RR1 -R代写
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Life in Australia™ Wave 26
Questionnaire – Double Wave (April


Sample field name Description Values
POPULATION Population 1=online; 2=offline
SAMPLETYPE Sample type
INCENTIVE_TYPE Type of incentive list to display 1=electronic; 2=hard copy
amount Incentive amount
expcon Sleeper condition
length Survey length
month Month of survey
p_education Education – from profile
state State

Sample field name
Show in Participant
Information Editable Fields
Show on
ADDRESS (addr1, addr2 etc) Y N N

amount Y N N



MESSAGE ON POP-UP: You have not provided a response. Is that because you’re not sure, or you
would prefer not to answer?

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*(PROGRAMMER NOTE: DISPLAY LinA LOGO IN TOP LEFT: Z:\Consulting\Jobs\L-Z\Lina\Branding
and comms\LinA Branding\Logo\For Dimensions

Life in Australia survey

Thank you for taking part in the current Life in Australia survey. The survey is being conducted
by the Social Research Centre, part of the Australian National University.

[DISPLAY IF PREFERRED_INCENTIVE<>"Prefer not to receive reward"] To thank you for
taking part in this survey, you will receive a $ reward.

The survey should take no more than minutes to complete and there are no right or
wrong answers. Participation in this survey is voluntary and you can withdraw at any point.

If you don’t wish to answer any question, you can just click ‘Next’ to move to the next

The information collected will be treated in strict confidence.

Please click ‘Next’ to start the questionnaire.

For any queries, please call the Social Research Centre on 1800 023 040 or email
LifeInAus@srcentre.com.au. You are able to stop the survey at any time by clicking save and return to
complete it later. You can re-start the survey by clicking on the same link, it will take you to where you


Thanks for your time so far. Your answers have been saved. You can use your original survey link to
return to the survey and continue from where you left off.



Email outcome:
Previous wave call outcome

Good (…), my name is (…) from the Social Research Centre, part of the Australian National
University. May I please speak with <firstname> <surname>? </br> </br>IF NECESSARY: <title, firstname, surname> is a participant in our Life in Australia study and today we </br>are calling to follow up on that. </br> </br>*(CATI ONLY) </br>AM_FLAG Are you leaving an answering machine message? </br> </br>1. No continue to introduction </br>2. No message left </br>3. Yes (Left answering machine 1 message) [DISPLAY IF SAMPLETYPE=LANDLINE] </br>Page 3 </br>4. Yes (Left mobile answering machine message) [DISPLAY IF </br>SAMPLETYPE=MOBILE] </br> </br>*(SAMPLETYPE=LANDLINE) </br>ANSM1 Good morning. My name is (…) from the Social Research Centre, part of the Australian </br>National University. Getting in touch about the Life in Australia study. Sorry we missed you, </br>we’ll try again later. Please call 1800 023 040 to make an appointment or to opt out. </br> </br>*(SAMPLETYPE=MOBILE) </br>ANSM3 Good morning. My name is (…) from the Social Research Centre, part of the Australian </br>National University. Getting in touch about the Life in Australia study. Sorry we missed you, </br>we’ll try again later. Please call 1800 023 040 to make an appointment or to opt out. </br> </br>*(PROGRAMMER NOTE: IF AMFLAG=2 STOP AS ANSWERING MACHINE NO MESSAGE LEFT) </br> </br>*(CATI ONLY) </br>INTRO1 REINTRODUCE IF NECESSARY: Good (…), my name is (…) from the Social Research </br>Centre, part of the Australian National University. Can I confirm I am speaking with <TITLE> </br><FIRSTNAME> <SURNAME>? </br> </br>[DISPLAY IF POPULATION=1] You may recall we recently contacted you about the Life in </br>Australia study and invited you to take part in the <month> survey. </br> </br>[DISPLAY IF POPULATION=2] The reason I’ve called is to invite you to participate in the </br><month> Life in Australia survey. </br> </br>This survey will only take <length> minutes. </br> </br>For completing this survey, you’ll receive a $<amount> thank you or you can donate the </br>same amount to one of our selected charities. This will be processed in the next few weeks. </br> </br>All responses are completely confidential and your information is protected by Australian </br>Privacy Laws. </br> </br>(IF NECESSARY: We understand that some of the questions have been asked multiple </br>times. We do this to make sure we collect the most up to date opinions and circumstances of </br>our participants. This also helps us understand how views change over time. Please bear </br>with us if you feel you're repeating yourself!) </br> </br>[DISPLAY IF POPULATION=1] Would you be willing to help us out by completing the survey </br>online? </br> </br>[DISPLAY IF POPULATION=2] Would you be willing to help us out by completing the survey </br>today? </br> </br>1. Requested to do survey over the phone now </br>2. Wants to go online to do survey </br>3. Household refusal (ATTEMPT CONVERSION / RECORD REASON) (GO TO RR1) </br>4. Respondent refusal (ATTEMPT CONVERSION / RECORD REASON) (GO TO RR1) </br>5. Queried about how telephone number was obtained </br>6. Refused participation in Panel (GO TO TERM3) </br>7. Away from Panel (RECORD RETURN DATE) (GO TO AWAY) </br> </br>*(INTRO1=5) </br>TELINFO <FIRSTNAME, SURNAME> is a participant in our Life in Australia study and today we </br>are calling to conduct the <month> survey. </br> </br>*(INTRO1=2, REQUESTED LINK TO COMPLETE ONLINE) </br>EC1 No problem, I can send you an email with the link to the survey. Can I please confirm your </br>email address? </br>Page 4 </br> </br>Email: <email> </br>First name: <firstname> </br>Surname: <surname> </br> </br>1. Email address shown is correct [ONLY DISPLAY IF email IS NOT NULL] </br>2. Email address: [TEXT BOX FOR EMAIL] </br> </br>*(PROGRAMMER NOTE: Show TERM1 and flag as Transfer_To_Web) </br>*(PROGRAMMER NOTE: Insert into V6 list: 491868) </br> </br>*(INTRO1=7, REFUSED PARTICIPATION IN PANEL ONGOING) </br>QTERM3 What are the reasons why you have decided to leave the Life in Australia study? </br> </br>INTERVIEWER NOTE: Collect as much information as possible. </br> </br>1. <verbatim text box> (GO TO RR1) </br> </br>*(INTRO1=7) </br>AWAY No worries, remember you can either participate online or over the phone. When will you be </br>able to take part again? </br> </br>1. Enter date: DD MM YYYY (GO TO TERM3) </br>2. (Refused) (GO TO TERM3) </br> </br>*(INTRO1=1) </br>PRESAFE (INTERVIEWER: Are you calling a mobile number?) </br> </br>1. Yes </br>2. No </br> </br>*(PRESAFE=1) </br>SAFE1 May I just check whether it is safe for you to take this call at the moment? If not, we’d be </br>happy to call back when it is more convenient for you. </br> </br>1. Safe to take call </br>2. Not safe to take call </br>3. (Respondent refusal) </br> </br>*(SAFE1=2, NOT SAFE) </br>MOBAPPT Do you want me to call you back on this number or would you prefer I call back on </br>another phone? </br> </br>1. This number (MAKE APPOINTMENT) </br>2. Alternative number (MAKE APPOINTMENT) </br> </br>*(ALL) </br>ALLOWMONITORING This call may be monitored or recorded for quality assurance purposes. Is that </br>ok? </br> </br>1. Yes </br>2. No </br> </br>*[TIMESTAMP] </br> </br>Page 5 </br>ANUpoll </br> </br>*(ALL) </br>ANUPOLL This first section is on behalf of the Australian National University and asks questions </br>about the role of universities and trust in organisations. </br> </br>It will take around 15 minutes to complete and you’ll receive a $10 reward for completing. </br> </br>MODULE A – ANUpoll standards </br> </br>*(ALL) </br>COMPUTE ORDER DUMMY VARIABLE, RANDOM ASSIGNMENT </br> </br>1. Normal code frame order [50%] </br>2. Reverse code frame order [50%] </br> </br>*(ALL) [PROGRAMMER NOTE: Hide code 3 with 98 and 99 for online.] </br>Q1 Firstly, a general question about your views on living in Australia. All things considered, are </br>you satisfied or dissatisfied with the way the country is heading? </br> </br>(PROBE FOR VERY OR JUST) </br> </br>(CODE FRAME ORDER BASED ON CURRENT INTERVIEWMODE AND ORDER) </br>1. Very satisfied </br>2. Satisfied </br>3. (Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied) </br>4. Dissatisfied </br>5. Very dissatisfied </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(ALL) </br>Q2 What do you think is the most important problem facing Australia today? </br> </br>1. <text box> </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(Q2=1, GAVE MOST IMPORTANT PROBLEM) </br>Q3 And, what do you think is the second most important problem facing Australia today? </br> </br>1. <text box> </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(ALL) </br>Q4 If a federal election for the House of Representatives was held today, which one of the </br>following parties would you vote for? </br> </br>(READ OUT) (IF ‘UNCOMMITTED’, SAY: ‘TO WHICH ONE OF THESE DO YOU HAVE A </br>LEANING?’) </br> </br>1. Liberal </br>2. Nationals </br>3. Labor </br>4. Greens </br>6. Liberal National Party (LNP) [ONLY DISPLAY FOR P_STATE=’QLD’] </br>Page 6 </br>96. Some other party (please specify) <text box> </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>MODULE B – ROLE OF THE UNIVERSITY </br> </br>*(ALL) </br>COMPUTE DUM1 DUMMY VARIABLE, RANDOM ASSIGNMENT </br> </br>1. <Universities in Australia> [65%] </br>2. <the Australian National University> [35%] </br> </br>*(ALL) </br>Q5 Now thinking about University education, on the whole, do you think it should or should not </br>be the responsibility of <DUM1> to...? </br> </br>*(RANDOMISE AND RECORD IN VARIABLE) </br>a) Provide an education for the most qualified Australian high school leavers </br>b) Provide an education for disadvantaged Australian high school leavers </br>c) Retrain Australian adults for the future workforce </br>d) Train young Australians for the future workforce </br>e) Hold governments to account </br>f) Develop new ideas </br>g) Develop new products </br>h) Evaluate the effectiveness of government policies </br>i) Investigate the fundamental questions of the time </br>j) Assist governments to tackle national / societal challenges </br>k) To promote the release, access, and use of open public data </br>m) Provide an environment for controversial ideas to be expressed and debated </br> </br>(READ OUT) </br> </br>(CODE FRAME ORDER BASED ON CURRENT INTERVIEWMODE AND ORDER </br>VARIABLE) </br>1. Definitely should be </br>2. Probably should be </br>3. Probably should not be </br>4. Definitely should not be </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(ALL) </br>Q6 Which of these is the most important role of <DUM1>? </br> </br>(READ OUT) </br> </br>*(DISPLAY IN SAME ORDER AS Q5) </br>1. Provide an education for the most qualified Australian high school leavers </br>2. Provide an education for disadvantaged Australian high school leavers </br>3. Retrain Australian adults for the future workforce </br>4. Train young Australians for the future workforce </br>5. Hold governments to account </br>6. Develop new ideas </br>7. Develop new products </br>8. Evaluate the effectiveness of government policies </br>9. Investigate the fundamental questions of the time </br>10. Assist governments to tackle national / societal challenges </br>11. To promote the release, access, and use of open public data </br>Page 7 </br>12. Provide an environment for controversial ideas to be expressed and debated </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(ALL) </br>COMPUTE DUM2 DUMMY VARIABLE, RANDOM ASSIGNMENT </br> </br>1. <blank> [50%) </br>2. <for the current labour market> [25%] </br>3. <for the future labour market> [25%] </br> </br>*(ALL) </br>Q7 The following is a list of skills and knowledge that students may gain from a university </br>education. Please tell me how important you think each of these are <DUM2>…? </br> </br>*(RANDOMISE AND RECORD IN VARIABLE) </br>a) A sense of maturity and ability to manage on their own </br>b) The skills they need to get a job when they graduate </br>c) An ability to get along with people different from themselves </br>d) Learning high-tech skills, such as using computers and the internet </br>e) An ability to solve problems and think analytically </br>f) First-rate writing and speaking skills </br>g) An awareness of the responsibilities of citizenship, such as voting and volunteering </br>h) Creative approaches to solving problems </br>i) To prepare them for the future workforce </br> </br>(READ OUT) </br> </br>(CODE FRAME ORDER BASED ON CURRENT INTERVIEWMODE AND ORDER </br>VARIABLE) </br>1. Very important </br>2. Fairly important </br>3. Not very important </br>4. Not at all important </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(ALL) </br>Q8 Which of these is the most important <DUM2> for students of <DUM1>? </br> </br>(READ OUT) </br> </br>*(DISPLAY SAME ORDER AS Q7) </br>1. A sense of maturity and ability to manage on their own </br>2. The skills they need to get a job when they graduate </br>3. An ability to get along with people different from themselves </br>4. Learning high-tech skills, such as using computers and the internet </br>5. An ability to solve problems and think analytically </br>6. First-rate writing and speaking skills </br>7. An awareness of the responsibilities of citizenship, such as voting and volunteering </br>8. Creative approaches to solving problems </br>9. To prepare them for the future workforce </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>MODULE C – CONFIDENCE IN THE UNIVERSITY </br> </br>Page 8 </br>*(ALL) </br>Q9 How much confidence do you have in the following organisations? </br> </br>*(RANDOMISE AND RECORD IN VARIABLE) </br>a) The press </br>b) The Federal Government in Canberra </br>c) The public service </br>d) Major Australian Companies </br>e) Banks and financial institutions </br>f) Schools </br>g) School teachers </br>h) Universities </br>i) University researchers </br>j) University lecturers </br>k) The Australian National University </br> </br>(READ OUT) </br> </br>(CODE FRAME ORDER BASED ON CURRENT INTERVIEWMODE AND ORDER </br>VARIABLE) </br>1. A great deal of confidence </br>2. Quite a lot of confidence </br>3. Not very much confidence </br>4. None at all </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(ALL) </br>Q10 Would you say universities are teaching students the important things they need to know, or </br>universities are failing to teach students the important things they need to know <DUM2>? </br> </br>*(RANDOMISE AND RECORD IN VARIABLE) </br>1. Teaching the important things </br>2. Failing to teach the important things </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(ALL) </br>Q11 There has been a debate about the role of free speech on university campuses. Please </br>indicate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements? </br> </br>*(RANDOMISE AND RECORD IN VARIABLE) </br>a) Students at Australian Universities should be exposed to opinions they disagree with </br>b) Students at Australian Universities should be protected from opinions and ideas they </br>find challenging </br>c) Academics at Australian Universities should be able to express views that are </br>controversial </br>d) Academics at Australian Universities should be able to express views that are different </br>from the views of the government of the day </br>e) It is an important part of the University experience to have guest speakers come to </br>campus to share a wide variety of viewpoints on political, social, economic, and other </br>contemporary issues </br>f) Australian Universities should invite speakers with a variety of ideas and opinions to </br>campus, including speakers whose perspectives are very different from most students </br>g) Academics at Australian Universities should be able to focus on research without fear </br>of funding constraints </br> </br>(READ OUT) </br>Page 9 </br> </br>(CODE FRAME ORDER BASED ON CURRENT INTERVIEWMODE AND ORDER </br>VARIABLE) </br>1. Strongly agree </br>2. Agree </br>3. Disagree </br>4. Strongly disagree </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(ALL) </br>Q12 Universities in Australia educate a mix of foreign and domestic students. Which of the </br>following best represents your view? </br> </br>(CODE FRAME ORDER BASED ON CURRENT INTERVIEWMODE AND ORDER </br>VARIABLE) </br>1. Universities should be educating fewer foreign students and more domestic students </br>2. The mix between foreign students and domestic students is about right </br>3. Universities should be educating fewer domestic students and more foreign students </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(ALL) </br>COMPUTE SECTION DUMMY VARIABLE, RANDOM ASSIGNMENT </br> </br>1. Section D then E, E1, E2 [50%] </br>2. Section E, E1, E2 then D [50%] </br> </br>MODULE D – GAMBLING </br> </br>*(ALL) [MULTI-RESPONSE] </br>Q13 Now some questions about gambling. </br> </br>Which of the following have you done for money during the last 12 months? </br> </br>Please select all that apply. </br>(READ OUT ONE BY ONE) </br> </br>1. Played poker machines or gaming machines at a venue </br>2. Bet on horse or greyhound races, excluding sweeps </br>3. Bought instant scratch tickets </br>4. Played a lottery game like Tattslotto or Powerball </br>5. Played Keno </br>6. Played table games such as blackjack, poker, or roulette at a casino </br>7. Played bingo or housie </br>8. Bet on a sporting or special event like football, cricket, tennis, a TV show, or election </br>9. Played informal games like cards, mah-jong, or snooker for money </br>10. Bought raffle tickets </br>11. Played pokie games or other casino games online for money </br> </br>97. Have not gambled for money in the last 12 months ^ </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure ^ </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say ^ </br> </br>*(Q13<97 AND Q13<> ONLY 10, ALL GAMBLERS EXCEPT THOSE WHO JUST BOUGHT RAFFLE </br>TICKETS) </br>Q14 In the last 12 months, how many times per week, month, or year have you gambled for </br>money? </br>Page 10 </br> </br>(INTERVIEWER NOTE: IF CAN’T SAY, ENCOURAGE BEST GUESS) </br> </br>1. Enter times per week (DISPLAY “UNLIKELY RESPONSE” IF >14) </br>2. Enter times per month (DISPLAY “UNLIKELY RESPONSE” IF >62) </br>3. Enter times per year (DISPLAY “UNLIKELY RESPONSE” IF >730) </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(Q13<97 AND Q13<> ONLY 10, ALL GAMBLERS EXCEPT THOSE WHO JUST BOUGHT RAFFLE </br>TICKETS) </br>Q15 For the questions on gambling below, please indicate how much you agree or disagree with </br>each one. </br> </br>In the past 12 months, how often…? </br> </br>*(RANDOMISE AND RECORD IN VARIABLE) </br>a) Have you bet more than you could really afford to lose </br>b) Have you needed to gamble with larger amounts of money to get the same feeling of </br>excitement </br>c) Have you gone back another day to try to win back the money you lost </br>d) Have you borrowed money or sold anything to get money to gamble </br>e) Have you felt that you might have a problem with gambling </br>f) Have people criticised your betting or told you that you had a gambling problem, </br>whether or not you thought it was true </br>g) Have you felt guilty about the way you gamble or what happens when you gamble </br>h) Has your gambling caused you any health problems, including stress or anxiety </br>i) Has your gambling caused financial problems for you or your household </br> </br>(CODE FRAME ORDER BASED ON CURRENT INTERVIEWMODE AND ORDER </br>VARIABLE) </br>1. Almost always </br>2. Most of the time </br>3. Sometimes </br>4. Never </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(ALL) </br>Q16 The following statements are things people have said about gambling. Please indicate how </br>much you agree or disagree with each one. </br> </br>*(RANDOMISE AND RECORD IN VARIABLE) </br>a) People should have the right to gamble whenever they want </br>b) There are too many opportunities for gambling nowadays </br>c) Gambling should be discouraged </br>d) Most people who gamble do so sensibly </br>e) Gambling is dangerous for family life </br>f) On balance, gambling is good for society </br>g) Gambling livens up life </br>h) It would be better if gambling was banned altogether </br>i) People should nominate a dollar amount before they start gambling and not be </br>allowed to spend more </br> </br>(READ OUT) </br> </br>(CODE FRAME ORDER BASED ON CURRENT INTERVIEWMODE AND ORDER </br>VARIABLE) </br>Page 11 </br>1. Strongly agree </br>2. Agree </br>3. Disagree </br>4. Strongly disagree </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(ALL) </br>Q17 With reference to gambling, how strongly do you agree or disagree that…? </br> </br>*(RANDOMISE AND RECORD IN VARIABLE) </br>a) Gambling activities are advertised responsibly </br>b) Gambling in Australia should be more tightly controlled </br>c) Gambling laws in Australia are properly enforced </br>d) The government has no right to restrict a person’s gambling </br> </br>(READ OUT) </br> </br>(CODE FRAME ORDER BASED ON CURRENT INTERVIEWMODE AND ORDER </br>VARIABLE) </br>1. Strongly agree </br>2. Agree </br>3. Disagree </br>4. Strongly disagree </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>MODULE E – RISK </br> </br>*(ALL) </br>Q18 How do you see yourself: are you a person who is generally willing to take risks, or do you </br>try to avoid taking risks? </br> </br>Please use a scale from 0 to 10, where a 0 means you are ‘completely unwilling to take risks’ </br>and a 10 means you are ‘very willing to take risks’. </br> </br>0. 0 - Completely unwilling to take risks </br>1. 1 </br>2. 2 </br>3. 3 </br>4. 4 </br>5. 5 </br>6. 6 </br>7. 7 </br>8. 8 </br>9. 9 </br>10. 10 - Very willing to take risks </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>MODULE E1 – LOTTERY STAIRCASE </br> </br>*(ALL) </br>R_INTRO Please imagine the following situation: You can choose between a sure payment and </br>a chance lottery. The lottery gives you a 50 percent chance of receiving $900. With an </br>equally high chance you receive nothing. Now imagine you had to choose between the </br>Page 12 </br>lottery and a sure payment. We will present you with five different situations. The lottery is </br>the same in all situations. The sure payment is different in every situation. </br> </br>*(ALL) </br>R1 What would you prefer: a 50 percent chance of winning $900 when at the same time there is </br>50 percent chance of winning nothing, or would you rather have the amount of $480 as a </br>sure payment? </br> </br>1. Lottery </br>2. Sure payment </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(R1=2, SURE PAYMENT) </br>R2 What would you prefer: a 50 percent chance of winning $900 when at the same time there is </br>50 percent chance of winning nothing, or would you rather have the amount of $240 as a </br>sure payment? </br> </br>1. Lottery </br>2. Sure payment </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(R2=2, SURE PAYMENT) </br>R3 What would you prefer: a 50 percent chance of winning $900 when at the same time there is </br>50 percent chance of winning nothing, or would you rather have the amount of $120 as a </br>sure payment? </br> </br>1. Lottery </br>2. Sure payment </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(R3=1, LOTTERY) </br>R4 What would you prefer: a 50 percent chance of winning $900 when at the same time there is </br>50 percent chance of winning nothing, or would you rather have the amount of $180 as a </br>sure payment? </br> </br>1. Lottery </br>2. Sure payment </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(R4=1, LOTTERY) </br>R5 What would you prefer: a 50 percent chance of winning $900 when at the same time there is </br>50 percent chance of winning nothing, or would you rather have the amount of $210 as a </br>sure payment? </br> </br>1. Lottery </br>2. Sure payment </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(R4=2, SURE PAYMENT) </br>Page 13 </br>R6 What would you prefer: a 50 percent chance of winning $900 when at the same time there is </br>50 percent chance of winning nothing, or would you rather have the amount of $150 as a </br>sure payment? </br> </br>1. Lottery </br>2. Sure payment </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(R3=2, SURE PAYMENT) </br>R7 What would you prefer: a 50 percent chance of winning $900 when at the same time there is </br>50 percent chance of winning nothing, or would you rather have the amount of $60 as a sure </br>payment? </br> </br>1. Lottery </br>2. Sure payment </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(R7=1, LOTTERY) </br>R8 What would you prefer: a 50 percent chance of winning $900 when at the same time there is </br>50 percent chance of winning nothing, or would you rather have the amount of $90 as a sure </br>payment? </br> </br>1. Lottery </br>2. Sure payment </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(R7=2, SURE PAYMENT) </br>R9 What would you prefer: a 50 percent chance of winning $900 when at the same time there is </br>50 percent chance of winning nothing, or would you rather have the amount of $30 as a sure </br>payment? </br> </br>1. Lottery </br>2. Sure payment </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(R2=1, LOTTERY) </br>R10 What would you prefer: a 50 percent chance of winning $900 when at the same time there is </br>50 percent chance of winning nothing, or would you rather have the amount of $360 as a </br>sure payment? </br> </br>1. Lottery </br>2. Sure payment </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(R10=2, SURE PAYMENT) </br>R11 What would you prefer: a 50 percent chance of winning $900 when at the same time there is </br>50 percent chance of winning nothing, or would you rather have the amount of $300 as a </br>sure payment? </br> </br>1. Lottery </br>Page 14 </br>2. Sure payment </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(R11=2, SURE PAYMENT) </br>R12 What would you prefer: a 50 percent chance of winning $900 when at the same time there is </br>50 percent chance of winning nothing, or would you rather have the amount of $270 as a </br>sure payment? </br> </br>1. Lottery </br>2. Sure payment </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(R11=1, LOTTERY) </br>R13 What would you prefer: a 50 percent chance of winning $900 when at the same time there is </br>50 percent chance of winning nothing, or would you rather have the amount of $330 as a </br>sure payment? </br> </br>1. Lottery </br>2. Sure payment </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(R10=1, LOTTERY) </br>R14 What would you prefer: a 50 percent chance of winning $900 when at the same time there is </br>50 percent chance of winning nothing, or would you rather have the amount of $420 as a </br>sure payment? </br> </br>1. Lottery </br>2. Sure payment </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(R14=1, LOTTERY) </br>R15 What would you prefer: a 50 percent chance of winning $900 when at the same time there is </br>50 percent chance of winning nothing, or would you rather have the amount of $450 as a </br>sure payment? </br> </br>1. Lottery </br>2. Sure payment </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(R14=2, SURE PAYMENT) </br>R16 What would you prefer: a 50 percent chance of winning $900 when at the same time there is </br>50 percent chance of winning nothing, or would you rather have the amount of $390 as a </br>sure payment? </br> </br>1. Lottery </br>2. Sure payment </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>Page 15 </br>*(R1=1, LOTTERY) </br>R17 What would you prefer: a 50 percent chance of winning $900 when at the same time there is </br>50 percent chance of winning nothing, or would you rather have the amount of $720 as a </br>sure payment? </br> </br>1. Lottery </br>2. Sure payment </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(R17=2, SURE PAYMENT) </br>R18 What would you prefer: a 50 percent chance of winning $900 when at the same time there is </br>50 percent chance of winning nothing, or would you rather have the amount of $600 as a </br>sure payment? </br> </br>1. Lottery </br>2. Sure payment </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(R18=2, SURE PAYMENT) </br>R19 What would you prefer: a 50 percent chance of winning $900 when at the same time there is </br>50 percent chance of winning nothing, or would you rather have the amount of $540 as a </br>sure payment? </br> </br>1. Lottery </br>2. Sure payment </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(R19=1, LOTTERY) </br>R20 What would you prefer: a 50 percent chance of winning $900 when at the same time there is </br>50 percent chance of winning nothing, or would you rather have the amount of $570 as a </br>sure payment? </br> </br>1. Lottery </br>2. Sure payment </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(R19=2, SURE PAYMENT) </br>R21 What would you prefer: a 50 percent chance of winning $900 when at the same time there is </br>50 percent chance of winning nothing, or would you rather have the amount of $510 as a </br>sure payment? </br> </br>1. Lottery </br>2. Sure payment </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(R18=1, LOTTERY) </br>R22 What would you prefer: a 50 percent chance of winning $900 when at the same time there is </br>50 percent chance of winning nothing, or would you rather have the amount of $660 as a </br>sure payment? </br> </br>Page 16 </br>1. Lottery </br>2. Sure payment </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(R22=1, LOTTERY) </br>R23 What would you prefer: a 50 percent chance of winning $900 when at the same time there is </br>50 percent chance of winning nothing, or would you rather have the amount of $690 as a </br>sure payment? </br> </br>1. Lottery </br>2. Sure payment </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(R22=2, SURE PAYMENT) </br>R24 What would you prefer: a 50 percent chance of winning $900 when at the same time there is </br>50 percent chance of winning nothing, or would you rather have the amount of $630 as a </br>sure payment? </br> </br>1. Lottery </br>2. Sure payment </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(R17=1, LOTTERY) </br>R25 What would you prefer: a 50 percent chance of winning $900 when at the same time there is </br>50 percent chance of winning nothing, or would you rather have the amount of $840 as a </br>sure payment? </br> </br>1. Lottery </br>2. Sure payment </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(R25=2, SURE PAYMENT) </br>R26 What would you prefer: a 50 percent chance of winning $900 when at the same time there is </br>50 percent chance of winning nothing, or would you rather have the amount of $780 as a </br>sure payment? </br> </br>1. Lottery </br>2. Sure payment </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(R26=1, LOTTERY) </br>R27 What would you prefer: a 50 percent chance of winning $900 when at the same time there is </br>50 percent chance of winning nothing, or would you rather have the amount of $810 as a </br>sure payment? </br> </br>1. Lottery </br>2. Sure payment </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br>Page 17 </br> </br>*(R26=2, SURE PAYMENT) </br>R28 What would you prefer: a 50 percent chance of winning $900 when at the same time there is </br>50 percent chance of winning nothing, or would you rather have the amount of $750 as a </br>sure payment? </br> </br>1. Lottery </br>2. Sure payment </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(R25=1, LOTTERY) </br>R29 What would you prefer: a 50 percent chance of winning $900 when at the same time there is </br>50 percent chance of winning nothing, or would you rather have the amount of $900 as a </br>sure payment? </br> </br>1. Lottery </br>2. Sure payment </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(R29=2, SURE PAYMENT) </br>R30 What would you prefer: a 50 percent chance of winning $900 when at the same time there is </br>50 percent chance of winning nothing, or would you rather have the amount of $870 as a </br>sure payment? </br> </br>1. Lottery </br>2. Sure payment </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(R29=1, LOTTERY) </br>R31 What would you prefer: a 50 percent chance of winning $900 when at the same time there is </br>50 percent chance of winning nothing, or would you rather have the amount of $930 as a </br>sure payment? </br> </br>1. Lottery </br>2. Sure payment </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(ALL) </br>Q20 In comparison to others, are you a person who is generally willing to give up something </br>today in order to benefit from that in the future, or are you not willing to do so? </br> </br>Please use a scale from 0 to 10, where a 0 means you are ‘completely unwilling to give up </br>something today’ and a 10 means you are ‘very willing to give up something today’. You can </br>also use the values in-between to indicate where you fall on the scale. </br> </br>0. 0 - Completely unwilling to give up something today </br>1. 1 </br>2. 2 </br>3. 3 </br>4. 4 </br>5. 5 </br>6. 6 </br>Page 18 </br>7. 7 </br>8. 8 </br>9. 9 </br>10. 10 -Very willing to give up something today </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>MODULE E2 – NOW VS 12 MONTHS STAIRCASE </br> </br>*(ALL) </br>S_INTRO Suppose you were given the choice between the following: receiving a payment today </br>or a payment in 12 months. We will now present to you five situations. The payment today is </br>the same in each of these situations. The payment in 12 months is different in every </br>situation. For each of these situations we would like to know which you would choose. </br> </br>*(ALL) </br>S1 Would you rather receive $300 today or $462 in 12 months? </br> </br>1. Today </br>2. In 12 months </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(S1=2, 12 MONTHS) </br>S2 Would you rather receive $300 today or $375 in 12 months? </br> </br>1. Today </br>2. In 12 months </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(S2=2, 12 MONTHS) </br>S3 Would you rather receive $300 today or $336 in 12 months? </br> </br>1. Today </br>2. In 12 months </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(S3=2, 12 MONTHS) </br>S4 Would you rather receive $300 today or $318 in 12 months? </br> </br>1. Today </br>2. In 12 months </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(S4=2, 12 MONTHS) </br>S5 Would you rather receive $300 today or $309 in 12 months? </br> </br>1. Today </br>2. In 12 months </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br>Page 19 </br> </br>*(S4=1, TODAY) </br>S6 Would you rather receive $300 today or $327 in 12 months? </br> </br>1. Today </br>2. In 12 months </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(S3=1, TODAY) </br>S7 Would you rather receive $300 today or $357 in 12 months? </br> </br>1. Today </br>2. In 12 months </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(S7=1, TODAY) </br>S8 Would you rather receive $300 today or $366 in 12 months? </br> </br>1. Today </br>2. In 12 months </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(S7=2, 12 MONTHS) </br>S9 Would you rather receive $300 today or $348 in 12 months? </br> </br>1. Today </br>2. In 12 months </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(S2=1, TODAY) </br>S10 Would you rather receive $300 today or $417 in 12 months? </br> </br>1. Today </br>2. In 12 months </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(S10=2, 12 MONTHS) </br>S11 Would you rather receive $300 today or $396 in 12 months? </br> </br>1. Today </br>2. In 12 months </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(S11=2, 12 MONTHS) </br>S12 Would you rather receive $300 today or $387 in 12 months? </br> </br>1. Today </br>2. In 12 months </br>Page 20 </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(S11=1, TODAY) </br>S13 Would you rather receive $300 today or $408 in 12 months? </br> </br>1. Today </br>2. In 12 months </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(S10=1, TODAY) </br>S14 Would you rather receive $300 today or $438 in 12 months? </br> </br>1. Today </br>2. In 12 months </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(S14=2, 12 MONTHS) </br>S15 Would you rather receive $300 today or $429 in 12 months? </br> </br>1. Today </br>2. In 12 months </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(S14=1, TODAY) </br>S16 Would you rather receive $300 today or $450 in 12 months? </br> </br>1. Today </br>2. In 12 months </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(S1=1, TODAY) </br>S17 Would you rather receive $300 today or $555 in 12 months? </br> </br>1. Today </br>2. In 12 months </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(S17=1, TODAY) </br>S18 Would you rather receive $300 today or $606 in 12 months? </br> </br>1. Today </br>2. In 12 months </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(S18=2, 12 MONTHS) </br>S19 Would you rather receive $300 today or $579 in 12 months? </br>Page 21 </br> </br>1. Today </br>2. In 12 months </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(S19=1, TODAY) </br>S20 Would you rather receive $300 today or $591 in 12 months? </br> </br>1. Today </br>2. In 12 months </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(S19=2, 12 MONTHS) </br>S21 Would you rather receive $300 today or $567 in 12 months? </br> </br>1. Today </br>2. In 12 months </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(S18=1, TODAY) </br>S22 Would you rather receive $300 today or $630 in 12 months? </br> </br>1. Today </br>2. In 12 months </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(S22=1, TODAY) </br>S23 Would you rather receive $300 today or $645 in 12 months? </br> </br>1. Today </br>2. In 12 months </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(S22=2, 12 MONTHS) </br>S24 Would you rather receive $300 today or $618 in 12 months? </br> </br>1. Today </br>2. In 12 months </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(S17=2, 12 MONTHS) </br>S25 Would you rather receive $300 today or $507 in 12 months? </br> </br>1. Today </br>2. In 12 months </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br>Page 22 </br> </br>*(S25=2, 12 MONTHS) </br>S26 Would you rather receive $300 today or $483 in 12 months? </br> </br>1. Today </br>2. In 12 months </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(S26=2, 12 MONTHS) </br>S27 Would you rather receive $300 today or $474 in 12 months? </br> </br>1. Today </br>2. In 12 months </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(S26=1, TODAY) </br>S28 Would you rather receive $300 today or $495 in 12 months? </br> </br>1. Today </br>2. In 12 months </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(S25=1, TODAY) </br>S29 Would you rather receive $300 today or $531 in 12 months? </br> </br>1. Today </br>2. In 12 months </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(S29=2, 12 MONTHS) </br>S30 Would you rather receive $300 today or $519 in 12 months? </br> </br>1. Today </br>2. In 12 months </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(S29=1, TODAY) </br>S31 Would you rather receive $300 today or $543 in 12 months? </br> </br>1. Today </br>2. In 12 months </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>MODULE F – ADDITIONAL EDUCATION QUESTIONS </br> </br>*(ALL) </br>Q22 Now, some questions about education. Have you undertaken any university education? </br> </br>Page 23 </br>1. Never attended university </br>2. Currently attending university </br>3. Attended university but not currently attending </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(p_education=1-3, BACHELOR DEGREE OR POSTGRADUATE QUALIFICATION) </br>Q23 What year did you receive your highest degree? </br> </br>1. Year <text box> (RECORD AS FOUR DIGITS) (ALLOWABLE RANGE: 1925 TO </br>2019) </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(p_education=1-3, BACHELOR DEGREE OR POSTGRADUATE QUALIFICATION) </br>Q24 Was this degree obtained from an Australian university? </br> </br>1. Yes </br>2. No </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(Q24=1, QUALIFICATION OBTAINED IN AUSTRALIA) </br>Q25 Do you have a HECS debt? </br> </br>1. Yes </br>2. No </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*[PARTIALFLAG=2 AT THIS POINT] </br> </br>*[TIMESTAMP] </br> </br> </br>Page 24 </br>Mid-section check </br> </br>*(ALL) </br>SEC Thanks for completing that section for the Australian National University. You are now </br>eligible for your $10 reward. </br> </br>This month, we have an optional extra section. It will take around 15 minutes to complete. </br>If you complete the optional section, you’ll receive another $10 reward. You don’t have to </br>do it now, you can complete it at any time before 22 April. You will be paid your initial $10 </br>reward regardless of whether or not you finish this second section. </br> </br>Are you happy to complete this second section? </br> </br>1. Yes – complete now </br>2. Yes – complete later (MAKE APPOINTMENT) [GO TO ‘SAVE AND CLOSE’ </br>SCREEN] </br>3. No – finish and choose reward now [SKIP VLF SECTION AND GO TO INCENTCHK] </br> </br>*(INTERVIEWMODE=PHONE AND SEC=2, CATI COMPLETE LATER) </br>SEC2 Thanks for your time so far. We’ll make an appointment and call you back then to complete </br>the second survey. </br> </br>1. Continue </br> </br> </br>Page 25 </br>VLF </br> </br>FILTER ON THIS WHOLE SECTION BELOW </br>*(SECOND=1, HAPPY TO COMPLETE SECOND SURVEY) </br> </br>*(ALL) </br>COMPUTE RANDOMLY ALLOCATED DUMMY VARIABLE ‘Q_ASKED’: </br> </br>1. Ask Module A1 and D-E, Skip Modules B, C & F [30%] </br>2. Ask Module A2 and D-E, Skip Modules B, C & F [30%] </br>3. Ask Module B-F, Skip Module A [40%] </br> </br>MODULE A – Legal consciousness </br> </br>MODULE A1 – Lawyer importance </br> </br>*(Q_ASKED=1, ASKING SECTION A1) </br>A1 This section sets out disputes people sometimes face in their everyday life. </br> </br>You may feel that you would be unlikely to be in some of these situations, but… </br> </br>Thinking about the following problems, to what extent do you think it would be important to </br>obtain advice from a lawyer in these situations…? </br> </br>[RANDOMLY REVERSE ORDER OF STATEMENTS] [WITHIN STATEMENT </br>ALTERNATES IN RED TO BE RANDOMISED] </br>a) Your employer is struggling financially and is <a month / five months> behind with </br>your salary </br>b) You are unhappy because of a work colleague’s <‘joke’ / regular ‘jokes’> about your </br>sexual performance </br>c) Your spouse or partner <lightly / forcefully> slaps you when you forget your </br>anniversary </br>d) Your child is suspended from school for <5 days / 20 days> for behaviour that doesn’t </br>warrant a suspension </br>e) You can’t agree on the level of child support payments <[BLANK] / and living </br>arrangements> for your children with your ex-spouse or partner </br>f) You <[BLANK] / repeatedly> asked your neighbours to stop their excessive noise at </br>night, but nothing has changed </br>g) You are stopped by the police and <receive a warning / are fined> for crossing a road </br>without using a nearby pedestrian crossing </br>h) You break your <arm / spine> in a cycling accident caused by another rider’s mistake </br>i) Your landlord says you must leave your apartment <two weeks / five months> before </br> the rental agreement period ends because it is being sold </br>j) You are <a month / five months> behind with your mortgage and unable to pay. The </br>bank sends a default notice saying you have 30 days to pay or you will lose your </br>home </br>k) Centrelink are demanding <$500 / $5,000> for overpaid benefits. You think they have </br>made a mistake. </br>l) You are unable to obtain a <credit card / mortgage> because of an incorrect credit </br>report </br>m) Your insurer refuses to pay up for <$100 worth / $1,500 worth> of sports equipment </br>stolen from your car. They say you left the door unlocked. You did not </br>n) You purchase <a kettle / an expensive fridge> that stops working after ten months. </br>The shop has closed and the manufacturer refuses to repair it </br>o) You have fallen out with a relative over how to interpret the terms of a will concerning </br>a <small / large> sum of money </br> </br>(READ OUT) </br> </br>[ROTATE 1-4 AND 4-1 BASED ON ORDER VARIABLE] </br>Page 26 </br>1. Very important </br>2. Quite important </br>3. Not very important </br>4. Not at all important </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(Q_ASKED=1, ASKING SECTION A1) </br>A2 Now, thinking about employment or injury related disputes. </br> </br>To what extent do you think it would be important to obtain advice from a lawyer in these </br>situations…? </br> </br>[RANDOMISE ORDER OF STATEMENTS] </br>a) You didn’t get a job you applied for. The employer was straight up and said they </br>wanted to maintain an equal gender balance </br>b) Your employer is struggling financially and says you are to be made redundant </br>c) You are denied emergency leave to care for an ill household member </br>d) You find out there is an asbestos risk at work. You tell your employer, who says it’s </br>not worth the cost to repair it </br>e) You think your employer is underpaying you for the hours you have worked. They </br>disagree </br>f) You are injured while at work when a ceiling section falls </br>g) Your boss twice shouts at you in public </br>h) Your doctor may have made a mistake during minor surgery that has left you with </br>chronic pain in one arm </br>i) Your dentist accidentally removes the wrong tooth during treatment </br>j) You break your ankle slipping on a milk puddle on the floor of a supermarket </br> </br>(READ OUT) </br> </br>[ROTATE 1-4 AND 4-1 BASED ON ORDER VARIABLE] </br>1. Very important </br>2. Quite important </br>3. Not very important </br>4. Not at all important </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(Q_ASKED=1, ASKING SECTION A1) </br>A3 Now, thinking about disputes related to housing. </br> </br>To what extent do you think it would be important to obtain advice from a lawyer in these </br>situations…? </br> </br>[RANDOMISE ORDER OF STATEMENTS] </br>a) Your body corporate is intending to change the rules to stop you short-term letting </br>your apartment </br>b) Without telling you, while you are away your landlord enters your apartment to do </br>maintenance </br>c) Your neighbour damaged your garden fence, but denies it and won’t fix it </br>d) You want to extend your home, but the local council are placing greater restrictions on </br>your plans than for others in the area </br>e) Your neighbour repeatedly cuts across your drive in their ute, damaging the drive </br>edging </br>f) A leaking pipe on your neighbour’s property is damaging the foundations of the house </br>you own </br>Page 27 </br>g) You are two weeks’ behind with your rent. Your landlord gives you a 14-day Notice to </br>Vacate </br>h) Your asthma is being aggravated by mould caused by a leaking window in your rented </br>home. Your landlord won’t repair it </br>i) A homeless person has started sleeping in your garden </br>j) Your tenant is having regular parties with noise levels above those stipulated in the </br>body corporate rules </br> </br>(READ OUT) </br> </br>[ROTATE 1-4 AND 4-1 BASED ON ORDER VARIABLE] </br>1. Very important </br>2. Quite important </br>3. Not very important </br>4. Not at all important </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(Q_ASKED=1, ASKING SECTION A1) </br>A4 Now, thinking about a range of other disputes. </br> </br>To what extent do you think it would be important to obtain advice from a lawyer in these </br>situations…? </br> </br>[RANDOMISE ORDER OF STATEMENTS] </br>a) You believe you are eligible for significantly higher Centrelink payments, but </br>Centrelink says the amount is correct </br>b) Your child’s school is not properly protecting them from bullying </br>c) The Child Protection Service says it has received a report of neglect concerning your </br>child </br>d) Poor advice from a financial adviser lost you a significant sum in your superannuation </br>e) You have been incorrectly overcharged for your electricity for 4 months in a row </br>f) You are behind with, and unable to pay, your credit card bill </br>g) While at a pub, you are told to leave by the management for being drunk </br>h) A carpenter breaks a window pane while working on a window frame in your house </br>i) Without telling you, your ex-spouse / partner arranges to take your children on a </br>holiday on dates they would normally be with you </br>j) You are refused carer allowance. Centrelink inform you that your disabled parent does </br>not meet the criteria. You do not agree </br> </br>(READ OUT) </br> </br>[ROTATE 1-4 AND 4-1 BASED ON ORDER VARIABLE] </br>1. Very important </br>2. Quite important </br>3. Not very important </br>4. Not at all important </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(Q_ASKED=1, ASKING SECTION A1) </br>A5 The disputes listed below are similar to the first 15 items in this questionnaire but the </br>situations are more or less serious. We are interested in whether your views differ based </br>on the seriousness of the situation. This is the only list that will be repeated. </br> </br>To what extent do you think it would be important to obtain advice from a lawyer in the </br>following situations…? </br> </br>Page 28 </br>[STATEMENTS IN SAME ORDER AS A1] [USE ALTERNATE STATEMENT TO A1] </br>a) Your employer is struggling financially and is <a month / five months> behind with </br>your salary </br>b) You are unhappy because of a work colleague’s <‘joke’ / regular ‘jokes’> about your </br>sexual performance </br>c) Your spouse or partner <lightly / forcefully> slaps you when you forget your </br>anniversary </br>d) Your child is suspended from school for <5 days / 20 days> for behaviour that doesn’t </br>warrant a suspension </br>e) You can’t agree on the level of child support payments <[BLANK] / and living </br>arrangements> for your children with your ex-spouse or partner </br>f) You <[BLANK] / repeatedly> asked your neighbours to stop their excessive noise at </br>night, but nothing has changed </br>g) You are stopped by the police and <receive a warning / are fined> for crossing a road </br>without using a nearby pedestrian crossing </br>h) You break your <arm / spine> in a cycling accident caused by another rider’s mistake </br>i) Your landlord says you must leave your apartment <two weeks / five months> before </br> the rental agreement period ends because it is being sold </br>j) You are <a month / five months> behind with your mortgage and unable to pay. The </br>bank sends you a default notice saying you have 30 days to pay or you will lose your </br>home </br>k) Centrelink are demanding <$500 / $5,000> for overpaid benefits. You think they have </br>made a mistake </br>l) You are unable to obtain a <credit card / mortgage> because of an incorrect credit </br>report </br>m) Your insurer refuses to pay up for <$100 worth / $1,500 worth> of sports equipment </br>stolen from your car. They say you left the door unlocked. You did not </br>n) You purchase <a kettle / an expensive fridge> that stops working after ten months. </br>The shop has closed and the manufacturer refuses to repair it </br>o) You have fallen out with a relative over how to interpret the terms of a will concerning </br>a <small / large> sum of money </br> </br>(READ OUT) </br> </br>[ROTATE 1-4 AND 4-1 BASED ON ORDER VARIABLE] </br>1. Very important </br>2. Quite important </br>3. Not very important </br>4. Not at all important </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>MODULE A2 – Law relevance </br> </br>*(Q_ASKED=2, ASKING SECTION A2) </br>A6 This section sets out disputes people sometimes face in their everyday life. </br> </br>You may feel that you would be unlikely to be in some of these situations, but… </br> </br>Thinking about the following problems, to what extent do you think the law is relevant to </br>these situations…? </br> </br>[RANDOMLY REVERSE ORDER OF STATEMENTS] [WITHIN STATEMENT </br>ALTERNATES IN RED TO BE RANDOMISED] </br>a) Your employer is struggling financially and is <a month / five months> behind with </br>your salary </br>b) You are unhappy because of a work colleague’s <‘joke’ / regular ‘jokes’> about your </br>sexual performance </br>Page 29 </br>c) Your spouse or partner <lightly / forcefully> slaps you when you forget your </br>anniversary </br>d) Your child is suspended from school for <5 days / 20 days> for behaviour that doesn’t </br>warrant a suspension </br>e) You can’t agree on the level of child support payments <[BLANK] / and living </br>arrangements> for your children with your ex-spouse or partner </br>f) You <[BLANK] / repeatedly> asked your neighbours to stop their excessive noise at </br>night, but nothing has changed </br>g) You are stopped by the police and <receive a warning / are fined> for crossing a road </br>without using a nearby pedestrian crossing </br>h) You break your <arm / spine> in a cycling accident caused by another rider’s mistake </br>i) Your landlord says you must leave your apartment <two weeks / five months> before </br> the rental agreement period ends because it is being sold </br>j) You are <a month / five months> behind with your mortgage and unable to pay. The </br>bank sends you a default notice saying you have 30 days to pay or you will lose your </br>home </br>k) Centrelink are demanding <$500 / $5,000> for overpaid benefits. You think they have </br>made a mistake </br>l) You are unable to obtain a <credit card / mortgage> because of an incorrect credit </br>report </br>m) Your insurer refuses to pay up for <$100 worth / $1,500 worth> of sports equipment </br>stolen from your car. They say you left the door unlocked. You did not </br>n) You purchase <a kettle / an expensive fridge> that stops working after ten months. </br>The shop has closed and the manufacturer refuses to repair it </br>o) You have fallen out with a relative over how to interpret the terms of a will concerning </br>a <small / large> sum of money </br> </br>(READ OUT) </br> </br>[ROTATE 1-4 AND 4-1 BASED ON ORDER VARIABLE] </br>1. Very relevant </br>2. Quite relevant </br>3. Not very relevant </br>4. Not at all relevant </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(Q_ASKED=2, ASKING SECTION A2) </br>A7 Now, thinking about employment or injury related disputes. </br> </br>To what extent do you think the law is relevant in these situations…? </br> </br>[RANDOMISE ORDER OF STATEMENTS] </br>a) You didn’t get a job you applied for. The employer was straight up and said they </br>wanted to maintain an equal gender balance </br>b) Your employer is struggling financially and says you are to be made redundant </br>c) You are denied emergency leave to care for an ill household member </br>d) You find out there is an asbestos risk at work. You tell your employer, who says it’s </br>not worth the cost to repair it </br>e) Your employer reduces your work hours despite you asking them not to </br>f) You are injured while at work when a ceiling section falls </br>g) Your boss twice shouts at you in public </br>h) Your doctor may have made a mistake during minor surgery that has left you with </br>chronic pain in one arm </br>i) Your dentist accidentally removes the wrong tooth during treatment </br>j) You break your ankle slipping on a milk puddle on the floor of a supermarket </br> </br>(READ OUT) </br> </br>Page 30 </br>[ROTATE 1-4 AND 4-1 BASED ON ORDER VARIABLE] </br>1. Very relevant </br>2. Quite relevant </br>3. Not very relevant </br>4. Not at all relevant </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(Q_ASKED=2, ASKING SECTION A2) </br>A8 Now, thinking about disputes related to housing. </br> </br>To what extent do you think the law is relevant in these situations…? </br> </br>[RANDOMISE ORDER OF STATEMENTS] </br>a) Your body corporate is intending to change the rules to stop you short-term letting </br>your apartment </br>b) Without telling you, while you are away your landlord enters your apartment to do </br>maintenance </br>c) Your neighbour damaged your garden fence, but denies it and won’t fix it </br>d) You want to extend your home, but the local council are placing greater restrictions on </br>your plans than for others in the area </br>e) Your neighbour repeatedly cuts across your drive in their ute, damaging the drive </br>edging </br>f) A leaking pipe on your neighbour’s property is damaging the foundations of the house </br>you own </br>g) You are two weeks’ behind with your rent. Your landlord gives you a 14-day Notice to </br>Vacate </br>h) Your asthma is being aggravated by mould caused by a leaking window in your rented </br>home. Your landlord won’t repair it </br>i) A homeless person has started sleeping in your garden </br>j) Your tenant is having regular parties with noise levels above those stipulated in the </br>body corporate rules </br> </br>(READ OUT) </br> </br>[ROTATE 1-4 AND 4-1 BASED ON ORDER VARIABLE] </br>1. Very relevant </br>2. Quite relevant </br>3. Not that relevant </br>4. Not at all relevant </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(Q_ASKED=2, ASKING SECTION A2) </br>A9 Now, thinking about a range of other disputes. </br> </br>To what extent do you think the law is relevant in these situations…? </br> </br>[RANDOMISE ORDER OF STATEMENTS] </br>a) You believe you are eligible for significantly higher Centrelink payments, but </br>Centrelink says the amount is correct </br>b) Your child’s school is not properly protecting them from bullying </br>c) The Child Protection Service says it has received a report of neglect concerning your </br>child </br>d) Poor advice from a financial adviser lost you a significant sum in your superannuation </br>e) You have been incorrectly overcharged for your electricity for 4 months in a row </br>f) You are behind with, and unable to pay, your credit card bill </br>g) While at a pub, you are told to leave by the management for being drunk </br>Page 31 </br>h) A carpenter breaks a window pane while working on a window frame in your house </br>i) Without telling you, your ex-spouse / partner arranges to take your children on a </br>holiday on dates they would normally be with you </br>j) You are refused carer allowance. Centrelink inform you that your disabled parent does </br>not meet the criteria. You do not agree </br> </br>(READ OUT) </br> </br>[ROTATE 1-4 AND 4-1 BASED ON ORDER VARIABLE] </br>1. Very relevant </br>2. Quite relevant </br>3. Not very relevant </br>4. Not at all relevant </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(Q_ASKED=2, ASKING SECTION A2) </br>A10 The disputes listed below are similar to the first 15 items in this questionnaire but the </br>situations are more or less serious. We are interested in whether your views differ based </br>on the seriousness of the situation. This is the only list that will be repeated. </br> </br>To what extent do you think the law is relevant in the following situations…? </br> </br>[STATEMENTS IN SAME ORDER AS A6] [USE ALTERNATE STATEMENT TO A6] </br>a) Your employer is struggling financially and is <a month / five months> behind with </br>your salary </br>b) You are unhappy because of a work colleague’s <‘joke’ / regular ‘jokes’> about your </br>sexual performance </br>c) Your spouse or partner <lightly / forcefully> slaps you when you forget your </br>anniversary </br>d) Your child is suspended from school for <5 days / 20 days> for behaviour that doesn’t </br>warrant a suspension </br>e) You can’t agree on the level of child support payments <[BLANK] / and living </br>arrangements> for your children with your ex-spouse or partner </br>f) You <[BLANK] / repeatedly> asked your neighbours to stop their excessive noise at </br>night, but nothing has changed </br>g) You are stopped by the police and <receive a warning / are fined> for crossing a road </br>without using a nearby pedestrian crossing </br>h) You break your <arm / spine> in a cycling accident caused by another rider’s mistake </br>i) Your landlord says you must leave your apartment <two weeks / five months> before </br> the rental agreement period ends because it is being sold </br>j) You are <a month / five months> behind with your mortgage and unable to pay. The </br>bank sends you a default notice saying you have 30 days to pay or you will lose your </br>home </br>k) Centrelink are demanding <$500 / $5,000> for overpaid benefits. You think they have </br>made a mistake </br>l) You are unable to obtain a <credit card / mortgage> because of an incorrect credit </br>report </br>m) Your insurer refuses to pay up for <$100 worth / $1,500 worth> of sports equipment </br>stolen from your car. They say you left the door unlocked. You did not </br>n) You purchase <a kettle / an expensive fridge> that stops working after ten months. </br>The shop has closed and the manufacturer refuses to repair it </br>o) You have fallen out with a relative over how to interpret the terms of a will concerning </br>a <small / large> sum of money </br> </br>(READ OUT) </br> </br>[ROTATE 1-4 AND 4-1 BASED ON ORDER VARIABLE] </br>1. Very relevant </br>Page 32 </br>2. Quite relevant </br>3. Not very relevant </br>4. Not at all relevant </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>MODULE B – General Legal Confidence (GLC) </br> </br>*(Q_ASKED=3, ASKING SECTIONS B-F) </br>B1 This question asks about legal disputes people sometimes face. </br> </br>If you found yourself facing a significant legal dispute – such as being unfairly sacked by </br>your employer, injured where it was someone else’s fault, involved in a dispute over money </br>as part of a divorce, being kicked out of your home, or a serious dispute with a neighbour – </br>how confident are you that you could achieve an outcome that is fair, and you would </br>be happy with, in the following situations…? </br> </br>a) The disagreement is substantial </br>b) The other side says they ‘will not compromise’ </br>c) The other side is represented by a solicitor, but you are not </br>d) The other side will only speak to you through their solicitor </br>e) The other side threatens you with ‘legal action’ </br>f) You receive a letter from the other person’s solicitor threatening court action </br>g) You receive notice from a court stating that legal proceedings have been commenced </br>against you </br>h) The notice also says you must complete certain forms, including setting out your case. </br>i) You receive a letter telling you that you must appear in court </br>j) The problem goes to court, a barrister represents the other side, and you are on your </br>own </br>k) As you present your case, the other side’s barrister argues that much of your evidence </br>is inadmissible or irrelevant </br>l) The court makes a judgement against you, which you see as unfair. You are told you </br>have a right to appeal </br> </br>(READ OUT) </br> </br>[ROTATE 1-4 AND 4-1 BASED ON ORDER VARIABLE] </br>1. Very confident </br>2. Quite confident </br>3. Not very confident </br>4. Not at all confident </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>MODULE C – Accessibility of justice </br> </br>MODULE C1 – Courts </br> </br>*(Q_ASKED=3, ASKING SECTIONS B-F) </br>COMPUTE RANDOMLY ALLOCATED DUMMY VARIABLE ‘Q_ASKED_C’: </br> </br>1. Ask Module C1 [50%] </br>2. Ask Module C2 [50%] </br> </br>*(Q_ASKED_C=1, ASKING SECTION C1) </br>C1 The following questions are about your general impression and experience of courts in </br><STATE>. </br> </br>Page 33 </br>Again, we are not concerned with crime. We are concerned with the other types of issues </br>that courts deal with, such as: being unfairly sacked by your employer, injured where it was </br>someone else’s fault, involved in a dispute over money as part of a divorce, being kicked out </br>of your home, or a serious dispute with a neighbour. </br> </br>Thinking about issues like this, to what extent do you agree or disagree that </br> </br>Courts in < STATE > are…? </br> </br>[RANDOMISE ORDER OF STATEMENTS] </br>a) Easy to use </br>b) Places with an open door </br>c) Easy to explain things to </br>d) Accessible </br>e) Good for resolving problems </br>f) Efficient </br>g) Difficult to understand </br>h) Expensive </br>i) Difficult to find </br>j) Easy to get to </br> </br>(READ OUT) </br> </br>[ROTATE 1-5 AND 5-1 BASED ON ORDER VARIABLE] </br>1. Strongly agree </br>2. Agree </br>3. Disagree </br>4. Strongly disagree </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(Q_ASKED_C=1, ASKING SECTION C1) </br>C2 Still thinking about issues like this, to what extent do you agree or disagree that…? </br> </br>Courts in <STATE> are…? </br> </br>[RANDOMISE ORDER OF STATEMENTS] </br>a) Not somewhere I feel confident going </br>b) Complex </br>c) Not something I’d be happy to use </br>d) Approachable </br>e) The last place I would ever go for help </br>f) Not interested in the issues I face </br>g) Poor value for money </br>h) Welcoming </br>i) Too expensive to use </br>j) Easy to communicate with </br> </br>(READ OUT) </br> </br>[ROTATE 1-5 AND 5-1 BASED ON ORDER VARIABLE] </br>1. Strongly agree </br>2. Agree </br>3. Disagree </br>4. Strongly disagree </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>Page 34 </br>*(Q_ASKED_C=1, ASKING SECTION C1) </br>C3 Still thinking about issues like this, to what extent do you agree or disagree that…? </br> </br>Courts in <STATE> are…? </br> </br>[RANDOMISE ORDER OF STATEMENTS] </br>a) Able to enforce my rights </br>b) Not concerned with real people’s lives </br>c) Clear in how they communicate </br>d) Unapproachable </br>e) Not geared up for ordinary people to use </br>f) Out of reach for people like me </br>g) Slow </br>h) Intimidating </br>i) Not worth the hassle </br>j) A mystery </br> </br>(READ OUT) </br> </br>[ROTATE 1-5 AND 5-1 BASED ON ORDER VARIABLE] </br>1. Strongly agree </br>2. Agree </br>3. Disagree </br>4. Strongly disagree </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(Q_ASKED_C=1, ASKING SECTION C1) </br>C4 And again, thinking about issues like this, to what extent do you agree or disagree that…? </br> </br>Courts in <STATE>…? </br> </br>[RANDOMISE ORDER OF STATEMENTS] </br>a) Help people like me get justice </br>b) Use complicated and technical language </br>c) Don’t take people like me seriously </br>d) Make a real difference to people’s lives </br>e) Take too long to deal with issues </br>f) Resolve issues promptly and efficiently </br>g) Would try to make me feel at ease </br>h) Treat people like me with respect </br>i) Stand up for people like me </br>j) Make a real effort to help people who use them </br> </br>(READ OUT) </br> </br>[ROTATE 1-5 AND 5-1 BASED ON ORDER VARIABLE] </br>1. Strongly agree </br>2. Agree </br>3. Disagree </br>4. Strongly disagree </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>MODULE C2 – Lawyers </br> </br>*(Q_ASKED_C=2, ASKING SECTION C2) </br>Page 35 </br>C5 The following questions are about your general impression and experience of lawyers in </br><STATE>. </br> </br>Again, we are not concerned with crime. We are concerned with the other types of issues </br>that lawyers deal with, such as: being unfairly sacked by your employer, injured where it </br>was someone else’s fault, involved in a dispute over money as part of a divorce, being </br>kicked out of your home, or a serious dispute with a neighbour. </br> </br>Thinking about issues like this, to what extent do you agree or disagree with the following </br>statements. </br> </br>Lawyers in <STATE> are…? </br> </br>[RANDOMISE ORDER OF STATEMENTS] </br>a) Easy to use </br>b) People with an open door </br>c) Easy to explain things to </br>d) Accessible </br>e) Good for resolving problems </br>f) Efficient </br>g) Difficult to understand </br>h) Expensive </br>i) Difficult to find </br>j) Easy to get to </br> </br>(READ OUT) </br> </br>[ROTATE 1-5 AND 5-1 BASED ON ORDER VARIABLE] </br>1. Strongly agree </br>2. Agree </br>3. Disagree </br>4. Strongly disagree </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(Q_ASKED_C=2, ASKING SECTION C2) </br>C6 Still thinking about issues like this, to what extent do you agree or disagree that…? </br> </br>Lawyers in <STATE> are…? </br> </br>[RANDOMISE ORDER OF STATEMENTS] </br>a) Not people I feel confident going to </br>b) Complex </br>c) Not people I’d be happy to use </br>d) Approachable </br>e) The last people I would ever go to for help </br>f) Not interested in the issues I face </br>g) Poor value for money </br>h) Welcoming </br>i) Too expensive to use </br>j) Easy to communicate with </br> </br>(READ OUT) </br> </br>[ROTATE 1-5 AND 5-1 BASED ON ORDER VARIABLE] </br>1. Strongly agree </br>2. Agree </br>3. Disagree </br>4. Strongly disagree </br>Page 36 </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(Q_ASKED_C=2, ASKING SECTION C2) </br>C7 Still thinking about issues like this, to what extent do you agree or disagree that…? </br> </br>Lawyers in <STATE> are…? </br> </br>[RANDOMISE ORDER OF STATEMENTS] </br>a) Able to enforce my rights </br>b) Not concerned with real people’s lives </br>c) Clear in how they communicate </br>d) Unapproachable </br>e) Not geared up for ordinary people to use </br>f) Out of reach for people like me </br>g) Slow </br>h) Intimidating </br>i) Not worth the hassle </br>j) A mystery </br> </br>(READ OUT) </br> </br>[ROTATE 1-5 AND 5-1 BASED ON ORDER VARIABLE] </br>1. Strongly agree </br>2. Agree </br>3. Disagree </br>4. Strongly disagree </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(Q_ASKED_C=2, ASKING SECTION C2) </br>C8 And again, thinking about issues like this, to what extent do you agree or disagree that…? </br> </br>Lawyers in <STATE>…? </br> </br>[RANDOMISE ORDER OF STATEMENTS] </br>a) Help people like me get justice </br>b) Use complicated and technical language </br>c) Don’t take people like me seriously </br>d) Make a real difference to people’s lives </br>e) Take too long to deal with issues </br>f) Resolve issues promptly and efficiently </br>g) Would try to make me feel at ease </br>h) Treat people like me with respect </br>i) Stand up for people like me </br>j) Make a real effort to help people who use them </br> </br>(READ OUT) </br> </br>[ROTATE 1-5 AND 5-1 BASED ON ORDER VARIABLE] </br>1. Strongly agree </br>2. Agree </br>3. Disagree </br>4. Strongly disagree </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>Page 37 </br>*PROGRAMMER NOTE: IF Q_ASKED_C=2, ASKING SECTION C2, ASK C9 BEFORE C10; IF </br>Q_ASKED_C=1, ASKING SECTION C1, ASK C10 BEFORE C9) </br> </br>*(Q_ASKED=3, ASKING SECTIONS B-F) </br>C9 Still thinking about issues like this, how comfortable would you be communicating with a </br>lawyer entirely online? </br> </br>IF ASKING C9 FIRST: Again, we are not concerned with crime. We are concerned with </br>the other types of issues that lawyers deal with, such as: being unfairly sacked by your </br>employer, injured where it was someone else’s fault, involved in a dispute over money as </br>part of a divorce, being kicked out of your home, or a serious dispute with a neighbour. </br> </br>(READ OUT) </br> </br>[ROTATE 1-4 AND 4-1 BASED ON ORDER VARIABLE] </br>1. Very comfortable </br>2. Comfortable </br>3. Uncomfortable </br>4. Very uncomfortable </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(Q_ASKED=3, ASKING SECTIONS B-F) </br>C10 If an issue like this went to court, how comfortable would you be if the entire court process </br>was online? </br> </br>IF ASKING C10 FIRST: Again, we are not concerned with crime. We are concerned with </br>the other types of issues that courts deal with, such as: being unfairly sacked by your </br>employer, injured where it was someone else’s fault, involved in a dispute over money as </br>part of a divorce, being kicked out of your home, or a serious dispute with a neighbour. </br> </br>(READ OUT) </br> </br>[ROTATE 1-4 AND 4-1 BASED ON ORDER VARIABLE] </br>1. Very comfortable </br>2. Comfortable </br>3. Uncomfortable </br>4. Very uncomfortable </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>MODULE D – Previous Experience of Law </br> </br>*(ALL) [MULTI-RESPONSE] </br>D1 Now some questions about your personal experience of the justice system. </br> </br>Have you, personally, faced any of the following problems in the past 5 years? </br> </br>Please say yes or no after each. / Please select all that apply. </br> </br>1. A dispute with an ex-partner over arrangements for children, financial support, etc. </br>2. A dispute with an employer </br>3. A dispute with a landlord </br>4. Falling behind with rent or mortgage payments </br>5. A dispute with neighbours over noise, fencing, trees, behavior, etc. </br>6. A significant injury caused by someone else </br>7. A dispute over a will </br>8. A dispute with a government agency over an application, service, payment or fine </br>Page 38 </br> </br>97. No, none of the above ^ </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure ^ </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say ^ </br> </br>[PROGRAMMER NOTE: LOOP THROUGH NUMBER OF TIMES PROVIDED AT D1_1-D1_8] </br>*(ALL) </br>D2 Thinking about the most recent problem concerning <D1_>, how well do you think you </br>handled it? </br> </br>(READ OUT) </br> </br>[ROTATE 1-4 AND 4-1 BASED ON ORDER VARIABLE] </br>1. Very well </br>2. Quite well </br>3. Not very well </br>4. Not well at all </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(ALL) </br>D3 Thinking about the most recent problem concerning <D1_>, how fair do you think the </br>resolution was? </br> </br>(READ OUT) </br> </br>[ROTATE 1-5 AND 5-1 BASED ON ORDER VARIABLE] </br>1. Very fair </br>2. Quite fair </br>3. Not very fair </br>4. Not fair at all </br> </br>5. Problem is still ongoing </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(ALL) </br>D4 Was there any time during the past 12 months when, in your opinion, you personally needed </br>expert help in order to resolve a dispute you faced, but did not receive any? </br> </br>For example, the dispute could be with a business, employer, government agency, family or </br>friend, landlord / agent, financial institution, doctor or health professional, neighbour, </br>educator, etc. </br> </br>1. Yes </br>2. No </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(D4=1, NEEDED HELP IN LAST 12 MONTHS) </br>D5 Briefly, what was the most recent dispute about? </br> </br>1. VERBATIM RESPONSE </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>Page 39 </br>*(ALL) </br>D6 Have you obtained help from a lawyer at any point in the past 5 years for any issue? </br> </br>1. Yes </br>2. No </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(D6=1, OBTAINED HELP FROM LAWYER) </br>D7 In general, how satisfied have you been with the help provided by lawyers? </br> </br>(READ OUT) </br> </br>[ROTATE 1-4 AND 4-1 BASED ON ORDER VARIABLE] </br>1. Very satisfied </br>2. Quite satisfied </br>3. Not very satisfied </br>4. Not at all satisfied </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(ALL) </br>D8 Have you attended any court or tribunal or had contact with any court or tribunal in the past 5 </br>years for any reason? </br> </br>1. Yes </br>2. No </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(D8=1, ATTENDED COURT OR TRIBUNAL) [MULTI-RESPONSE] </br>D9 Why did you attend or have contact with a court or tribunal, was it because…? </br> </br>Please say yes or no after each. / Please select all that apply. </br> </br>1. You were making a claim against someone and took them to court </br>2. Someone was making a claim against you and took you to court </br>3. You were charged by police and appeared in court </br>4. You work in the justice system </br>5. You were supporting someone else attending a court or tribunal </br>6. You were a spectator or tourist </br>7. You were doing jury service </br>8. You were a victim in a criminal case </br>9. You were a witness in a criminal case </br>10. You were a witness in a non-criminal case </br>96. Some other reason (please specify) </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(D8=1, ATTENDED COURT OR TRIBUNAL) </br>D10 How fair would you say that the court or tribunal process(es) you have recently experienced </br>have been? </br> </br>(READ OUT) </br> </br>[ROTATE 1-4 AND 4-1 BASED ON ORDER VARIABLE] </br>Page 40 </br>1. Very fair </br>2. Quite fair </br>3. Not very fair </br>4. Not fair at all </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(ALL) [MULTI-RESPONSE] </br>D11 Do you recall friends, family, or colleagues ever telling you about any of the following…? </br> </br>Please say yes or no after each. / Please select all that apply. </br> </br>[ROTATE 1-6 AND 6-1 BASED ON ORDER VARIABLE] </br>1. Positive accounts of lawyers </br>2. Positive accounts of courts </br>3. Positive accounts of tribunals </br>4. Negative accounts of lawyers </br>5. Negative accounts of courts </br>6. Negative accounts of tribunals </br> </br>97. Haven’t been told about any of these experiences ^ </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure ^ </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say ^ </br> </br>MODULE E – Demographics </br> </br>*(ALL) </br>DEM1 The following questions ask about how you have been feeling during the past 30 days. For </br>each question, please indicate the option that best describes how often you had this feeling. </br> </br>During the past 30 days, about how often did you feel…? </br> </br>a) Nervous </br>b) Hopeless </br>c) Restless or fidgety </br>d) So depressed that nothing could cheer you up </br>e) That everything was an effort </br>f) Worthless </br> </br>(READ OUT) </br> </br>[ROTATE 1-5 AND 5-1 BASED ON ORDER VARIABLE] </br>1. All of the time </br>2. Most of the time </br>3. Some of the time </br>4. A little of the time </br>5. None of the time </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>SECTION F – Digital capability </br> </br>*(Q_ASKED=3, ASKING SECTIONS B-F) [MULTI-RESPONSE] </br>F1 Finally, some questions about the internet. </br> </br>Do you have any of the following internet connections at home? </br> </br>Please say yes or no after each. / Please select all that apply. </br>Page 41 </br> </br>1. Dial-up </br>2. Broadband </br>3. Mobile broadband </br>4. Mobile data through your phone </br> </br>97. Don’t have internet access at home ^ </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure ^ </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say ^ </br> </br>*(Q_ASKED=3, ASKING SECTIONS B-F) [MULTI-RESPONSE] </br>F2 Have you accessed the internet from the following locations in the past 12 months? </br> </br>Please say yes or no after each. / Please select all that apply. </br> </br>1. Home </br>2. Work </br>3. Neighbour, friend, or relative’s house </br>4. Educational institution </br>5. Public library </br>6. Public space (e.g. internet café, shopping mall, airport, or similar) </br>96. Anywhere else (please specify) </br> </br>97. None of the above ^ </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure ^ </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say ^ </br> </br>*(Q_ASKED=3, ASKING SECTIONS B-F) </br>F3 Over the last month, how often have you used the internet? This includes at work, school, or </br>in your free time. </br> </br>(READ OUT) </br> </br>1. Several times a day </br>2. Daily </br>3. At least weekly </br>4. Once a month </br>5. Have not used in the last month </br> </br>97. Never use the internet </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*(F3=1-4, 98, 99, USE INTERNET) </br>F4 Have you ever done any of the following online and, if not, could you? </br> </br>[RANDOMISE ORDER OF STATEMENTS] </br>a) Online banking </br>b) Paying bills online </br>c) Shop for an item or buy services </br>d) Sell a product online (e.g. using e-Bay) </br>e) Use online Government Services (e.g. tax return, Medicare claim or Centrelink benefit) </br>f) Use email, social networks or online forums </br>g) Communicate via video, text, or voice messaging (e.g. Skype) </br>h) Search for or gather general information from websites (e.g. news, weather, sport, </br>maps) </br>i) Search for specific information (e.g. jobs / government information, health / medical </br>information) </br>j) Participate in online education </br>k) Complete online application forms or sign up to websites </br>Page 42 </br>l) Scan a document and attach it to an email or upload online </br>m) Create or manage an online blog, website or share a video / images </br>n) Solve a problem with a device or service using online help </br>o) Verify sources of information you found online </br>p) Use a mobile phone to download an app </br>q) Stream, play, or download games or entertainment software </br> </br>(READ OUT) </br> </br>1. Yes – have done this </br>2. No – could do this, but have not </br>3. No – would not know how to do this </br>4. No – do not even know what this is / means </br> </br>98. (Don’t know) / Not sure </br>99. (Refused) / Prefer not to say </br> </br>*[PARTIALFLAG=3 AT THIS POINT] </br> </br>*[TIMESTAMP] </br> </br> </br>Page 43 </br>MODULE X – QUESTIONNAIRE INCENTIVE </br> </br>*(PREFERRED_INCENTIVE IS NOT NULL, HAVEN’T CHOSEN INCENTIVE BEFORE) </br>INCENTCHK Thanks for your participation. In the past, you have chosen <preferred_incentive> as </br>your reward. Are you happy with that again? </br> </br>1. Yes [AUTO-SELECT IF ID=16121524 OR ID=16124037] </br>2. No, change reward </br> </br>*(INCENTCHK=2 OR PREFERRED_INCENTIVE=NULL, NEW OR CHANGE INCENTIVE) </br>INCENTIVE <IF PREFERRED_INCENTIVE=NULL DISPLAY: Thanks for your participation.> </br>Which reward option would you like for this study? </br> </br>(READ OUT) </br> </br>1. PayPal [DISPLAY IF incentive_type=1] </br>2. Coles Myer gift card [DISPLAY IF incentive_type=2] </br>3. Coles e-card [DISPLAY IF incentive_type=1] </br>4. Charitable donation </br>5. Prefer to not receive reward </br> </br>*((PREFERRED_INCENTIVE=’Charitable donation’ AND INCENTCHK=1) OR INCENTIVE=4, </br>CHARITABLE DONATION) </br>CHARITY Which of the following would you like to us to donate to on your behalf? </br> </br>(READ OUT) </br> </br>*(PROGRAMMER NOTE: ROTATE RESPONSES 9-13. NUMBER CONTINUING FROM </br>PREVIOUS CHARITY LIST) </br> </br>9. Guide Dogs Victoria (Provide vital support for Victorians with low vision or blindness) </br>10. Bush Heritage Australia (Aims to conserve our magnificent landscapes and our </br>irreplaceable native species forever) </br>11. Brain Foundation (Dedicated to funding world-class research Australia-wide into </br>neurological disorders, brain disease, and brain injuries) </br>12. Bowel Cancer Australia (Dedicated to prevention, early diagnosis, research, quality </br>treatment, and the best care for everyone affected by bowel cancer) </br>13. Elizabeth Morgan House Aboriginal Women’s Service (provides specialist Family </br>Violence support to Aboriginal women and their children who are currently </br>experiencing or have experienced Family Violence) </br> </br>99. Prefer other payment method (GO BACK TO INCENTIVE) </br> </br>*(INCENTIVE=1, PAYPAL) </br>PAYPAL For us to deposit the amount in your PayPal account, we just need the email address that is </br>connected to your account. </br> </br>PayPal email: <paypalemail> </br> </br>1. Email same and correct </br>2. Provide different email address: </br>99. Prefer other payment method (GO BACK TO INCENTIVE) </br> </br>[TIMESTAMP] </br> </br>CLOSING SCRIPT </br> </br>*(ONLINE) </br>Page 44 </br>Thank you for taking the time to participate. This survey was conducted by the Social </br>Research Centre, on behalf of the Australian National University and the Victorian Law </br>Foundation. </br> </br>[DISPLAY IF INCENTIVE=1-3] Your reward will be processed and sent in the next few </br>weeks. </br> </br>This research study has been carried out in compliance with the Privacy Act and the </br>Australian Privacy Principles, and the information you have provided will only be used for </br>research purposes. Our Privacy Policy is available via our website, </br>www.srcentre.com.au/research-participants#privacy </br> </br>Please visit the Life in Australia webpage for further information, or you can contact the </br>Social Research Centre on 1800 023 040 or LifeinAus@srcentre.com.au. </br> </br>If you would like to talk to someone about how you have been feeling or have any concerns </br>about your mental health, please visit: www.lifeline.org.au or call Lifeline on 13 11 14. </br> </br>Your answers have been submitted. You may now close the page. </br> </br>*(CATI) </br>Thank you for taking the time to participate. Just in case you missed it, my name is (…) and </br>this survey was conducted by the Social Research Centre, on behalf of the Australian </br>National University and the Victorian Law Foundation. </br> </br>[DISPLAY IF INCENTIVE=1-3] Your reward will be processed and sent in the next few </br>weeks. </br> </br>This research study has been carried out in compliance with the Privacy Act and the </br>Australian Privacy Principles, and the information you have provided will only be used for </br>research purposes. Our Privacy Policy is available via our website, </br>http://www.srcentre.com.au/research-participants#privacy </br> </br>If you would like to talk to someone about how you have been feeling or have any concerns </br>about your mental health, please visit: https://www.lifeline.org.au/ or call Lifeline on 13 11 14. </br> </br>If you have any queries or concerns about the project I can give you some contact details. If </br>you would like to talk to a researcher, the number is 1800 023 040. </br> </br>1. Complete </br> </br>TERMINATION SCRIPTS </br> </br> Detailed outcome Summary outcome Text to display </br>Term1 Transfer to web You’ll receive the email with the link </br>to complete this survey shortly. If </br>you haven’t received it by tomorrow </br>please contact the Social Research </br>Centre on 1800 023 040 or at </br>LifeinAus@srcentre.com.au </br>Term2 Refused </br> </br> Thank you for participating in the </br>Life in Australia study. If you </br>change your mind and would like to </br>be included please contact the </br>Social Research Centre on 1800 </br>023 040 or at </br>LifeinAus@srcentre.com.au </br>Term3 Away duration Thanks for that, we’ll get back in </br>contact when you’re ready. </br> </br></br><a href="https://www.xuebaunion.com">学霸联盟</a></div> </div> <div class="detail-cont-tag"> <ul> <li> <a href="/list.html?tagId=179"><i></i>Xpress-IVE代写</a> </li> <li> <a href="/list.html?tagId=120"><i></i>预测分析代写</a> </li> <li> <a href="/list.html?tagId=36"><i></i>金融统计代写</a> </li> <li> <a href="/list.html?tagId=169"><i></i>期货期权代写</a> </li> <li> <a href="/list.html?tagId=287"><i></i>线性回归代写</a> </li> <li> <a href="/list.html?tagId=70"><i></i>PHP代写</a> </li> <li> <a href="/list.html?tagId=177"><i></i>cpu代写</a> </li> <li> <a href="/list.html?tagId=356"><i></i>cytoscape代写</a> </li> <li> <a href="/list.html?tagId=300"><i></i>tf-idf代写</a> </li> <li> <a href="/list.html?tagId=197"><i></i>opencl代写</a> </li> <li> <a href="/list.html?tagId=453"><i></i>Labview代写</a> </li> <li> <a href="/list.html?tagId=149"><i></i>webots代写</a> </li> <li> <a href="/list.html?tagId=339"><i></i>Applied Matrix代写</a> </li> <li> <a href="/list.html?tagId=170"><i></i>Scheme代写</a> </li> <li> <a href="/list.html?tagId=262"><i></i>scikit-learn代写</a> </li> <li> <a href="/list.html?tagId=137"><i></i>studio代写</a> </li> <li> <a href="/list.html?tagId=100"><i></i>计算证明代写</a> </li> <li> <a href="/list.html?tagId=245"><i></i>计算画图代写</a> </li> <li> <a href="/list.html?tagId=29"><i></i>Linux代写</a> </li> <li> <a href="/list.html?tagId=252"><i></i>计算机逻辑代写</a> </li> <li> <a href="/list.html?tagId=412"><i></i>Truffles代写</a> </li> <li> <a href="/list.html?tagId=87"><i></i>refinitiv eikon代写</a> </li> <li> <a href="/list.html?tagId=89"><i></i>simulink代写</a> </li> <li> <a href="/list.html?tagId=330"><i></i>ENVI代写</a> </li> <li> <a href="/list.html?tagId=269"><i></i>Azure代写</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="first-footer"> <div class="footer-nav item-nav contact-bottom"> <div class="title">联系我们</div> </div> <div class="footer-content first-page-content"> <div class="footer-left"> <div class="contact"> <span class="footer-text email">xuebaunion@vip.163.com</span> </div> <div class="footer-text address"> 3551 Trousdale Rkwy, University Park, Los Angeles, CA </div> <div class="footer-text">留学生论文指导和课程辅导</div> <div class="footer-text">论文代写:<a target="_blank" href="https://www.lunwen-daixie.com">https://www.lunwen-daixie.com</a> </div> <div class="footer-text">课程辅导:<a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="https://www.vipeasydue.com">https://www.vipeasydue.com</a> </div> <div class="footer-text">无忧GPA:<a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="https://www.essaygpa.com">https://www.essaygpa.com</a></div> <div class="footer-text">工作时间:全年无休-早上8点到凌晨3点</div> </div> <div class="footer-right"> <div class="footer-code"> <div class="code"> <img src="../images/first/ewm1.jpg" alt="essay、essay代写" /> </div> <div class="code-text">微信客服:xiaoxionga100</div> </div> <div class="footer-code"> <div class="code"> <img src="../images/first/ewm2.jpg" alt="essay、essay代写" /> </div> <div class="code-text">微信客服:ITCS521</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="ewm"> <div class="list"> <img src=" https://www.xuebaunion.com/images/icon-ewm.png" alt="essay、essay代写" /> </div> </div> </div> <script src="https://cdn.bootcdn.net/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.0/jquery.min.js"></script> <!-- <script language="javascript" src="https://lut.zoosnet.net/JS/LsJS.aspx?siteid=LUT43752539&float=1&lng=cn"></script> --> </body> </html>