CS5011: - cs5011代写
School of Computer Science, University of St Andrews, CS5011, 2022-23
CS5011: Assignment report requirements
This document describes themain requirements and structure for reports accompanyingCS5011
• Your report must be submitted in PDF. Other formats will not be accepted.
• Please follow the required structure listed below.
• The report has an advisory limit of 2000 words unless stated otherwise. (This limit ex-
cludes tables, pseudocode, formulas, images, graphs, and references)
• Suggestions on what to include are included. Please also check the spec and the slides
which might help identify important points to introduce in the report.
Please note that an advisory word limit is a guide to the level of detail and amount of infor-
mation expected in the report. Longer contents may lose marks for including large amounts of
irrelevant material, or for failing to state arguments clearly and concisely.
1. Introduction
Please include the following information:
i. Assignment number, date of submission and student ID number. Please do not include
your name in the report or in the code to ensure anonymity.
ii. A checklist of the parts implemented and any extension attempted. If any of the function-
alities is only partially working, ensure that this is discussed in your report. For example:
• Part 1: attempted, fully working
• Part 2: attempted, functionality X fully working, functionality Y has a bug and pro-
duces correct results only when j > 1...
• Part 3: not attempted
iii. Compiling and running instructions with examples
2. Design and implementation
A general overview of the design of your system, including the PEAS (Performance, Environ-
ment, Actuators, Sensors) model (if applicable), a problem definition (if applicable) and the
system architecture. Key elements of implementation including any data structure or algorithm
used if applicable. Remember to justify the mechanisms you have implemented as part of your
• Please do not include screenshots of your code unless strictly necessary since your
source code is already included in the submission. Pseudo code can be used instead
with relevant references to where this can be found in your code.
• Motivate your choices: this can be done by considering why as well as how you have
implemented the system in the way you did.
3. Test Summary
This section is about correctness of the system. Select a subset of cases that demonstrates
the system is working correctly and describe them in the report. Please pay close attention to
the spec requirements on how to test your code and what output your system should produce.
In this section, include a table or a list of tests performed, with a description of input and output
where appropriate. The role of this part is to show that your system is working correctly. You
could also include:
• Screenshots of the outputs
• Small working examples
• Graphical representation of these working examples (etc)
• If some functionality is not working as expected please describe this here
4. Evaluation and Conclusions
This section is about performance of the system. A critical analysis of the functionalities of
your system and what can be improved. The role of this section is to show and demonstrate
the qualities and limitations of your system such as how effectively or efficiently the system
works under certain conditions.
• Depending on the type of assignment, this section should include results of any evaluation
performed at a large scale, for example a table/graph showing performance results.
• Pros and Cons of your approach should also be discussed, and any component that could
be improved.
• Some concluding remarks
5. Bibliography
List all the references you cite in your report and code.
Lei Fang, Nguyen Dang, Fahrurrozi Rahman, Mun See Chang
January 16, 2023
