CO3093/CO7093 - Big Data & Predictive Analytics
CW Assignment
Classification & Clustering
Assessment Information
Assessment Number 2
Contribution to overall mark 70%
Submission Deadline Friday 19 March 2021 at 5:00 pm
Assessed Learning Outcomes
This second assessment aims at testing your ability to
- carry out data cleansing and visualization
- develop a classifier and evaluate its performance
- perform appropriate and justified clustering of the data
- communicate your findings on the data
How to submit
For this assignment, you need to submit the followings:
1. A short report (about 8 pages in pdf including all the graphs) on your findings in
exploring the given dataset, a description of your model and its evaluation, a
description of your clusters and its justification, as well as your recommendations (any
decisions or actions that may be taken following your analyses).
2. The Python source code written in order to complete the tasks set in the paper. You
should submit the Python code file, say, emt12_solution.ipynb. If
you are in a group of 2 or 3 students, then name your file as, say
group1_solution.ipynb for your solution to the given problem.
3. A signed coursework cover – this should include the names of all the students involved
in the work submitted.
Please put your source code, report and signed coursework cover into a zip file
(e.g., and then submit your assessment through the module’s Blackboard site
by the deadline. Note that to submit, you need to click on the Coursework link on
Blackboard and then upload your zipped file. Remember it is 1 submission per group!
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Problem Statement
Consider this dataset Oscars-demographics.csv, which can be downloaded from Blackboard.
The given dataset contains records about the race, religion, age, and other demographic
details of all Oscar winners from 1927 to 2014 in various categories such as best actor, best
actress, best supporting actor, best supporting actress, and best director.
Objective: Using the given dataset, develop a predictive model to predict which type of
award is won by a person based on a range of features such as country of origin, race, age,
etc. and to propose a set of clusters that may make business sense of the movies industry.
Exploring the data
Your first task is to prepare the data and carry out data munging or cleansing, bearing in
mind the question you would like to answer. Namely, what is the impact of country of origin,
race, religion, age in winning an Oscar award? Address the following questions:
1 Part 1 - Building up a basic predictive model
Load the dataset, and consider the subset of the dataframe formed by the following columns:
cols = [’birthplace’, ’date_of_birth’,’race_ethnicity’, ’year_of_award’, ’award’]
In this section, we will only analyse this subset of the given dataset.
1. Data cleaning: Using pandas, show the first 3 rows of the subset. Then, display all
the distinct values for the column award in the entire subset.
If you have a closer look at the entire subset, you will see that there are some
inconsistencies on the way the birthdays have been recorded and that for some rows,
the country of origin is missing. Add a new column ldob to your current dataframe
to record the length of the date of birth for each row; then show the distinct values in
the column ldob. Write the following functions:
Assuming that a year that has two digits is a twentieth century one, write a
function that will re-write a given unclean date of birth to a clean one with the
format ’Day-Month-Year’.
Assuming that any place of birth ending with two characters (e.g., Los
Angeles, Ca) is in USA, write a function that will add the country of birth to
those rows that are missing the country of birth.
Use the two functions you have defined to clean the columns birthplace,
date_of_birth and add a new column award_age to your dataframe to record
the age of the individual when she or he received the award. This new column is
essentially the difference between the year of award and the year of birth. Using the
column birthplace, add a new column country that records solely the country
of origin. This means a birth place such as ’City of New York, USA’ will become
only ’USA’.
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Check the resulting dataframe for missing values and treat them as appropriate.
Check for duplicates and treat them as deemed necessary.
2. Data exploration: Carry out a data exploration using appropriate plots to identify
patterns or trends in the data. Note that we have few numerical variables in the current
subset of data we are working on. Nonetheless, we need to assess the impact of the
predictors (age, race, and country of origin) on the outcome (award). Use graphs to
prove or disprove the following hypotheses:
Most Oscar winners are from USA.
Most Oscar winners are white.
Best Directors tend to be older than best Actors or Actresses.
Hint: Check for distinct values in categorical data and their frequencies. If there are
too many distinct values (levels), then you may want to reduce the number of levels
by grouping some of the detailed levels. This could be the case for the country of
origin in this dataset.
3. Model building. Note that age is a numerical variable. Discretise the age by using
buckets. For example, we can form the following buckets:
Bucket 1: age < 35
Bucket 2: 35 ≤ age < 45
Bucket 3: 45 ≤ age < 55
Bucket 4: age ≥ 55
Update the dataframe accordingly and build up a model that predicts the award type
based on age, race, and country of origin. Split the data into a training and test sets,
build the model and show the confusion matrix. Evaluate your model and discuss its
2 Part 2 - Improved model
This is an open-ended question and you are free to push your problem-solving skills in order
to build up a useful model with higher performance.
1. Consider the entire dataset given in this assignment. Develop an improved predictive
model that predicts the award type for a given individual. Make sure your model is
validated by using cross-validation. You should aim for a model with a higher predictive
accuracy or with results that are easy to explain/interpret.
2. Use the K-Means algorithm to cluster your cleansed dataset and compare the obtained
clusters with the distribution found in the data. Justify your clustering and visualise
your clusters as appropriate.
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3. Include in your report any decisions or actions that may be taken from your improved
classification model as well as your obtained clusters on this application.
Marking Criteria
The following areas are assessed:
1. Cleansing, visualizing, and understanding the data [35 marks]
2. Building up and evaluating the predictive model [15 marks]
3. Building up and justification of your clusters [15 marks]
4. Coding style [15 marks]
5. Writing the report (up to 8 pages) interpreting the results. [20 marks]
Indicative weights on the assessed learning outcomes are given above. The following is a
guide for the marking:
First++ (≥ 90 marks): As in First+ plus a classification model with excellent
performance, excellent justification and visualisation of the clusters and a report of
professional standards.
First+ (≥ 80 marks): As in First plus a comprehensive coverage of data
cleansing techniques leading to a classification model of high performance and a
well-structured and maintainable code usefully using functions.
First (≥ 70 marks): As in Second Upper plus well-justified models by the data
exploration and a concise and well-structured report containing any decisions that
may be recommended.
Second Upper (60 to 69 marks): A good coverage of data cleansing techniques
exploring the dataset, a good visualisation of the clusters, a predictive model with
an appreciable accuracy with a rationale behind it, a working code and a well-
structured report on the results obtained from the dataset.
Second Lower (50 to 59 marks): Some techniques used for data cleansing are
overlooked, a predictive model partially justified with an appreciable accuracy, a
working clustering, a partially commented code with very few functions, and a
narrative of the findings about the dataset with few deficiencies.
Third (40 to 49 marks): Essential data cleansing techniques are covered, a
predictive model is given with some justification, a working but basic block code
with no clustering, and a written report describing some of the work done.
Fail (≤ 39 marks): Not satisfy the pass criteria and will still get some marks in
most cases.
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None-submission: A mark of 0 will be awarded.
N.B. Make yourself available for presenting your work after submission,
meaning from the week starting on 22 March 20121.
Last Updated 05 March 2021 by Emmanuel Tadjouddine