计算机安全代写-CS 3923/6813
Lecture 3: Cryptography
CS 3923/6813: Computer Security
Summer 2017
[*] Slides based upon materials maintained by Justin
Cappos at NYU
●Etymology: Secret (Crypt, from Greek ‘κρύπτος’)
Writing (Graphy)
●Study of mathematical techniques to achieve various
goals in information security, such as confidentiality,
authentication, integrity, non-repudiation, etc.
●Not the only means of providing information security,
rather a subset of techniques.
●Quite an old field!
Cryptography: Cast of Characters
●Alice (A), Bob (B), Charlie (C): communicating
●Eve (E): Eavesdropping (or passive) adversary
●Mallory (M): Man-in-the-Middle (or active)
○People often use Eve for this as well
●Trent (T): a trusted third party (TTP)
Common Terminologies
●Encrypt (encipher)
●Decrypt (decipher)
●Cryptanalysis (codebreaking)
Open vs Closed Design
● Closed Design (as was followed in military
communication during the World War I/II)
○ Keep the cipher secret
○ Also sometimes referred to as the “proprietary design”
● Open Design (Kerckhoffs' principle)
○ Keep everything public, except the key
○ Good practice – this is what we focus upon!
Brute Force Attacks: Key Recovery
● Since the key space is finite, given a pair of plaintext and
ciphertext, a cryptanalyst can try and check all possible
● For above to be not feasible, key space should be large!!
○ How large?
○ Large enough to make it impractical for an adversary. But what
is impractical today, may not be so tomorrow. At least 280 – see
this paper on “selecting cryptographic key sizes”
■ http://www.win.tue.nl/~klenstra/key.pdf
● Symmetric / Private Key cryptography
● Asymmetric / Public Key cryptography
● Hash functions
● Cryptographically suitable pseudorandom number generation
● Putting it all together
● Advanced Topics
● Private information retrieval
Private Key/Public Key Cryptography
●Symmetric Key / Private Key: Sender and
receiver share a common (private) key
○ Encryption and Decryption is done using the private key
○ Also called conventional/shared-key/single-key cryptography
●Asymmetric Key / Public Key: Every user has a
private key and a public key
○ Encryption is done using the public key and Decryption using
private key
○ Also called two-key cryptography
Symmetric / Private key model
Private Key Encryption: Main Functions
1.Generate a key: KeyGen(L) -> K
○ (L is a security parameter that represents
the length of the key)
2.Encrypt: Enc(K,M) -> C
3.Decrypt: Dec(K,C) -> M
Caesar Cipher (or Shift Cipher)
●Substitution cipher
●Replace each letter in the plaintext by a letter some
fixed number of positions down the alphabet
●Example - left shift of 3/right shift of 23:
Caesar Cipher (or Shift Cipher)
●Substitution cipher
●Let messages be all lower case from a through z (no
spaces or punctuation).
●Represent letters by numbers from 0 to 25.
●Encryption function:
Ci = E(Pi ) = Pi + K (mod 26), where K is secret key
●Decryption is:
Pi = D(Ci ) = Ci - K (mod 26)
Security of Caesar Cipher
●Easy to brute force: size of key-space is 26
One Time Pad – Unconditional
● Plaintext is binary string and key is binary string of equal length then encryption
can be done by a simple xor operation.
Plaintext: 01010000010001010011
Key: 11010101001001100111
Ciphertext: 10000101011000110100
● If the key is random and is not re-used, then such a system offers
unconditional security – perfect secrecy!
● Intuitively perfect secrecy can be seen from the fact that given any plaintext and
ciphertext, there is a key which maps the selected plaintext to the selected
ciphertext. So given a ciphertext, we get no information whatsoever on what
key or plaintext could have been used.
● How do we obtain “random” bit-strings for shared secret keys?
● System is not practical.
● Interesting point in the design space
DES – Data Encryption Standard
● Encrypts by series of substitution and transpositions.
● Based on Feistel Structure
● Worldwide standard for more than 20 years.
● Has a history of controversy.
● Designed by IBM (Lucifer) with later help (interference?)
from NSA.
● No longer considered secure for highly sensitive
● Replacement standard AES (advanced encryption standard)
DES – Overview (Block Operation)
DES – Each Round
DES – Function F
Operation Tables of DES (Key Schedule,
PC-1, PC-2)
Operation Tables (IP, IP-1, E and P)
S-boxes: S1 (as an example)
1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 111101110110010101000011001000010000
Is the table entry from
S(011001) XOR 6d XOR 0110
DES Decryption
Same as the encryption algorithm with the
“reversed” key schedule – NEXT!
DES Security
●S-Box design not well understood (secret).
●Has survived some recent sophisticated attacks
(differential cryptanalysis)
●Key is too short. Hence is vulnerable to brute
force attack.
●1998 distributed attack took 3 months.
●$1,000,000 machine will crack DES in 35 minutes
– 1997 estimate. $10,000 – 2.5 days.
DES Cracking machine
●Applies DES three times to each block.
● “Key bundle”: 3 DES keys K1, K2, K3
● Decryption is the reverse
● Security:
○ if all three keys are independent → 168-bit long
key → brute-force attacks more difficult
Advanced Encryption Standard
● National Institute of Science and Technology
○ DES is an aging standard that no longer addresses today’s needs for
strong encryption
○ Triple-DES: Endorsed by NIST as today’s de-facto standard
● AES: The Advanced Encryption Standard
○ Finalized in 2001
○ Goal – To define Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) by
selecting a new powerful encryption algorithm suitable for encrypting
government documents
○ AES candidate algorithms were required to be:
■ Symmetric-key, supporting 128, 192, and 256 bit keys
■ Royalty-Free
■ Unclassified (i.e. public domain)
■ Available for worldwide export
Symmetric / Private key Ciphers and their
●IDEA (used in PGP)
●Blowfish (password hashing in OpenBSD)
●RC4 (used in WEP), RC5
●Double DES, Triple DES
●SAFER (used in Bluetooth)
●AES (pervasive)
Private Key Encryption: Key Points
1.KeyGen: KeyGen(L) -> K
○(L is a security parameter that represents
the key length)
2.Encrypt: Enc(K,M) -> C
3.Decrypt: Dec(K,C) -> M
Also know one time pad!
● Symmetric / Private Key cryptography
● Asymmetric / Public Key cryptography
● Hash functions
● Cryptographically suitable pseudorandom number generation
● Putting it all together
● Advanced Topics
● Private information retrieval
Symmetric key cryptography revisited
● Good: Efficient
● Bad: Key distribution and management is a serious problem
– for N users O(N2) keys are needed
Asymmetric cryptography model
● Good: Key management problem potentially simpler
● Bad: Much slower than symmetric / private key crypto
Public Key Encryption
● Two keys:
○ public encryption key e
○ private decryption key d
● Encryption easy when e is known
● Decryption easy when d is known
● Decryption infeasible when d is not known
“Textbook” RSA: KeyGen
● Alice wants people to be able to send her encrypted messages.
● X mod Y
● She chooses two (large) prime numbers, p and q and computes
n=pq and \phi(n). [“large” >= 512 bits]
● She chooses a number e such that e is relatively prime to and
computes d, the inverse of
e in (i.e., ed =1 mod \phi(n))
● She publicizes the pair (e,n) as her public key.(e is called RSA
exponent, n is called RSA modulus). She keeps d secret and
destroys p and q.
● Plaintext and ciphertext messages are elements of Zn and e is
the encryption key.
RSA: Encryption
●Bob wants to send a message x (an element of
*) to Alice.
●He looks up her encryption key, (e,n), in a
●The encrypted message is:
y = E(x) ≡ xe mod n
●Bob sends y to Alice.
RSA: Decryption
●To decrypt the message:
she’s received from Bob, Alice computes:
D(y) ≡ yd mod n
Claim: D(y) = x
y = E(x) ≡ xe mod n
RSA example.
●Let p = 47, q = 71. Then n = 3337 and
(pq) ≡ 46*70 = 3220
●Choose e = 79. Then d = 79-1 mod 3220 = 1019.
●Let message = 688232… Break it into 3 digit
blocks to encrypt.
●E(688) = 68879 mod 3337 = 1570.
E(232) = 23279 mod 3337 = 2756
●D(1570) = 15701019 mod 3337 = 688.
D(2756) = 27561019 mod 3337 = 232.
Security of RSA: RSA assumption
●Suppose Eve intercepts the encrypted message y
that Bob has sent to Alice.
●Eve can look up (e,n) in the public directory (just as
Bob did when he encrypted the message)
● If Eve can compute d = e-1 mod n then she can use it
to recover the plaintext x.
● If Eve can compute factor n into p and q, she can
compute d (the same way Alice did).
○Factoring large numbers is hard.
How big should n be?
●Today we need n to be at least 2048-bits
○ This is equivalent to security provided by 160-bit long keys in
private-key crypto
●RSA (and other asymmetric crypto)
is comparatively slow
Asymmetric / Public key crypto
●Pailliar (Homomorphic)
Asymmetric / Public key crypto
Key Points
● Keygen(L) -> Kpub, Kpriv
● E(Bpub, M) -> C
● D(Bpriv, C) -> M
● Can't compute Bpriv given Bpub!!!
● Symmetric / Private Key cryptography
● Asymmetric / Public Key cryptography
● Hash functions
● Cryptographically suitable pseudorandom number generation
● Putting it all together
● Advanced Topics
● Private information retrieval
Cryptographic Hash Functions
●Requirements of cryptographic hash functions:
○ Can be applied to data of any length.
○ Output is fixed length
○ Relatively easy to compute h(x), given x and
○ Infeasible to get x, given h(x). One-wayness property
○ Given x, infeasible to find y such that h(x) = h(y).
Weak-collision resistance property.
○ Infeasible to find any pair x and y such that h(x) = h(y).
Strong-collision resistance property.
Hash Output Length
● How long should be the output (n bits) of a cryptographic hash function?
● To find collision - randomly select messages and check if hash matches
any that we know.
● Throwing k balls in N = 2n bins. How large should k be, before probability
of landing two balls in the same becomes greater than ½?
● Birthday paradox - a collision can be found in roughly sqrt(N) = 2(n/2)
trials for an n bit hash
○ In a group of 23 (~ sqrt(365)) people, at least two of them will have the
same birthday (with a probability > ½)
● Hence n should be at least 160
Generic Hash Function
Other Hash Functions
●Many other hash functions
○SHA-2 (SHA-256)
○MD5 – Message Digest algorithm 5
■Very similar to SHA
Current Security of MD5 and SHA-1
● SHA-1
○ B’day attack requires 280 calls
○ Faster attacks 269 calls
● MD5
○ Output is 128-bits, so B’day attack requires 264 calls only
○ Faster attacks to find a collision:
● Better use stronger versions, such as SHA-256
● Although, these attacks are still not practical – they only find
two random messages that collide
Cryptographic Hash Functions
Key Points
●h(x) -> hash
○hash is fixed length (16,20,32 bytes)
○h(x) is fast / cheap
●given hash, cannot compute x
●Given x, cannot find y so that h(x) == h(y)
●Cannot find any x,y so that h(x) == h(y)
● Symmetric / Private Key cryptography
● Asymmetric / Public Key cryptography
● Hash functions
● Cryptographically suitable pseudorandom number generation
● Putting it all together
● Advanced Topics
● Private information retrieval
Random Number Generation
● Could be as simple as dice, coin flipping, the shuffling of
playing cards etc.
● A sequence of random numbers, R1, R2, R3, must have
two important properties:
Uniformity, i.e. they are equally probable everywhere
○ Independence, i.e. the current value of a random
variable has no relation with the previous values
● Problem - Most methods fail to produce true random
● Solution- Pseudorandom number generator
Pseudorandom number generator
● An algorithm for generating a sequence of numbers that
approximates the properties of random numbers.
● The sequence is not truly random in that it is completely
determined by a relatively small set of initial values, called
the PRNG's state, which includes a truly random seed
● A PRNG suitable for cryptographic applications is called a
cryptographically secure PRNG (CSPRNG).
● A requirement for a CSPRNG is that an adversary not
knowing the seed has only negligible advantage in
distinguishing the generator's output sequence from a
random sequence.
Random Number Generation
Key Point:
●Given a sequence of values from the
CSRNG, cannot guess the next value!
● Symmetric / Private Key cryptography
● Asymmetric / Public Key cryptography
● Hash functions
● Cryptographically suitable pseudorandom number generation
● Putting it all together
● Advanced Topics
● Private information retrieval
Ensuring Integrity+Authentication
through Digital Signatures
●Message Integrity
○ Detect if message is tampered with while in the transit
●Source/Sender Authentication
○ No forgery possible
○ If I sign something, I can not deny later
○ A trusted third party (court) can resolve dispute
Public Key Signatures
●Signer has public key, private key pair
●Signer signs using its private key
●Verifier verifies using public key of the signer
RSA Signatures
●Key Generation: same as in encryption
●Sign(m, kpriv): s = m
d mod N
○"Encrypt" with a private key
●Verify(m, s, kpub): (s
e == m mod N)
○Conceptually, just decrypt / compare
●The above text-book version is insecure
● In practice, we use a randomized version of RSA
○ Hash the message and then sign the hash
Simplified Digital Signature Example
●Alice wants to send a message M to Bob.
●Alice will compute the secure hash of M
○ hash(M) -> h
●Alice encrypts this hash with her private key
○ sign(h, Apriv) -> s
●Alice sends M and s to Bob
●Bob computes the secure hash of M
○ hash(M) -> h
●Bob verifies the signature
○ verify(M, s, Apub)
■ assert dec(s, Apub) == h
Further reading: MAC / HMAC
●Developed as part of IPSEC - RFC 2104. Also
used in SSL etc.
●Key based hash but almost as fast as non-key
based hash functions.
●Avoids export restrictions unlike DES based MAC.
●Provable security
●Can be used with different hash functions like
SHA-1,MD5, etc.
Digital Signatures Summary
●Uses the constructs before
●Sign(m, kpriv): s = m
d mod N
○"Encrypt" with a private key
●Verify(m, s, kpub): (s
e == m mod N)
○Conceptually, just decrypt / compare
●Provides non-repudiation, integrity
● Symmetric / Private Key cryptography
● Asymmetric / Public Key cryptography
● Hash functions
● Cryptographically suitable pseudorandom number generation
● Putting it all together
● Advanced Topics
● Private information retrieval
Classic cryptography
● Encryption algorithm is known
○ keys are kept secret
● Breaking the system is hard due to large number of
possible keys
● For a key 256 bits long there are 2256 = 1076 keys to
check for brute force.
Elements of the Quantum Theory
● Light waves are propagated as discrete quanta
called photons.
● They are massless and have energy, and angular
momentum called spin (diagonal, vertical and
● Spin carries the polarization.
● If on its way we put a polarization filter a photon
may pass through it or may not.
● We can use a detector to check of a photon has
passed through a filter.
Photon polarization
Binary Information
● Each photon carries one qubit of information
● Polarization can be used to represent a 0 or 1.
● In quantum computation this is called qubit.
● To determine photon’s polarization the recipient
must measure the polarization by passing it
through a filter.
Binary Information
● A user can suggest a key by sending a stream of
randomly polarized photons.
● This sequence can be converted to a binary key.
● If the key was intercepted it could be discarded
and a new stream of randomly polarized photons
Main Contribution
● Unconditionally secure key distribution method
proposed by: Charles Bennett and Gilles Brassard in
● The method is called BB84.
● Once a key is securely received it can be used to
encrypt messages transmitted by conventional
Quantum key distribution (QKD)
(a) Alice communicates with Bob via a quantum
channel sending him photons.
(b) Then they discuss results using a public
(c) After getting an encryption key Bob can encrypt
his messages and send them by any public
Example of key distribution
Security of quantum key distribution
● Quantum cryptography obtains its fundamental
security from the fact that each qubit is carried by a
single photon, and each photon will be altered as
soon as it is read. This makes impossible to
intercept message without being detected.
● Since physics is used to create the key, there's little
chance it can be cracked using mathematics.
Read more here:
Another Emerging Topic:
Homomorphic Encryption
● Allows specific types of operations Op on ciphertext
and obtain an encrypted result which decrypted
matches the result of operations performed on the
plaintext P:
○ Op(P) = D(Op’(E(P)))
● With AND and XOR we can represent any operation
● In RSA, multiplication is accidentally a
Homomorphic Encryption
Application - Cloud:
○ Encrypt my data before sending to the cloud
○ While still allowing the cloud to search/sort/edit/…
this data on my behalf
○ Keeping the data in the cloud in encrypted form
○ Without needing to ship it back and forth to be
○ Encrypt my queries to the cloud
○ While still allowing the cloud to process them
○ Cloud returns encrypted answers - that I can decrypt
● Symmetric / Private Key cryptography
● Asymmetric / Public Key cryptography
● Hash functions
● Cryptographically suitable pseudorandom number generation
● Putting it all together
● Advanced Topics
● Private information retrieval
Private Information Retrieval: Motivation
Are Mirrors Trustworthy?
● No.
● We set up a fake administrator / company and rented
● We registered as an official mirror for five of the most
popular distributions
● All five accepted our registration and started forwarding
clients, including banks and government / military
● We could have rooted essentially all machines that
contacted our mirror.
[Cappos CCS 08]
Goal - Hide What Is Retrieved
Retrieve one piece of content out of a "database" without
disclosing which piece is retrieved.
- Give me one of ~1K security updates
- Give me info from WebMD without disclosing which
- Tell me about a stock, but don't know what I'm looking at
- Give me a news article, but don't disclose whether I'm
reading NY Times, Huffington Post, Fox News, etc.
Is this possible?
Trivial solution:
Download the entire database
How much data is there?
Is this possible?
Trivial solution:
Download the entire database
Typical Software Update
Let's be more efficient
Overall performance
Limitations of XOR scheme
● Require non-colluding mirrors.
What about a snooping access point / ISP?
Encrypt connections to mirrors
How can we find / quantify diverse mirrors?
● What if a mirror provides bogus data?
● What can be done to speed up this process?
Is it useful to do so?
● How should files be organized into blocks?
What are the privacy / performance tradeoffs?
These are just examples. Think of your own too!
● http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_key_infrastructure
● http://www.openca.org/
● http://web.securityinnovation.com/blog/bid/61466/How-Threat-M

● https://media.torproject.org/video/tor-internet-days-2010.mp4