Xcode和Swift代写-KIT305 KIT607-Assignment 3
2022/5/6 17:39 KIT305 KIT607 Mobile Application Development
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Assignment 3 - iOS Application
Important Information
This assignment is due on Sunday 22nd May @ 23:55 AEST
This is an individual assignment.
This assignment is worth 20% of your nal grade.
This assignment addresses ILOs 1, 2, and 3.
Marking Rubric
Assignment 3 2022
(Please ignore that the title on this rubric says "Assignment 2", this is because
the same rubric will be used as the one from Assignment 2. I just cannot rename
it =/)
A Note About Extensions
There will be no extensions granted for the reason of technical difculties
related to the use of LabShare.
It is up to you to work out early a strategy to nd time to work on this
assignment. This may include:
Setting aside time to come to campus to work in the Mac Labs
Ensuring your internet connection is the best it can be to make sure LabShare works for
you (or trying an alternative such as Mac In Cloud -- this has a free trial, but then
different pricing options beyond that)
Borrowing a Macbook from a friend
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In assignment 1, your task was to design, prototype, and evaluate a mobile application for stroke rehabilitation. Your task
for this assignment 3 is to now implement an iOS application loosely based upon that prototype which provides the
required functionality from the Assignment Theme.
The goal of this assignment is to assess your ability to implement iOS Applications, and to demonstrate your
understanding of the fundamentals of mobile device programming when applied to a practical context.
You must create a native iOS application (i.e. you cannot use Flutter or other Cross-Platform tools for this assignment).
Please refer to the Assignment 2 - Android Application specication for further details, as everything mentioned in there
is applicable to this assignment.
The remainder of this document contains information in addition to the Assignment 2 specication.
Camera CRA Item (Updated from Assignment 2)
Note that given the iOS simulator does not support using the Camera, you are ONLY required to make the Photo Gallery
picture selection mode work for this assignment. Disregard the parts of the CRA that indicate that you should make both
Camera and Photo Gallery work.
Your marker will only test your application on a Simulator, so if you only provide Camera functionality
and not Photo Gallery functionality, you will get no marks for this section.
Reusing your Firebase Database From Assignment 2
You may choose to use the same database for this assignment as you used for Assignment 2, OR you may choose to create
a new database (either with a new structure or the same structure).
IF you choose to re-use your database, be mindful of the following points:
If you begin work on your assignment straight away (you should), then there is a chance your Assignment 2 will be
being marked while you are working on your database. That means the data may change because your marker is
adding and removing students.
If you change your structure of your database for this assignment, you may accidentally cause bugs to occur in your
Assignment 2, or confuse your marker.
Use of Third-Party Code and the Tutorial Work
As with Assignment 2, you are allowed to build your assignment off the tutorial work. You do not need to reference this in
your assignment.
You are still expressly prohibited from using any other code online as a template for this assignment. Small snippets of
code (such as stackoverow answers) may be used with code comments showing the URL of where the code came from.
Third-party libraries (for example, for things like date-pickers, data persistence, user interface elements, camera/sharing,
etc.) must not be used, with the exception of "Glide" for the purposes of the HD camera data persistence CRA item, as per
this guide: https://rebase.google.com/docs/storage/android/download-les
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Assignment Submission
The following les must be submitted via MyLO before 23:55 on Sunday 22nd May (Week 12):
One zip le, containing the project les.
On MacOS, you can right-click your project root folder, and select Compress.
As a back-up in case of a bug where your GoogleService-Info.plist le does not exist, upload your GoogleService-
Info.plist le.
Or just make sure this le is properly included in your project (you may have only linked the le to your
downloads folder, rather than copying it to the project folder).
Plagiarism and Cheating
Practical assignments are used by the Discipline of ICT for students to both reinforce and demonstrate their
understanding of material which has been presented in class. They have a role both for assessment and for learning. It is a
requirement that work you hand in for assessment is your own.
Working with others
One effective way to grasp principles and concepts is to discuss the issues with your peers and/or friends. You are
encouraged to do this especially on the class Discord. We also encourage you to discuss aspects of practical assignments
with others. However, once you have claried the principles of the problem, you must develop a solution entirely by
yourself. In other words; you must develop the application yourself. You can discuss problems, but not share entire
solutions (one or two line code-snippets on Discord are ne). Assistance with solutions should be provided by staff.
Cheating occurs if you claim work as your own when it is substantially the work of someone else.
This includes the use of third-party code from online resources.
Cheating is an offence under the Ordinance of Student Discipline within the University. Furthermore, the ICT
profession has ethical standards in which cheating has no place.
Cheating involves two or more parties.
If you allow written work, computer listings, or electronic versions of your code to be viewed, borrowed or
copied by another student you are an equal partner in the act of cheating.
You should be careful to ensure that your work is not left in a situation where it may be used/stolen by
Where there is a reasonable cause to believe that a case of cheating has occurred, this will be brought to the attention of
the unit lecturer. If the lecturer considers that there is evidence of cheating, then no marks will be given to any of the
students involved and the case will be referred to the Head of Discipline for consideration of further action.
Assignment Submission BoxAssignment 3 - iOS Application
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