
1. Select relevant data (%>% select())

1. 1. AGEGR10: Age group of respondent (groups of 10)

2. 2. CHRINHDC: Number of respondent’s children in household - Any age/marital status

3. 3. RTO_101: Full-time/Part-time job

4. 4. TOE_240: Permanent/Not permanent job

5. 5. TTLINCG2: Income of respondent - Total (before tax)

6. 6. ODR_10: Dwelling - Owned or rented

7. 7. SRH_110: Self rated health

8. 8. SRH_115: Self rated mental health

9. 9. NWE_110: Number of weeks employed - Past 12 months

10. 10. UHW_16GR: Average number of hours worked per week

11. 11. PRV: Province of residence of the respondent

12. 12. MARSTAT: Marital status of the respondent

13. 13. EHG3_01B: Education - Highest certificate, diploma or degree

14. 14. LIVARR12: Living arrangement of respondent’s household (12 categories)

2. Make graphs:


3. 做⼀些hypothesis test,confidence interval

数据:AAK2hnyg.csv, 变量名对应code book。我⾃⼰写了⼀⼩部分可以继续写下去。