Homework 6
CSCI 571 Spring 2021
Grading Guidelines
Graders will test your homework on Firefox and Chrome.
Total Points: 10
Home Tab (2 Points):
● The color of the Home tab should be in red when active and the Search tab should be in
white (0.25)
● Trending Movies slideshow
○ Slideshow displayed properly (repeating slideshow is optional). (0.25)
○ Data collected and displayed without any errors from the backend. (0.5)
● TV Shows On Air slideshow
○ Slideshow displayed properly (repeating slideshow is optional). (0.25)
○ Data collected and displayed without any errors from the backend. (0.5)
● Title Bar and Footer- displayed as shown in the HW description. (0.25)
Search Tab (1.25 Points):
● The Search tab should be in red when active and the Home tab should be in white.
● Validation of Search fields for the input. (0.5)
● “Clear” button clears the input textbox and all the search results. (0.25)
● On clicking the “Search” button on valid input, the page maintains the input values.
● Failure to handle the case when the TMDB API returns no matching result, 0.5 points will
be deducted.
Search Results (2.75 Points)
● The card should be displayed similar or identical to what is shown in the HW description.
● Movies/TV Show filter working properly. (1.0)
○ If the Movies or TV Shows filter is not working properly, 0.25 points will be
deducted for each.
○ If the Movies and TV Shows filter is not working properly, 0.5 points will be
● The information on each card should be displayed correctly. (1.0)
○ For each missing or wrong information, 0.25 marks will be deducted.
● Placeholder images when actual images are not present. (0.25)
Movie/TV Show Details Popup (3 Points):
● The backdrop picture, title, year, genres, ratings, overview, and spoken languages
displayed as shown in the HW description. (1.0)
○ For each item not displayed correctly, 0.25 points will be deducted.
● The Cast displayed as shown in the HW description. (1.0)
○ If the image of an actor is not present and it is not replaced with the placeholder
image, 0.25 points will be deducted.
○ If the text below each picture is not displayed as shown in the HW description,
0.25 points will be deducted.
● For reviews, the username, date, rating (if present), and content of the review should be
displayed as shown in the HW description. (1.0)
○ For each item not displayed correctly, 0.25 points will be deducted.
● You should not call any TMDB APIs directly using JavaScript other than your Proxy
Server APIs. Doing this will result in a 4-point penalty.
● If jQuery is used, 4 points will be deducted.
● You should implement HW 6 using Python and Flask.
● You should deploy HW 6 on AWS/GCP/Azure cloud server. Otherwise, 3 points will be
deducted. This will be verified with an additional link in the Table of Homeworks under
HW 6, showing a sample API call to your “cloud” service and verifying the corresponding
JSON result.
Source code submission:
On your course homework page, you must update the HW6 link to refer to your new HW 6 home
page. Also provide an additional link to one of your cloud query entry points, below the
homepage link. Submit the code for HW 6 on D2L.