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OLET1305 Coding Literacy 2023S1
Project – An interactive digital media
Submission Deadline:
Task Media Project due on 15th May at 11:59 pm
Presentation and oral test in Week 12 & 13 (usual tutorial time).
This project assignment is worth 100% of the total assessment of this course. It is split into two main
deliverables, presentation and oral test.
This is a group assignment; each group formed by yourself must consist of FOUR members. Each
group member must contribute to the assignment equally, and the members will be awarded the
same marks. Under certain circumstances, adjustment of marks may happen to group members at
the discretion of the course coordinator.
2 Project Outline
You are required to design and create your own interactive digital media program. This could be
an calculator app, a game or tool. In your project design layout, you must explain the aesthetic
choices behind your project and how they can interact with the components. You must also
explain how interactions can enhance user experience e.g how game interactions give the user a
challenge. Your design also has to explain any technical detail that allows your interactions to
behave the way they do.
3 Design requirements
Your project must contain interactions between the keyboard and/or mouse, a numerical metric, and
at least 2 visual objects. They all must be linked such that none of these are isolated e.g. you
cannot have user input only affecting the scoring system and the objects only having interactions
with each other; these would create 2 isolated systems. There are several ways these entities could
link to form an interaction.
• Keyboard/mouse input changing the position, rotation, and scale of an object.
• Keyboard/mouse input changing a value of any variable.
• An object collides with a specified boundary to change a value of any variable.
• Have an object appear/disappear when the mouse/keyboard is invoked.
• Have an object appear/disappear when the object collides with a boundary (e.g of an object).
• Have an object appear/disappear when a value of a variable is met.
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You are required to submit the final project as well as having a detailed report explaining the
aesthetic design, interactions, and technical details. Your project should be cohesive in its
interactions and aesthetics.
Below are some examples to explain aesthetic interaction.
• Use spiky shapes to indicate an obstacle to avoid or to indicate sharpness.
• Use bright saturated colours to make noticeable to the user (bright red button to
• Have an aesthetic theme to invite a certain user behavior e.g space theme to show off
scale of objects.
Below are some examples to explain user interactions.
• Obstacles move faster over time to test the reaction time of the user.
• By walking into a power up, the player object gains properties to reach the goal zone
• The user can perform special calculations by using the modulo button to calculate the
Explain how these choices can enhance user behavior and make meaningful interactions.
The deliverables of your project will include at least the following three components in one ZIP file:
1. A project report in PDF file format (up to 4 pages in a font size not smaller than 10 points) to
explain your project, the aesthetics, and interactions, how you did it, and how to run your
program (e.g., dependence on external libraries if any). Please cite information as necessary.
2. Source codes of your programs.
3. Attend presentation 5-minute presentation and 2-minute individual oral exam to test
the level of contribution. If you do not present, you mark will be scaled to Zero (Fail)
Group member participation
If you are working as a part of a group, you will expect to contribute equally for the project.
The mark awarded for your assignment is conditional on you being able to explain any of
your answers to your tutor when asked. If members of your group do not contribute
sufficiently, you should alert your tutor as soon as possible. The tutor has the discretion to
scale the group’s mark for each member as follows, based on the outcome of the group’s
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OLET1305 Coding Literacy Project Note
Level of contribution Proportion of final grade
No participation or no demo. 0%
Passive member, but full understanding of the submitted
Minor contributor to the group’s submission. 50%
Major contributor to the group’s submission. 100%
1. (40 marks) Project report: Your report should clearly outline the background of
the project, how the aesthetic and interactive decisions can push the user
towards a defined goal as well as explaining technical solutions that make it
2. (10 marks) Presentation: The presentation should clearly describe the project
by using the appropriate layout and visual content. Timing is also essential.
3. (30 marks) Code Implementation: Demonstration of interactions between all project components
as well as a good fit with aesthetic decisions.
4. (20 marks) Code quality: Demonstrating good code practices such as code readability, minimizing
redundant code, and appropriate use of functions where possible.
• You need to put all the submission materials in one zip file and submit it in Canvas. One
submission only is required from each group.
• State SID and unikey (NO full name) of each group member. There may be a penalty if
1) you do not include your SID and unikey in the report,
2) your zip file cannot be accessed and unzipped successfully, or
3) your programs cannot be run successfully.
• You need to demonstrate your project to your tutor. The details of the demonstration will
be announced before week 11.
• Refer to relevant policies of the University, such as special consideration, and