

Final 例题

TUTOR: Allie

Final Exam Instruction

17 Nov 2022

悉尼 9am
Buffer time 40 minutes (9:40之前必须进入考试页面)


Wk1 Role & process of marketing research
Wk2 Problem definition
Wk3 Qualitative research
Wk4 Surveys & experiment in Quantitative research
Wk5 Observation
Wk6 Measurement
Wk8 Data Collection Tools Questionnaire
Wk9 Sampling

Record+ Open-book
允许材料:online and paper based resources如打印/手写的笔记/教科书、本地保存的笔记/lec slides
禁止材料:通讯软件、电子设备如 ipad

Part A: 4 questions (no more than 150 words)
Applied questions drawn from across unit

Part B: 5 questions (no more than 200 words)
All questions are related to each other (一般来说是 research design)

- 基本公式= Definition (注意 paraphrase)+ Explain (注意发散知识点) + Examples + Conclusion
- 禁止复制粘贴式抄袭以下任何答案


Disclaimer 声明
1. 课程内容
根据公开资源 sample questions进行题型总结及题干问题分析, 进行考点定位,仅提供建议。

2. 尊重 Academic integrity
No questions will be taken during the exam. No 'model' assignment answers provided.

3. 尊重 Copyright
Please respect the copyright and do not re-post elsewhere without the express permission. 尊重版权请勿转

Part A

类型一. 实验设计题
A researcher is seeking _______ (随机某个特定 research objective). 简述你所建议的 research

1) To understand and explore consumer’s awareness and current knowledge of meal kit.
2) To determine factors that influence consumers’ purchase intention of sustainable products.

要点建议 (以第一题为例)
- 根据 to do 和具体情况为确定三大 research type之一, 加上这个 research type的定义
(结合“understand”和“explore”两大题眼判断为 exploratory research)

- 根据Wk1考点和Wk3中 research type and purpose来 justify the proposed design, 发散知识
点 The importance of the proper problem definition
(The type and nature of the research problem will determine the research design, 因为目前对情况
不算了解, marketing problem较为模糊,不能进行大规模的 quantitative研究,因此需要在 initial
stage进行 exploratory research以 discovering new ideas…得到一些 insights into.. 这些信息可以
回答“why and how the current consumers holds such belief and attitudes towards the meal kit… 作
为 situation analysis 帮研究人员诊断情况 define the more conclusive problem.进而指导后续
quantitative research 中的 tested variables, 同时 acts as a supplement to the later quantitative

- 这种类型题里的考点在 exploratory research, descriptive research & casual research上,因此不
用大量篇幅描述 detailed research technique, 作为 research type 中的 common techniques写
(The pilot study such as the focus group interview or could be conducted to gain insights into…)

类型二. 区分举例题

a. 区分What distinguishes _______, _______, and _______ (学过的各种概念)?
b. 举例解释应用上述概念

Examples for a
1) Random sampling error vs. Non-sampling error
2) Research problem vs. Research question vs. Research objectives vs. Research hypothesis
3) Probability sampling method vs. Non-probability sampling method
4) Symptoms vs. Management Problem
5) Nominal vs. Ordinal vs. Interval vs. Ratio Scale

Examples for b
1) Identify two sources of systematic error.
2) There is a research project aims _______ (随机某个特定研究项目). Specify no more than two
research objectives and hypotheses. (E.g., A project understanding the influence of the consumers’
attitudes on brand loyalty; Understand the effect of celebrity trust on consumers attitudes towards
an endorsed brand; Examining the effect of brand attitude on purchase intention).
3) Identify three probability sampling method

要点建议 (以第一题为例)
- 注意 Rephrased definition 这边只是一个我的例子不可以照抄. 随机抽样误差是从 unrepresentative
samples的样本中产生的 statistical errors,导致从 samples中获得的结果与 population的 true value
是,系统误差 namely non-sampling error是因为 random sampling approach之外的原因造成的所有
误差, 和引入 bias有关。

- 回答第二问 b. 回顾Wk4考点 2树状图 There are two sources of systematic error: 1, respondent error;
2, administrative error.

- Respondent error includes sample bias that arises from the respondent's side (根据自己的理解升华知识点).
For example, nonresponse and response bias, with the latter one caused intentionally or unconsciously and
result in acquiescence bias, extremity bias... It can be minimised by adequate survey design (发散知识点).

- Administrative error stands for the errors that arise from the researcher's side (根据自己的理解升华知识点).
For example, inappropriate administration and execution of the research could lead to... It can be controlled by
the researcher directly and minimised by appropriate research design and field worker training (发散知识点).

类型三. 比较异同题
Compare and contrast _______ and _______ (学过的各种概念).

1) Quantitative vs. Qualitative Research
2) Exploratory Research vs. Descriptive Research vs. Causal Research
3) Basic Research vs. Applied Research
4) Reliability vs. Validity

- 与上一个 distinguish 类型题的区别在于要此类题要同时比较异同点 To compare is to
examine how things are similar, while to contrast is to see how they differ. 横向比较知识点中

- 就研究对象而, Qualitative research 遵循着 interpretationism 它能 provides qualitative results
that are elaborated, subtle explanations of the studied phenomena and reaches the research
objectives in a non-numerical approach. In contrast, quantitative research investigates a research
problem's quantity or extent and reaches the research object with calculatable numbers and figures,
in a numerical approach.

- 就 purpose而言, Qualitative研究可以为研究人员提供对现象的理解,通常用于 exploratory
以发现新的想法,而 Quantitative研究可以提供事实信息,通常用于 descriptive and causal
研究以 test hypo.

- 就 method而言, Qualitative通常使用相对非结构化的方法进行,例如…,而在 Quantitative
研究中,指定结构化的 response以准确衡量结果,例如在… method中。

- 就样本而言 , 大样本小样本的区别 , 相关性等等 E.g., 讲完 Qualitative… whereas
quantitative research often uses large samples to obtain generalisable results that can be projected
into other situations.

- 相同点是收集的信息都以追求客观精确及时为目标, 这里更多强调它们的关系。Some
advantages of quantitative research are that it is quick, precise, generalisable, and avoids bias that
might be caused by the involvement of researchers, yet qualitative research has the advantages of
being effective to understand complicated attitudes or behaviours. With their own pros and cons,
these two methods are often used to supplement each other in a research project.

类型四. 抽样设计题
There is a research project aims _______ (随机某个特定研究项目).
a. Identify the research population for this research.
b. Describe how _______ (某个特定抽样方法) sampling approach could be employed in this
research project.

Examples for a
1) Cadbury would like to understand consumers reactions to their latest advertising campaign. What
is the target population for the project?
2) Nike would like to understand consumer attitudes towards their latest advertising campaign. What
is the target population for the project?

Examples for b
a. In the Cadbury’s case, explain how a stratified approach could be employed.
b. In the Nike’s case, explain how a simple random sampling approach could be employed.

要点建议 (以第一题为例)

- Population定义 Any complete group of entities that share some common set of characteristics.

- 根据Wk9考点2 Three consideration to define a precise the target population写具体的 statement

- The target population could be Australian confectionary consumers assuming that this ad
campaign is released in Australia.

- 回答 b问 Stratified sampling would be appropriate in this situation. + 定义 It is a probability
sampling approach that divides the research population into subgroups (strata) according to their
characteristics (stratification variable) and then draws simple random subsamples from the strata.

- 根据题目详述设计 After a sampling frame is established (for example, on an operational level,
this could be consumers who have purchased Cadbury product or are followers of Cadbury's
social media), the sample units could be divided according to their ages (e.g. 7-10 years old, 11-
14 years old, 15-18 years old etc.) or accommodation (rural or urban) and then a certain amount
of subsamples will be selected equally from each stratum.

- 解释原因是糖果消费可能因不同群体而异(例如,年轻人口或城市居民具有更好的购买倾
向)It is appropriate because confectionery consumption could vary from different groups (e.g.
with the younger population or urban residents having a better tendency to purchase) therefore it
is important to differentiate the different subgroups from each other with their different
characteristics. In this case, different groups are assured with equal representatives, comparisons
are made throughout strata which helps to better determine the target market, greater precision
and less sampling error would occur.

Under what circumstances would you choose to use _______ over _______ (某 research techniques)?

1) Focus group interview over In-depth interview
2) Person-administered survey over Telephone-administered survey/ Self- administered survey
3) Sample over Census

要点建议 (以第一题为例)
- 这类题不能再以比较异同为逻辑去组织段落, 是要求同学分析适用情况, 而且重点在
“over” 前的 term上

- 参考期中课堂作业的批改, 这种题目强调段落逻辑, 比如 Definition 在此类题里不用放在
第一个写(批注 1);比如如何把相关知识点合理安插进回答“circumstances”上 (批注 3)

- 尽管都是定性研究 focus group作为 pilot study的手段之一更 to gain a series of insights, 允
许 client 的直接参与,而不是 from professional expert 的交流… focus group 不需要 gain
detailed information 同时不涉及到敏感信息(这些都是 in-depth interview的 application)…

- 按这种组织方法安插其他知识点到段落里
Part B

题目主干 : 给定某个 situation case+ to conduct a _______ (给定某个特定设计类型
exploratory/ descriptive/ causal/ observation research design) + 给定 research question 和
research objectives.

Case 1.
A brand believes that consumers’ social class can influence their buying habits. They have approached
you to implement a descriptive design to answer the following research question and research

What effect does consumers’ social class have on consumers’ purchase of the brand’s products?

1. To measure the effect of income on purchase frequency.
2. To determine the age group who are purchasing the products.
3. To identify the effect of education level on consumers' attitude towards the product

Case 2.
A brand believes that consumers are unaware of the benefits of consuming organic products. They
have approached you to implement an exploratory research design to answer the following research
question and research objectives:
What are consumers understanding of the benefits of organic products for themselves and the

1. To evaluate consumers use of organic products.

2. To explore consumers beliefs regarding organic products.
3. To understand the importance of health and environmental benefits when choosing organic

Case 3.
A brand believes that color can influence consumer reactions. They have approached you to
implement a causal research design to answer the following research question and research objectives.

What effect does brand logo color have on consumers perceptions of the brand?

4. To determine the effect of brand logo color on brand trust
5. To determine the effect of brand logo color on brand authenticity
6. To identify the effect of brand logo color on attitude towards the brand.

类型一. 识别变量题
Identify the independent and dependent variables in the case.
要点建议 (以第三题为例)
- 定义 + 写全解释 + 知识点发散如 fishbone diagram

类型二. 细化设计题
Detail and explain the given research design.

1) What exploratory research design do you recommend, and why? Please provide enough detail to
enable to design to be executed.
Briefly outline the procedure you will adopt
2) What causal research design do you recommend, and why? Please provide enough detail to enable
to design to be executed.

- 针对 exploratory research design. Consideration should be given to the method of data collection,
the setting of the research (online/face-to-face), the approach to recruiting and assigning
participants (Sampling methods).

- 针对 descriptive research design. Consideration should be given to the overall design (person-
administered survey/ telephone-administered survey/ self- administered survey), the
questionnaire and measurement design, the approach to sampling participants (Sampling

- 针对 causal research design. Consideration should be given to the overall design (basic/factorial,
要学会描述至少一个具体的 design 如 pre-test post-test design), the setting of the design
(laboratory/ field), the approach to assigning participants.

- 针对 observation research design. Consideration should be given to the overall design

(visible/hidden), the setting of the design (hidden/ contrived), what to be observed.

类型三. 反思设计题

1) What are the limitations of your proposed approaches?
2) What issues around research validity associated with your proposed approach?
3) What issues around research reliability associated with your proposed approach?

- 针对 approach limitation (qualitative, quantitative approach 本身的劣势 , data collection
approach 本身的劣势, sampling approach 本身的劣势), 比如定性研究的 generalizability,
techs 本身的 disadvantages, 可能出现的 non-sampling errors 如 non-response 带来的
availability issues of data, 无法避免的 sampling errors, sampling methods 如 non-sampling
errors引入的主观性及其 bias,
- Validity和 reliability的本身对于任何一种设计都是通用的, 涉及到人工环境和自然环境的
design可以讨论 internal vs. external validity.

类型四. 伦理考量题

What ethical issues should be considered when implementing your proposed approach?

- 找出与 data collection、sampling methods等相关的 ethical considerations
常见的有 anonymity 匿名性, confidentiality/privacy 机密性/隐私性, embarrassing questions 尴
尬问题,deception 欺瞒,right to be informed 知情权,实验中保证 right to safety from physical
and mental harm等
- 仍然要与具体研究内容相关,切忌单纯讨论定义
- 在 explain部分提及 how to address, E.g., To determine our own view of the ethics involved 确
定自己的道德观; To decide whether the usefulness of the information is worth telling a lie. 衡
量信息的有用性是否值得说谎; Debriefing (the process of disclosing the nature and purpose of
the experiment )
