Winter 2021
Mini-Project 2 – Python + MySQL
In this project, we will create a database and tables using MySQL, and import the data into
tables. Then you are required to write a Python program that implements a non-graphical
user interface for MySQL. Your Python program should interact with the user and provide
complete sentences to answer a selection of queries. Due by 5PM on Tuesday 3/9. Turn in
the .py source code file to “Mini Project 2” on Canvas.
A .py source code file for this project.
STEP 1 – Set Up MySQL
For testing and grading purposes, you must follow the guide below to create and use a
new MySQL account.
1. Open MySQL Workbench, select the “Administration” tab on the left then click “Users
and Privileges”.
2. Click “Add Account” button, enter “mp2” for Login Name and “eecs116” for
password. Click “Apply”. You can ignore the following warning:
3. Keep the newly created account selected, switch to the “Schema Privileges” tab.
4. Click the “Add Entry” button, select “All Schema” then click OK. Click “Select
‘ALL’”, then Apply.
5. Click the on the top left to return to the homepage. Click to create a new
connection to the “mp2” account. Enter the user name and password.
6. Once logged in, create a schema named “flights” and make it the default schema.
7. Click button and open the create_table.sql file. Click execute to create tables.
Then click again to open the import_data.sql file. Execute to import data. The flight
database has 9 relations:
The relation Airport contains basic information about an airport
The relation Flight contains basic information about a complete flight route
The relation Flight Leg contains information about a flight segment within that
The relation Leg instance contains information on a flight leg from a particular
The relation Fare contains information on a fare for a flight
The relation Airplane type has information about different airplane models
The relation Can land has information about whether a certain type of airplane
can land at a particular airport
The relation Airplane has information about a single airplane
The relation Seat reservation has information about a particular reservation for a
8. Now your MySQL is set up and ready to use.
STEP 2 - Install the Library
We will use PyMySQL library to connect Python to MySQL.Before we start, make sure
you have MySQL 5.6 or above and Python 3.6 or above. This is the minimum
requirement, you need to upgrade MySQL and Python if you do not meet this
To install PyMySQL, open your command prompt(Windows) or Terminal(macOS) and
(If you installed both Python2 and Python3)
ℎ3 −
(If you only installed Python3)
ℎ −
We provide some code snippets below. You can start to modify the code to do this project
and provide the requested functions described at the end of this document.
- Sample Code -
In the beginning of the py file, import the library you need:
import pymysql
To Create a Connection with MySQL Server for the database “sample_python”:
db = pymysql.connect(host='localhost',
db= ‘flight’)
cur = db.cursor()
In the host part, ‘localhost’ is the address of the server ( means the localhost which
is your own computer; if you want to connect to other computers just change the address),
and “flight” is the database name. This code snippet uses user id “mp2” and password
“eecs116” to login.
To Perform SQL Queries:
sql="SELECT * FROM customer"
To Get the Results:
for row in cur.fetchall(): # cur.fetchone() gets one result at a time
To Add a Tuple into a Table:
sql = ("""INSERT INTO bank.customer(customer_ID, customer_name)
VALUES(default, %s)""") # %s is a place holder for inserting a variable here
val = (cust_name) # customer name is stored in variable cust_name
cur.execute(sql, val)
db.commit() #use commit to save the changes you made to the database
Note that:
- “default” means to use the default value for customer_ID, which is auto-incremented.
Use db.close() to end the connection.
STEP 3 – Write the Python Program
You are about to build a demo program for an AI database capable of interacting with the
user through English rather than SQL. Your Python program should interact with the user
through the Python console. Your demo program will handle at least the following six
queries/tasks with corresponding answers:
1. Query: Find the cheapest flight given airports and a date.
Please enter the airport code for the departure airport:
Please enter the airport code for the destination airport:
What is the date of the flight in yyyy-mm-dd?
Result: The cheapest flight is $FlightNumber, and the cost is $FareAmount.
2. Query: Find the flight and seat information for a customer.
Please enter the customer’s name:
Result: The flight number is $FlightNumber, and the seat number is $SeatNumber.
3. Query: Find all non-stop flights for an airline.
What is the name of the airline?
Result: The non-stop flights are: $FlightNumber1, $FlightNumber2,
4. Task: Add a new airplane.
Please enter the total number of seats:
Please enter the airplane type:
Result: The new airplane has been added with id: $AirplaneID
5. Increase low-cost fares(≤ 200) by a factor.
Please enter a factor (e.g. 0.2 will increase all fares by 20%):
Result: $NumAffected fares are affected. (e.g. “3 fares are affected”)
6. Remove a seat reservation.
Please enter the flight number:
Please enter the customer name:
Result: Seat $SeatNumber is released.
The “$” symbol indicates a variable that you need to replace with an answer. To simplify
the project, you may assume each question leads to a non-empty result(i.e., at least one
tuple is returned for each question). A non-stop flights are flights with only one leg. A
flight leg is a segment of a flight. For example, a flight from LAX to YYZ may have two
flight legs, the first one from LAX to PHX and the second from PHX to YYZ.
1. Your program should show a list of queries and tasks to the user and ask the user to
choose one to start with.
2. After the user has selected a query/task, collect more information from the user if
3. Your Python program must communicate with the database for each query/task.
4. After reporting the result, your program should ask the user to choose another
query/task or quit the program.
5. If your query involves insert, update, and delete of the database, you should commit
the changes to the database.
6. Your python source code file must be named as "", xxxxxxxx being
your student ID.