CEGE0004: Assignment (50%)
Module Coordinator: Dr. Aldo Lipani
1 Introduction
In this assignment you need to pick one or two datasets from one of those
available at the UCI Repository1 and perform supervised learning tasks (classi-
fication or regression) on it.
The report task is mandatory and counts a total of 20 marks. The remaining
marks are equally split across 5 learning tasks. For each learning task you need
to pick a learning algorithm from a family of algorithms: decision trees, instance-
based learning, bayesian learning, neural networks, and model ensembles.
Note that, the learning algorithms that you can pick do not need to be among
those that have been presented in the module. You can pick the ones that you
like, and; whenever possible you should use as a target feature the one identified
by the dataset. If this is not possible you can use another feature from those
available in the dataset.
2 Instructions
To complete this assignment, you need to use Python. You are left free to use
whatever technology you find useful. However, I would recommend you to make
a Jupiter notebook for each task. This because notebooks will allow you to code,
document your code, and present results all at the same time. No matter if you
decide to follow this recommendation, please do not forget to state how to run
your code.
3 Report (20)
You will be supplied with a report template containing further instructions and
indications of what to write. Please follow these carefully. The report will be
evaluated based on its general quality, task description, data analysis, and final
comparison of the trained models on the test sets.
4 Learning Tasks (5 · 16)
Each task will be evaluate based on the quality of its presentation, implemen-
tation, training, validation, and hyper-parameter tuning.
Note that you will not be evaluated based on the performance of the trained
models; this assignment aims to evaluate your work and not the learning algo-
rithms. The performance of these learned models is left to you to discuss in the
5 Submission
This assignment should be submitted as follows:
1. a zip file containing the project solution to the Assessment tab of the
module Moodle page;
2. a pdf file of the project report to the Assessment tab of the module Moodle
3. as a GitHub repository by inviting me as a collaborator (aldolipani).
Failing to carefully follow these instructions may result in penalties.
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6 Marking Scheme
The mark scheme is distributed in tasks as follows (total of 100):
n. Task Description Marks
1 Report 20
2 Decision Trees 16
3 Instance-based Learning 16
4 Neural Networks 16
5 Bayesian Learning 16
6 Model Ensembles 16
Any of the following is not allowed, their violation can result in penalties:
• Screenshots of your code pasted in your report. Please copy and paste
your code as text;
• Copying code from other sources without referencing;
• Plagiarising is severely punished. Please read the assessment tab in Moo-
dle for more details about it;
• Copying your classmate report or code is also considered plagiarism, and
in this case all students involved are punished equally.
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