MACS 30121-MACS30121 线性回归代写
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Linear Regression
Getting started
Model tting
The linear_regression function
Task 0: The Model class
Representing datasets
Representing models
Testing your code
Task 1: Computing the coecient of Determination (R )2
Task 1
Task 2: Model evaluation using the Coecient of Determination (R )2
Task 2a
Task 2b
Evaluating your model output
Task 3: Building and selecting bivariate models
Task 4: Building models of arbitrary complexity
Feature standardization
Task 5: Training vs. testing data
Cleaning up
Linear Regression
In this assignment, you will t linear regression models and implement a few simple feature selection
algorithms. The assignment will give you experience with NumPy and more practice with using classes and
functions to support code reuse.
You must work alone on this assignment.
Getting started
Please follow the invitation URL provided on Ed Discussion to fetch the instructor's les.
You will nd the les you need for the programming assignment directly in the root of your repository,
including a README.txt le that explains what each le is. Make sure you read that le.
The pa5 directory contains the following les: : Python le where you will write your code. : Python le with several helper functions, some of which you will need to use in
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py y p , y
your code. : This le is described in detail in the “Evaluating your model output” section below. : Python le with the automated tests for this assignment.
The pa5 directory also contains a data directory which, in turn, contains two sub-directories: city and
houseprice .
Then as usual, re up ipython3 from the Linux command-line, set up autoreload, and import your code as
$ ipython3

In [1]: %load_ext autoreload

In [2]: %autoreload 2

In [3]: import util, regression
In this assignment you will write code that can be used on dierent datasets. We have provided a couple of
sample datasets for testing purposes.
City (./pa5_data/dataset-
Predicting crime rate from the number of complaint calls.
House Price
Predicting california house price based on the house features matrix.
More information about each dataset can be found by clicking the links above.
For this assignment, a dataset is stored in a directory that contains two les: a CSV (comma-separated
values) le called data.csv and a JSON le called parameters.json . The CSV le contains a table where
each column corresponds to a variable and each row corresponds to a sample unit. The rst row contains the
column names. The JSON le contains a few parameters:
name : the name of the dataset,
feature_idx : the column indices of the feature variables,
target_idx : the column index of the target variable,
training_fraction : the fraction of the data that should be used to train models, and
seed : a random number generator seed.
The last two parameters will be used to help split the data into two sets: one that you will use to t or train
models and one that you will use to evaluate how well dierent models predict outcomes on new-to-the-
model data. We describe this process below.
In this assignment, you are going to use tabular data (e.g., looks like a table), where each row is a sample unit
and each column is a feature of the sample. As an example, in a study to predict California housing price,
each sample unit is a house represented by features such as house age, number of bedrooms, square feet,
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In your analysis, you will build models to predict the target value for each sample unit based on the features
representing that sample. For example, you can predict a house’s price (target) based on the house age,
number of bedrooms, etc (features). How you model the relationship between features and the target will
aect the prediction accuracy. Building a good prediction model requires selecting related features and
applying appropriate algorithms/functions to capture the relationship between features and the target.
As another example, this plot shows th relationship between the number of garbage complaint calls and the
number of recorded crimes in that area.
In the above plot, each point is a sample unit that represents a geographical region in Chicago. Each region is
associated with several events, such as the number of crimes or the number of garbage complaint calls.
Given this plot, if you are asked to predict the number of crimes for a region that had 150 garbage complaint
calls, you would follow the general trend and probably say something like 3000 crimes.
To formalize this prediction, we need a model/function to capture the relationship between the target
variable (e.g., the number of crimes) and the features (e.g., grabage complaint calls). The above plot shows a
linear relationship between the crime rate and the number of complaint calls.
To make this precise, we will use the following notation:
: the total number of sample units (e.g., data size).
: the total number of feature variables. In the example above, because we use garbage complaint
calls as the only feature.
: the sample unit that we are currently considering (an integer from to ).
: the index of a feature variable that we are currently considering (an integer from to ).
: an observation of the feature variable of the sample unit , e.g., the number of garbage complaint
calls from the rst region in the city.
: an observation (i.e., the truth) of the target variable for sample unit , e.g., the total number of crimes in
the rst region of the city.
: the predicted target variable for sample unit , based on our observation of the feature variables. This
value corresponds to a point on the red line.
: the residual or observed error, that is, the dierence between the actual observed truth
value of the target variable, and the prediction for it. Ideally, if the model perfectly ts the data, the model
predictions ( ) would match the observations ( ), so that would be zero. In practice, there will be some
K K = 1
n 0 N − 1
k 0 K − 1
k n
= y

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dierences for several reasons. First, there may be noise in our data, which arises from errors measuring the
features or target variables. Additionally, our model will assume a linear dependence between the feature
variables and the target variable, while in reality the relationship is unlikely to be exactly linear. However,
linear models are in general a good t to a wide variety of real-world data, and are an appropriate baseline to
consider before moving on to more advanced models.
We will use the following linear equation to calculate the prediction for target variable ( ) based on the
feature variables ( ) for the sample unit as:
where the coecients are model parameters (real numbers that are internal to the model).
We would like to select values for these coecients that result in small errors .
We can rewrite this equation more concisely using vector notation. We dene:
a column vector of the model parameters, where is the intercept and (for ) is the
coecient associated with feature variable . This vector describes the red line in the gure above. Note
that a positive value of a coecient suggests a positive correlation between the target variable and the
feature variable. The same is true for a negative value and a negative correlation.
a row vector representation of all the features for a given sample unit . Note that a 1 has been prepended
to the vector. This will allow us to rewrite equation (1) in vector notation without having to treat
separately from the other coecients .
We can then rewrite equation (1) as:
This equation can be written for all sample units at the same time using matrix notation. We dene:
a column vector of truth observations of the target variable.
a column vector of predictions for the target variable.
a column vector of the observed errors.
: an matrix where each row is one sample unit. The rst column of this matrix is all ones, and
the remaining columns correspond to the features.
We can then write equations (1) and (2) for all sample units at once as
And, we can express the residuals as
Matrix multiplication
k n
= β
+ β
+⋯+ β

,… ,β
β = ( )
⋯ β
1 ≤ k ≤ K
= ( )
1 x
⋯ x
= x
y = ( )
⋯ y
y^ = ( )
⋯ y^
ε = ( )
⋯ ε
X N × (K + 1)
y^ = Xβ,
ε = y− y^.
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Equations (2) and (3) above involve matrix multiplication. If you are unfamiliar with matrix multiplication,
you will still be able to do this assignment. Just keep in mind that to make the calculations less messy, the
matrix contains not just the observations of the feature variables, but also an initial column of all ones.
The data we provide does not yet have this column of ones, so you will need to prepend it.
Model tting
There are many possible candidate values for , some t the data better than others. The process of nding
the appropriate value for is referred to as tting the model. For our purposes, the “best” value of is the
one that minimizes the errors in the least-squared sense. That is, we want the predicted values
to be as close to the observed values as possible (i.e., we want to be as small as possible),
where the predicted values are calculated as . We provide a linear_regression function,
described below, that computes .
The linear_regression function
We are interested in the value of that best ts the data. To simplify your job, we have provided code for
tting a linear model. The function linear_regression(X, y) in nds the best value of . This
function accepts a two-dimensional NumPy array X of oats containing the observations of the feature
variables ( ) and a one-dimensional NumPy array y of oats containing the observations of the target
variable ( ). It returns as a one-dimensional NumPy array beta .
We have also provided a function, apply_beta(beta, X) for making predictions using the linear regression
model. It takes beta , the array generated by our linear regression function, and X as above, applies the
linear function described by beta to each row in X , and returns a one-dimensional NumPy array of the
resulting values (that is, it returns ).
The data we provide only has columns, corresponding to the features; it does not have the leading
column of all ones. Before calling linear_regression(X, y) , we need to construct the matrix X by
prepending a column of ones to our data. This column of ones allows the linear regression model to t an
intercept as discussed above. We have provided a function prepend_ones_column(A) to do so.
Here are sample calls to prepend_ones_column , linear_regression , apply_beta :
β β
ε = y− y^ y^
y \abs(y− y^)
y = Xβ
y β

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In [1]: import numpy as np

In [2]: import util

In [3]: features = np.array([[5, 2], [3, 2], [6, 2.1], [7, 3]])

In [4]: X = util.prepend_ones_column(features)

In [5]: X
array([[1. , 5. , 2. ],
[1. , 3. , 2. ],
[1. , 6. , 2.1],
[1. , 7. , 3. ]])

In [6]: y = np.array([5, 2, 6, 6]) # observations of target variable

In [7]: beta = util.linear_regression(X, y)

In [8]: beta
Out[8]: array([ 1.20104895, 1.41083916, -1.6958042 ])

In [9]: util.apply_beta(beta, X) # yhat_n = 1.20 + 1.41 * x_n1 - 1.69 * x_n2
Out[9]: array([4.86363636, 2.04195804, 6.1048951 , 5.98951049])
Task 0: The Model class
In this assignment, you will be working with datasets and models, so it will make sense for us to have a
DataSet class and a Model class. We provide the Dataset class and the basic skeleton of the Model class
in .
This section describes the requirements for the Model and DataSet classes. While you should give some
thought to the design of these classes before moving on to the rest of the assignment, it is very likely you
will have to reassess your design throughout the assignment (and you should not get discouraged if you nd
yourself doing this). We suggest you start by writing rst drafts of the Model and DataSet classes, and
then ne-tune these drafts as you work through the rest of the assignment.
Representing datasets
The DataSet class (that we provide for you) handles loading in the data les described above (CSV and
JSON). It reads the data into a Numpy array and uses the JSON format to set various attributes. Additionally,
it partitions the data into two dierent numpy arrays, a training_data array and a testing_data array.
We will use the training_data array to train the model and then test the model performance on the
testing_data array.
A standard pipeline for training and evaluating a model is to rst t the model with training data, and then
to evaluate the model performance on testing data. The testing data are held-out data that the model didn’t
see during training. A good model is a model that ts the training data well and also performs well on
previously unseen testing data.
Representing models
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Implementing a Model class will allow us to encapsulate the data and operations as a whole. That is, the
Model class will allow us to write functions that take Model objects as parameters and return Model objects
as well. Instead of passing around lists or dictionaries we can directly pass objects to a given model.
We will construct a model using a dataset and a subset of the feature variables, which means your Model
class will take a dataset and a list of feature indices as arguments to its constructor. We encourage you to
think carefully about what attributes and methods to include in your class.
Your Model class must have at least the following public attributes (don’t worry if you don’t understand
what these mean right now; they will become clearer in subsequent tasks):
target_idx : The index of the target variable.
feature_idx : A list of integers containing the indices of the feature variables.
beta : A NumPy array with the model’s
These attributes need to be present for the automated tests to run. To compute beta you will use the
linear_regression function that we discuss above. And it can be very helpful to include a __repr__
Testing your code
As usual, you will be able to test your code from IPython and by using py.test . When using IPython, make
sure to enable autoreload before importing the module:
In [1]: %load_ext autoreload

In [2]: %autoreload 2

In [3]: import regression
You might then try creating a new Model object by creating a DataSet object (let’s assume we create a
dataset variable for this) and running the following:
In [3]: dataset = regression.DataSet('data/city')

In [4]: model = regression.Model(dataset, [0, 1, 2])
You can also use the automated tests. For example, you might run:
$ py.test -vk task0
A note on array dimensions
The parameter of the function prepend_ones_column (as well as the rst parameter to the functions
linear_regression and apply_beta described below) is required to be a two-dimensional array, even
when that array only has one column. NumPy makes a distinction between one-dimensional and two-
dimensional arrays, even if they contain the same information. For instance, if we want to extract the
second column of A as a one-dimensional array, we do the following:
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In [5]: A
Out[5]: array([[5. , 2. ],
[3. , 2. ],
[6. , 2.1],
[7. , 3. ]])
In [6]: A[:, 1]
Out[6]: array([2. , 2. , 2.1, 3. ])

In [7]: A[:, 1].shape
Out[7]: (4,)
The resulting shape will not be accepted by prepend_ones_column . To retrieve a 2D column subset of A ,
you can use a list of integers as the index. This mechanism keeps A two-dimensional, even if the list of
indices has only one value:
In [8]: A[:, [1]]
Out[8]: array([[2. ],
[2. ],
[3. ]])
In [9]: A[:, [1]].shape
Out[9]: (4, 1)
In general, you can specify a slice containing a specic subset of columns as a list. For example, let Z be:
In [10]: Z = np.array([[1, 2, 3, 4], [11, 12, 13, 14], [21, 22, 23, 24]])
In [11]: Z
Out[11]: array([[ 1, 2, 3, 4],
[11, 12, 13, 14],
[21, 22, 23, 24]])
Evaluating the expression Z[:, [0, 2, 3]] will yield a new 2D array with columns 0, 2, and 3 from the
array Z :
In [12]: Z[:, [0, 2, 3]]
Out[12]: array([[ 1, 3, 4],
[11, 13, 14],
[21, 23, 24]])
or more generally, we can specify any expression for the slice that yields a list:
In [13]: l = [0, 2, 3]
In [14]: Z[:, l]
Out[14]: array([[ 1, 3, 4],
[11, 13, 14],
[21, 23, 24]])
Task 1: Computing the coecient of
Determination (R )2
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Blindly regressing on all available features is bad practice and can lead to over-t models. Over-tting
happens when your model picks up a structure that ts well on your training data but not generalize to
unseen data. Which means, the model only captures the specic underlying phenomenon in that specic
training data, but this phenomenon is not commonly exist in other data. (Wikipedia has a nice explanation
( ). This situation is made even worse if some of your features are
highly correlated (see multicollinearity (, since it can ruin the
interpretation of your coecients. As an example, consider a study that looks at the eects of smoking and
drinking on developing lung cancer. Smoking and drinking are highly correlated, so the regression can
arbitrarily pick up either as the explanation for high prevalence of lung cancer. As a result, drinking could be
assigned a high coecient while smoking a low one, leading to the questionable conclusion that drinking is
more correlated with lung cancer than smoking.
This example illustrates the importance of feature variable selection. In order to compare two dierent
models (subsets of features) against each other, we need a measurement of their goodness of t
(, i.e., how well they explain the data. A popular choice is the
coecient of determination, R , which rst considers the variance of the target variable, :
In this example we revisit the regression of the total number of crimes, , on the number of calls about
garbage to 311, . To the right, a histogram over the is shown and their variance is calculated. The
variance is a measure of how spread out the data is. It is calculated as follows:
where denotes the mean of all of the .
We now subtract the red line from each point. These new points are the residuals and represent the
deviations from the predicted values under our model. If the variance of the residuals, is zero,
it means that all residuals have to be zero and thus all sample units lie perfectly on the tted line. On the
other hand, if the variance of the residuals is the same as the variance of , it means that the model did not
explain anything away and we can consider the model useless. These two extremes represent R values of 1
and 0, respectively. All R values in between these two extremes will be cases where the variance was
reduced some, but not entirely. Our example is one such case:
Var(y) =

− y¯)
y¯ y
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As we have hinted, the coecient of determination, R , measures how much the variance was reduced by
subtracting the model. More specically, it calculates this reduction as a percentage of the original variance:
which nally becomes:
In equation (7) we omitted the normalization constants N since they cancel each other out. We also did not
subtract the mean when calculating the variance of the residuals, since it can be shown mathematically that
if the model has been t by least squares, the sum of the residuals is always zero.
There are two properties of R that are good to keep in mind when checking the correctness of your
1. .
2. If model A contains a superset of features of model B, then the R value of model A is greater than or
equal to the R value of model B.
These properties are only true if R is computed using the same data that was used to train the model
parameters. If you calculate R on a held-out testing set, the R value could decrease with more features
(due to over-tting) and R is no longer guaranteed to be greater than or equal to zero. Furthermore,
equations (6) and (7) would no longer be equivalent (and the intuition behind R would need to be
reconsidered, but we omit the details here). You should always use equation (7) to compute R .
A good model should explain as much of the variance as possible, so we will be favoring higher R values.
However, since using all features gives the highest R , we must balance this goal with a desire to use few
features. In general it is important to be cautious and not blindly interpret R ; take a look at these two
generated examples:
Var(y) − Var(y− y^)
= 1 −
Var(y− y^)
= 1 −

− y^

− y¯)
0 ≤ R
≤ 1
2 2
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This data was generated by selecting points on the dashed blue function, and adding random noise. To the
left, we see that the tted model is close to the one we used to generate the data. However, the variance of
the residuals is still high, so the R is rather low. To the right is a model that clearly is not right for the data,
but still manages to record a high R value. This example also shows that that linear regression is not always
the right model choice (although, in many cases, a simple transformation of the features or the target
variable can resolve this problem, making the linear regression paradigm still relevant).
Task 1
Add the following attribute to your model class:
R2 : The value of R for the model
and compute it. Note that when we ask for the R value for a model, we mean the value obtained by
computing R using the model’s on the data that was used to train it.
You may not use the NumPy var method to compute R for two reasons: (1) our computation uses the
biased variance while the var method computes the unbiased variance and will lead you to generate the
wrong answers and (2) we want you to get practice working with NumPy arrays.
Task 2: Model evaluation using the Coecient of
Determination (R )
Task 2a
Implement this function in :
def compute_single_var_models(dataset):
Computes all the single-variable models for a dataset

dataset: (DataSet object) a dataset

List of Model objects, each representing a single-variable model
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More specically, given a dataset with P feature variables, you will construct P univariate (i.e., one variable)
models of the dataset’s target variable, one for each of the possible feature variables (in the same order that
the target variables are listed), and compute their associated R values.
Most of the work in this task will be in your Model class. In fact, if you’ve designed Model correctly, your
implementation of compute_single_var_models shouldn’t be longer than three lines (ours is actually just
one line long).
Task 2b
Implement this function in :
def compute_all_vars_model(dataset):
Computes a model that uses all the feature variables in the dataset

dataset: (DataSet object) a dataset

A Model object that uses all the feature variables
More specically, you will construct a single model that uses all of the dataset’s feature variables to predict
the target variable. According to the second property of R , the R for this model should be the largest R
value you will see for the training data.
At this point, you should make sure that your code to calculate a model’s R value is general enough to
handle models with multiple feature variables (i.e., multivariate models).
Take into account that, if you have a good design for Model , then implementing Task 2b should be simple
after implementing Task 2a. If it doesn’t feel that way, ask on Ed Discussion or come to oce hours so we can
give you some quick feedback on your design.
Evaluating your model output
Note that IPython can be incredibly helpful when testing Task 2 and subsequent tasks. For example you can
test Task 2a code by creating a DataSet object (let’s assume we create a dataset variable for this) and
running the following:
In [3]: dataset = regression.DataSet('data/city')
In [4]: univar_models = regression.compute_single_var_models(dataset)
univar_models should then contain a list of Model objects. However, checking the R values manually
from IPython can be cumbersome, so we have included a Python program, , that will print out
these (and other) values for all of the tasks. You can run it from the command-line like this:
$ python3 data/city
If your implementation of Task 2a is correct, you will see this:
2 2 2
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City Task 2a
!!! You haven't implemented the Model __repr__ method !!!
R2: 0.1402749161031348

!!! You haven't implemented the Model __repr__ method !!!
R2: 0.6229070858532733

!!! You haven't implemented the Model __repr__ method !!!
R2: 0.5575360783921093

!!! You haven't implemented the Model __repr__ method !!!
R2: 0.7831498392992615

!!! You haven't implemented the Model __repr__ method !!!
R2: 0.7198560514392482

!!! You haven't implemented the Model __repr__ method !!!
R2: 0.32659079486818354

!!! You haven't implemented the Model __repr__ method !!!
R2: 0.6897288976957778
You should be producing the same R values shown above, but we can’t tell what model they each
correspond to! For to be actually useful, you will need to implement the __repr__ method in
Model .
We suggest your string representation be in the following form: the name of the target variable followed by
a tilde ( ~ ) and the regression equation with the constant rst. If you format the oats to have six decimal
places, the output for Task 2a will now look like this:
City Task 2a
CRIME_TOTALS ~ 575.687669 + 0.678349 * GRAFFITI
R2: 0.1402749161031348

CRIME_TOTALS ~ -22.208880 + 5.375417 * POT_HOLES
R2: 0.6229070858532733

CRIME_TOTALS ~ 227.414583 + 7.711958 * RODENTS
R2: 0.5575360783921093

CRIME_TOTALS ~ 11.553128 + 18.892669 * GARBAGE
R2: 0.7831498392992615

CRIME_TOTALS ~ -65.954319 + 13.447459 * STREET_LIGHTS
R2: 0.7198560514392482

CRIME_TOTALS ~ 297.222082 + 10.324616 * TREE_DEBRIS
R2: 0.32659079486818354

CRIME_TOTALS ~ 308.489056 + 10.338500 * ABANDONED_BUILDINGS
R2: 0.6897288976957778
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For example, the rst model uses only one feature variable, GRAFFITI to predict crime, and has an R of
only 0.14027. The last model uses only ABANDONED_BUILDINGS , and the higher R (0.6897) tells us that
ABANDONED_BUILDINGS is likely a better feature than GRAFFITI .
Take into account that you can also run with the House Price dataset:
$ python3 data/houseprice
The full expected output of can be found in the City (dataset-city.html) and House Price
(dataset-houseprice.html) pages. However, please note that you do not need to check all this output
manually. We have also included automated tests that will do these checks for you. You can run them using
this command:
$ py.test -vk task2
Warning: No hard-coding!
Since we only have two datasets, it can be very easy in some tasks to write code that will pass the tests by
hard-coding the expected values in the function (and returning one or the other depending on the dataset
that is being used)
If you do this, you will receive a U as your completeness score, regardless of whether other tasks are
implemented correctly without hard-coding
Task 3: Building and selecting bivariate models
If you look at the output for Task 2a, none of the feature variables individually are particularly good features
for the target variable (they all had low R values compared to when using all features). In this and
subsequent tasks, we will construct better models using multiple feature variables without using all of them
and risking over-tting.
For example, we could predict crime using not only complaints about garbage, but grati as well. For
example, we may want to nd in the equation
where is a prediction of the number of crimes given the number of complaint calls about garbage (
) and grati ( ).
For this task, you will test all possible bivariate models ( ) and determine the one with the highest R
value. We suggest that you use two nested for-loops to iterate over all possible combinations of two
features, calculate the R value for each combination and keep track of one with the highest R value.
Hint: Given three feature variables A, B, C, we only need to check (A, B), (A, C), and (B, C). Take into account
that a model with the pair (A, B) of variables is the same as the model with (B, A).
To do this task, you will implement this function in :
β = (β


= β
+ β
+ β
K = 2
2 2
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def compute_best_pair(dataset):
Find the bivariate model with the best R2 value

dataset: (DataSet object) a dataset

A Model object for the best bivariate model
Unlike the functions in Task 2, you can expect to write more code in this function. In particular, you should
not include the code to loop over all possible bivariate models within your Model class; it should instead be
in this function.
You can test this function by running:
$ py.test -vk task3
You should also look at the output produced by . How does the bivariate model compare to the
single-variable models in Task 2? Which pair of feature variables perform best together? Does this result
make sense given the results from Task 2? (You do not need to submit your answers to these questions;
they’re just food for thought!)
Task 4: Building models of arbitrary complexity
How do we eciently determine how many and which feature variables will generate the best model? It
turns out that this question is unsolved and is of interest to both computer scientists and statisticians. To
nd the best model of three feature variables we could repeat the process in Task 3 with three nested for-
loops instead of two. For K feature variables we would have to use K nested for-loops. Nesting for-loops
quickly becomes computationally expensive and infeasible for even the most powerful computers. Keep in
mind that models in genetics research easily reach into the thousands of feature variables. How then do we
nd optimal models of several feature variables?
We’ll approach this problem by using heuristics, which will give us an approximate (as opposed to an exact)
result. We are going to split this problem into two tasks. In Task 4, you will determine the best K feature
variables to use (for each possible value of K).
How do we determine which K feature variables will yield the best model for a xed K? As noted, the naive
approach (test all possible combinations as in Task 3), is intractable for large K. An alternative simpler
approach is to choose the K feature variables with the K highest R values in the table from Task 2a. This
approach does not work well if your features are correlated. As you’ve already seen, neither of the top two
individual features for crime ( GARBAGE and STREET_LIGHTS ) are included in the best bivariate model
( CRIME_TOTALS ~ -36.151629 + 3.300180 * POT_HOLES + 7.129337 * ABANDONED_BUILDINGS ).
Instead, you’ll implement a heuristic known as Forward selection
(, which is an example of a greedy algorithm
( Forward selection starts with an empty set of feature
variables and then adds one at a time until the set contains K feature variables. At each step, the algorithm
identies the feature variable in the model that, when added, yields the model with the best R value. That
feature variable is added to the list of feature variables.
To do this task, you will implement this function in :
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def forward_selection(dataset):
Given a dataset with P feature variables, uses forward selection to
select models for every value of K between 1 and P.

dataset: (DataSet object) a dataset

A list (of length P) of Model objects. The first element is the
model where K=1, the second element is the model where K=2, and so on.
You can test this function by running this:
$ py.test -vk task4
A word of caution
In this task, you have multiple models, each with their own list of feature variables. Recall that lists are
stored by reference, so a bug in your code might lead to two models pointing to the same list! These sorts
of bugs can be very tricky to debug, so remember to be careful.
Feature standardization
Feature standardization is a common pre-processing step for many statistical machine learning algorithms. In
the dataset, each sample is represented by multiple features and each feature might have a dierent range.
For example, in the California house price prediction task, the values for the feature median house age in
block group ranges from 2 to 52, and the values for the feature average number of rooms per household
ranges from 2.65 to 8.93. We want to standardize the data such that each feature has a mean of zero and
standard deviation of one. After standardization, we can then fairly compare the coecient of each feature
and features with large coecients are “important” than those with small coecients. However, if we don’t
do feature standardization, feature coecients are not necessarilly comparable.
We have provided a function called standardize_features() in the DataSet class in .
The decision of whether or not to standardize features is controlled by the model parameters specied in
the data/city/parameters.json or data/houseprice/parameters.json les. The default setting is
“standardization”: “no”, which means the data is not standardized. You can change “no” to “yes” to
standardize the data and then pass the standardized data to the training algorithm.
Previously, you were running your code under the default setting (“no”), so the results you have seen are
without standardization. For now, please change the setting to “standardization”: “yes”, and re-run the
previous experiments with standardized data. You can do so by running:
$ python3 data/city
The full expected output can be found in the City (./pa5_data/dataset-city.html) and House Price
(./pa5_data/dataset-houseprice.html) pages.
Now, you have results without data standardization and results with data standardization. When you
compare the dierences between the outputs under the two settings, you can see that the models trained
with standardized data have smaller ranges of the values, especially (i.e., the intercept). This is becauseβ β
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when the feature values are standardized in the same range, the model no longer needs large intercept to
adjust for the large discrepancy of dierent feature values.
Task 5: Training vs. testing data
Please read this section carefully.
Before implementing this step, please remember to change the parameter setting in parameters.json
back to “standardization”: “no”.
Until now, you have evaluated a model using the data that was used to train it. The resulting model may be
quite good for that particular dataset, but it may not be particularly good at predicting novel data. This is the
problem that we have been referring to as over-tting.
Up to this point, we have only computed R values for the training data that was used to construct the
model. That is, after training the model using the training data, we used that same data to compute an R
value. It is also valid to compute an R value for a model when applied to other data (in our case, the data we
set aside as testing data). When you do this, you still train the model (that is, you compute ) using the
training data, but then evaluate an R value using the testing data.
Note: in the Dataset class, we have provided code that splits the data into training and testing using
train_test_split method from the sklearn package, with a training_fraction specied in the
parameters.json le.
When training a model, you should only ever use the training data, even if you will later evaluate the
model using other data. You will receive zero credit for this task if you train a new model using the testing
To do this task, you will implement the following function in . We will apply this function to
evaluate the models generated in Task 4.
def validate_model(dataset, model):
Given a dataset and a model trained on the training data,
compute the R2 of applying that model to the testing data.

dataset: (DataSet object) a dataset
model: (Model object) A model that must have been trained
on the dataset's training data.

(float) An R2 value
If your Model class is well designed, this function should not require more than one line (or, at most, a few
lines) to implement. If that is not the case, please come to oce hours or ask on Ed Discussion so we can give
you some quick feedback on your design.
You can test this function by running this:
$ py.test -vk task5
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We can see below how the training versus testing R value increases as we add more feature variables to our
model for the City dataset. There are two interesting trends visible in these curves.
The R for the test set is consistently lower than the training set R . Our model performs worse at
predicting new data than it did on the training data. This is a common feature when training models
with data, and is to be expected (why?).
The improvement in R slows as we add more feature variables. In essence, the rst few varibles
provide a lot of predictive power, but each additional feature variable explains less and less. For some
datasets (not the small ones in this exercise), it’s possible to add so many feature variables that the R
of the test set starts to decrease! This is the essence of “over-tting” : building a model that ts the
training set too closely, and does not work well on novel (test) data.
Slight numerical errors
If you are consistently getting answers that are “close” but not correct, you may have inadvertently used
the wrong equation. Make sure you are using (7) to compute R and the associated variance.
The assignment will be graded according to the Rubric for Programming Assignments
(../../info/grading.html#rubric-for-programming-assignments). Make sure to read that page carefully; the
remainder of this section explains aspects of the grading that are specic to this assignment.
In particular, your completeness score will be determined solely on the basis of the automated tests, which
provide a measure of how many of the tasks you have completed.
The code quality score will be based on the general criteria in the Rubric for Programming Assignments
(../../info/grading.html#rubric-for-programming-assignments). And don’t forget that style also matters! Make
sure to review the general guidelines in the Rubric for Programming Assignments
(../../info/grading.html#rubric-for-programming-assignments), as well as our Style Guide
Cleaning up
Before you submit your nal solution, you should, remove
any print statements that you added for debugging purposes and
all in-line comments of the form: “YOUR CODE HERE” and “REPLACE …”
2 2
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Also, check your code against the style guide. Did you use good variable and function names? Do you have
any lines that are too long? Did you remember to include a header comment for all of your functions?
Do not remove header comments, that is, the triple-quote strings that describe the purpose, inputs, and
return values of each function.
As you clean up, you should periodically save your le and run your code through the tests to make sure that
you have not broken it in the process.
You will be submitting your work through Gradescope (linked from our Canvas site). The process will be the
same as with previous coursework: Gradescope will fetch your les directly from your PA5 repository on
GitHub, so it is important that you remember to commit and push your work! You should also get into the
habit of making partial submissions as you make progress on the assignment; remember that you’re allowed
to make as many submissions as you want before the deadline.
To submit your work, go to the “Gradescope” section on our Canvas site. Then, click on “PA5”. If you
completed previous assignments, Gradescope should already be connected to your GitHub account. If it isn’t,
you will see a “Connect to GitHub” button. Pressing that button will take you to a GitHub page asking you to
conrm that you want to authorize Gradescope to access your GitHub repositories. Just click on the green
“Authorize gradescope” button.
Then, under “Repository”, make sure to select your macs-301x1-22f/pa5-$TGITHUBUSERNAME.git
repository. Under “Branch”, just select “main”.
Finally, click on “Upload”. An autograder will run, and will report back a score. Please note that this
autograder runs the exact same tests (and the exact same grading script) described in Testing Your Code
(../../resources/testing.html#testing-your-code). If there is a discrepancy between the tests when you run
them on your computer, and when you submit your code to Gradescope, please let us know.
