2021/3/8 COMP6080 / COMP6080 21T1 / Students / Qilin Zhong / ass1 · GitLab https://gitlab.cse.unsw.edu.au/COMP6080/21T1/students/z5170582/ass1 1/10 Forked from an inaccessible project Released 2c8f9bcf to COMP6080/21T1/students/z5170582 COMP6080 Bot authored 1 week ago f0959700 Name Last commit Last update Release 21T1 2 weeks ago Release 21T1 2 weeks ago Release 21T1 2 weeks ago Release 21T1 2 weeks ago Release 21T1 2 weeks ago Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.cse.unsw.EDU.AU:COMP6080/21T1/staff/repo… 1 week ago 22/02: Add a "Font Sizes" section under "Analysing the pages" to clarify how to interpret the best font size. This assessment focuses on you implementing a series of basic web pages that look and behave like images and descriptions we we provide. A basic capability required of someone working with user-facing interfaces is to be able to produce a web page that looks and behaves like something that has been clearly specified (e.g. an image). A common workflow within a product team may consist of a designer producing a high fidelity mock-up, which a developer will then take and use HTML/CSS/JS to build the webpage for usage. In reality this process tends to be a bit more collaborative, and the high fidelity mockups provided are usually quite detailed and visually consist of many interact layers. However, for the sake of simplicity and fundamental knowledge we are providing flattened images with written requirements. This assessment aims to allow students to demonstrate knowledge they've developed during week 1-3 of the course. You will be building web pages with HTML, CSS, and Javascript. This assessment primarily focuses on demonstrating skills with HTML ("Hyper Text Markup Language") and CSS ("Cascading Style Sheets") covered in week 1 of the course. Most of the tasks centre around this. The latter part of this assessment touches on some topics from weeks 2 and 3. Don't be alarmed if you can't do these tasks until the start of the third week - you should be able to complete the vast majority of the assessment before getting to this point. Build a page that looks identical to task1/page.png . The window width you should work with is 1219 x 883 pixels. You are only allowed to use HTML and CSS for this task. No external libraries are permitted. You won't be able to pull or push project code via SSH until you add an SSH key to your profile A ass1 Project ID: 122993 Leave project 0 0 README.md Assessment 1 - HTML/CSS Change Log Background & Motivation Tasks Task 1 - Static, fixed size page help task1 task2 task3 task4 README.md 2021/3/8 COMP6080 / COMP6080 21T1 / Students / Qilin Zhong / ass1 · GitLab https://gitlab.cse.unsw.edu.au/COMP6080/21T1/students/z5170582/ass1 2/10 Please build your page in task1/index.html . You are welcome to create as many CSS files that you need in the task1 folder for index.html to import. When being marked, your tutor will start with index.html . The assets are provided in task1/text.txt give you the text to put on the page. Your font doesn't have to match exactly. You can use font-family Arial or Helvetica for the page. The living in Antarctic worksheet can link to the following: https://www.livescience.com/21677-antarctica-facts.html Build a page that looks identical to task2/page.png . The window width you should work with is 420 x 699 pixels. You are only allowed to use HTML and CSS for this task. No external libraries are permitted. Assets Task 2 - Static, fixed size page 2021/3/8 COMP6080 / COMP6080 21T1 / Students / Qilin Zhong / ass1 · GitLab https://gitlab.cse.unsw.edu.au/COMP6080/21T1/students/z5170582/ass1 3/10 Please build your page in task2/index.html . You are welcome to create as many CSS files that you need in the task2 folder for index.html to import. When being marked, your tutor will start with index.html . There are no assets provided. Build a responsive page that complies with task3/page_big.png and task3/page_small.png . The big page is 1894 x 1470 pixels, and the small page is 419 x 3195 pixels. Your single page (note that you're not using two separate HTML files) should like identical to either of these pages depending on the window sized the browser is at. Your are expected to have reasonable intermediate states. In other words, if the window size is some combination of widths between 1894 and 419, combined with some combination of heights between 1470 and 3195, the page should still reflect the same general structure. Assets Task 3 - Responsive static page 2021/3/8 COMP6080 / COMP6080 21T1 / Students / Qilin Zhong / ass1 · GitLab https://gitlab.cse.unsw.edu.au/COMP6080/21T1/students/z5170582/ass1 4/10 2021/3/8 COMP6080 / COMP6080 21T1 / Students / Qilin Zhong / ass1 · GitLab https://gitlab.cse.unsw.edu.au/COMP6080/21T1/students/z5170582/ass1 5/10 2021/3/8 COMP6080 / COMP6080 21T1 / Students / Qilin Zhong / ass1 · GitLab https://gitlab.cse.unsw.edu.au/COMP6080/21T1/students/z5170582/ass1 6/10 Please build your page in task3/index.html . You are welcome to create as many CSS files that you need in the task3 folder for index.html to import. When being marked, your tutor will start with index.html . On top of this you are required to: Ensure that the UNSWROX invite code component has a hover opacity of 0.7 . When your mouse hovers over any of the 6 component boxes (which includes the image, header, and text) it should make the opacity of that entire component box (image, header, and text) 0.5 . The emoji is Your font doesn't have to match exactly. YOu can use font-family Arial for the page. The page task4/page.png displays a series of inputs, and when valid, outputs a "summary" of this information in the textarea at the bottom of the page. Assets Task 4 - Dynamic form 2021/3/8 COMP6080 / COMP6080 21T1 / Students / Qilin Zhong / ass1 · GitLab https://gitlab.cse.unsw.edu.au/COMP6080/21T1/students/z5170582/ass1 7/10 No CSS is required in this task. Please do not worry about styling your pages. Make a page task4/index.html . The page consists of a: Table Text input for Street Name (must be between 3 and 50 characters). Text input for Suburb (must be between 3 and 50 characters). Text input for Postcode (must be a number that is exactly 4 digits). Text input for Date of birth (valid input is the exactformat "DD/MM/YYYY" and must be a valid date. This means it must match the regex expression "[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{4}" and when trying to parse it with the Javascript date object it does not return NaN). Dropdown for building type (either "Apartment" or "House", no other options). Apartment is default. Checkbox for features that the house has (Heating, AirConditioning, Pool, Sandpit). Button to select / deselect all. Remove button Textarea (initially blank) The following are events that trigger a render that should be binded to particular actions Changing of the "building type" or "features" should trigger a render. Blur of the "street name", "suburb", "postcode", or "date of birth" should trigger a render. There are key buttons on the page: When the Select All button is clicked inside the features section, all 4 feature checkboxes are selected. At any time when all 4 features are selected, the Select All button's text is changed to Deselect all . When this button is pressed in this state, all 4 of the feature checkboxes become unselected. When the reset button is clicked, the textarea has all of its text removed (i.e. it becomes blank again), and all of the form elements in the table are reset to their default state. The page Actions 2021/3/8 COMP6080 / COMP6080 21T1 / Students / Qilin Zhong / ass1 · GitLab https://gitlab.cse.unsw.edu.au/COMP6080/21T1/students/z5170582/ass1 8/10 The "output" refers to what the inner HTML text should be of the textarea at the bottom of the page. If they haven't inputted a street name , or the street name entered is invalid, the output should be "Please input a valid street name" If they have inputted a street name , but haven't inputted a suburb / the suburb is invalid, the output should be "Please input a valid suburb" If they have inputted a street name and suburb , but haven't inputted a postcode / the postcode is invalid, the output should be "Please input a valid postcode" If they have inputted a street name , suburb , and postcode , but haven't inputted a valid date of birth , the output should be "Please enter a valid date of birth" If they have entered the above correctly, the output is "Your are [age (integer)] years old, and your address is [street name] St, [suburb], [postcode], Australia. Your building is [a|an] [building type], and it has [features]" If no features are selected, [features] is "no features" If 1 feature is selected, [features] is just "[feature1]" If 2 or more feature are selected, [features] is just "[feature1], [feature2], and [feature3]" etc, where "and" joins the last and second last feature. Two things will want to seek external help for are: 1. Determining the particular colour (RGB or HEX) of various pixels (we recommend the use of the Firefox eye dropper, though other alternatives may be appropriate for you) 2. Determining the size of particular elements (we recommend the use of photopea). An example of it's usage is below: You will also be curious to know what the correct font-size and other font properties are for this assignment. Part of this assignment is trying to explore the relationship between how a font looks and the properties that are set for the element. Generally the best approach is to set a basic font size (e.g. font-size: 20pt ), see how it looks, and if it just generally seems too big or too small, then adjust the pt value appropriately until you're comfortable with it. You will not be penalised for having font that is off by a few pixels in size. We will cover best practices when it comes to font sizing later in the course. You should ensure that your programs have been tested on one of the following two browsers: Locally, Google Chrome (various operating systems) version 88.XX On CSE machines, Chromium version 87.XX Rendering Analysing the pages Font Sizes Constraints & Assumptions Browser Compatibility External libraries 2021/3/8 COMP6080 / COMP6080 21T1 / Students / Qilin Zhong / ass1 · GitLab https://gitlab.cse.unsw.edu.au/COMP6080/21T1/students/z5170582/ass1 9/10 You are restricted from using any third party CSS or JS libraries when completing this assessment. Basically, this means you can't import code using the and tags if it's from a file you did not write yourself, and you shouldn't be copying any larger chunks of code from other sources. Your assignment will be hand-marked by tutor(s) in the course according to the criteria below. Criteria Weighting Description Visual Compliance 50% Rendered static HTML page accurately matches the reference image provided for each task For specified tasks, pseudo-class behaviour satisfies the task requirements For specified tasks, rendered HTML page renders appropriately for intermediate sizes For specified tasks, JS events triggered by specific actions occur as specified Code Quality 50% HTML is appropriately formatted such that each inner HTML is indented with respect to the outer one CSS is appropriate structured to be placed in external stylesheets rather than inline styles CSS ID and class selectors are clearly and meaningfully named CSS has limited repetition where multiple similar components use the same underlying styles JS code is appropriately styled and formatted based on common conventions shown in lectures Ensure that source code (HTML, CSS, JS) is no more complicated or verbose than necessary to solve a given problem (less is more). Maintaining separation between HTML and CSS for structural and stylistic aspects, respectively Avoiding usage of more obselete methods of page styling that have been discussed in lectures (e.g. tables for non-tabular purposes) The work you submit must be your own work. Submission of work partially or completely derived from any other person or jointly written with any other person is not permitted. The penalties for such an offence may include negative marks, automatic failure of the course and possibly other academic discipline. Assignment submissions will be examined both automatically and manually for such submissions. Relevant scholarship authorities will be informed if students holding scholarships are involved in an incident of plagiarism or other misconduct. Do not provide or show your assignment work to any other person — apart from the teaching staff of COMP6080. If you knowingly provide or show your assignment work to another person for any reason, and work derived from it is submitted, you may be penalized, even if the work was submitted without your knowledge or consent. This may apply even if your work is submitted by a third party unknown to you. Every time you make commits or pushes on this repository, you are acknowledging that the work you submit is your own work (as described above). Note you will not be penalized if your work has the potential to be taken without your consent or knowledge. This assignment is due Friday 5th of March, 10pm. Our systems automatically record the most recent push you make to your master branch. Therefore, to "submit" your code you simply need to make sure that your master branch (on the gitlab website) is the code that you want marked for this task. It is your responsibiltiy to ensure that your code can be successfully demonstrated on the CSE machines (e.g. vlab) from a fresh clone of your repository. Failure to ensure this may result in a loss of marks. If your assignment is submitted after this date, each hour it is late reduces the maximum mark it can achieve by 2%. For example if an assignment you submitted with a raw awarded mark of 85% was submitted 5 hours late, the late submission would have no effect (as maximum mark would be 90%). If the same assignment was submitted 20 hours late it would be awarded 60%, the maximum mark it can achieve at that time. Marking Criteria Originality of Work Submission Late Submission Policy 2021/3/8 COMP6080 / COMP6080 21T1 / Students / Qilin Zhong / ass1 · GitLab https://gitlab.cse.unsw.edu.au/COMP6080/21T1/students/z5170582/ass1 10/10 学霸联盟