区块链代写-COMP 4901W
COMP 4901W – Homework 3
A. K. Goharshady
Release Date: March 9, 2022
Deadline: March 24th, 2022 (23:59 HKT)
This homework accounts for 10% of your total grade. You should submit your solutions on
Canvas as a single pdf le. Handwritten and scanned solutions will not be accepted since the
TAs might be unable to read your handwriting. However, you can draw your gures, if any,
by hand. You are also allowed to discuss the problems with your classmates but you have to
write your solution on your own. All submissions will go through a plagiarism check. If you
submit the same solutions as another student, you will both get a grade of F for the whole
course. The deadline is rm and no extensions will be granted. You will receive feedback on
your submission and normally be allowed to resubmit once. We reserve the right to disallow
resubmissions if your original submission is of a very low quality or shows a lack of eort.
Exercise 1
This exercise accounts for 5% of your total grade.
At the time of writing, to successfully mine a single block in Bitcoin, you are expected to have
to compute around 1.183 × 1023 hashes. Assuming that you use a gaming laptop that computes108 hashes per second, it will take you more than 37 million years to successfully mine a single
block. Of course, real-world miners use expensive dedicated hardware with much higher hash
rates, but they still have to pay for their equipment and their electricity usage. It is not a great
proposition to have to wait for a long time and do mining with no prots, just so that you get
lucky after months, years or probably even decades and get paid a lot of money for successfully
mining a single block. In other words, even though the expected reward of mining Bitcoins
might be positive, the variance is so large that any typical miner would go bankrupt before
getting their rst rewards. The classical solution to this problem is called “pooled mining”,
where many miners join a “pool” and share both their computational power and their rewards.
Most pools are centralized and have a single pool manager.
1. Who forms the block in a centralized pool? In other words, who chooses which transac-
tions will be included in a block mined by the pool?
2. As a pool manager, how can you ensure that the miners in your pool are not mining
with their own identity (instead of the pool’s) and any rewards they obtain will be paid
to the pool? What happens if a miner does not announce the block they found to you,
but instead publishes it on the network?
3. As a pool manager, how can you compute/approximate the amount of hash power that
each participating miner is contributing? As a miner who joins a pool, how can you be
sure that you are being rewarded in proportion to your contribution to the computational
power of the pool?
4. What happens if a pool has more than 50% of the total hash power? Which security
guarantees of the blockchain can be violated? [Note: This has happened in the past.]
5. Based on the current distribution of hash power on the Bitcoin network, how many pool
managers have to collude in order to be able to blacklist a particular coin and not allow
it to be spent? [Please include the data you used at the time of your solution so that we
can verify you solved this problem correctly.]
Exercise 2
This exercise accounts for 5% of your total grade.
Suppose that you are a malicious miner in one of the big pools. Assume that your pool controls20% of the total hash power on the Bitcoin network and you control 0.1% of the total hash
power. Devise an attack in which you successfully obtain shares from the pool’s rewards but
do not contribute to the pool’s total revenue. It is ne if you personally lose money in this
attack, e.g. due to shrinking shares as a result of lower overall revenue of the pool, as long as
the losses incurred by the pool are signicantly more than your personal losses.
Exercise 3
This is an extra-credit exercise. You are not required to submit a solution. However, any points
you achieve here can be used to compensate potential lost points in other exercises or future
homeworks. This exercise can compensate for up to 5% of your total grade.
1. Suppose that you are one of the big pools and control 10% of the total hash rate. You are
competing with another pool that also controls 10% of the total hash rate. You know that
miners generally favor pools that provide better average rewards in proportion to the
contributed computational power. Devise an attack that decreases the average rewards
in the competing pool in comparison with your pool and incentivizes the miners to
migrate to your pool.
2. Suppose that you are the biggest pool on the network and control 45% of the total hash
power. Devise an attack that lets you get more than 45% of the total block rewards on
average. [Hint: When you nd a valid block, it might be benecial not to announce it
but to try to nd another block.]
