CSE 256: Statistical NLP代写-CSE 256-Assignment 1
Assignment 1: Text Classification
CSE 256: Statistical NLP: Spring 2022
University of California, San Diego
Due: April 11, 2022
In this programming assignment, you will build a supervised text classifier.
The particular type of text classification to be performed for this homework is sentiment
classification. The objective is to classify the sentiment of user reviews into negative and
positive reviews, and to make the task more interesting (i.e. difficult), we have split the reviews
into segments of around 140 characters. Notice that this might make it prohibitively difficult or
impossible detect the sentiment of some segments – this can be ignored for our purposes.
1 Preliminaries
1.1 Data and Code
The data you will use is in the tarball sentiment.tar.gz, which contains the following files:
• train.tsv: Reviews and their associated labels to be used for training.
• dev.tsv: Reviews and their associated labels, to be used for development (do not use for
• unlabeled.tsv: Reviews without labels, which you can (optionally) use for section 2.2.
We have made some initial code available for you to develop your submission. The file classify.py
contains a basic logistic regression classifier from sklearn.
The file sentiment.py contains methods for loading the dataset (without untarring the data
file), creating basic features, and calling the methods to train and evaluate the classifier.
2 Improve the Basic Classifier (12.5 points)
As described above, we have included a basic logistic regression classifier. You can train and
evaluate it as follows:
python sentiment.py
The output should be:
Accuracy on train is: 0.9821038847664775
Accuracy on dev is: 0.777292576419214
This classifier uses the default hyperparameters for regularization and optimization from sklearn
and uses the basic CountVectorizer to create the features. Your task is to familiarize yourself
with the data and the classification task by improving this supervised text classifier.
2.1 Guided Feature Engineering(6 points)
One easy way to change the current implementation is to swap out the basic CountVectorizer,
with a vectorizer that utilizes Term Frequency Inverse Document Frequency (TFIDF) weighing
on lexical features, as discussed in class. This is achieved by using:
from sklearn.feature extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
TfidfVectorizer takes a parameter, n, which is the maximum n-gram feature length. For
example, if we allow n = 2, bigrams such as “excellent food” will be features, in addition to
single word features “excellent”. Experiment with different values of n. Note that the logistic
regression implementation takes a regularization parameter, C, 1, so you can vary this as you
vary n.
In the writeup: describe your observations from this experiment, does performance improve,
if so, why? You should use examples, figures, tables, and graphs to illustrate the results, for
example plotting accuracy as the regularization strength is varied for different values of n.
2.2 Independent Feature Engineering(6.5 points)
There are other changes you can make, for example using different tokenization other than the
simple white-space tokenization provided, adding/removing features, and so on. The primary
guideline here is to utilize only your intuitions and the training data, and the performance on
the development data, in order to make these modifications.
In the writeup: describe the changes, your reasoning behind them, and the results. You
should use figures, examples, tables, and graphs to illustrate your ideas and results.
3 Submission Instructions
Submit your work on Gradescope.
• Code: You will submit your code together with a neatly written README file with
instructions on how to run your code. We assume that you always follow good practice of
coding (commenting, structuring), and these factors are not central to your grade.
• Report: (use the filename A1.pdf): your writeup should be three pages long, or less,
in pdf ( reasonable font sizes).
Part of the training we aim to give you in this class includes practice with technical
writing. Organize your report as neatly as possible, and articulate your thoughts as clearly
as possible. We prefer quality over quantity. Do not flood the report with tangential
information such as low-level documentation of your code that belongs in code comments
or the README. Similarly, when discussing the experimental results, do not copy and
paste the entire system output directly to the report. Instead, create tables and figures to
organize the experimental results.
4 Report Writing Guideline
4.1 Guided Feature Engineering
Performance should be better than the baseline
4.2 Independent Feature Engineering
Describe your feature engineering solution, provide results, discuss why it worked/did not work;
use tables/graphs/examples
1See API docs https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.linear_model.