C++代写-CMPT 225
CMPT 225
Fall 2020
T. Shermer
Midterm Examination.
You are allowed to look at your notes, books, and the lecture slides. You are not allowed to search or
roam the web. Write clearly. This exam is scheduled for 50 minutes. You then have 15 minutes to scan
(if necessary) and upload your answers to CourSys as a PDF. I will be available on the usual zoom office
hours channel if you have questions on the exam.

Question 1 (30 points total; 5 each)
Short answer questions. Complete sentences are not required. Justification for your answer is not
(a) Name two mechanisms for polymorphism in C++.
subclassing and templating.
(b) What is wrong with the following C++ code?

void listSum() {
int* A = new int[10];

sum = 0;
for(int i=0; i<10; i++) {
sum += A[i];

delete A; // should be delete[] A;
(c) What is a pure virtual function in C++? What effect does it have on the containing class?
A function declared as virtual and set equal to 0, such as “virtual func() = 0;”. It makes the
containing class uninstantiable.
(d) What is the worst-case time complexity of erase for an array list implemented as a (growable)
array? O(n)

(e) What is the worst-case time complexity of erase for an array list implemented as a linked list?
O(n) (for finding the element)
(f) Let the class BB be a subclass of the class AA, and the class CC be a subclass of BB. True or false?
The following statement is legal C++:
AA* aa = new CC();

Question 2 (30 points total; 10 each)
(a) What is the runtime behaviour of a thrown exception in C++?
An exception looks in the current subroutine for an enclosing “try” block with a “catch”
clause that matches the exception. If it finds one, it executes the body of the catch clause.
If it doesn’t, it ends the current subroutine and tries the same thing in the calling
subroutine, and so on up the call stack. If it ends the subroutine main(), it prints the
exception and ends the program.
(b) What, in the context of this course, is delegation?
Delegation is when one procedure calls another to do the entirety of its work. The
delegating procedure typically looks like:
void delegate1(…) {
delegate2(…) {
return obj.method(…);

(c) What is the root of a tree? What is special about it?
The root is simply a distinguished vertex in the tree. Heights and depths of other vertices are
measured with respect to it.

Question 3 (20 points)
Let Node be a class that represents a node in a rooted tree. It has a pointer to its parent, an integer
numChildren, and an array of numChildren pointers to its children. The height of a node in the tree is the
maximum distance (number of edges) to any of its descendants, and 0 if it is a leaf. Suppose each node
has a member variable height which is initially set to infinity. Give pseudocode for an algorithm that (1)
correctly computes all of the height values for the nodes in a tree, (2) returns the sum of all of the
heights in the tree, and (3) does that all in one postorder traversal of the tree.
heights(Node r) {
r.height = 0
if(numChildren = 0) {
return 0

sum = 0
r.height = 0
for each Node c in children {
sum += heights(c);

c_height = c.height
if (c_height + 1 > r.height) {
r.height = c_height + 1
sum += r.height;

return sum

Question 4 (20 points)
Suppose that the only data type you have is a Deque ADT. (No arrays, no linked lists, no Stacks, etc.)
Write pseudocode for a function that, given an even-sized Deque, returns a perfect shuffle of the
Deque. A perfect shuffle is accomplished by splitting the items into the first half and second half, and
then taking the first item from the first half, followed by the first item from the second half, followed by
the second item from the first half, followed by the second item from the second half, etc., alternating
between taking items from the first and second halves until all items are used. Since you only have
Deques, you must return the shuffle as a Deque and use Deques as any intermediate structures you
Deque shuffle(Deque input) {
n = input.size;
n2 = n / 2;

let D1 and D2 be two empty deques
for i = 1 to n2 {
for i = 1 to n2 {

let result be an empty deque
for i = 1 to n2 {
return result;
