visual studio代写-AY2020/2021
AY2020/2021 OCT

Software Cluster
Coding and Development Project (CDEV) &
Database Application Development (DBAV)
Project Specification


The purpose of this assignment is to understand and apply the knowledge of website
development to develop a working web application that stores and retrieve data to/from a
database server. The theme of the project is Restaurant Review and should contain the
following basic features:

1. User Registration

You will create a registration page with validation that prompts the user to enter at least the
following information:
 Userid (for logging in)
 Password (for logging in)
 First name and last name
 Gender
 Address
 Mobile Number
 Email Address

When the user clicks on the “Register” button, the information entered by the user will be
stored into the database.

Recommended Advanced Features

 Registered users can log into their accounts to update their user information (e.g.
password, address, mobile number)
 Users can choose to upload a profile picture for their account
 Users can choose to delete or deactivate their account

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2. User Login

You will create a page for users to login into the website. The website will prompt for the
user to key in the following information to login:
 Userid
 Password

When user clicks on the Login button, the userid and password submitted by the user are
checked against the database. If the userid and password are found in the database, the login
is successful. Otherwise, the system will display an error message “Login is not successful,
please try again.”.

Recommended Advanced Features

 Users can also choose to Facebook login into the website
 Allow users to click on a “Forgot password” link and send an email to the user’s
email address with a link for user to reset the password
 Upon a session login, display user’s userid on top of the page (e.g. “Welcome, John!”)

3. Display List of Restaurants

Create a main page that displays all the restaurants from the database. The following
restaurant information should be displayed:
 Restaurant name
 Picture of the restaurant
 A hyperlink or modal that displays more information of the restaurant (e.g. reviews,
address, map, opening hours, telephone number)

Recommended Advanced Features

 Sort and categorize the restaurants (e.g. western food, Chinese food, Halal food, fine
dining, fast food)
 Users can search for restaurants by typing the restaurant name in a search bar

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4. Restaurant Reviews

Display the reviews of the selected restaurant in a new page or modal when user clicks on
the “Reviews” hyperlink. The following restaurant review information should be displayed:

 Userid of the user who left the review
 Contents of the review
 Timestamp when the review was posted
 Rating of the restaurant

Users should also be able to write/edit/delete reviews.

Recommended Advanced Features

 Users are only able to edit or delete the reviews posted by them
 Users must be logged in before they can write/edit/delete reviews

In addition to the above basic features, you are also required to include at least ONE
advanced feature for the website (refer to Part 4).

This project consists of five parts:
1. Part 1 is to produce a proposal for your website user interface and develop a low
fidelity prototype and a site navigation map.
2. Part 2 is to produce a database design for the data that will be stored into the
database server.
3. Part 3 is to develop the SQL and web API to integrate the database with the web
4. Part 4 is to develop the website with GUI, screen interactivity, and database
5. Part 5 is to present your work in PowerPoint slides and submit the completed Web

* You are free to implement other advanced features that are not listed above, discuss with your tutor
if the advanced features that you want to implement are relevant and feasible for your project.

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a) This is an individual project.

b) You are to propose, design, develop, test and implement a web application using only
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js and MySQL. You need only to submit one integrated
web application with suitable user interface that enhances the user experience.

c) You are free to be as creative as you can but do ensure that you can complete the web
application within the specified timeframe. However, as a MINIMUM requirement,
your application MUST apply the knowledge that you have learnt in the studio sessions
(see marking criteria in the sections below on how you will be graded) with at least ONE
additional feature.

d) You are not allowed to use full website templates that are available on the internet.
Substantial marks will be deducted if you are discovered doing so.

e) No additional marks will be given to functions/features that are hardcoded.

Part 1 (CDEV - 20%)
You are to produce a proposal and develop a prototype for your web application.

The delivery for this part of the project includes the following UXID components:
a) Report
- Site Navigation Map
- Write up of web application’s functionalities
b) Web application prototype (i.e. Adobe XD) and Presentation

You will also be required to do a stand-up presentation of your prototype to your tutor. This
part of the project constitutes 20% of the grade for the Coding and Development Project
subject. The grading criteria for Part 1 (CDEV) will be based on the following:

Grade Criteria
A Delivered all the required items. All of the proposed functionalities are
shown in the prototype with an efficient flow. Prototype is complete with
intuitive navigation. Prototype is developed according to what was
stipulated in the site navigation map. Proposed functionalities are
comprehensive and well thought out.

B Delivered all the required items. All of the proposed functionalities are
shown in the prototype. Prototype is complete according to what was
stipulated in the site navigation map. Proposed functionalities are clear
and well thought out.

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C Delivered all the required items. Most of the proposed functionalities are
shown in the prototype. Prototype is somewhat complete according to
what was stipulated in the site navigation map. Proposed functionalities
are complete and relevant.

D Partially delivered all the required items. Some of the proposed
functionalities are shown in the prototype. Prototype has incomplete
screens and has little reference to the site navigation map. Proposed
functionalities are ambiguous and lacks details.

F Non-submission of all the required items.

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Part 2 (DBAV - 40%)

Part 2 of the project consists of the following components on Database Design:
a) Data Dictionary (20%)
b) Entity Relationship (ER) Diagram (20%)

The grading criteria will be based on the following:

Grade Criteria
A Extensive Data Dictionary that contains appropriate data items and all
relevant details of each data item.
Extensive ER Diagram that contains appropriate tables and constraints
used. All data items in the Data Dictionary are reflected in the tables.

B Data Dictionary that contains appropriate data items and correct details of
most of the data items.
ER Diagram that contains most correct tables and constraints used. All data
items in the Data Dictionary are reflected in the tables.

C Partial Data Dictionary that contains some appropriate data items and some
correct details of each data item.
Partial ER Diagram that contains some correct tables and constraints used.
Some data items in the Data Dictionary are reflected in the tables.

D Limited Data Dictionary that contains few appropriate data items and few
or no correct details of each data item.
Sparse ER Diagram that contains few correct tables and constraints used.
Few data items in the Data Dictionary are reflected in the tables.

F Incorrect or incomplete or no data and details in Data Dictionary.
ER Diagram that consists of incorrect tables and constraints used. Few or no
data items in the Data Dictionary are reflected in the tables.
Non-submission of Data Dictionary or ER Diagram or both.

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Part 3 (DBAV - 60%)

Part 3 of the project consists of the following DBAV components:
 Demonstrate API implementations of all SQL queries for all CRUD operations using
Postman. There should be at least one SQL query each for Create, Update, Retrieve,
and Delete operations. SQL codes for all CRUD operations to be submitted in MS
Word document via LMS.

The grading criteria will be based on the following:

Grade Criteria
A Efficient SQL implementation for ALL CRUD operations, including use of
complex SQL queries.

B Efficient SQL implementation for all CRUD operations, including use of
advanced SQL queries.

C Correct SQL implementation for all CRUD operations.

D Partially correct SQL implementation for all CRUD operations.

F Incorrect SQL codes.
Implementation failed to function.
Non-submission of Part 3.

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Part 4 (CDEV - 50%)

Part 4 of the project consists of the following CDEV components:
a) Basic features of the Restaurant Review Website – 20%
b) GUI with enhanced interactivity of the website and additional features of the
Restaurant Review Website – 30%

The grading criteria of Part 4a will be based on the following:

Grade Criteria
A Minimum App – Implementation of Web App based on all of the
basic features listed in all of the following:
1 - User Registration
2 - User Login
3 - Display List of Restaurant
4 - Restaurant Reviews
B Minimum App – Implementation of Web App based on all of the
basic features listed in at least 3 of the following:
1 - User Registration
2 - User Login
3 - Display List of Restaurant
4 - Restaurant Reviews
C Minimum App – Implementation of Web App based on all of the
basic features listed in at least 2 of the following:
1 - User Registration
2 - User Login
3 - Display List of Restaurant
4 - Restaurant Reviews
D Minimum App – Implementation of Web App based on all of the
basic features listed in at least 1 of the following:
1 - User Registration
2 - User Login
3 - Display List of Restaurant
4 - Restaurant Reviews
F Non-functional App with major bugs and runs a high possibility of
runtime Error

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The grading criteria of Part 4b will be based on the following:

Grade Criteria
A Multiple advance features that are robust and fully tested. Web site is also
professionally designed.

Screen Layouts that is based on the wireframes diagram with full working
navigation and enhanced interactivity.

B Multiple advanced features. Website is also well designed.

Screen Layouts that is based on the wireframes diagram with full working

C At least ONE advanced feature. Website design adheres to UXID principles.

Screen Layouts that is based on the wireframes diagram with partial
working navigation.

D At least ONE advanced feature, with minimum broken links to

Screen Layouts that is based on the wireframes diagram with little or no

F Incomplete or broken Screen Layouts that does not comply with
wireframes. No additional feature.

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Part 5 (CDEV - 30%)

Part 5 of the project consists of a presentation with demonstration of the final application;
and submission of Self-Directed Learning (SDL) report with the implementation of at
least ONE advanced feature, and the source codes of the final application.

PowerPoint Presentation Slides

You are required to submit in the LMS your project PowerPoint presentation slides (to be
submitted in Week 16) that includes but is not limited to the following information:-

Project details
 Name and matriculation number
 Class
 Application Name
 Application Icon
 Application Description: Briefly describe your concept in terms of how end user
uses the application.

 What difficulties did you encounter in developing the application and how did you
go about resolving them?
 Did you seek help from anyone? If yes, state what kind of help they have offered you.
 What grade do you expect to get for the assignment? Why?
 After completing the assignment, what are your thoughts about the skills you have
just learnt?

References (books, encyclopedia, web pages, etc)
 List of resources you have used as research materials to help you in the development.


You are to do a 10 min presentation and demonstration of your final application during Week
17. You must be prepared to show and explain your codes when requested during the

Project Source Codes

Submit the entire project folder as a zip file into the LMS under the Assignment folder. Please
ensure that you have a backup copy of your application in case there is a problem with the
online submission.

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You should zip up the Word document together with the zipped project file and submit to the
LMS in Week 16. The exact date and time will be announced in the LMS near to submission
date. Your zipped document file should be named according to the following format:


Note: Do not compress in RAR format.

Penalty for Late Submission

late and < 1 day : 10% deduction from absolute mark given for the assignment
late >= 1 and < 2 days : 20% deduction from absolute mark
late >= 2 days : No marks awarded

Note that “day” includes non-working days (Sat, Sun and public holidays).
General MC/LOA is NOT considered as valid reason for extended assignment submission.

