vhdl代写-ECE 611
Course Syllabus Spring 2021
ECE 611 – Advanced Computer Architecture Khaled N. Khasawneh 1
George Mason University
Volgenau School of Engineering
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

ECE 611: Advanced Computer Architecture
Spring 2021

Professor Khaled N. Khasawneh
3223 ENGR Bldg.,
(703) 993-5430 kkhasawn@gmu.edu

Lecture Mondays @ 7:20 PM – 10:00 PM
Using Zoom

Office Hours By appointments

Prerequisites Completion of ECE 511 course

Required Text No textbook is required

Recommended Text Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach by John
Hennessy, and David Patterson

Course Webpage Blackboard (https://mymasonportal.gmu.edu/)

Course Description (From GMU course catalog)

Qualitatively and quantitatively examines power, performance and security trade-offs in
architecting computing systems. Explores three major components of modern general-purpose
architectures: processors, memories, and networks. Enables students to understand how these
components can be integrated to build complex multicore, manycore, and multithreaded
architectures. Covers the architectural trade-offs in IoT, embedded, and high-performance
processors. Topics include processor and system architecture in single core, multicore,
multithreaded and heterogeneous architectures; memory architecture, network topology, routing,
and flow control.

Learning Outcomes

• Differentiate the classes of computers, and learn the trends and developments in computer
• Clear idea of computer organization including pipelining, instruction set architectures and
memory addressing
Course Syllabus Spring 2021
ECE 611 – Advanced Computer Architecture Khaled N. Khasawneh 2
• Understand the various techniques to enhance a processors ability to exploit Instruction-
level parallelism (ILP), and its challenges
• Understand the performance and efficiency in advanced multi-core processors.
• Understanding of security threats in computer architecture
• Understand storage systems, virtual memory and virtual machines.
• Understand concepts of multithreading, instruction-level parallelism and thread-level
• Know GPU architectures and how it enhances processing capabilities.

Tentative Schedule

Week 1 01/25/2020 Introduction (Performance, Cost, Design Trends,
Amdahl’s law, Tech Trends)
Week 2 02/01/2020 No class
Week 3 02/08/2020 Memory Hierarchy Design (Caching, Large Caches,
Cache Performance, Optimization, Virtual Memories)
Week 4 02/15/2020 Instruction Sets, Pipelining, Instruction-Level
Parallelism (ILP), Branch Predictors
Week 5 02/22/2020 ILP (Contd.)
Week 6 03/01/2020 Data-level Parallelism
Week 7 03/08/2020 Thread-level Parallelism
Week 8 03/15/2020 Mid term
Week 9 03/22/2020 I/O Architectures (Networks and Parallel Architectures)
+ Pres.
Week 10 03/29/2020 Multi-core Design Principles, Warehouse-Scale
Computers + Pres.
Week 11 04/05/2020 Vector Processors and Large-Scale Multiprocessors +
Week 12 04/12/2020 Core Design Innovations – Big data, In-Memory
Processing + Pres.
Week 13 04/19/2020 GPU Architectures + Pres.
Week 14 04/26/2020 Security in Advanced Processors + Pres.

Course Syllabus Spring 2021
ECE 611 – Advanced Computer Architecture Khaled N. Khasawneh 3

There will be 2-3 assignments during the course.

Late submissions will NOT be accepted.

Submission should be made by 11:59 PM on the specified due date.
Cheating (copying someone else’s work, even partially) is considered serious offense and will
result in zero (0) for that assignments.


This course includes a Midterm exam. Exam dates are specified in the course schedule.

All exams are closed book. I will provide additional reference materials and scrap paper, as

If (for extraordinary circumstances) you cannot make one of the scheduled exams, you must speak
with me in advance to arrange for an alternate time to take the exam.

If you fail one of the exams or do not submit paper summaries, I reserve the right to give you a
failing grade for the course.


Attendance in the class is mandatory. If you miss class, you must consult with one of your
classmates to obtain the notes and/or problem solutions that were presented.

Course Grade

The final grade for the course is based on my best assessment of your understanding of the material
and your participation in the class during the semester. The exams, assignments, and class
problems will be used to determine your final grade according to the following weighting:

Midterm 30%
Project 30%
Assignments 10%
Paper presentations 10%
Paper critique 20%

The final letter grade will be assigned accordingly.

Please note that you are responsible for making sure that all of your grades are posted on
Blackboard and that they are correct. If you wish to challenge a grade you must do so within two
Course Syllabus Spring 2021
ECE 611 – Advanced Computer Architecture Khaled N. Khasawneh 4
weeks of it being posted on Blackboard. Grades will not be changed more than two weeks after
they were posted.

Classroom Etiquette

You are expected to abide by the Mason Honor Code. Violations of the Honor Code are taken very
seriously and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent. This includes, but is not limited to, cheating
on homework assignments, quizzes, projects, labs, and exams.

For more information about the Mason Honor Code and about the Honor Committee, please visit
the website for the Office of Academic Integrity (http://oai.gmu.edu/).

