C/C++代写-COSC1187-Assignment 2
COSC1187 – Interactive 3D Graphics & Animation
Semester 1 – 2022
Assignment 2 - ASTEROID ARENA 3D
Due Date: End of Week 14 - 11:59pm, Sunday 12th June, 2022
This assignment is worth 50% of your final mark for this subject. You must work on this
assignment on your own and submit original code you have written yourself.
You will get a score between 0 and 100. The requirements each have different levels of
difficulty. To get the highest marks, you must implement the most difficult version of each
feature. You can implement features in any order. You don't have to choose the same
difficulty for every feature.
You will be building a 3D version of Asteroid Arena, the game you developed for Assignment
1. You may re-use as much or as little of your original code as you wish.
Submissions will be via Canvas and MUST follow these guidelines:
● Please submit a single ZIP file containing your source code, README.PDF file and any
resources needed by your game (such as texture maps or models).
● The file name must be a2_.zip
● If you use a bitmap or 3d model that you find on the internet, you MUST check copyright
and credit the original creator. List this info in the README.PDF file.
● If submitting on macOS or Linux, please include a shell script file named build.sh which
will execute the appropriate command(s) to build your code for me.
● Late submissions will receive a 10% per day penalty.
Sum of all EASY parts of this assignment is equal to 50 points (pass)
Sum of all MEDIUM parts of this assignment is equal to 80 points (hd)
Sum of all HARD parts of this assignment is equal to 100 points (max)
You must include a file named README.PDF which tells me which level of difficulty you have
implemented for each feature, and a short description of the techniques you used for that
feature. If any features are partially implemented, make sure to tell me here so that you get
some marks for it!
The game is in 3D and uses Perspective projection.
Movement of all game entities MUST be calculated at every frame and MUST be based on
time elapsed since the last frame. See "time delta" code from Tutorial exercises.
The arena is now a 3D cube centred at the world coordinate system origin.
EASY (12) - Your ship can fly around inside the arena but will "die" if it collides with any
boundary of the arena. Draw the arena walls as a light grey grid/mesh.
MEDIUM (16) - All of EASY, plus: If your ship gets within some distance from an arena wall,
change the colour of the mesh to warn the player that they are about to collide with the wall
and die. Only the one wall which your ship is approaching should change colour. The wall
should change back to its original colour as soon as the player is a safe distance away.
HARD (18) - All of MEDIUM, plus: Implement a SkyBox with a texture map around the entire
arena. Instead of the ship dying, it should just bounce back when colliding with the arena
Your spaceship and gun must be a 3D model made up of a set of triangles or quads.
EASY (6) - You must use at least two different surface materials which each define at least
diffuse and specular material properties.
MEDIUM (10) - All of EASY, plus: Your ship and guns should also be partially or fully texture
mapped in addition to its material properties.
HARD (12) - All of MEDIUM, plus: To show your understanding of and ability to implement a
hierarchical relationship between model sub-objects, your gun must have a smooth pulse
animation when shooting a bullet.
EASY (6) - Your asteroids should be a perfect sphere which is smooth shaded and has
material properties which show a specular highlight. You may use the GLUT functions for
MEDIUM (10) - All of EASY, plus: You may NOT use GLUT functions for drawing the sphere.
Generate the asteroid vertices procedurally and specify vertex normals and add a texture
map to your asteroid in addition to the material properties.
HARD (12) - All of MEDIUM, plus: Generate the asteroid vertices procedurally such that each
vertex has some random amount of perturbation to make it look irregular (like in
Assignment 1, but in 3D).
EASY (6) - Asteroids should spawn in a random place outside the arena and be launched
towards the current player location at a random speed. Each asteroid should be a different
size determined randomly when it is spawned. Spawn multiple asteroids in waves, like in
Assignment 1. Asteroids move along their trajectory without any rotation. Asteroids do not
collide with any other asteroids and they pass through the arena walls.
MEDIUM (10) - All of EASY, plus: Asteroids spin about their centre in a random direction and
at a random speed as they move along their trajectory. Asteroids must bounce off arena
HARD (14) - Asteroids spin about their centre in a random direction and at a random speed
as they move along their trajectory. Asteroids must bounce off arena walls and other
EASY (2) - Enable OpenGL lighting and add a small amount of ambient lighting to the entire
MEDIUM (4) - All of EASY, plus: Add a single directional light to the scene, and make sure
that surfaces which have specular material properties show it.
HARD (6) - All of MEDIUM, plus: Add at least one animated point light source to the game.
Animate its position and colour in some way.
EASY (6) - Bullets should shoot out from the front of the ship gun and move in a straight line
defined by the current ship movement direction. If a bullet hits an asteroid, the asteroid
should disappear. Bullets can be drawn with any OpenGL primitive.
MEDIUM (10) - All of EASY, plus: Bullets should be made up of a single textured quad which
is always facing the camera. The texture should have transparent regions. Asteroids should
have a number of "hit points" calculated based on their size.
HARD (12) - All of MEDIUM, plus: The bullet texture should be animated, ie: made up of
more than a single frame, with frames changed at a constant rate. The bullet quad should
rotate about its centre as it is moving.
MEDIUM (4) - When an Asteroid or your Ship explodes, the original model should be
replaced by a particle explosion like in Assignment 1, but instead of using POINTS your
particles should be triangles or quads. Randomise and animate the size, colour and other
material properties, direction, rotation and speed of each particle.
HARD (8) - When an Asteroid or your Ship explodes, the original model should be replaced
by a particle explosion like in Assignment 1, but instead of using POINTS your particles
should be quads which always face the user and have a texture that has some transparent
regions. The particles should be sorted based on z-order in camera space and blended with
transparency while drawn back to front.
EASY (12) - Your ship movement model is completely up to you, but it must use a
combination of Keyboard and Mouse controls. Your camera must be positioned somewhere
behind the ship and may remain fixed at that position at all times. This ship may remain in a
fixed location on-screen while you fly through space.
MEDIUM (16) - All of EASY, plus: Implement ONE of the following two features to give the
player some way of seeing what's around them:
● Provide a mechanism for the player to look to the Left, Right and Behind the
spaceship. This could simply consist of switching the camera to a side or rear view
while an appropriate key is pressed down. The ship should not be rendered while the
camera is displaying one of these camera views.
● Provide a mechanism to move the camera Forward and Backward in a straight line,
while maintaining a position behind the ship and pointing in the same direction. It
should never be possible to move the camera forward past the ship's location.
HARD (18) - Your ship movement model is completely up to you, but it must use a
combination of Keyboard and Mouse controls. The camera should be positioned somewhere
behind and above the ship (preferred position). When the ship changes direction in any
direction, it should be animated on screen to turn, roll or bank appropriately using smooth
animation. Camera movement must be dynamic and animated while it "catches up" with the
ship and positions itself in its preferred position. Think of the camera as being attached to
the ship with an invisible string, and as the ship manoeuvres around, the camera smoothly
follows along with a bit of lag - turning and moving until it reaches its preferred position
back behind the ship.
