QBUS6860 Group Project 1 Semester 1, 2021
1. Alcohol consumption amongst men and women in Australia
The Australia Health Tracker initiative estimates health risk factors by Local Government Area
(LGA). You can download the file from here: https://atlasesaustralia.com.au/ahpc/data.html
The data files contain detail information on adult (≥ 18 years old) alcohol consumption by location,
as well as by gender. You are required to use graphs to report the information that you find to
be the most interesting and explain why you chose that information. You are required to report
and compare how the alcohol consumption is calculated in Australia with one other country of your
You are required to learn and report the data generating process (DGP) including but not limited
to how the alcohol consumption rates have been calculated. Note that although this data appears in
the website above, it is actually based on the Australia Bureau of Statistics (ABS)’s National Health
Survey 2014-2015 that is described here.
You are required to validate the data and report on every step of validation.
You are also required to obtain the ABS spatial file on“Local Government Areas ASGS Non ABS
Structures Ed 2011 Digital Boundaries in ESRI Shapefile Format” that gives you the geo-coordinates
of LGAs from:
https://www.abs.gov.au/AUSSTATS/abs@.nsf/DetailsPage/1270.0.55.003 July%202011?OpenDocument
The shapefile creates geospatial maps. You must report on the quality and any issues that you face
in working with this shapefile
To translate the LGA geo-coordinates to SA4 see the ABS boundary correspondence tables:
https://www.abs.gov.au/AUSSTATS/abs@.nsf/DetailsPage/1270.0.55.006 July%202011?OpenDocument
The objective is to visualise alcohol consumption amongst men and women in Australia. You are
required to visualise the data both at the level of LGA and at the level of the ABS Statistical Area
4 (SA4).
This project requires you to use Tableau to:
• use geospatial maps to satisfy the Graph Objective, and you are free to use also other types of
graphs to complement the analysis
• use the relationship to join the geospatial shapefile to the health risk factors file so that the
LGA coordinates are merged with the alcohol consumption risk factors that we want to visualise.
Then use “relationship” to add the information from SA4 file and repeat the visualisation. You
must use Tableau Desktop to perform the this task.
• report on the DGP, the validation report, and the successful joining of the data sources
You are required to submit the .twbx file and a 5-page word or pdf report. You must submit the files
in Canvas under Assessments in Group Project 1 section. You are required to submit only 1 report
per group. Only one person from the group should submit the report and the .twbx file. We do not
have any specific requirements for font size or spacing, but please bear in mind that poor formatting
may lead to decrease in marks.
This assignment worth 15% of overall grade. The due date is 11:59pm on Friday 19th of March 2021.
Late assignments will not be accepted unless special consideration is obtained.
Every group member have to submit peer review through Canvas. You have to put references to
all the resources you are using. References are not included in the page limit. Cover page is not
included in the page limit if you decide to have one.
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QBUS6860 Group Project 1 Semester 1, 2021
Example of report structure:
1. Introduction, data generation process, data quality report (1-1.5 pages)
2. Description of the way how you connect the files in Tableau (0.5-1 pages)
3. Your research, including map(s), graphs, findings, etc. (2-3 pages)
4. Research and comparison of the ways of calculating the alcohol consumption in two different
countries (0.5-1 pages)
5. Conclusion and further suggested work (0.5-1 pages)
1. Introduction, data generation process, data quality report (20%)
2. Description of the way how you connect the files in Tableau (10%)
3. Research, including map(s), graphs on alcohol consumption in Australia (40%)
4. Research and comparison of the alcohol consumption rates in another country (15%)
5. Conclusion and suggested further work (15%)
Useful links:
1. Learn how to work with geospatial shapefiles in Tableau
2. Learn more on SA4
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