Business Analytics and Data Visualization
Final Assignment Proposal
Data Analytics Applied to a Marketing Problem
TO: Christian Baldia
FROM: [Your Name]
DATE: [Date of your report]
RE: Proposal for Analyzing a Predictive Analytics Business Case
Your project has a context, the defining frame that is apart from other particular
problems we are interested in solving.
 Select an organization in an industry interested in the problem you are solving to
be representative of an organization needing this kind of study. (In some cases,
there is already an organization selected, like Olive Garden Restaurants; in other
case studies there is not, so find an appropriate organization and assume that is
the organization for the problem.)
 Tell me who you selected.
 Who are the people in the organization with an interest in the results of this
project? Executives? Who will you be reporting results to?
 What are they generally trying to achieve?
 What work, generally, is the project going to be furthering?
Everyone faces challenges. Things that, were they to be fixed or understood, would
advance the goals they want to reach.
 What are the specific information needs that could be fixed by intelligently using
your data?
 Present these needs in terms that are meaningful to the organization.
 Remember that even if we build a model, the need is not to build a model. The
need is to solve the problem that having the model will solve.
 When we correctly explain a need, we are clearly laying out what it is that could
be improved by better knowledge.
Before starting to acquire data, perform transformations, test ideas, there is need for
some vision of where we are going and what it might look like to achieve the goal.
 The vision is a glimpse of what it will look like to meet the need you’re your data.
 Make a mockup describing the intended results, or a sketch of the argument that
we're going to make, or some particular questions that narrowly focus our aims.
Framed questions
 Use the SMART technique of parsing the information needs and creating good
analytics questions that meet the SMART criteria.
 Must have one to three questions
We need to understand how the work will actually make it back to the rest of the
organization and what will happen once it is there.
 How will it be used?
 How will it be integrated into the organization?
 Who will own its integration?
 Who will use it?
 How will its success be measured?
If we don't understand the intended use of what we produce, it is easy to get lost in the
weeds and end up making something that nobody will want or use. What's the purpose
of all this work if it does nobody any good? The outcome is distinct from the vision; the
vision is focused on what form the work will take at the end, while the outcome is
focused on what will happen when we are “done.”
How to use this template:
Read the questions in red and create your own answers to them. Keep the
headers but replace the instructions and questions with your own writing and
submit. All colored text should be gone in your final draft.
