Final Report – Project Assessment Criteria- 3rd Year Individual Projects (ECM3175 and ECM3149)
Section Excellent (>80% ) Very Good (70-80%) Good (55-69%) Satisfactory (40-54%) Poor (below 40%)
Abstract (5 Marks)
 Background to project
 Project aim
 Methodologies used
 Main outcomes
 Conclusions
 Very well written, accurately
and concisely captures all the
essential aspects of the
project, methodology,
outcomes and issues

 Reasonably well written and captures
most of the essential elements of the
project, methodology, outcomes and
 Adequately written and
captures most elements
methodology, outcomes and
issues though missing some
 Poorly written and does not
clearly convey information
concerning project topic,
method, issues and/or
 Badly written and/or does not
summarise the project topic
and its outcomes

Introduction and background
(5 Marks)
 What
 Why
 How
 Aim
 Objectives

 Thorough and in-depth
understanding of the
 Clear, logical and crisp
overview of the problem being
 Aim and objectives are
precise, outlining clearly the
what, why and how without
leaving room for ambiguities

 Good, consistent knowledge and
understanding of the background
 Logical and unambiguous overview of
the problem being addressed
 Clear, well-defined aim and objectives
 Sound, routine knowledge of
the problem being
 An appropriate overview of
the problem being
addressed but with minor
 Aim and objectives are
stated but with minor
 Broadly accurate
understanding of the problem
being addressed
 Some elements missing and
flaws evident
 Aim and objectives are given
but need much sharpening
 Fails to demonstrate a basic
understanding of the problem
 Reader left confused about the
focus of project.
 Lacks/badly written aim and

Literature review
(15 Marks)

 What has been done before
 How it shapes your project
 Good referencing
 Exceptionally wide range of
relevant literature used
critically to inform argument,
balance discussion and/or
inform problem-solving.
 Consistently accurate use of
 Shows follow up of most
recent advances

 Critical engagement with appropriate
 Knowledge of research-informed
 Consistently accurate use of

 Knowledge of literature
beyond core text(s).
 Literature used accurately
but descriptively.
 Referencing generally

 Some evidence of reading,
with superficial linking to
given text(s).
 Referencing is largely
consistent, but with some
 Evidence of little reading and/or
indiscriminate use of sources.
 Very few references and/or
badly cited.

Methodology and theory
(20 Marks)
Elaboration of project-relevant key
concepts identified in literature

 Excellent description of the
methodology and/or
 Demonstrates a thorough and
in-depth knowledge and
understanding of concepts
and theories that goes beyond
expectations for this level
 Extensive, relevant and
logically organised
 Shows a good degree of
originality/creativity with
notable progress beyond
background reading
 Clear evidence of significant
progress towards objectives
 Very good description of the
methodology and/or
experimental/design procedure
 Good consistent knowledge and
understanding of concepts and
 Relevant and logically organised
 Shows some degree of originality with
clear and useful progress beyond
background reading
 Clear evidence of good progress
towards stated objectives
 Good description of the
methodology and/or
procedure with minor flaws
 Sound understanding of
concepts and theories
 Acceptable coverage
 Shows reasonable progress
beyond background reading
 Evidence of an acceptable
level of progress towards
stated objectives

 Appropriate description of
the methodology and/or
procedure with evident of
 Broadly accurate knowledge
and understanding of the
concepts and theories
 Limited coverage
 Shows limited progress
beyond background reading
 Some evidence of progress
towards stated objectives
 Incomplete/incorrect description
of the methodology and
experimental/design procedure
 Lack of understanding of
concepts and theories
 Shows no progress beyond
background reading
 No evidence of progress
towards objectives

Final Report – Project Assessment Criteria- 3rd Year Individual Projects (ECM3175 and ECM3149)
Experimental work /analytical
(20 Marks)
 Analysis, experiments or design
software, procedures)
 Design (of equipment or

 Excellent description of how
the methodology/experimental
work is employed/conducted
 Can collect and interpret
appropriate data/ information
and undertake research tasks
with autonomy and
exceptional success.

 Good description of how the
methodology/experimental work is
 Can collect and interpret appropriate
data and successfully undertake
research tasks with a degree of
 An acceptable description of
work is employed/conducted
 Can collect and interpret
appropriate data/
information and undertake
straightforward research
tasks with external
 Limited description of the
work is employed/conducted
 Some evidence of ability to
collect appropriate
data/information and
undertake straightforward
research tasks with external
 Poor presentation of the
work is employed/conducted
 Limited evidence of skills in the
range identified for the
assessment at this level.
 Significant weaknesses

Presentation of experimental or
analytical results/description of
final constructed product
(15 Marks)
Exposition of outcomes of the
project in the form of a finished
product, set of experimental
results or outputs from
computational or theoretical work

 Neat, logical and crisp
presentation of results as
evidence of thorough and
detailed work
 Excellent plots, tables,
drawings presented creatively
with clear labelling and clear
references from text
 Outcomes self-evident from
the presentation without
having to explore through text
 Results show work beyond
expectations at this level.
 Clear, unambiguous presentation of
results as evidence of a good piece of
technical work
 Neat plots, tables, drawings with clear
labelling and clear references from
 Outcomes self-evident from the
presentation without having to
explore through text

 Technically correct
presentation of results but
with minor shortcomings
 Good legible plots, tables,
drawings that are neatly
linked from the text but with
minor flaws
 Major outcomes are largely
evident from the presentation

 Results are given but with
some evident gaps
 Purpose of some plots,
tables, drawings etc. is not
 Presentation is not coherent
 Some conclusions are
brought out

 Few results presented
 Fundamental technical issues
 Drawings, tables, plots hard to
 Inadequate information to
substantiate conclusions

Discussion and conclusions
(10 Marks)
 Description of what has been
learnt from
experimental/analytical work or
 Distillation of important findings
and their significance
 Specific observations to inform
future research
 Excellent discussion that
distils new knowledge from
 A concise set of statements of
convincing conclusions
 Clearly defines foundations
made for future research or
product development
 Conclusions demonstrate
novel and publishable quality

 Technically sound discussion
highlighting findings from this study
with well-balanced arguments.
 Arguments generally logical,
coherently expressed, well
organised and supported.
 Concise set of statements outlining
sound conclusions.
 Clear set of observations to inform
future research.
 Good discussion highlighting
the important findings but
with minor weaknesses.
 An emerging awareness of
different stances and ability
to use evidence to support a
coherent argument.
 Broadly valid conclusions.
 Sense of argument emerging
though not completely
 Some evidence to support
views, but not always
 Some relevant conclusions.
 For the most part descriptive
with no clarity.
 Important results not highlighted
and views/findings sometimes
illogical or contradictory
 Generalisations/statements
made with limited evidence.
 Conclusions lack relevance
and/or validity.
Project management,
consideration of relevant
sustainability and health and
safety issues where
appropriate, overall
presentation throughout report
(10 Marks)
 Procedures and systems for
project management
 Sustainability/H&S as
 Very well defined how the
project was managed.
 Shows excellent awareness
and relevance of health and
safety issues,
 Demonstrates a thorough
understanding of
sustainability issues and their
 Excellent level of English

 Clearly defined how the project was
 Shows awareness and relevance of
health and safety issues,
 Demonstrates full understanding of
sustainability issues and their
 Few to no mistakes
 High standard of English

 Sound overall
management of project
with minor shortcomings
 Sufficient coverage of
health and safety and
sustainability issues but
few elements missing
 Good level of English with
few minor spelling and
grammatical errors

 Acceptable overall level of
management however with
evident flaws
 Some coverage of health
and safety and sustainability
issues with some elements
 Readable but contains some
typos and grammatical
 Little clarity on what the student
 Unconvincing management
 Does not cover relevant health
and safety and sustainability
 Difficult to follow with lots of
typos and grammatical mistakes

