ML4ENG Coursework – Part 2
Deadline for submission (enforced by Keats): December 14, 2022 at 16:00.
In this coursework, you will work with
1. Binary classification using deterministic and soft predictors.
2. Binary classification using multiple layers.
To start, download the data sets dataset_heart_attack.mat and the template file
cw2_template.m from the module’s Keats website. Once this is done:
3. Change the cw2_template.m to your k number. In the following, we will refer to
this file as k12345678.m.
4. Open the k12345678.m file with your MATLAB editor [1]. Note that the file contains
a preamble, referred to as main body, which you should not modify, and the definition
of several functions.
5. Follow the Instructions (Section 3 of this document) to fill in the details of the
functions in the template file. The functions in the k12345678.m file have been
numbered according to the numbered list below in Section 3 (Instructions).
6. Make sure each function’s output has the correct size.
7. You are encouraged to use in each function previous functions that you wrote. It will
not always be possible.
8. Once you have written the functions, verify that the file k12345678.m runs without
errors when the file is included in a folder containing only the file itself and the data
9. Check that no MATLAB toolbox was used. You can type in the command window
license('inuse') and verify only standard matlab functions are used.
10. Check no display lines are printed when running k12345678.m beside the
discussion parts that are detailed in Section 3. Any variable that will be printed have
a penalty of 2 points. As a reminder, place ‘;’ at the end of each assignment line to
avoid printing.
11. If running file k12345678.m raises any error, the coursework may be graded 0.
12. Submit only the k12345678.m file on Keats. No other files are allowed.

The file dataset_heart_attack.mat [2] contains a data set = {, }=1
, which
consists of = 303 examples. Each example consists of:
1. Input vector in ℝ
13, encompassing = 13 medical features.
2. Its corresponding binary label ∈ {0,1}, where 1 stands for high chance of heart
attack and 0 for low chance as diagnosed by a medical expert.
The data is loaded into the workspace to have
Name Size Type Description
t × 1 Logical Diagnosis (binary label): 1 = high chance of heart
attack and 0 = low chance.
X × Double Data matrix (samples vectors as rows)
x_titles 1 × String Description for the d features in
The -th input sample vector is denoted as
= [


and the inputs of the data sets are given by stacking up samples
= [

] = [
⋯ 1
⋮ ⋱ ⋮


] ∈ ℝ× .
Note the superscript denotes entry index and not power (as indicated by the use of the
parenthesis). The labels are also stacked up, forming the vector
= [1 2 … ],
The entries of the vector x_titles annotate the features.
We will focus on two feature vectors. The first vector of features, named A, consists of all
inputs, together with a bias, and hence it includes = + 1 = 14 scalar features. The
second set of features, named B, includes all inputs, a bias, and their squares, for a total of
= 2 + 1 = 27 scalr features.
Accordingly, the two feature vectors for a given input are given as
() = [1,
(2), … ,

∈ ℝ14
() = [1,
, … ,
, (
, (
, … , (
, (

∈ ℝ27
For a set of samples, we stack the features as usual into the feature matrices

= [


] ∈ ℝ× , = [


] ∈ ℝ× .
You are provided with two functions to produce these, using U = mapping_A(X) and U =
mapping_B(X) respectively. In them, you can see that we also add bias and scale each
input, so all of them will reside in the segment [-1,+1].
We use the dimension to represent either or when dealing with general functions.
Section 1 – Perceptron
To complete this section, we will work on 6 functions that will enable the training of a
discriminative linear model for binary classification via the perceptron algorithm. Two model
classes will be investigated, one with feature mapping () and the other with feature
vector (). Accordingly, the model parameter vector is of size or , and all functions
below are applicable to an arbitrary feature size . The main body loads the data set, and
sends the entire data set X to all of the next functions.
1. [5 points] Design the function
function t_hat= perceptron_predict(X, map_func, theta)
that takes as input a data matrix X∈ ℝ×, a feature mapping function map_func
(this will be called with mapping_A or mapping_B), as well as a model parameter
vector theta∈ ℝ. The function returns the perceptron output t_hat∈ ℝ, as a
column vector of hard predictions ̂(|) = [̂(1|), ̂(2|), … , ̂(|)]
to the inputs using the selected feature vector. To avoid ambiguity, assume
step(0.0)=0 here.
2. [5 points] Design the function
function cm = classification_margin(X, t, map_func,
that takes as input a data matrix X∈ ℝ×, the targets vector t∈ {0,1}, a feature
mapping function map_func, and a model parameter vector theta∈ ℝ. The
function return a vector of the classification margins cm∈ ℝ, as the column vector
±((1)), 2
±((2)), … ,

3. [5 points] Design the function
function grad_theta = perceptron_gradient(X, t, map_func,

that takes as input a data matrix X∈ ℝ×, the targets vector t∈ {0,1}, a feature
mapping function map_func that produces -lengthed features, and a model
parameter vector theta∈ ℝ. The function returns a matrix of size × , with the
-th row representing the transpose of the gradient of the -th point
∇(, ̂(|)) of the surrogate loss of the perceptron algorithm, that is the
gradient of the hinge-at-zero loss at the above sample pair. The gradient matrix is
represented as

(∇(1, ̂(1|)))

(∇( , ̂(|)))


4. [5 points] Design the function
function loss = hinge_at_zero_loss(X, t, map_func, theta)
that takes as input a data matrix X∈ ℝ×, the targets vector t∈ {0,1}, a feature
mapping function map_func that produces -lengthed features, and a model
parameter vector theta∈ ℝ. The function returns the empirical hinge-at-zero loss
∈ ℝ in the variable loss of the perceptron predictions using the given features
and model parameter vector.
5. [10 points] Design the function
function theta_mat = perceptron_train_sgd(X, t, map_func,
theta_init, I, gamma)
that takes as input a training data matrix X∈ ℝ×, its targets vector t∈ {0,1}, a
feature mapping function map_func that produces -lengthed features, an initial
parameter theta_init∈ ℝ; the number I∈ ℕ of training iterations; and learning
rate gamma> 0 . The function runs over I training iterations of the perceptron
algorithm with mini-batch size of 1. It returns a matrix, with model parameter vectors
along these iterations as columns in the matrix theta_mat∈ ℝ×(+1) . The first
column equals theta_init, the second column is after one update, and so on. The
mini-batch for the -th iteration has a single sample that is chosen via the cyclic
= 1 + ( − 1) .
This means that the first update uses the first input 1 (as the first row of X) and first
entry of t, the second update uses the second sample and its label, and so forth.
The main body trains the two different model classes perceptrons, and plots the loss for each

6. [10 points] Add up to two lines of text in function discussion() addressing
the question: According to the produced graphs, can we tell how fitted the trained
models (whether overfitted, underfitting or well fitted)? State which, or write what
we should have done differently in order to be able to tell.

Section 2 – Logistic Regression
To complete this section, 4 functions will be coded to implement the training of discriminative
probabilistic linear model for binary classification by using logistic regression. The same two
model classes with feature mapping () and () are considered, and so is the data set.
All functions must be written to an arbitrary model parameter number .
7. [5 points] Design the function
function logit= logistic_regression_logit(X, map_func,
that takes as input a data matrix X∈ ℝ×, a feature mapping function map_func
that produces -lengthed features, and a model parameter vector theta∈ ℝ. The
function returns the logit column vector logit∈ ℝ of a logistic regression
output, outputting the vector [(1),
(2), … ,
8. [10 points] Design the function
function grad_theta = logistic_regression_gradient(X,
map_func, t, theta)
that takes as input a data matrix X∈ ℝ×, the targets vector t∈ {0,1}, a feature
mapping function map_func that produces -lengthed features, and a model
parameter vector theta∈ ℝ. The function returns a matrix of size × , with the
-th row representing the transpose of the gradient of the -th point
∇(− log ( = |, )) of the logistic loss. The gradient matrix is represented as
(∇(− log ( = 1|1, )))

(∇(− log ( = | , )))

] .
It may be useful to use the sigmoid() function provided in the auxiliary functions.
9. [10 points] Design the function
function loss = logistic_loss(X, t, map_func, theta)
that takes as input a data matrix X∈ ℝ×, the targets vector t∈ {0,1}, a feature
mapping function map_func that produces -lengthed features, and a model
parameter vector theta∈ ℝ. The function returns the empirical logistic loss loss∈

ℝ of logistic regression predictions using the given features and model parameter
10. [10 points] Design the function
function theta_mat = logistic_regression_train_sgd (X_tr,
t_tr, map_func, theta_init, I, gamma, S)
having the same description of inputs and outputs as the above function
perceptron_train_sgd(), with the difference of using the logistic loss for the
considered logistic regression. Moreover, the SGD uses now mini-batches of S
samples in each mini-batch, following the cyclic scan rule over indices of
= 1 + ( ⋅ ( − 1) + [0: − 1] + 1) .
The first update uses this rule with = 1, the last with .
The main body trains the two different model classes logistic regressions, plots the losses
and shows the decision rules for some representative iterations. Use them to gain insights
and validate your code.

Section 3 – Neural network
We now consider a 3-layer neural network model for binary classification, with input features
of size , number of neurons in the first hidden layer 1 and in the second hidden layer 2,
and Leaky ReLU activations of the hidden layers. To represent the model parameters =
{1,2, 3}, we use a MATLAB struct [3] to group the matrices. The model parameters can
be accessed using the struct fields. For a struct named theta, use theta.W1, theta.W2
and theta.w3 to access them as regular variables. The functions to be designed must be
written to account for a general 3-layers of arbitrary sizes each. You can assume the number
of layers is 3. We use the notations in the lecture slides, and denote the input features as
rather than as in the previous sections. This section does not use any data set. The main
body calls for the listed function for two different input feature vectors, using the same model
parameter vector as provided within the main body.
11. [5 points] Design the function
function out= leaky_ReLU(in)
that takes as input a vector in, and outputs a leaky ReLU with 0.1 leak coefficient
activation, outputting a vector of the same size with the entry-wise activation
following the rule
ℎ() = {
≥ 0
0.1 < 0

12. [5 points] Design the function
function out= grad_leaky_ReLU(in)
that computes entry-wise the gradient of the non linear activation function leaky
ReLU with leaky coefficient of 0.1 over any size vector or matrix in, outputting a
vector or matrix out of the same size. As it is not defined when an input entry is 0,
we choose arbitrarily for this case the output to be 1.
13. [15 points] Design the function
function [logit, grad_theta] = nn_logit_and_gradient(x,
t, theta)
that takes as input one sample x∈ ℝand a struct theta with fields W1,W2,w3.
Based on these two arguments, it produces the logit logit ∈ ℝ of the
abovementioned non-linear model with leaky ReLU activations for the corresponding
weights. Furthermore, it combines the corresponding target t∈ {0,1} to produce a
struct grad_theta, with inner fields (W1,W2,w3), containing the gradients
∇(−log (|, )) of the logistic loss.

