Java代写 - Computer Science 331
• Answer questions in the space provided in this examination booklet. The last two
pages may be used to continue answers if you run out of space.
• Answer ALL questions. See the more detailed grade breakdown on the next page for
additional information about what happens if you answer additional questions.
• Asymptotic notation can be used to state bounds on running times — but you must
use this notation correctly, and as precisely as possible.
Computer Science 331 cont’d.
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Question Score Out Of
1. Operations on Binary Search Trees 10
2. Red-Black Trees 10
3. Hash Tables 10
4. Searching in Sorted Arrays 10
5. Quick Sort 5
6. Heaps and Heap Sort 15
7. Graphs and Graph Algorithms 15
Total: 75
Breathe!!! RELAX!!!!!
Then, please do the following.
1. Read all of a question carefully before you begin to answer it. Ask about it if the
instructions for a question are confusing or unclear.
2. Then do your best.
Computer Science 331 cont’d.
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1. Consider the following binary search tree T.
86 3 1
(5 marks) (a) Describe, in your own words, a method to insert a value into a binary search
tree. Then draw the tree that would be produced by inserting 7 into the tree T:
Your Description of an Insertion Algorithm:
Tree Obtained by Inserting 7 into T:
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(5 marks) (b) Suppose that you wish to delete a value that is stored at a node with two children. Describe how this should be done. Then draw the binary search tree that
would be produced after deleting 6 from T:
86 3 1
How To Delete a Value at a Node with Two Children:
Tree Obtained by Deleting 6 from T:
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2. Consider a red-black tree.
(2 marks) (a) Recall that the height height(x) of a node x is the maximum number of nodes
on a path from x down to a leaf (not including x), and that the black-height
black-height(x) of x is the number of black nodes on a path from x down to a
leaf (not counting x).
Explain why height(x) ≤ 2 × black-height(x) for every node x in a red-black
Why the Height is Never More Than Twice the Black-Height:
(2 marks) (b) Suppose that T is a red-black tree with size n. Describe, as precisely as you
can, how the depth of this tree is related to its size.
Relationship between Depth and Size for a Red-Black Tree;
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(6 marks) (c) Consider the deletion of a value from a red-black tree T when this value is in
the tree. Recall that some node y (with at most one non-NIL child) is removed
and that a child x of y gets promoted to replace it. Describe
• the colour given to x when it is promoted (and how this depends on the
colour of y) • the problem that this might cause, and
• (somewhat briefly and informally) how this problem is corrected.
Colour Given to x if y was Red:
Colour Given to x if y was Black:
Problem(s) That Might be Caused by This:
How This is Fixed:
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3. Consider the use of hash tables to store finite sets.
(3 marks) (a) First consider hashing with chaining, using table size m = 10 and using the
following hash function to store integers:
h(x) = x (mod 10).
Draw the hash table that would be produced by inserting the values
0, 20, 10, 30, 5
(in this order) into an initially empty table.
Resulting Hash Table:
(3 marks) (b) Repeat the above question, using hashing with open addressing. In this case
you should use a hash function such that
h(x, 0) = x (mod 10)
and such that
h(x, i) = x + i2
(mod 10)
for every integer i such that 1 ≤ i ≤ 9 — so that quadratic probing is being
Resulting Hash Table:
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(2 marks) (c) Next draw the hash table that you would get by starting with the hash table you
produced when answering part (b) and deleting 20.
Hash Table with Open Addressing Obtained by Deleting 20:
(2 marks) (d) Describe briefly why it is not generally a good idea to use hash tables with open
addressing if deletions are common.
Why You Should Avoid Hash Tables with Open Addressing When Deletions are
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4. Consider the problem of searching in a sorted array.
(5 marks) (a) Describe, IN YOUR OWN WORDS, the binary search algorithm. Recall that
this algorithm
• accesses as global data, but does not change, an array A that has positive
length and stores elements of an ordered type T in nondecreasing order,
as well as a key k of the type of values stored in the array;
• receives integers low and high such that
0 ≤ low ≤ A.length and 1 ≤ high ≤ A.length 1
as input.
If low ≤ high and there exists an integer i such that low ≤ i ≤ high and
A[i] = k, then an integer i with these properties is returned as output. A
NoSuchElementException is thrown, otherwise.
Your Description of the Binary Search Algorithm:
(3 marks) (b) Consider the following sorted array.
1 3 5 9 16 30
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
25 40
List the sequence of values that the key k = 30 is compared to, during a search
with this array, and with inputs low = 0 and high = 7.
Values Visited:
(2 marks) (c) Which of the algorithms — Binary Search or Linear Search — should you use
if you wish to minimize the number of steps used in the worst case to search for
a value in a large sorted array? Why?
Which Algorithm Should be Used — and Why:
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5. Consider the Quick Sort algorithm.
(2 marks) (a) The deterministic version of this algorithm, presented in class, always used the
last element in the part of the array being sorted as the partition element (or
the “pivot element”) when partitioning the array.
Assuming that this algorithm is being used to sort an array with length n, give an
upper bound for the number of steps used to sort the input array, in the worst
case, as a function of n, that is as precise as you can.
Upper Bound for Number of Steps Used:
(3 marks) (b) Describe a way to modify the algorithm so that its asymptotic worst-case performance is improved. What is the worst-case performance of the new version of
the algorithm?
Modification of the Algorithm:
New Worst-Case Performance:
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6. Consider Heaps and the Heap Sort algorithm.
(7 marks) (a) Recall that the algorithm to delete the largest value from a Maxheap begins
by reading and storing the value at the root, so that it can later be returned as
output. It then overwrites this value with the value at a leaf. This leaf is then
deleted from the Maxheap.
Unfortunately, the resulting structure is not generally a Maxheap.
Explain, IN YOUR OWN WORDS, why this is true and what the algorithm
does to turn the resulting tree into a Maxheap, once again. Finally, state the
number of steps executed by this algorithm, in the worst case, as a function
of the size n of this Maxheap.
Why This is Not Generally a Maxheap:
What the Algorithm Does to Produce a Maxheap:
Number of Steps Used in the Worst Case:
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Now consider the following Maxheap H:
8 7 1 5 3
(2 marks) (b) Fill in the entries of the array representation of this Maxheap:
Resulting MaxHeap and Heap Size:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
heap-size =
(3 marks) (c) Draw the Maxheap that would be produced by deleting the maximal element
from H.
MaxHeap After Deletion:
(3 marks) (d) Describe, IN YOUR OWN WORDS, how the Heap Sort uses the insert and
deleteMax operations, for a Maxheap, to sort an array.
Description of Heap Sort:
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7. Consider the following weighted graph G = (V, E):4 1 2 035 5
1 1
1 1
3 2
(3 marks) (a) Draw the adjacency list representation of G.
Adjacency List Representation:
(3 marks) (b) Draw the adjacency matrix representation of G.
Adjacency Matrix Representation:
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(2 marks) (c) State the number of steps used, in the worst case, to decide whether a given
pair of vertices are neighbours, using each of the above representations of G.
This might depend on the size of either V or E.
Number of Steps Used with Adjacency List Representation:
Number of Steps Used with Adjacency Matrix Representation:
(3 marks) (d) Give the definition of a minimum cost spanning tree of a connected weighted
graph G = (V, E).
Definition of a Minimum-Cost Spanning Tree:
(3 marks) (e) Draw a minimum cost spanning tree of the graph G = (V, E) shown on the
previous page.
Minimum Cost Spanning Tree:
(1 mark) (f) Finally, state the number of steps used, in the worst case, to compute a minimum cost spanning tree for a weighted graph G = (V, E) using Prim’s algorithm. You may assume that an adjacency list representation has been given
for G.