Introduction to Visual Computing
Laboratory 4
Horizon Detection
Dr Tim Morris
1 Introduction
Today’s lab exercise is your second (and last) marked lab for the image pro-
cessing part of the unit. We will be taking a look at detecting the horizon in
images. A number of concepts will be covered, including edge detection using
the Canny transformation and polynomial regression.
This piece of coursework is worth 7.5% of the unit’s assessment, so you
should spend no more than about 7.5 hours on it.
2 Let’s dive right in
You’ll have created a basic image processing programme in Lab 3, use it as a
starting point for this exercise.
First and foremost, you need to load an image. For each image, you will
have to go through a series of transformations to end up with a line separating
the Earth from the sky. Let’s take a closer look at what you need to do for each
1. Convert the image into greyscale (if necessary)
2. Apply a Canny filter on the image, leaving us with an image of the edges
3. Apply a probabilistic Hough transformation that will return a list of pairs
of Points defining the start and end coordinates for line segments.
4. Filter out the short lines, use Pythagoras to compute the lines’ lengths.
5. Filter out the vertical lines. You could do that by either calculating the
inverse tangent of each line (use atan2), finding its angle from the hori-
zontal, or check whether the x co-ordinates of the segment’s endpoints are
6. Now that we’re left with all the (nearly) horizontal lines’ points, we need
to draw a curve that best fits all those points. This is called polynomial
regression. It takes some points and calculates the best polynomial of any
order that you choose that fits all the points. Be careful not to overfit the
points though; since the horizon curve best matches a quadratic function
choosing a higher order polynomial can give you unstable results, i.e. a
very wavy line.
You’ll need to save some sample intermediate images for your submission:
a Canny edge image, an image with the probabilistic Hough lies drawn in, an
image with the short lines removed, an image with only the (approximately)
horizontal lines and an image with the horizon.
Since polynomial regression is outside the scope of this course, you have
been provided with two functions that do this for you. fitPoly returns a vec-
tor of coefficients for the polynomial and pointAtX returns the point on the
polynomial at a certain x position.
Listing 1: C++ code to compute a polynomial line’s coefficients and points on
a polynomial line
2 //Polynomial r e g r e s s i o n func t i on
3 cv : : vector f i tP o l y ( cv : : vector points , i n t n)
4 {
5 //Number o f po in t s
6 i n t nPoints = po in t s . s i z e ( ) ;
8 //Vectors f o r a l l the po in t s ’ xs and ys
9 cv : : vector xValues = cv : : vector() ;
10 cv : : vector yValues = cv : : vector() ;
12 // Sp l i t the po in t s in to two vec to r s f o r x and y va lue s
13 f o r ( i n t i = 0 ; i < nPoints ; i++)
14 {
15 xValues . push_back ( po in t s [ i ] . x ) ;
16 yValues . push_back ( po in t s [ i ] . y ) ;
17 }
19 //Augmented matrix
20 double matrixSystem [ n+1] [ n+2] ;
21 f o r ( i n t row = 0 ; row < n+1; row++)
22 {
23 f o r ( i n t c o l = 0 ; c o l < n+1; c o l++)
24 {
25 matrixSystem [ row ] [ c o l ] = 0 ;
26 f o r ( i n t i = 0 ; i < nPoints ; i++)
27 matrixSystem [ row ] [ c o l ] += pow( xValues [ i ] , row + co l ) ;
28 }
30 matrixSystem [ row ] [ n+1] = 0 ;
31 f o r ( i n t i = 0 ; i < nPoints ; i++)
32 matrixSystem [ row ] [ n+1] += pow( xValues [ i ] , row ) ∗ yValues [ i ] ;
34 }
36 //Array that ho lds a l l the c o e f f i c i e n t s
37 double coe f fVec [ n+2] ;
39 //Gauss r educt ion
40 f o r ( i n t i = 0 ; i <= n−1; i++)
41 f o r ( i n t k=i +1; k <= n ; k++)
42 {
43 double t=matrixSystem [ k ] [ i ] / matrixSystem [ i ] [ i ] ;
45 f o r ( i n t j =0; j<=n+1; j++)
46 matrixSystem [ k ] [ j ]=matrixSystem [ k ] [ j ]− t ∗matrixSystem [ i ] [ j ] ;
48 }
50 //Back−s ub s t i t u t i o n
51 f o r ( i n t i=n ; i >=0; i−−)
52 {
53 coe f fVec [ i ]=matrixSystem [ i ] [ n+1] ;
54 f o r ( i n t j =0; j<=n+1; j++)
55 i f ( j != i )
56 coe f fVec [ i ]= coe f fVec [ i ]−matrixSystem [ i ] [ j ]∗ coe f fVec [ j ] ;
58 coe f fVec [ i ]= coe f fVec [ i ] / matrixSystem [ i ] [ i ] ;
59 }
61 //Construct the cv vec to r and return i t
62 cv : : vector r e s u l t = cv : : vector() ;
63 f o r ( i n t i = 0 ; i < n+1; i++)
64 r e s u l t . push_back ( coe f fVec [ i ] ) ;
65 re turn r e s u l t ;
66 }
68 //Returns the po int f o r the equat ion determined
69 //by a vec to r o f c o e f f i c e n t s , at a c e r t a i n x l o c a t i o n
70 cv : : Point pointAtX ( cv : : vector coe f f , double x )
71 {
72 double y = 0 ;
73 f o r ( i n t i = 0 ; i < c o e f f . s i z e ( ) ; i++)
74 y += pow(x , i ) ∗ c o e f f [ i ] ;
75 re turn cv : : Point (x , y ) ;
76 }
For convenience, this listing is provided as a separate text file.
Here are some of the things that you’ll need. As always, look up anything
you don’t understand in the online documentation before asking a GTA in the
1. cv::vector is a vector that can hold multiple values of the same
type (cf array)
2. cv::Canny(source, destination, lowerThreshold, upperThreshold,
aperture, L2Gradient) is a function that applies the Canny transfor-
mation on an image
3. cv::HoughLinesP(sourceMat, destVector, rho, theta, threshold,
minLen, maxGap) detects the line segments in the sourceMat and adds
them to the vector as cv::Vec4i objects, containing the coordinates for the
segment (x1, y1, x2, y2). Rho is the distance resolution of the accumulator
(in pixels). Theta is the angle resolution of the accumulator (in radians).
The threshold is the accumulator threshold parameter. Only the lines that
get enough votes (>threshold) are returned. minLen is the minimum line
length, while maxGap is the maximum allowed gap between line segments.
4. cv::circle(destination, point, radius, colour) draws a circle on a
cv::Mat. The point parameter is a cv::Point containing the coordinates of
the circle and the colour is a cv::Scalar containing the three BGR values
5. cv::line(destination, pt1, pt2, color, ...) draws a line on a cv::Mat.
6. cv::moveWindow(name, x, y) moves a window to the specified x and
y coords. Not necessary, but it saves you having to arrange the windows
every time you run the program.
You should experiment with
1. the parameters of the Canny function
2. the parameters of the Hough function
to check your understanding of the effect of these parameters.
3 Questions
1. Canny has two thresholds that control the edge thresholding process.
What is their purpose?
2. What is the purpose of the aperture parameter? What is the result of
changing it from 3 to 5, 7, 9 or greater?
3. The Hough transform has two parameters that specify the resolution of
the accumulator. Their default values are 1 and pi/180. What is the effect
of increasing the first and reducing the second?
4. The Hough transform has a pair of parameters that determine the mini-
mum length of a line that can be accepted, and the maximum gap between
two segments if they are to be considered part of the same line. What is
the effect of changing these values?
5. How close are the computed horizons to where you think the horizon
should be? What might cause any discrepancy?
4 Submit
You now have one code file and four sample images for each source image you’ve
processed and a pdf of your answers to the questions. Zip these and submit them
to the Lab4 area of Blackboard.
5 Marking Scheme
You’re assessed on five criteria judged by the correctness of your code and the
result images, and your answers to the questions:
1 mark 2 marks
Canny functioning code correct output
Probabilistic Hough functioning code correct output
Filtering short edge segments functioning code correct output
Filtering oriented edge segments functioning code correct output
Identify and draw horizon correctly can draw a horizon can draw correct horizon
Question 1 a correct answer
Question 2 a correct answer
Question 3 a correct answer
Question 4 a correct answer
Question 5 a correct answer
[1] OpenCV website,
[2] OpenCV documentation,
