algorithms, use the provided traces
from Part 1 to check the
results. For each algorithm, run the programs on memory sizes 50 and
100. Use the data from these
runs to create a set of tables that include the following columns. The
tables must be organized such that
the trends in data can be easily seen. Please label your columns in the
following order.
Hit rate
Hit count
Miss count
Overall eviction count
Clean eviction count
Dirty eviction count
Efficiency: Page replacement algorithms must be fast, since page
replacement operations can be
critical to performance. Consequently, you must implement these policies
with efficiency in mind.
12/3/2020 Assignment 3: Virtual Memory 6/8
For example, we will give you the expected complexities for some of the
FIFO: init, evict, ref: O(1) in time and space
LRU: evict, ref: O(1) in time and space; init: O(M) in time and space,
where M = size of memory
CLOCK: init, ref: O(1) in time and space; evict: O(M) in time, O(1) in
space, where M = size of
Next, create by hand three different small memory traces of 30-50 page
references to be run with a
memory size of 8. The traces should have the following file names and
trace1 - LRU, FIFO, and CLOCK algorithms each have a different hit rate
and none of them are the
optimal hit rate (trace the opt algorithm by hand) or have a hit rate of
trace2 - at least one of the page replacement algorithms that you
implemented will have the optimal
hit rate, and none of the algorithms have a hit rate of 0
trace3 - LRU, FIFO and CLOCK of the page replacement algorithms have a
hit rate of 0 even
though each page is referenced at least 3 times and the OPT algorithm
has a hit rate higher than 0
The point of this exercise is to generate traces that differentiate the
algorithms and show some
interesting behavior. You will not get full marks for the traces if they
trivially satisfy the properties. Unless
specified otherwise, each trace should have evictions and hits for each
algorithm. (This is not a trick
You will find this task much easier if you think about different
patterns of referencing the pages and draw
some pictures. You will also want to keep the number of unique pages
fairly small. The number of clean
or dirty evictions doesn't matter.
Important notes
When we run the autotests on your code, your page replacement algorithms
will be compiled with a
different pagetable.c file (the one from the solution). All the code of
the page replacement algorithms
must be in their separate .c files, not in pagetable.c (except for
additions to struct frame in
pagetable.h ).
The 2 PTE bits "valid" and "on swap" describe 3 possible states: (i) the
page is in memory; (ii) the page
is not in memory and is stored in the swap file; and (iii) the page is
not in memory and not in the swap
file. The value of the swap bit is not important for a valid page.
However, to keep things well-defined, you
should keep the "on swap" bit set after the page has been written to
swap once (i.e. do not clear it when
the page is brought back into memory from the swap).
When a page is being evicted, there should be only 2 possibilities: (i)
the page is dirty and needs to be
written to the swap; and (ii) the page is clean and already has a copy
in the swap. To avoid the situation
where an evicted clean page doesn't have a copy in the swap, a newly
initialized page should be
marked dirty on the very first access.
12/3/2020 Assignment 3: Virtual Memory 7/8
CLOCK must use the "ref" bit stored in the PTE. All the algorithms must
utilize their ref() functions (if
necessary) instead of adding any algorithm-specific code to pagetable.c .
The simulator and the page replacement algorithms must not produce any
additional or different (from
starter code) output (except for errors that should be printed to stderr
), otherwise the tests will fail.
The trace files submitted in Task 3 must have the exact file names
specified in the description, and must
be located in the main directory of the assignment (alongside the source
code), otherwise the autotester
won't be able to find them.
Write up
Include a file called README.pdf that includes the following
The tables prepared in Task 3
One paragraph comparing the various algorithms in terms of the results
you see in the tables.
A table showing the hits and misses of your three traces on LRU, FIFO,
and CLOCK.
Remember that you are expected to do your own work and that submitting
someone else's work in part
or in whole is plagiarism and an academic offense. It would be better to
leave out parts of the
assignment rather than copy code you find on the internet or from
another student.
Marking Scheme
Part 1: 10%
Task 1: Page tables 35%
Task 2: Page replacement algorithms
LRU 10%
(must be able to run all traces in a reasonable amount of time)
Task 3: Analysis
Tables 5%
Small traces that you create 10%
paragraph 5%
Program readability and organization 10%
Negative deductions (please be careful about these!):
Code does not compile: -100% for *any* mistake, for example: missing
source file necessary for
building your code (including Makefile, provided source files, etc.),
typos, any compilation error,
etc. If you receive 0 for this reason, please submit a remarking request
explaining how to fix your
program so that it will compile and then file a remark request. There
will be a penalty of -20%
Compiler warnings: -10%
Extra output (other than what sim.c produces): -10%
12/3/2020 Assignment 3: Virtual Memory 8/8 Submission
The assignment must be pushed to the a3 directory in your git
repository. Submission checklist:
analysis.txt (Part 1)
your analysis program (Part 1)
Updated code and Makefile (Part 2)
hand-created trace files (Part 2)
README.pdf (or README.txt if you would prefer to submit a text file)
(Part 2)
If you are not able to fully complete the assignment or you have made
some design decisions that you
think need more explanation, please include an INFO.txt file that
contains this type of information.
Make sure that you do not leave any other printf messages, other than
what sim.c is printing. This will
affect marking, so if you don't follow this requirement, you will be
deducted 10% for leaving extra output
in your final submission.
As previously, to check that your assignment submission is complete,
please do the following:
1. Create an empty temporary directory in your cdf account (not in a
subdirectory of your repo).
2. Check out a copy of your repository for this assignment.
3. Verify that all the required files are included (double-check the
submission instructions above).
4. Run make and ensure that you are able to build sim without any errors
or warnings (this is an
excellent way to verify that the right source files have been committed
to the repo.)
5. Run a few tests using the same traces you used to create the tables
in your README.pdf, to ensure
that your code behaves as you expect.
6. Make sure to clean up any unnecessary files (executables, traces,
etc.), and make sure your files are
directly under the a3 directory (no subdirectories!). Remember that you
do need to submit your 3
hand-created traces.
7. Congratulate yourself on completing the final CSC369 assignment!