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Module 1 & 2 Introduction to Accounting
1) Service business 服务业
▪ A business that performs services or activities that benefit individuals or business customers.
E.g. Hair fashion/Qantas Airlines/professional practices (such as those in accounting, law, architecture
and medicine)
2) Merchandising businesses 商品企业/买卖业
▪ A business that purchases goods (sometimes referred to as merchandise or products) for resale to
its customers.
o Wholesalers 批发商: Wholesalers primarily sell their goods to retailers or other commercial users.
E.g. beverage distributors (饮料经销商)
o Retailers 零售商: Retailers sell their goods directly to the final customer or consumer.
E.g. Convenience store/shoe shops/furniture outlets
3) Manufacturing businesses 制造业
▪ A business that makes its products and then sells these products to its customers.
Three forms of business organisations (商业组织的形式)***


Sole proprietorship独资 Partnership合伙制 Company公司
Total undivided authority
Pooling in different resources of
Separate legal existence
No restrictions on type of
business - must be legal
More brain power, consultation
Limited liability of shareholders
Easy to set up Simple to form Perpetual life
Unlimited liability
Unlimited personal liability for
general partners
Separation of ownership and
Limitation on size – fundraising
power 融资能力
Partnership agreement(合伙契
约); highly recommended to
overcome possible future
Extensive government regulation

2.1 Accounting systems and reporting
1. Accounting System定义
Process used to identify, measure, record and retain information (识别、测量、记录和保留信息) about
business’s activities so that the business can prepare its financial statements.
2.Management accounting information管理会计信息
• helps managers (internal users/inside the business) to plan, operate and evaluate a business’s
• managers can request ‘tailor-made’ information (量身定制的信息), such as in dollars, units, hours
worked, products manufactured, numbers of defective units(有缺陷的数量) or service agreements
signed (已签署的服务协议).
• managers must manage this information more efficiently and effectively (更高效有效)
3. Financial accounting information财务会计信息
• External users (outside the business) analyse the business’s financial reports
• follow specific guidelines/rules→generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP)公认会计准则

• expressed in dollars in Australia, New Zealand and the United States, and in different currencies (e.g.
the yen, euro and peso) in other countries
4. Management activities管理活动
• Planning定义 Management activity that establishes a business’s goals and the means of achieving
these goals.
• Operating定义 Management activity that enables a business to conduct(开展业务) its business
according to its plan.
• Evaluating定义 Management activity that measures a business’s actual operations and progress
against standards or benchmarks.
5. Accounting support for management activities 会计给管理活动带来的帮助
• Budgeting 预算(对应 Planning): Process of quantifying (量化) managers’ plans and showing the
impact of these
• Cost analysis 成本分析(对应 Operating): Process of determining and evaluating the costs of specific
products or activities of a business.
• Cost reports for products/services 产品或服务的成本报告(对应 Evaluating)
6. Basic financial statements 三大基本财务报表 (见Module8-10)
7. Ethics & Sustainability (见Module 12)

Module 3 Developing a Business Plan- Cost Volume Profit Analysis


Module 4 Developing a Business Plan- Budgeting
Sales budget & schedule of cash collection

Purchase budget & schedule of cash disbursement

Budgeted unit sales + desired ending inventory – beginning inventory = budgeted purchases
Beginning inventory = previous month’s ending inventory
Beginning inventory of Jan = Beginning inventory of the quarter
Ending inventory of March = Ending inventory of the quarter
另一种情况:keep each month’s ending inventory to a minimum without letting it fall below 10000 units

Module 6 Introduction to accounting concepts and applications
Basic Concepts and Terms*****
Entity Concept
▪ This concept states that an entity is considered to be separate from its owners and from any other

▪ Each business is an entity and has its own accounting system and records.
Source Documents
▪ Source documents are records used as evidence that a transaction has occurred, including: sales
receipt, invoice or bill from a supplier
▪ printout from an EFT machine, payroll timesheet
▪ log of kilometres driven in business' delivery truck
▪ invoice or bill sent to a customer
Monetary Unit Concept
▪ This concept states that the source documents for transactions show the value of the exchange in
terms of money.
▪ The monetary unit used depends on the national currency of the country in which the business
▪ A business transaction is an exchange of property or service with another entity.
▪ Each transaction a business engages in must be recorded, based on information from source
Historical Cost Concept
▪ This concept states that a business records its transactions based on the amount exchanged at the time
the transaction occurred.
Accounting Period - Timespan for which a business reports its revenues and expenses. (注意没有具体的规
Matching principle - To determine its net income for an accounting period, a business computes and deducts
the total expenses from the total revenues earned during the period. (Net income = Revenues-expenses)
Going Concern - An assumption that an entity is able to continue as a viable entity for the foreseeable future.
Accrual Accounting - Recording revenues and related expense transactions in the same accounting period
that goods or services are provided, regardless of when cash is received or paid.
Depreciation - The systematic periodic transfer of the cost of a fixed asset to an expense account during its
expected useful life.

The Double-Entry System and Dual Effect of Transactions***


End of period adjustment


Module 7 Internal Control:Managing and reporting working capital
1. Working capital 营运资金
→ working capital = current assets − current liability
→ working capital should be enough to cover day to day operating activities
2. Important working capital items include:
• Cash—most liquid (最具流动性的)/Accounts receivable/Inventory/Accounts payable
Bank Reconciliation银行余额调节表/银行对账单*****
1. 定义:Schedule used to analyse the difference between the ending cash balance in a business’s
accounting records and the ending cash balance reported by the bank on the business’s bank
2. Causes of differences in the cash balance may include:
1) Deposits in transit 在途存款 (企业已经入账,但银行尚未记入)
2) Outstanding or pending payments 未付或待付款项 (企业已付款,但银行尚未办理扣款)
(1)&(2) 调整 bank balance
3) Direct deposits 直接存款
Many bank accounts earn interest on the balance in the account.
4) Direct charges 直接收费 (银行直接从账户扣走某些费用)
NSF (not sufficient fund). 资金不足
(3)&(4)调整 company cash balance
5) Errors 人为失误 (取决于哪一方多计或少记)


Internal controls
1. cash
1) Controls over cash receipts
o Cash sales
1) proper use of a cash register 正确使用收银机
2) Confirming the identity of customers paying by cheque (accepted and used rarely these
3) matching the total of the amounts collected (cash plus credit card sales) against the total
of the cash register tape/POS (point of sales) system at the end of each employee’s shift
and report any difference between the two totals to a supervisor.
将收集的金额总额(现金加信用卡销售)与每个员工轮班结束时的收银机磁带/POS 机系统的总

o Cash from accounts receivable (#separation of duties)
1) Separation of duties 职责分离/segregation of duties
The person collecting the cash should not be the same person that is recording or depositing
the cash. (收现金的人不应是记录或存入现金的同一个人)
→ prevents an employee from stealing undeposited amounts of cash and covering up the
theft by making a fictitious entry in the accounting records. 防止雇员偷窃未存入的现金数额,
2) List details 记录交易细节
Details of cash received, when it was received and from who.
Review of documentation may help the business discover that its employee is stealing money.
3) Endorsement 签注
Employees should ensure each incoming amount is registered at the cash register.

o Additional procedure to safeguard cash receipts
1) Keeping a substantial amount of cash at the business overnight is taking an unnecessary
risk of theft. By depositing all cash receipts on a daily basis, the business does not leave
cash unattended overnight. 将大量现金存放过夜会冒不必要的盗窃风险
2) The bank’s deposit records show the business’s cash receipts for each day. When the
business receives its monthly bank statement, it can check the daily bank deposits listed
in the bank statement against its ‘Cash’ account to determine that it deposited all its
recorded cash receipts in the bank and that it properly recorded all bank deposits in its
‘Cash’ account.每个月可以将银行存款记录和公司的“现金”账户进行对账→Reconciliation
2) Controls over cash payment
a. basic rule: all payments authorized 所有付款都要授权
b. the business should pay only for approved purchases that are supported by proper documents.
c. immediately after payment, the owner should stamp ‘Paid’ on the supporting documents, along

with the date paid and the receipt number. →防止多次付款 (duplicate payment)

2. Accounts receivable
• Simple internal controls over accounts receivable
• Determining that a customer is likely to pay 确定客户付款的可能性
o Credit application 信用申请
1.the name of the applicant’s employer and the applicant’s income;
2.the name of the applicant’s bank, her/his bank account numbers, and the balances
in his/her accounts;
3. a list of assets;
4. credit card account numbers and amounts owed;
5. a list of other debts.
• Monitoring the accounts receivable balances of its customers 监管客户的应收帐款余额
‘2/10, net 30’→2% cash discount will be granted if they make payment within 10 days
if they do not make payment, then the full amount is due in 30 days
• Monitoring its total accounts receivable balance. 监管其余应收帐款余额总额
o If balance ↑, result from creditworthy customers? Or slowdown in cash collection?
3. Accounts payable
▪ Simple controls over accounts payable
• Establishing control over who can obligate the business 建立对谁可以承担业务责任的控制
A business should limit the number of employees who have the authority to make business
• Establishing controls over payments 建立对付款的控制
A business monitors the timeliness of its payments by having an employee keep track of the
credit terms of each account payable.
• Monitoring the total amount of accounts payable. 监管应付账款总额
If balance ↑, result from increases in inventory? Or cash flow problems?
4. Inventory
• Simple inventory controls
• Controlling the ordering and acceptance of inventory deliveries
A purchase order is a document authorising a supplier to ship the items listed on the
document at a specific price.
• Establishing physical controls over inventory while the inventory is being held for sale
• Periodically taking a physical count of its inventory to ensure accurate inventory records.


Module8 The Income statement
1. Revenue 收入
1) Revenue is recognised at the point of sale or delivery of a service.
▪ Ending balance of sales revenue account
=initial (beginning) sales revenue – sales returns and allowances – discounts
=net sales
▪ Revenues from other sources
Commissions, interest on investments, gain on the sale of assets.
2. Expenses 支出
1) Expenses are outflow that are recognized when the cost incurred can be measured reliably.
Most expenses result from the production or delivery of goods and/or services during the
accounting period.
2) Most common expense accounts:
▪ Cost of goods sold (COGS)销货成本:Major expense of a retail business consisting of the cost of
the goods (merchandise) that it sells during the accounting period
o Perpetual inventory system: keeps a continuous record of the cost of inventory on hand and
the cost of inventory sold.
o Periodic inventory system: System that does not keep a continuous record of the inventory
on hand and sold, but determines the inventory at the end of each accounting period by
physically counting it.

Gross profit 毛利 = Net sales - cost of goods sold

Operating expenses 营运费用: day to day operation
▪ Selling expenses 销售费用: sales activities
e.g., advertising expense/transport cost
▪ General and administrative expenses 一般和管理费用: general management
e.g., Office salaries expense/office supplies expense/insurance expense
▪ Financial expenses 财务费用: financing of the business
e.g., Bank charges/interest expense

3. Temporary VS permanent account
• Temporary account 临时性账户: A business uses these revenue and expense accounts for only one
accounting period to record the effects of its transactions on its net income
• Permanent account 永久性账户: asset, liability and owner’s capital accounts are called permanent
accounts because they are used for the life of the business to record the effects of its transactions
on its balance sheet.
• Closing temporary accounts 关闭临时账户
--Accounts used for one accounting period to record the effects of a business’s transactions on its net
income (revenues and expenses)


Module 9 Balance Sheet
The accounting equation and the balance sheet******
1. The accounting equation
Assets = Liabilities + Owner’s Equity
2. Assets资产
A business’s economic resources that it expects will provide future benefits to the business
1) Current assets 流动资产
Cash and other assets that a business expects to convert into cash, sell or use up within one year
▪ Cash
▪ Receivables (accounts receivable 应收账款[客户欠的]/notes receivable and related
interest 应收票据以及相应的利息)
▪ Inventory 存货
▪ Prepaid items 预付款项 (rent/insurance/office supplies/shop suppliers) used up
within one year
▪ Marketable securities 有价证券 (temporary investments or short-term
investments) are items such as government bonds and capital stock of companies in
which the business has temporarily invested (and which the business expects to sell
within a year).
2) Non-current assets非流动资产
▪ Property and equipment (可以叫做 fixed asset 或 operating asset,这是一个大
类,其中包括 land/buildings/equipment/furniture)
o Land is listed on the balance sheet at its original cost. 土地不计入折旧
o The remaining fixed assets are listed at their book values.
o Carrying amount/book value 账面价值
= original cost – accumulated depreciation(累计折旧)
▪ Financial assets (notes receivable/government bond/share capital/other securities)
Sometimes called non-current marketable securities
3. Liabilities负债
Economic obligations (debts) of a business.
1) Current liability流动负债: Obligations that a business expects to pay within one year by
using current assets
▪ Accounts payable 应付账款(amounts owed to suppliers)
▪ Salaries payable应付工资 (amounts owed to employees)
▪ ***Unearned revenues 预收收入: advance collections from customers for the
future delivery of goods or the future performance of services 提前从消费者那边收
费, 在将来提供产品或服务
▪ Short-term notes/short-term loans payable短期借款
▪ Provisions 准备金 (liabilities of uncertain timing or amount) e.g. Provision for bad
debts 坏账准备金
2) Non-current liability 非流动负债
▪ Long-term note payable 长期应付票据

▪ Loans payable 应付账款
▪ Bonds payable 应付债券
▪ Mortgage payable 应付按揭贷款
4. Owner’s Equity所有者权益
 Owner’s current investment in the assets of a business
 For a sole proprietorship(独资企业)→single accounts→ Sunny, capital. $2000
 For a partnership and company/corporation
#Shareholder’s equity
▪ Contributed capital
▪ Retained earnings 留存收益

Module10 The Cash Flow Statement (CFS)
Preparing the cash flow statement*****(此部分的重点是掌握分类)
Operating Activities经营活动
1) 什么是 operating activity?
▪ Operating activities show the cash flows associated with the business's day-to-day activities or
principal revenue-generating activities.
▪ Operating activities represent net inflows from operations, and only cash received and paid.
Expenses and revenue on an accrual basis are not included!!!.
▪ It reflects how much cash is generated from a company's products or services:
 The primary activities of buying inventory or materials 采购存货或材料的支付
 Selling and delivering goods for sale
 Interest payments 利息的支付
 Income tax payments 收入税的支付
 Payments made to suppliers of goods and services used in production 支付给供应商的
 Salary and wage payments to employees 员工工资的支付
 Rent payments 租金
 Providing services 提供服务
 Administrative activities 行政管理活动

2) 常考的款项
▪ Cash collected from customers:On the cash flow statement, only cash that has been collected
from customers during the reporting period is shown.
▪ 两种计算方法:
A. Adding up all the cash flows manually 手动加总所有的现金收入
B. formula method:Cash collected from customers = Sales revenue + decrease/- increase in
Accounts Receivable.
▪ Payments to suppliers: 这部分老师明确说明不需要掌握计算,考试会直接给数字。


▪ Payments to employees: Payments to employees can be calculated by adding the payments for
the period.
Cash payments to employees = salaries expense + decrease/- increase in salaries payable
Investing Activities投资活动
▪ Any changes in equipment, assets, or investments relate to cash from investing activities.
▪ Examples:
o Lending money 借钱
o Collecting on the loans 对贷款的催收
o Acquisition and disposal of long-term assets 长期资产的购买和处置
o Investing in other companies 投资其他公司
o Buying and selling property and equipment. 买卖 PPE
Financing Activities融资/财务活动
• Movements in equity and non-current liabilities 股权和非流动负债的变动
• Obtaining capital from the owner 从所有者那获得的资金(owner 投入的资金)
• Providing the owner with a return on their investment 给所有者提供投资回报(付分红)
• Obtaining capital from creditors 从债权人(银行)那里获得资金
• Repaying the amounts borrowed 偿还借款

Ratio calculation and evaluation
Operating capability

A higher inventory turnover or lower
average days in inventory suggests that
management is reducing the amount of
inventory on hand, relative to sales Days in


Number of times on average receivables
are collected and times converted to days

Liquidity Ratios

A positive working capital indicates that
current assets are available to meet
current liabilities.
current ratio

A current ratio above 1:1 means current
assets exceed
liabilities — a higher current ratio
indicates a higher level of liquidity. Ratio

should be compared with others in the
same industry.
quick ratio
− −

The quick ratio focuses on assets that are
quickly converted into cash. A higher
quick ratio indicates a higher level of
short-term liquidity. The ratio should be
compared with the others in the same
Solvency Ratios / financial flexibility
debt ratio

This ratio indicates the extent to which
the entity’s assets are financed by
creditors. A low debt to total assets ratio
is preferable.
Return on
total assets

indicates whether a business is using its
assets effectively
Return on

shows the business’ return to the owner
Gross profit

Higher rate suggests the average margin
between selling price and inventory cost
is increasing. Too high a margin may
result in lost sales.
Profit margin

If the profit margin is higher than that of
other business' or previous years
calculations, then this is an indication
that the business is doing well in
controlling its expenses. If expenses are
controlled then profit should be
maximised and the return to investors
should be favourable.
cash flow
Net cash flow provided by operating
activities/Net sales
It measures a company's profitability and
efficiency and its earnings ability. The
higher the ratio, the more cash is
available from sales.
Cash return
on total assets
(Net cash flow provided by operating activities
+ interest paid) / average total assets
used by management to estimate when
cash and how much cash will be
available for future operations.
Cash return
on owner’s
Net cash flow provided by operating activities /
average owner’s equity
This ratio measures how much net cash
from operating activities a business
generates for each dollar of owner's


Discuss how all the financial statements are related to each other.
1. 损益表中的净收益→资产负债表中的留存收益
The net income figure in the income statement is added to the retained earnings in the balance sheet, which
alters the amount of equity listed on the balance sheet.
2. 有些项目同时出现在现金流量表和资产负债表中
Changes in various line items in the balance sheet also appear in the statement of cash flows. For example, an
increase in the outstanding amount of a loan appears in both the liabilities section of the balance sheet (as an
ongoing balance) and in the cash flows from financing activities section of the CFS (in the smount of change)
3. BS 中的期末现金余额→现金流量表
The ending cash balance in the BS also appears in the statement of cash flows.
▪ A business’s beginning cash balance is the amount of cash listed on its balance sheet at the end of the
last accounting period (which is also the balance sheet for the beginning of the current period).
▪ A business’s ending cash balance is the amount of cash listed on its balance sheet at the end of the
current accounting period.
The purchase, sale or other disposition of assets appears on both the BS (as a change in NCA) and the income
statement (as a gain or loss) and any cash paid or received appears in the investing section of the CFS.

Module 11 Short-term Planning Decisions

▪ Relevant costs(相关成本) are future costs that are relevant to a particular option. Relevant costs will
change for each alternative. Some costs can be avoided by a particular decision or eliminated
depending on the option.
▪ Relevant revenues(相关收入) are future revenues that are relevant to a particular option. They will
also vary between alternatives.

▪ Historical cost(历史成本) and sunk costs(沉没成本,指以往发生的,但与当前决策无关的费用)
are considered irrelevant and should be omitted from the analysis.
▪ Incremental cots增量成本
Are cost increases resulting from a higher volume of activity or from the performance of an
additional activity.
Eg. 增加一条生产线
▪ Avoidable costs可避免成本
Costs that must be incurred to perform an activity at a given level, but that can be avoided if that
activity is reduced or discontinued
#NOTE: Unavoidable costs, 即使某个产品线下架,但仍然会遭受的成本
一般 total fixed costs 里包含 avoidable costs 和 unavoidable costs
▪ Opportunity costs 机会成本
Profits that a business forgoes by following a particular course of action.

Other short-term decisions
1. Deciding whether to drop a product?
Management may decide to drop a product for several reasons:
• Changing technology and competition
• It is becoming obsolete
• It has a poor safety record
• It is no longer profitable
• New information indicates the product may harm the environment
• Customers' interest has decreased
2. Deciding whether to make or buy a part
– In a make-or-buy decision, a manager must decide whether to continue to make a component part of a
product or purchase the part externally. 是继续制作产品的组件还是从外部购买该部件?
– The decision to make or buy a part involves an analysis of the relevant costs for each alternative.
– Reasons to make parts may include:
Obtaining a short-term cost advantage 短期成本优势
Quality and supplier reliability.质量和供应商的可靠性
– However, these decisions could impact relationships with established suppliers or the quality of a part or

3. Deciding whether to sell a product or process it further.
– When deciding whether to sell a product 'as is' or to use it as a direct material, considerations include:
• The difference in business profits between the two alternatives 两种选择之间的商业利润差值
• The impact of the alternatives on consumer behaviour 对消费者的行为影响
• The impact on the environment 对环境的影响
• Availability of skilled employees 能否招到有技能的员工
• Ability to continue to employ staff who do not have the skills needed 能否继续雇佣不具备所需技能的员

Module 12 Trend and Issues in Accounting
12.2 Ethics, Corporate Governance and Audits
1. Ethics in Accounting
▪ Accounting Professional and Ethical Standards Board (APESB).会计职业道德标准委员会
▪ Members of the professional accounting bodies in Australia are required to comply with a code of ethics. They
are expected to act with:Integrity 正直/Objectivity 客观性/Professional competence 专业技能/Due care 应
尽的责任心/Maintain client confidentiality 维护客户机密/Act in a professional manner.
2. Corporate Governance 公司治理
▪ Corporate governance is the framework of rules, regulations, and practices by which a company operates. The
primary focus is to ensure compliance with the law, accountability, fairness, and transparency in a company’s
relationship with all major stakeholders.

▪ Three main groups responsible for corporate governance
1) Shareholders 股东– who provide start-up capital and are charged with approving all major financial
decisions and transactions
2) Board of Directors 董事会 – who are elected by the shareholders to oversee the strategic
management of the company
3) Senior leadership 高级领导 – who are responsible for the day-to-day operations of the company
▪ Why is corporate governance important?
Corporate governance is intended to protect the rights of shareholders, enhance the disclosures provided
by the business to increase transparency of the business operations, enable the Board of Directors to
function effectively and compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements.

▪ Accounting and corporate governance
The role of accountants and accounting in corporate governance includes:
• Providing disclosure of the financial status, performance, and ownership to the public. By providing this
information, accounting increases the transparency of a business.
• Planning growth and operational strategies, such as where to invest, when to invest, and how much to invest.
Not only can this lead to increased profitability but also positively impact the stakeholders
• Through the careful preparation of financial statements and the disclosure of useful information, accounting
can ensure that management and the board of directors are held accountable (responsible) for the decisions they
• 通过仔细编制财务报表和披露有用信息,会计可以确保管理层和董事会对其做出的决定负责。
3. The role of audits and auditors
The role of an auditor is to give a professional and independent view of a business' financial statements. The
audit of a business' financial report can ensure greater accountability to users and provide an assurance to
them that all funds received by the organisation have been reported correctly.

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