CMN3102 Final Assignment Submission Guidelines
For your final assignment, you need to upload the following documents to Bright
Space by December 16th, 2020.
1. Report
2. Knowledge Translation Activities
3. Your dataset
GRADING (on 100 points):
- 65 Points: Data Management + APA Report – Correct analyses, proper
data-management, and obtained the expected results for your dataset.
Report format, proper presentation and interpretation of results.
- 35 Points: Knowledge Translation – Creativity, accuracy, thoroughness,
and quality.
This project assumes you are a researcher and that you conducted all phases of
this research study (design, recruitment, data collection, analysis, results, and
sharing results).
1. APA Report Instructions:
Format: Your report should be in APA format and include the following sections
(doubled spaced):
- Title Page (1 page)
- Methods (1 – 2 pages)
- Results (1 – 2 pages + tables and figures)
- Discussion (1 – 2 pages)
- References (cite your measures + anything you add to your discussion)
Here is a helpful resource for how to structure your paper in APA 7.
Tips for reporting statistics in APA format:
APA 6 Versus 7: APA 6 has been used for the last 10 years. There are a
number of examples available for how to structure your paper that way if
you want. APA 7 has less resources available online, but more flexibility in how
you present your work. If you would like to look for additional examples,
search for “APA Manuscript Examples”.
Tables + Figures: If using APA 6, tables and figures should be referenced in
text and appear at the end of your document with 1 table or figure per
page. If using APA 7, you can use the same end-of-document format, or
embed them in text.
Title Page: Please include your name, student number, and a title that reflects
your project.
Methods: Should include the following sections: participants, measures, and
• Participants Section: Needs to include a minimum of 5 variables as
well as the table containing the descriptive statistics for your
categorical and continuous variables.
• Measures Section: Must include a paragraph for both measures. The
paragraph must include the name of the measure, an example
item, the scale it uses, a description of how the variable is
calculated (i.e., recoding, sum, or mean), the interpretation of the
score, the alpha, and the mean and standard deviation of the
variable you created.
• Analyses Section: Must include the 4 research questions and how
you will answer them (i.e., with which test).
Results: This section should include a short paragraph for each analysis you ran,
as well as a visualization of your results. The paragraph must contain the essential
information for the test you ran (see examples from each week for the different
types of analyses).
Discussion: This section should contain a plain language interpretation of your
study, as well as potential implications of your work. Keep in mind, for this fake
study, you can assume you did all aspects of the project, so you can also
highlight any limitations to this work and ideas for improving it.
• Plain language summary of the results
• Link between main findings and existing literature (support or
contradict it?)
• Critical discussion of the limitations of the research (methods,
confound variables, etc.)
• Ideas for future research
Potential Discussion Resources:
References: Please include an APA format reference list of any sources that
were used to complete your work.
2. Knowledge Translation:
This is the communication piece – your opportunity to translate the formal report
into something interesting, eye-catching, and informative. You can draw on
lessons from your other courses if applicable.
You must submit the following:
a. Tweet Highlighting the Findings: Maximum 280 characters (2020 twitter rules).
Please note, you do not have to actually post the tweet, just write one out.
b. Press Release: A short press release summarizing your research and findings
(max 250 words).
Recent Examples from uOttawa Media:
c. Accessible Media: You must create one of: Infographic, video (YouTube,
Instagram, etc.), or other product (please get it approved) summarizing the
study you did in a way that is accessible to typical Canadians.
The point here is to be creative! Here are some examples, but this is open. You
are studying to become a communication expert, make it your own!
• Infographic: You have resources from the Module #10 Laboratory that you
can look at for guidance. Also = Google! You do not have to use
PowerPoint or Tableau Public – you are free to make your infographic
using whatever platform you like.
• YouTube: A potential examples:
o Lots of different ideas (Research StoryTellers Competition):
If you select a video, it must be at least 30 seconds long, and no longer
than 3 minutes. If you select the video, please provide a link as the file is
likely too big for BrightSpace.
• Other: If you have any other ideas that you would like to do instead,
please get it approved by Meredith.
3. Dataset:
Please upload the final copy of your dataset in either EXCEL or CSV format. We
will not be evaluating your dataset; however, if your report values do not match
our marking grid for your dataset, we want to be able to look at your data and
try and sort out what happened.