The University of Melbourne
School of Computing and Information Systems
COMP30027 Machine Learning, 2022 Semester 1
Naïve Bayes Leaner for Adult Database
Due: 7 pm, 8 April 2022 (week 6, Fri)
Submission: Source code (in Python)
Groups: You may choose to form a group of 1 or 2.
Groups of 2 will respond to more questions, and commensurately produce more
Marks: The project will be marked out of 16 points (individual project) or 24 points
(group project). In either case, this project will contribute 20% of your total
Main contact: Ni Ding (email: ni.ding@unimelb.edu.au)
1 Overview
In the UCI machine learning repository (Asuncion and Newman, 2007), the Adult database was ex-
tracted from the census bureau database found at http://www.census.gov/ftp/pub/DES/
www/welcome.html. In adult.csv, we have extracted the records and attributes for assign-
ment 1.1 The file adult.csv contains in total 1,000 samples/instances each of them has 11 attributes
below and a class label to indicate whether the income is over 50K or not.
age work class education education num marital status
occupation relationship race sex hours per week
native country (region)
The question mark "?" indicates missing value.
In this project, you will build a Naïve Bayes learner/classifier to classify the income. You will
train, test, and evaluate your classifier on adult.csv. You will then answer some conceptual ques-
tions by exploring and interpreting the results and extending the basic model in certain ways.
2 Naïve Bayes classifier
For m being the number of attributes. The Naïve Bayes classifier is
cˆ = argmax
P (cj)
P (Xi|cj) (1)
whereXi denotes attribute i and cj denotes the value of class label. There are only two values of class
label cj for j ∈ {1, 2}: c1 ="<=50K" and c2 =">50K". Your implementation of the Naïve Bayes
classifier must be able to perform the following functions:
1Do not download the original adult dataset from the UCI machine learning repository. Just use the adult.csv
provided on LMS/Assignment and dataset overview in this assignment spec.
• preprocess() the data by reading it from adult.csv and converting it into a useful for-
mat for training and testing
– Implement 90-10 splitting: use the first 90% records for training and the remaining 10%
records for testing. Do not shuffle the records before data-splitting.
• train() by calculating probabilities in (1).
– For nominal attributes, treat the missing value as a new category; For numeric attributes,
you should fit a Gaussian distribution to the conditional probability P (Xi|cj). Your im-
plementation should actually compute the prior and conditional probabilities for the naïve
Bayes model and not simply call an existing implementation such as GaussianNB from
scikit-learn. You should have only one train function dealing with both nominal
and numeric attributes.
• predict() classes for new items in the tesing data.
• evaluate() the prediction performance by comparing your model’s class outputs to ground
truth labels. This function should return and print
– the accuracy, a 2× 2 confusion matrix in the form of2
Positive Negative
Positive TP FN
Negative FP TN
and the F1 score. Choose Positive for class <=50K and Negative for class >50K.
You will be given an iPython notebook template COMP3027ASS1.ipynb. You should use this
template to implement the four functions above.
3 Questions
The following problems are designed to pique your curiosity when running your classifier(s) over the
given dataset and suggest methods for improving or extending the basic model.
• Individual: if you are in a group of 1, you should respond to Q1 and Q2;
• Group: if you are in group of 2, you should respond to Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4.
You should write your answers in COMP3027ASS1.ipynb. A response to a question should take
about 150–250 words, and make reference to the data wherever possible. We strongly recommend
including figures or tables to support your responses.
Q1 Sensitivity and specificity are two model evaluation metrics. A good model should have both
sensitivity and specificity high. Use the 2 × 2 confusion matrix returned by evaluate() to
calculate the sensitivity and specificity. Do you see a difference between them? If so, what
causes this difference? Provide suggestions to improve the model performance.
2You do not need to plot the index or column name of this confusion matrix. But, we will assume the row and column
indices refer to the true and predicted labels, respectively.
Q2 You can adopt different methods for training and/or testing, which will produce different results
in model evaluation.
(a) Instead of Gaussian, implement KDE for P (Xi|cj) for numeric attributes Xi. Compare
the evaluation results with Gaussian. Which one do you think is more suitable to model
P (Xi|cj), Gaussian or KDE? Observe all numeric attributes and justify your answer.
You can choose an arbitrary value for kernel bandwidth σ for KDE, but a value between
3 and 15 is recommended. You should write code to implement KDE, not call an existing
function/method such as KernelDensity from scikit-learn.
(b) Implement 10-fold and 2-fold cross-validations. Observe the evaluation results in each fold
and the average accuracy, recall and specificity over all folds. Comment on what is the effect
by changing the values of m in m-fold cross-validation.3
Q3 In train() in Section 2, you are asked to treat the missing value of nominal attributes as a new
category. There is another option (as suggested in Thu lecture in week 2): ignoring the missing
values. Compare the two methods in both large and small datasets. Comment and explain your
observations. You can extract the first 50 records to construct a small dataset.4
Q4 In week 4, we have learned how to obtain information gain (IG) and gain ratio (GR) to choose
an attribute to split a node in A decision tree. We will see how to apply them in the Naïve Bayes
(a) Compute the GR of each attribute Xi, relative to the class distribution.6 In the Naïve Bayes
classifier, remove attributes in the ascending order of GR: first, remove P (Xi|cj) such that
Xi has the least GR; second, remove P (Xi′ |cj) such that Xi′ has the second least GR,......,
until there is only one Xi∗ with the largest GR remaining in the maximand P (cj)P (Xi∗ |cj).
Observe the change of the accuracy for both Gaussian and KDE.7 Describe and explain your
(b) Compute the IG between each pair of attributes. Describe and explain your observations.Choose
an attribute and implement an estimator to predict the value of education num. Explain
why you choose this attribute. Enumerate two other examples that an attribute can be used to
estimate the other and explain the reason.
4 Implementation tips
In the training phase of your algorithm, you will need to set up data structures to hold the prior
probabilities P (cj) for all classes cj’s and the likelihoods/conditional probability P (Xi|cj) for each
attribute Xi in each class cj . For P (Xi|cj) being a KDE, you need to store all sample values of
attribute Xi with class label cj ; For P (Xi|cj) being modeled by Gaussian distribution, it suffices to
store two parameters: a mean and a standard deviation for each attribute Xi and class cj . In both
3You can choose either Gaussian or KDE Naïve Bayes for cross-validation
4Use Gaussian Naïve Bayes for Q3.
5You do not need to answer this question, but is worth thinking: why you are asked to compute GR for Q4(a), but just
IG for Q4(b)?
6adult.csv contains integer numeric attributes only. To get GR, apply the same method as shown in Tue lecture in
week 4, i.e., counting the occurences.
7Choose bandwidth σ = 10 for KDE. You do not need to implement cross-validation for Q4(a).
cases, a 2D array may be a convenient data structure to store these parameters. But, you are free to
choose other data structures.
Multiplying many probabilities in the range (0, 1] can result in very low values and lead to un-
derflow (numbers smaller than the computer can represent), e.g, you could have the value of the
maximand P (cj)
i=1 P (Xi|cj) in (1) in the order of 10−19. When implementing a Naïve Bayes
model, it is strongly recommended to apply argmax to the logarithm of the maximand: by doing so,
it is clear that (1) is equivalent to
cˆ = argmax
logP (cj) +
logP (Xi|cj)
. (2)
5 Submission
Complete and submit COMP3027ASS1.ipynb via LMS. If you are working in a group, please
include both group members’ student id numbers in COMP3027ASS1.ipynb.
• The submitted COMP3027ASS1.ipynb must be executable in the Jupiter Notebook environ-
ment. Otherwise, we will not be able to mark your assignment. Please use kernel Python 3.
The markers are not able to use different kernels of IDEs to run your code. Please note that it is
your responsibility to make your submission executable.
• You should not submit another file. All figures and tables supporting the question answers, e.g.,
inserted in the plain text in the Markdown cells, must be repreducable by your code. Please
make your code clean and readable: you should add comments and specify how to load the file
Late submission
The submission mechanism will stay open for one week after the submission deadline. Late submis-
sions will be penalised at 10% per 24-hour period after the original deadline. Submissions will be
closed 7 days (168 hours) after the published assignment deadline, and no further submissions will be
accepted after this point.
6 Assessment
8 of the marks available for this assignment will be based on the implementation of the naïve Bayes
classifier, specifically the four Python functions specified above. Any other functions you’ve im-
plemented will not be directly assessed, unless they are required to make these four functions work
Each question is worth 4 marks. We will be looking for evidence that you have an implementation
that allows you to explore the problem, but also that you have thought deeply about the data and the
behaviour of the relevant classifier(s).
Because the number of questions depends on the group size, individual projects can receive a
total of 16 marks and group projects can receive a total of 24 marks. In both cases, the project will
contribute 20% of the final mark in this subject. In group projects, both members of the group will
receive the same mark.
Updates to the assignment specifications
If any changes or clarifications are made to the project specification, these will be posted on the LMS.
Academic misconduct
You are welcome — indeed encouraged — to collaborate with your peers in terms of the conceptual-
isation and framing of the problem. For example, we encourage you to discuss what the assignment
specification is asking you to do, or what you would need to implement to be able to respond to a
However, sharing materials beyond your group — for example, plagiarising code or colluding in
writing responses to questions — will be considered cheating. We will invoke University’s Academic
Misconduct policy (http://academichonesty.unimelb.edu.au/policy.html) where
inappropriate levels of plagiarism or collusion are deemed to have taken place.
Asuncion, A. and Newman, D. (2007). UCI machine learning repository
