
The University of Nottingham




Time allowed 2 Hours

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must NOT write anything else until the start of the examination period is announced

Answer 3 out of 5 questions

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permitted in this examination.

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may use a standard translation dictionary to translate between that language and English
provided that neither language is the subject of this examination. Subject specific translation
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2 G54SAN-E1

Question 1: Unix [overall 25 marks]
a. Write UNIX commands to do the following:

i. Copy the file data1.txt to the file called data2.txt

ii. Rename the file data2.txt to be called logdata.txt

iii. Do a listing of the current directory and append the results to the file logdata.txt

[6 Marks]
b. Examine the following UNIX command:

who | grep severn

i. Adapt the given command so that the result of the command is sorted into
alphabetical order and displayed in the shell

ii. Adapt the given command so that the result of the command is stored in a new
file called users.txt

iii. Adapt the given command so that the result of the command is stored in a file
called users.txt but any errors are stored in a file called errors.txt
[6 Marks]

c. Explain, using an example of each, the difference between shell metacharacters and
regular expressions.
[3 Marks]

d. Under what circumstances would you need to use quotes with grep? Why?
[2 Marks]

e. grep and echo can be used with either single or double quotes. Explain, with an
example, when you should use single quotes and when you should use double quotes
and why.

[4 Marks]

f. UNIX has a number of different signals. Explain the role of a UNIX signal and give an
example of how a UNIX signal might be generated.
[4 Marks]

3 G54SAN-E1
G54SAN-E1 <>

Question 2: Local Area Networks [overall 25 marks]
a. Describe one form of multiplexing that you might find on a twisted pair copper
transmission cable.
[4 Marks]

b. What is the main problem with twisted pair cables? Give TWO solutions to the problem
you have identified.
[3 Marks]

c. Why are wires twisted together in twisted pair copper cables? Can you have more than
one pair of wires in a cable and if so, how?
[5 Marks]

d. Describe TWO technologies that are commonly used to extend LANs.
[4 Marks]

e. Do you think that extending a LAN using one of the technologies described in your
answer to section d. above will make it a WAN? Explain your answer.
[4 Marks]
f. Describe the mechanism used by Ethernet wired LAN hosts in order to gain access to
the shared medium.
[5 Marks]

Question 3: Wide Area Networks [overall 25 marks]
a. Describe the journey that an IPV4 packet takes from a sender to a receiver in terms of
the following:

i. How the packet is packaged into a frame by the sender and the information that
is added
[4 Marks]

ii. What the router does to the frame between the time it receives it and the time it
forwards it on
[4 Marks]

iii. What information the router uses to route the frame and how it does this
[4 Marks]
b. What error reporting mechanism does IP use and how does it work?
[3 Marks]
c. Explain the role of DHCP and describe how it works.
[6 Marks]
d. Why does DHCP operate a leasing scheme? Explain the circumstances under which a
DHCP lease would expire.
[4 Marks]

4 G54SAN-E1

Question 4: Distributed Applications [overall 25 marks]
a. Describe the steps in communication that occur in a typical FTP session between client
and server.
[8 Marks]

b. FTP clients operate at layer 5 of the TCP/IP protocol stack. Which layer 4 protocol do
you think would be used by an FTP client to send its data and why?
[4 Marks]

c. With respect to distributed network systems, briefly explain what a Directory Service
[1 Mark]

d. Draw a diagram to show the process of iterative and recursive queries in DNS. Under
what circumstances would each type of query be used?
[6 Marks]

e. Briefly describe THREE types of service that are offered by Cloud computing
technologies and give an example of each.
[6 Marks]

Question 5: Disks and Filesystems [overall 25 marks]
a. Draw a diagram of an inode and explain how it is used in filesystems to locate files on
a disk.
[6 Marks]

b. Explain the purpose of RAID arrays and describe TWO mechanisms that RAID arrays
use to achieve this purpose. Use diagrams to illustrate your answer.
[8 Marks]

c. Filesystems can be distributed across a network. Give ONE example of a shared
filesystem and explain its purpose relative to the operating systems involved.
[4 Marks]

d. What is a file handle?
[1 Mark]

e. A user sits down to work at their PC and each time they do this they hear a “chugging”
noise coming from the hard drive. Explain, with a diagram, what you think the problem
is and how the user might solve it.
[6 Marks]


Question 2: Local Area Networks [overall 25 marks]
a. Describe one form of multiplexing that you might find on a twisted pair copper
transmission cable.
[4 Marks]

b. What is the main problem with twisted pair cables? Give TWO solutions to the problem
you have identified.
[3 Marks]

c. Why are wires twisted together in twisted pair copper cables? Can you have more than
one pair of wires in a cable and if so, how?
[5 Marks]

d. Describe TWO technologies that are commonly used to extend LANs.
[4 Marks]

e. Do you think that extending a LAN using one of the technologies described in your
answer to section d. above will make it a WAN? Explain your answer.
[4 Marks]
f. Describe the mechanism used by Ethernet wired LAN hosts in order to gain access to
the shared medium.
[5 Marks]

Question 3: Wide Area Networks [overall 25 marks]
a. Describe the journey that an IPV4 packet takes from a sender to a receiver in terms of
the following:

i. How the packet is packaged into a frame by the sender and the information that
is added
[4 Marks]

ii. What the router does to the frame between the time it receives it and the time it
forwards it on
[4 Marks]

iii. What information the router uses to route the frame and how it does this
[4 Marks]
b. What error reporting mechanism does IP use and how does it work?
[3 Marks]
c. Explain the role of DHCP and describe how it works.
[6 Marks]
d. Why does DHCP operate a leasing scheme? Explain the circumstances under which a
DHCP lease would expire.
[4 Marks]

4 G54SAN-E1

Question 4: Distributed Applications [overall 25 marks]
a. Describe the steps in communication that occur in a typical FTP session between client
and server.
[8 Marks]

b. FTP clients operate at layer 5 of the TCP/IP protocol stack. Which layer 4 protocol do
you think would be used by an FTP client to send its data and why?
[4 Marks]

c. With respect to distributed network systems, briefly explain what a Directory Service
[1 Mark]

d. Draw a diagram to show the process of iterative and recursive queries in DNS. Under
what circumstances would each type of query be used?
[6 Marks]

e. Briefly describe THREE types of service that are offered by Cloud computing
technologies and give an example of each.
[6 Marks]

Question 5: Disks and Filesystems [overall 25 marks]
a. Draw a diagram of an inode and explain how it is used in filesystems to locate files on
a disk.
[6 Marks]

b. Explain the purpose of RAID arrays and describe TWO mechanisms that RAID arrays
use to achieve this purpose. Use diagrams to illustrate your answer.
[8 Marks]

c. Filesystems can be distributed across a network. Give ONE example of a shared
filesystem and explain its purpose relative to the operating systems involved.
[4 Marks]

d. What is a file handle?
[1 Mark]

e. A user sits down to work at their PC and each time they do this they hear a “chugging”
noise coming from the hard drive. Explain, with a diagram, what you think the problem
is and how the user might solve it.
[6 Marks]

