Purpose In Assignment 1, we collected a dataset within the class. This task involves
analysing that dataset.
Assessed Unit Learning Outcomes:
1. Perform and justify the use of appropriate descriptive and inferential
statistical analyses such as standard deviation, t-tests, and Pearson's
correlation coefficients
2. Communicate the results of statistical analysis effectively and accurately
3. Create graphics and tables for effective communication of the results of
data analysis
4. Analyse the factors that make statistics reliable, credible and trustworthy
Your task You will write a written report of up to 2000 words, which will cover matters
• Visualising the data in question.
• Hypothesis testing.
• Critically assessing the investigation that you have conducted.
Value 45% of your total marks for the unit
Word Limit 2000 words (excluding references and charts)
Due Date Friday 05th of May 2023, 11:55 pm
Submission • Via Moodle Assignment Submission.
• Turnitin will be used for similarity checking of all submissions.
The assessment criteria is as given in Annex A.
Late Penalties • If you are late, then you lose 5% of the available marks for the assignment
for each calendar day (or part of calendar day) you are late.
• If you are 7 or more days late, then you will obtain a mark of zero for this
assignment. It is possible to obtain an extension to this assignment
deadline by way of the special consideration procedure, but only if you
have extenuating circumstances.
See Moodle Assessment page:
• Annex A (Marking rubric)
Feedback Feedback will be provided on student work via specific student feedback post
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A. Introduction
In Assignment 1, we collected a dataset within the class. This task involves analysing that
dataset. You will write a written report of up to 2000 words, which will cover matters
1. Visualising the data in question.
2. Hypothesis testing.
3. Critically assessing the investigation that you have conducted.
This assignment is worth 45% of the overall mark for FIT1006.
B. When is my assessment due?
Your assessment is due on Friday the 5th of May 2023 at 11:55pm. If you are late, then
you lose 5% of the available marks for the assignment for each calendar day (or part of
calendar day) you are late. If you are 7 or more days late, then you will obtain a mark of
zero for this assignment. It is possible to obtain an extension to this assignment deadline
by way of the special consideration procedure, but only if you have extenuating
C. What am I required to do?
You are required to identify an issue or question related to the data and conduct an
statistical investigation. For this investigation you should prepare a written report of up
to 2000 words (excluding references and images). This report should be in three parts:
A. Data visualisation and Descriptive Statistics. You should identify a topic of
concern and perform descriptive analysis using (i) appropriate summary
statistics and (ii) visualisations of the data using appropriate charts. Your written
text should explain these statistics and visualisations, including how they relate
to your topic of concern.
B. Hypothesis testing. You should specify (i) at least one hypothesis in respect of
your topic of concern (ii) at least one null hypothesis and (iii) conduct an
evaluation of the said hypothesis using inferential statistics (including how the
test was chosen, whether any data was excluded, and any other design decisions
that you took). You must use the dataset we have collected, and you may use
additional datasets that you can find.
C. Critical Assessment. You should write a critical reflection as part of your report.
This will discuss the strengths and limitations of your statistical study, and how
you might build upon it in the future.
For this assignment, we will give you a individual dataset, which you must use. This
will be the data collected by the class, however you will be given only a random subset
of this (to make the assignment unique to you). To access this, please download the
ZipFile on Moodle, and use the file associated with your student ID.
Important: A marking rubric is provided in Annex A. Please consider this carefully, as
it is a guide to how you will be assessed and the weighting for each criterion.
D. What support will I be given with this assignment?
This is an important assignment and we will provide support to assist with this. In
particular, we will provide:
• Online material where you will be supported in learning the course.
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• Tutorials to develop your understanding of implementing the relevant statistical
• Individual consultations to review a draft of your assignment (15 minute
appointments: bring a draft, a calendar will be published on Moodle).
E. Some Questions and Answers
1. Does the word count include diagrams and references.
The word count excludes references and diagrams. However, you are encouraged to
present a focussed and clear report. 25% of the marks are awarded for quality of
2. If I write a report that is less than 2000 words, will I receive a lower mark?
No. You are encouraged to write in a concise and focussed manner. 2000 words is a limit,
not a target.
3. What is the difference between a ‘topic of concern’ and a hypothesis?
A topic of concern is a wider area of investigation, whilst a hypothesis is directly testable
following an inferential statistical method (e.g. a t-test or an ANOVA).
4. Must I obtain a statistically significant result?
No. The idea is that you conduct an effective investigation, rather than obtain a particular
result. You are marked on completing the process correctly and how clearly you
communicate the outcome, as well as you critical reflection on the process and conduct of
the experiment.
5. May I reuse material from Assignment 1 in this written report?
You may not resubmit text from your written commentary in Assignment 1 for this
assignment. Nor may you reuse any material from any other course.
6. What happens if I write a report that is longer than 2000 words
If an assignment is overlength, then your marker has the right to stop reading (and
marking) at 2000 words. Furthermore, it is likely you will be penalised in Criterion 4
(which relates to quality of communication).
7. May I use Generative AI?
Chat GPT is not going to help you with this assignment, but I have not expressly banned
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Annex A: Marking Rubric
Grade (and
Criterion 1: Data
Visualisation (25%)
Criterion 2: Hypothesis
testing (25%)
Criterion 3: Critical
Assessment (25%)
Criterion 4: Quality of
Communication (25%)
N (0%-49%).
Lack of satisfactory
demonstration of
knowledge, skills and
The data analysis comprises
charts and descriptive
statistics, however there are
serious errors (e.g. the charts
are difficult to understand, or
the summary statistics do not
follow a recognised approach).
Most of the charts and
descriptive statistics do not
clearly fit within the narrative
of the section.
No clear hypothesis (or null
hypothesis) is identified. No
recognised statistical
approach was identified and
The critical assessment is
very brief in content (e.g.
100-300 words excluding
references) and does not
contain any critical thought
about the conduct of the
statistical investigation or
any other relevant matters.
It contains no references to
existing literature.
The report is difficult to
follow. There is little or no
accurate use of
P (50%-59%)
Demonstration of
knowledge, skills and
attributes at a
satisfactory level.
The data analysis comprises
mostly clear charts and
descriptive statistics, with
some significant errors or
inaccuracies. Some of the
charts and descriptive
statistics fit within the
narrative of the section.
There is the identification of
a hypothesis and null
hypothesis, however there
are significant flaws with
these (e.g. the null
hypothesis is not clearly a
null hypothesis, or the
hypothesis is vague and
unfocussed). A recognised
statistical approach was
identified and followed, but
there were some serious
flaws with the selected
approach (e.g. the wrong
type of test was applied, or
The critical assessment is
brief in content (e.g. 100-400
words excluding references).
It contains very limited
critical thought about the
conduct of the statistical
investigation or any other
matters. It does contain one
or more references to
literature, but this is either
poor quality (and not
academic), or not clearly
connected to the argument
being made.
The report is quite difficult
to follow. The use of
terminology is often
Page 5 of 6
major issues were
overlooked). The calculations
made may also contain
C (60%-69%)
Demonstration of
knowledge, skills and
attributes at a
proficient level,
showing fluency in
The data analysis comprises
mostly clear charts and
descriptive statistics, with
only minor errors or
inaccuracies. Most charts and
descriptive statistics fit within
the narrative of the section.
There is the identification of
a hypothesis and null
hypothesis, however there
are minor flaws with these
(e.g. the hypothesis is not
fully clear). A recognised
statistical approach was
identified and followed, but
there were some flaws (e.g. a
minor statistical issue was
overlooked). The calculations
made may also contain
minor errors or inaccuracies,
however the student has
demonstrated they
understand how to apply the
test in question.
The critical assessment is of
a reasonable length (i.e >=
400 words including
references). It contains some
critical thought about the
conduct of the statistical
investigation or any other
relevant matters. It also
contains one or more
references to appropriate
literature, that are clearly
integrated into the
The report is mostly easy
to read and understand,
mostly accurate use of
D (70%-79%)
Demonstration of
extended knowledge,
skills and attributes
at a superior level,
showing fluency and
emerging originality
and integration of
The data analysis comprises
clear charts and descriptive
statistics, with only minor
errors or inaccuracies. All
charts and descriptive
statistics fit within the
narrative of the section.
There is the clear
identification of a hypothesis
and a null hypothesis. A
recognised statistical
approach was followed
without errors made in the
approach. The calculations
made may also contain
minor errors or inaccuracies,
however the student has
demonstrated they
understand how to apply the
test in question.
The critical assessment is of
a reasonable length (i.e >=
400 words including
references). It comprises
significant critical thought
about the conduct of the
statistical investigation or
any other relevant matters.
This critical thought
considers multiple aspects of
the statistical investigation.
It also contains multiple
references to appropriate
literature, that are clearly
and persuasively integrated
into the commentary.
The written text is mostly
focussed, with only the
occasional digression from
the arguments being made.
The report is easy to read
and understand, with
mostly accurate use of
Page 6 of 6
Lower HD (80%-
Demonstration of
extended knowledge,
skills and attributes
at an exceptional
level, showing
fluency, originality
and integration of
The data analysis comprises
correctly prepared charts and
descriptive statistics. All
charts and descriptive
statistics are carefully
selected to fit within the
narrative of the section.
There is the clear
identification of a hypothesis
and a null hypothesis. A
recognised statistical
approach was followed
without errors made in the
approach. There is evidence
of some innovation in
approach, for example the
identification of a statistical
approach or issue beyond the
course in question, or a
relatively challenging
statistical approach was
followed. The calculations
made contain no errors.
The critical assessment is of
a reasonable length (i.e >=
400 words including
references). It comprises
insightful critical thought
about the conduct of the
statistical investigation or
any other relevant matters.
This critical thought
considers multiple aspects of
the statistical investigation.
It also contains multiple
references to carefully-
selected literature, that are
clearly and persuasively
integrated into the
The written text is
focussed, without notable
prolixity. The report is easy
to read and understand,
with fully accurate use of
Upper HD (90%-
Demonstration of
extended knowledge,
skills and attributes
at an exceptional
level, showing
fluency, originality
and integration of
The data analysis comprises
correctly prepared charts and
descriptive statistics. All
charts and descriptive
statistics are carefully
selected to fit within the
narrative of the section. There
is evidence of some innovation
in approach, for example the
identification of a statistical
approach or chart beyond the
course in question.
There is the clear
identification of a hypothesis
and a null hypothesis. A
recognised statistical
approach was followed
without errors made in the
approach. There is evidence
of some innovation in
approach, for example the
identification of a statistical
approach or issue beyond the
course in question. A
relatively challenging
statistical approach was
followed. The calculations
made contain no errors.
The critical assessment is of
a reasonable length (i.e >=
400 words including
references). It comprises
insightful and original
critical thought about the
conduct of the statistical
investigation or any other
relevant matters. This
critical thought considers
multiple aspects of the
statistical investigation. It
contains multiple references
to carefully-selected
literature, that are clearly
and persuasively integrated
into the commentary.
The written text is fully
focussed, without prolixity.
The report is easy to read
and understand, with fully
accurate use of