CIVE97134 Transport Environmental Impacts and Safety
Coursework brief
12th January 2021
1 Deadlines
1. Part 1: Description of chosen organisation
Deadline: 10:00 on Monday 25th January 2021
Weighting: 5%
2. Part 2: Group report
Deadline: 10:00 on Tuesday 23rd February 2021
Weighting: 25%
3. Part 3: Individual policy brief
Deadline: 10:00 on Tuesday 23rd February 2021
Weighting: 25%

Coursework will be submitted though Blackboard.
The remaining 45% of coursework marks are allocated to the weekly individual and team
readiness assurance tests and peer-evaluation.
2 Learning objectives
- Reinforce lecture material by creatively applying it to real-world organisations
- Group learning and teamwork
- Written communication skills:
o Group project report for client
o Individual policy brief that summarises technical information for a non-
technical audience
3 Task
Your task is to work in your teams to develop an environmental and safety strategy for a
transport organisation of your choice (the client).
You should carefully evaluate the current situation and propose actions that would improve
the environmental and safety performance of the organisation in the short (<5 years) and
long (>5 years) term.
For the environmental strategy, you should consider the organisation’s CO2 emissions in
present day and under a business as usual scenario. You should quantitatively evaluate
strategies that the organisation could implement to reduce their emissions. Is the
organisation’s strategy for CO2 consistent with the science of climate change?
For the safety strategy, you should consider the organisation’s safety management system
(SMS) and the key performance indicators that they use. You should then develop strategies
to improve safety management within the organisation. Is the organisation’s safety
management system achieving the highest levels of safety?
Groups are encouraged to consider both the primary activities of the client and incidental
activities involving other transport modes that are undertaken to support the main purpose of
the business. It is up to the group to define the scope of the project and make this clear in
the submission documents.

Groups will need to conduct their own literature surveys, research their chosen organisation
and search for publicly accessible data.
4 Deliverables
4.1 Part 1: Description of chosen organisation (1 per group, 5%)
This document should give a summary of your organisation’s main activities, how it currently
manages its impact on the environment, and the safety procedures that it follows. Potential
issues and areas for improvement should be identified and the group’s plan for the
remaining time on the project should be outlined.
This document should be no more than 2 pages. This document will count towards 5% of
your coursework mark.
4.2 Part 2: Group report (1 per group, 50%)
This document is the combined output of your group work and it should be written as if it
were to be presented to the client.
The document should include:
- Executive summary
- An introductory summary of the organisation’s main activities, how it currently
manages its impact on the environment, and the safety procedures that it follows.
- Definition of project scope
- Environmental strategy, with focus on CO2 emissions, including details of data
sources, calculations and figures
- Safety strategy, with focus on SMS, including any data sources, definitions of KPIs,
analysis and frameworks
- Conclusions
- References
The group report should be no more than 10 pages of A4. References are not included in the
page limit. Appendices may be used to include supplementary information, data tables,
calculations, etc.
4.3 Part 3: Individual policy brief (1 per student, 50%)
The 1-page policy brief should be a concise summary of your group’s findings and written for
your client. It should include:
• Background to understand the problem(s) and timescales/urgency
• Information about alternatives
• Evidence to support your group’s recommendations
• Summary of recommendations and why they are important
• Focus on the outcomes rather than on your methodology in the project
We will go through how to write and effective policy brief in a tutorial and examples and
reference material will be provided on BlackBoard.
References may be included on a second page. There should not be any appendices.
5 Expected time commitment
We expect each student to spend an average of 1-2 hours per week on this coursework in
addition to lectures and tutorials.
6 Resources
Relevant resources will be uploaded to BlackBoard.

