Worksheet for W5 - Activity 2: Conduct a Heuristic Evaluation (Individual Assignment)
Name: Student 1
Website/Product/device/system reviewed Skype messenger android app
URL if applicable
Nielens 10 Heuristics (concise)
#1: Visibility of system status #6: Recognition rather than recall
#2: Match between system and the real world #7: Flexibility and efficiency of use
#3: User control and freedom #8: Aesthetic and minimalist design
#4: Consistency and standards #9: Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors
#5: Error prevention #10: Help and documentation
Nielens 10 Heuristics (explained ) https://www.nngroup.com/articles/ten-usability-heuristics/
Find here Nielsens Severity Rating https://www.nngroup.com/articles/how-to-rate-the-severity-of-
Severty Meaning
0 I don't agree that this is a usability problem at all
1 Cosmetic problem only: need not be fixed unless extra time is
available on project
2 Minor usability problem: fixing this should be given low priority
3 Major usability problem: important to fix, so should be given high
4 Usability catastrophe: imperative to fix this before product can be
Running Number of UX Problems found Heuristic reviewed Comments Severty Rating
1 Visibility of system status While in the app and connected, at the top of the
screen there is a "connecting...." message letting
the user know the app is trying to connect and
cannot use internet features. However, this
message appears even when connected. It also
shows when not actually connected making it an
unreliable indicator of if the system is online. It
seems the problem can be replicated by going in
and out of conversations and every once in a while
it will appear. The message stays until app is
closed, or phone switches from wifi to data or the
other way around.
Flexibility and efficiency of use
If in a call and multiple people are added, then new
entries to the call history are made. For example if
A and B are talking, and C joins later, the call
history will have a log of A and B, and a seperate
log of A, B, and C. As the call and conversation log
are the predominant portion of the home screen,
this can clutter the screen fast and make it so that
other conversations that are different than this one
call are buried.
3 Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors On crashes, especially crashes caused by
uploading a photo, no recovery is made and rarely
a message is shown. Usually the app will crash and
simply restart when you enter again. If there is a
message it comes from the android system saying
the app is not responding. On the rare occasion the
app itself sends an error message it is not
informative and simply says it is on their side of
things. Crashes occur on about 10% of attempted
photo uploads which is significant considering the
the crash rate of other messenger apps.
4 Flexibility and efficiency of use When using the search function, it will unreliably
return results past a certain date. Sometimes it will
return results from a certain period of time and
sometimes it won't return results from that same
period of time. In addition searching through the
photo history will jumble and exclude pictures
anywhere beyond 10 pictures. Both the search and
photo history are features that perform better on
other platforms.
5 User control and freedom On the search function, it is impossible to search for
specifically what you want. This means when you
start typing into the search bar, the results will
return group chats, contacts, non-contacts, and
messages. So if you only want to search within a
specific conversation, the search results will include
things like people that you don't know, but who
have the search phrase in their name. Ideally you
would be able to exclude results like this.
6 Consistency and Standards The push notifications sent by the app are
unreliable. Very often message notifications will not
be pushed and even calls are declined, although
less frequently. It is a pretty essential feature for the
app to be able to reliably notify users of calls and
messages. This is done reliably by similar apps and
is a core feature to skype.
Artimetic Average of the HE 2.5
Worksheet for W5 - Activity 2: Conduct a Heuristic Evaluation (Individual Assignment)
Name: Student 2
Website/Product/device/system reviewed ESPN Mobile App
URL if applicable N/A
Nielens 10 Heuristics (concise)
#1: Visibility of system status #6: Recognition rather than recall
#2: Match between system and the real world #7: Flexibility and efficiency of use
#3: User control and freedom #8: Aesthetic and minimalist design
#4: Consistency and standards #9: Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors
#5: Error prevention #10: Help and documentation
Nielens 10 Heuristics (explained ) https://www.nngroup.com/articles/ten-usability-heuristics/
Find here Nielsens Severity Rating https://www.nngroup.com/articles/how-to-rate-the-severity-of-
Severty Meaning
0 I don't agree that this is a usability problem at all
1 Cosmetic problem only: need not be fixed unless extra time is
available on project
2 Minor usability problem: fixing this should be given low priority
3 Major usability problem: important to fix, so should be given high
4 Usability catastrophe: imperative to fix this before product can be
Running Number of UX Problems found Heuristic reviewed Comments Severty Rating
1 #9 Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors The ESPN mobile app will unexpectedly have a
problem with loading a video or live stream of a
sport in the current time or past. The app will pop
up a notification letting the user know that the there
was an issue with loading a video or livestream. On
occasion, the app will continue to load and will not
work properly without an error message to suggest
a solution or prevention in the future.
2 #6 Recognition rather than recall The ESPN mobile app does idenitfy what each
section of the app is, for instance, highlights from a
well-known sporting event or a news about anything
sport related. There are not many issues with this
since many of the users understand where a
specific section is and how to get there. The one
small issue I've had or heard of is how to find
highlight videos of sporting events. The reason the
severty level is low is because users can find said
highlight videos by looking up a game through the
type of sport and will be easily accessible.
3 #8 Aesthetic and minimalist design The ESPN mobile app has a very simplistic design
for all users from everyday to rarely used. The app
is laid out to show the most recent sporting events
so users can find the most recent stats and scores.
Pictures and videos are the shown to give the user
and idea of what the sporting event or news is
about. As an everyday user myself, I enjoy seeing
the colorful pictures and highlights from a recent
sporting event beause it allows for me find what I
am looking for faster without the hassle of reading
4 #2 Match between system and the real world The ESPN mobile app focuses on today's sporting
events and users want the fastest updates to their
favorite sports. The app allows users to see some
sporting events live through a broadcast or
livestream with a subscription and will give the user
a truly updated score in real time. The app does a
great job at updating every goal, basket, field goal,
etc. within minutes and even seconds of the score
happening. Using this app, I appreciate the time of
how fast it takes the scores to update until the end
of the event.
5 #4 Consistency and standards Every time I open the ESPN mobile app, I was able
to find a specific sporting event right away. The
screens needed to find the event was
straightforward even if I tried to find different events
from different nights. The app allows the user to
find an event with either a search bar or selecting a
screen to find a list of sporting events and finding
the one I want. The apps layout gives the user the
consistency to finding what they desire within
seconds and very rarely minutes. The stays
consistent ever time I use it.
6 #10 Help and documentation The ESPN mobile app mainly has issues with
videos and highlights loading but on occasion there
may be other issues such as a login issue or
searching issues. I tried to find the help section on
the app and was able to locate it in the settings
section. The issue I had was that there were more
screens to click through to try and find a FAQ's
section or a search bar to find a specific problem. I
think this issue could by putting the help section in
a popular location rather than in the back of the app
where it's harder for people to find.
Artimetic Average of the HE 2
Worksheet for W5 - Activity 2: Conduct a Heuristic Evaluation (Individual Assignment)
Name: Student 3
Website/Product/device/system reviewed Webtoons Android App
URL if applicable n/a (I assessed the app for this website https://www.webtoons.com/)
Nielens 10 Heuristics (concise)
#1: Visibility of system status #6: Recognition rather than recall
#2: Match between system and the real world #7: Flexibility and efficiency of use
#3: User control and freedom #8: Aesthetic and minimalist design
#4: Consistency and standards #9: Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors
#5: Error prevention #10: Help and documentation
Nielens 10 Heuristics (explained ) https://www.nngroup.com/articles/ten-usability-
Find here Nielsens Severity Rating https://www.nngroup.com/articles/how-to-rate-the-
Severty Meaning
0 I don't agree that this is a usability problem at all
1 Cosmetic problem only: need not be fixed unless extra time
is available on project
2 Minor usability problem: fixing this should be given low
3 Major usability problem: important to fix, so should be given
high priority
4 Usability catastrophe: imperative to fix this before product
can be released
Running Number of UX Problems found Heuristic reviewed Comments Severty Rating
1 #9: Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors When scrolling through a comic very quickly (faster
than reading speed), the comic would stop loading
midway. There was seemingly no way to fix this other
than closing and reopening the app. This happened
2 #5: Error prevention When using the app on slower/public wifi, even when
scrolling through a comic at normal speeds, the next
panels would not load automatically. Instead, the
reviewer scrolled down to a blank box with a "reload"
icon in it. After tapping the icon, the panel would load.
This continued for the remainder of the comic,
interrupting the reading process. There was no
indication up front that this would be the case. This
happened frequently.
3 #10: Help and documentation I had a hard time finding the Help option. I expected to
find it in the main menu, or at the bottom/footer
navigation. At first I thought it didn't exist, but after
clicking through a few options in the footer, I discovered
that the Help menu is nested under Settings, which isn't
where I expected to find it. To access Help, the user
must visit Settings, scroll about halfway down the list of
options, and then select Help.
4 #10: Help and documentation Inside the Help menu, I used the search box to search
for "Slow loading". The first result that came up was
"How do I download episodes?", which was unrelated
to my search. When I scrolled through the Help topics, I
found a post titled "The app keeps stopping while
loading the series", which is a better match for my
search term but didn't come up in the search results.
5 #6: Recognition rather than recall Comic series usually get updated 1-2 times per week,
and the user can subscribe to series to get notified
when updates are released. I subscribed to 10 different
series, all of them updated on Saturday nights. When I
checked the My Series menu, it only displayed 7 of the
comics, followed by a "To My Series" button. When I
clicked "To My Series," it showed me a list of
everything I had subscribed to -- but the list was sorted
in the order that I had accessed the comics. It was not
sorted in order of most recently updated.
Furthermore, there was no way to change the sort
order, so there were some series that had been
updated that I didn't get notified about. This is a
consistent problem that will happen each time a user
subscribes to 8+ series that update on the same day.
Without explicit notifications, the user would have to
remember which comics they hadn't accessed for a
while and manually check them for updates.
6 #4: Consistency and standards At the bottom of each comic episode, there is a section
that lists the 3 most liked comments. The section
header, Top Comments, is clickable. When I selected
this header to (presumably) see more top comments, I
landed on a list of comments that was sorted by date
("Newest"). There was an option I could tap to sort by
"Top" instead, but as I had clicked on "Top Comments"
to get here, I was surprised to need to select "Top"
again in order to see the top comments.
Artimetic Average of the HE 2.5

