Python/MATLAB代写-CSE 251A
CSE 251A: Machine learning Winter 2021
Programming project 1 — Prototype selection for nearest neighbor
One way to speed up nearest neighbor classification is to replace the training set by a carefully chosen
subset of “prototypes”.
Think of a good strategy for choosing prototypes from the training set, bearing in mind that the ultimate
goal is good classification performance. Assume that 1-NN will be used.
Then implement your algorithm, and test it on the MNIST dataset, available at:
On the due date, upload (to gradescope) a typewritten report containing the following elements (each
labeled clearly).
1. A short, high-level description of your idea for prototype selection.
A few sentences should suffice. These should be crystal clear: they should communicate the key idea
to the reader.
2. Concise and unambiguous pseudocode.
(Please do not submit any actual code.) Once again, clarity and conciseness are of the essence. Your
scheme should take as input a labeled training set as well as a number M , and should return a subset
of the training set of size M .
3. Experimental results.
A (clearly labeled) table or graph of results showing classification performance on MNIST for a few
values of M , including at the very least M = 10000, 5000, 1000. In each case, you should compare the
performance to that of uniform-random selection (that is, picking M of the training points at random).
For any strategy with randomness, you should do several experiments and give error bars – give all
relevant details, including the formulas you used for computing confidence intervals.
The pseudocode and experimental details must contain all information needed to reproduce the results.
4. Critical evaluation.
Is your method a clear improvement over random selection? Is there further scope for improvement?
What would you like to try next?
