UFCFB5-15-3 Assessment Specification 2019-2020 (1.08) Page 1 of 8


Computer Science and Creative Technologies

Coursework or Assessment Specification 2020-2021 Version 1.11

Module Details
Module Code UFCFB5-15-3
Module Title Ethical and Professional Issues in Computing and
Digital Media
Module Leader Paul Raynor
Module Tutors Martin Serpell, Virginia Power, Richard McClatchey,
Gordon Downie, Sue Scarborough
Year 2020-2021
Component/Element Number A1
Total number of assessments
for this module
Weighting A, 25%
B, 75%
Element Description A1 Group presentation (15min) and Group Q&A
session (15min)
B1 Individual report (2,000 words)

Date issued to students On or before 19th November 2020, issued 2nd Nov
Date to be returned to students 25thJanuary2020 which is within 4 working weeks
of the official submission date, Thursday
Submission Dates A1 CC part1: Pre-recorded group presentation
up to and including Thursday 17th December2020
CC part2: Q&A week beginning Monday 11th
January 2020; Q&A week beginning Monday 18th
January 2020; Q&A week beginning Monday 25th
January 2020 to Thursday 28th January 2020
B1 Thursday 17th December2020
Submission Place A1 Prerecorded group presentation (both
Blackboard and file transfer in assignment groups)
Also submit PowerPoint online Blackboard and
discussion groups
(all in preparation for online Q&A sessions)
B1 Online Blackboard
Submission Time A1 informally anytime up to 17th Dec
B1 2pm, 17th Dec 2020
Submission Notes A group presentation and an individually written
report of 2,000 words according to the
Specification below.

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Feedback provision Students are free to produce prerecorded material
at the earliest opportunity, the content of which
will not be commented on.

There is no formative feedback provided by this
assignment which is entirely summative.

However at the discretion of the tutorial tutor,
production materials, schedules of planned work
and prototypes may solicit a formative response if
the materials is appropriated presented as a Wiki
entry, and the tutored informed of that entry in a
group email.


Module Details ................................................................................................................................. 1
Dates .............................................................................................................................................. 1
Feedback ........................................................................................................................................ 2
Contents ............................................................................................................................................ 2
Section 1: Overview of Assessment .................................................................................................. 3
Section 2: Task Specification ........................................................................................................... 3
Section 3: Deliverables .................................................................................................................... 5
Section 4: Marking Criteria .............................................................................................................. 6
4.2 Group presentation marking template (25% of overall mark) ............................................................ 6
4.3 Individual essay marking template (75% of overall mark) ................................................................. 7
Section 5: Feedback mechanisms ..................................................................................................... 8

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Section 1: Overview of Assessment
This assignment assesses the following module learning outcomes:

1. Show a detailed knowledge and understanding of the major ethical theories, the key Issues raised
by ICTs that give rise to ethical concerns, and critical factors relevant to professional practice in the
21st century. B1
2. Demonstrate the ability to recognise the dilemmas inherent in professional practice, form balanced
judgements on them, and recommend actions in conformance with good practice and within the
appropriate legal requirements. B1
3. Demonstrate key skills in the communication and dissemination of contestable ethical positions,
awareness of professional literature, and negotiating and working with others.
4. Show knowledge and understanding of technology innovation and the strategies and organizational
formations enabled by digital technologies. B1

The assignment is worth 100% of the overall mark for the module.
The assignment requires a pre-recorded group presentation of 15 mins, followed by a 15 minute Q&A
session, and an individually written report of 2,000 words according to the specification below.

The assignment is described in more detail in section 2.

Consequently this is both a group work and an individual assignment.

Working on this assignment will help you to gain a coherent insight into ethical aspects of a pertinent and
core topic in computing.

If you have questions about this assignment, please post them to the discussion board on Blackboard.

Section 2: Task Specification

Article 8 of the Human Rights Act protects your right to respect for your private and family life.

The Act concerns notions of a private life, family relationships, the existence of home, and the Human
Rights Act also identifies public authorities who can interfere with those individual rights.

As individuals, information privacy is something that we instinctively seek but it might be that this is
dependent on political or environmental experiences, aspects of our own personality and upbringing.

The existence or not of privacy in a particular circumstance may, seemingly, depend on the technology but
the need for a particular ISP to know your actual name and date of birth is not obvious, although it is
increasingly becoming the expectation. Different generations of citizens react to these systems differently.
It is self-evident that even within the same family group, respect to privacy and family life may vary in its
aspirations and the reality of implementation.
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Personal privacy is frequently cited as guaranteed when using this or that computer system, whatever the
reality. Furthermore, there are companies who not only want to know your personal details but would like
you to be a customer exclusive to them.

1. Your task is to identify two or more valid technological (ICT) solutions where there is sufficient
public information for you to exploit Article 8 of the Human Rights Act as the template of
2. In order to explore the nature of these implementations, comparisons are often useful. You need to
ascertain if the extent of any differences of implementation and apparent compromise reveal real
differences in the underpinning ethical position.
3. To explore to what extent all aspects of privacy and family life are achievable or desirable within
implementable ICT solutions, and where it is found or not found to speculate on causal reasons if
they are discernably apparent.
Use Article 8 of the Human Rights Act as a framework for ethical analysis and evaluation of familiar (i.e.
known to the public) ICT solutions. The ICT solutions, selected by you, can be any viable implementations
you can research.

This approach will require that the authenticity of Article 8 itself as a useful instrument of validation, is
itself evaluated and established.

An aid to your task, might be to identify (or attempt to identify) where the power to implement your (or
someone’s privacy) resides in a particular context of social institutions (for example; individuals, families,
companies, religions, local practices, laws, political parties, political positions (real and theoretical), political
allies, professional bodies, technology clouds, regions, etc. Just about anything can be usefully identified as
a social institution of shared and exclusive behavior. The content might be something very general, like an
international law, or be something very specific like the anonymity of the users of weapons systems.

Informal political affiliations or interests in particular hobbies or online games or gym membership might
also be suitable context.

You might also define the context in terms of particular hardware, like smartphones, or systems whereby
the requirement to synchronize data seemingly necessitates sharing identities for the convenience. There
are a multitude of different practices, for instance in the general adoption of single sim phones in the UK
and USA but dual sim phones elsewhere. Furthermore, particularly in the USA, the e-sim becomes a virtual
sim that is synonymous with its user and owner, so changing the nature of e-sim contracts.

It might that all is well in a particular context, and you might want to speculate on how different it could or
should be. For instance, how many ‘technology clouds’ is ideal.

It might be that some research is necessary to find your chosen context where realistic comparisons are
possible, and you have reasonable access to the necessary research papers or relevant data.

Your chosen topic (ICT solutions) needs to be unique within your seminar-group (S/01 to S/07). Then
within your assignment-group you need to identify that part that is your personal unique interest, and
include that as part of the title of the individual report, after the phrase, ‘with emphasis on’.

Pertinent to this particular assignment, Article 8 of Human Rights Act, the following examples are
illustrating a sense of scope to encourage you to consider the widest context for your assignment topic:

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“Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights etc. … CLOUDS … with emphasis on a
comparison of practices of Google”

“Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights etc. … CLOUDS … with emphasis on a
comparison of practices of Microsoft”

“Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights etc. … CODES … with emphasis on the
range of codes of practices of professional bodies for ICT across EU countries.”

“Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights etc. … DEFENSE … with emphasis on
employment opportunities in the software developers of defense contracts.”

“Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights etc. … CYBER … with emphasis on
generation of fake news by Russia”

“Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights etc. … OFFENSIVE MATERIAL … with
emphasis on a comparison of practices of Google”

“Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights etc. … OFFENSIVE MATERIAL … with
emphasis on the inability to specify the necessary refined global algorithm”

Section 3: Deliverables
The format for the report and presentation is as follows:

i. An individually authored essay or report of 2,000 words on the aspect of your group topic that you
feel to be most pertinent, and is distinct from the work of the other group members (75% of total
mark) and as such within a group, each report will have a unique title, which would refer to the
particular context you are studying and the emphasis of your own contribution within the group.
Titles for Wiki pages
CW1 Wiki16: CW1 group-assignment page to show active membership
CW1 Wiki17: CW1 edit content establishing topic
CW1 Wiki18: CW1 developing topic and individual commentary
CW1 Wiki21: CW1 Finalise topic title with individual emphasis

ii. A pre-recorded group presentation of up to 15 minutes that treats the task more generically, to
address any issues from the taught material on the module. The pre-recorded presentation will be
created by concatenating video material whereby each group member clearly has some
contribution. The pre-recorded video will be viewed by the tutor and marker who will generate
questions in advance for consideration of the student presenters for a Q&A session, which will be at
least 15 minutes (and may be preceded by viewing the video to remind us of the context). The
students will prepare to answer these questions, some of which will be asked in the Q&A session.
Other questions may also be asked during the Q&As. Any group member may answer. This group
work is 25% of total mark, marked for the team, not as individuals. Students not attending the Q&A
session will reduce their own maximum mark to 80% (of the 25%) for this par only.
You may structure the material as you wish but suggested sections might be: Introduction to
context; Examples and argument for; Counter examples and argument against;
Conclusions reached; Future issues. In other words you need to represent a dilemma and decide
where your group is positioned on the matter.

Peer and self-assessment of group activities will be attributed to group members according to the
groups’ judgement on the amount of effort each member made using a metric in the wiki and
within the wiki. This will be achieved by distributing the 100 effort marks amongst group members,
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so five members of the group who made equal contributions would be recorded within the wiki as
20 effort marks each (100/5), and in the unlikely event of a sixth member who made no
contribution, that person would gain no group mark. It is important to evidence your work, within
the assignment group wiki, by generating the appropriate flags (creating necessary wiki page) and
more importantly making sure that the associated commentary contains comments that are
attributable to you. This automatically happens when you submit a comment. Comments cannot be
edited but they can be deleted and re-submitted so feel free to use them.
Titles for Wiki pages
Group CC Wiki18: CC Planned contributions
Group CC Wiki20: CC Revised contributions
Group CC Wiki22: CC Achieved contributions

Both components are compulsory and the pass mark is 40% for each.

Section 4: Marking Criteria
4.1: Guidelines

This assessment requires that you investigate the impacts and use of technology in order to reveal
inherent ethical dilemmas. To achieve this, you must gain a familiarity with key ethical theories, and
contemporary professional and scholarly thinking on digital ethics. The assessment criteria includes insight
on the consequences of the technology, awareness of the wider context, ethics, and suggested positions
for the profession. You will need to address each of these issues.

Academic material drawn upon in your essay or report must be clearly cited within the text and full details
of sources used must be presented in a list of references at the end. Marks will be awarded for quality of
ethical review according to the criteria on the pro-forma below. The best assignments will show evidence of
awareness of the dilemma posed and sensitivity to the wider context. This is a deliberately open-ended
task, and you are encouraged to find your own ways of answering it through the development of an ethical
position, supported by evidence where appropriate.

Guidance and further information and suggested source materials will be available through Blackboard. The
marking criteria for reports and presentations are below.

4.2 Group presentation marking template (25% of overall mark)
Criteria Comments Score

Quality of presentation and
balance of argument
This includes how well the ethical
dilemmas/problems are articulated and
Research This includes how well informed the presentation
Insight on technology, its
consequences and wider
This includes how well the team has considered
the overall impact.
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Attention to relevant salient
core issues, might be; data
privacy, intellectual property,
discrimination etc.
Question and answer session 20%

4.3 Individual essay or report marking template (75% of overall mark)
Criteria Comments Score
Quality of report This includes presentation, writing, and depth of
research. Cohesion, integration.
Insight on social
consequences of technology,
appropriately evidenced

Whatever is appropriate to the specific technology
• An assessment of the present position of the
social consequences of the technology?.
• Insight on what the immediate local impacts of
deploying the technology more widely locally
would be (throughout the UK or EU for
instance. For example, who are the
stakeholders, who are the winners and losers,
• In addition a physically wider global context
might be notionally possible, or the longer
term. Speculate on the broader consequences
of that technology from your knowledge base;
for example, whether a technology normalizes
surveillance as a mode of Governance or
redraws conventions of privacy.
Suggested position for the
The computing profession has a key role to play
in the development of this technology.

For example, should the Government impose
regulation, or are internal professional and
commercial checks adequate?

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Attention to ethics The report be must be informed by ethical ideas
taught in the module.
Ethical matrix table or
Insight and scope to allow fruitful comparison and
informed decisions with necessary conclusions.


Section 5: Feedback mechanisms
At the discretion of the tutor (and time permitting) students who are progressively active, could receive
discreet and limited formative feedback on group and individual assignments may be available during
tutorial times to those students who progress the task professionally in term one and complete the
suggested staging posts within the Wiki. If a student requires feedback comment from their tutorial tutor,
then the student should specifically ask for it once a particular Wiki contribution has been made.

