SWEN90010-SWEN90010: High Integrity Systems Engineering代写-Assignment 3
The University of Melbourne
SWEN90010: High Integrity Systems Engineering
Assignment 3
Due Date: 11:59pm, Friday May 26th 2023 (Melbourne time)
1 Introduction
The assignment is worth 20% of your total mark and is done in pairs (the same pairs as assign-
ments 1 and 2, unless you have been re-allocated to a new pair).
The aim of this assignment is to use the SPARK Ada toolset to implement and verify the
correctness and security of a small command-line Desktop Calculator utility.
That is, your pair will implement the functionality of the calculator program (as specified below)
in SPARK Ada, and use the SPARK Prover to prove that it is free of runtime errors and,
additionally, that it is also secure.
As usual, get started early and use your pair to maximum advantage.
Download, install and check you can run the GNAT tools (see Section 3.1) ASAP!
2 The Calculator
The program you have to implement is a command-line utility for performing numerical calcu-
lations. It takes input from the terminal (i.e. standard input, aka stdin).
2.1 Commands
Each line of input is a command. Commands conform to the following grammar:
::= “+”
Tokens in the grammar above are separated by one or more whitespace characters, namely space,
tab, and line-feed. Each is a string of non-whitespace characters. is a
4-digit string of non-whitespace characters that represents a non-negative number (i.e. a natural
number) in the range 0000 . . . 9999.
• The calculator can be in one of two states, either locked or unlocked.
• When the user starts the calculator, they supply (via a command-line argument) a 4-digit
string masterpin that represents a 4-digit PIN (i.e. a number in the range 0000 . . . 9999),
which is the master PIN needed to unlock the calculator. If no master PIN is supplied,
the calculator should exit immediately.
• The calculator begins in the locked state.
• For a string pin that represents a 4-digit PIN, the command “unlock pin” does nothing
when the calculator is in the unlocked state. Otherwise, it checks whether pin is equal to
the master PIN and, if so, changes the state of the calculator to unlocked. If pin is not
equal to the master PIN, then the state of the calculator is not changed.
• For a string newpin that represents a 4-digit PIN, the command “lock newpin” does nothing
when the calculator is in the locked state. Otherwise, it updates the master PIN to become
newpin and changes the state of the calculator to locked.
• For a string num representing a decimal integer, e.g. “5”, the command “push num” pushes
the value represented by num onto operand stack.
• The command “pop” pops the value from the top of the operand stack, discarding it.
• The commands “+”, “-”, “*” and “/” each pop the top two values from the operand stack
and compute the corresponding arithmetic operation on them (addition, subtraction, mul-
tiplication and division, respectively), and push the result onto the stack.
• For a string var, the command “load var ” loads the value stored in variable var and pushes
it onto the stack.
• For a string var, the command “store var ” pops the value from the top of the stack and
stores it into variable var, defining that variable if it is not already defined.
• The command “list” prints out all currently defined variables and their corresponding values.
• For a string var, the command “remove var ” makes variable var undefined (i.e. it will not
be printed by subsequent “list” commands).
2.2 Notes
• The calculator only takes input from the terminal (i.e. from stdin).
• When the calculator is started, the user supplies on the command line the master PIN, as
a command line argument.
• PINs are 4-digit strings in the range 0000 . . . 9999.
• The calculator can be in one of two states: either locked or unlocked.
• The “unlock” and “lock” commands change the state of the calculator between locked and
unlocked. The “lock” command allows updating the master PIN (see above).
• Variable names longer than 1024 characters are invalid.
• PINs that are not 4-digit strings in the range 0000 . . . 9999 are invalid.
• Input lines (i.e. commands) longer than 2048 characters are invalid.
• When receiving invalid input, the calculator should exit immediately (possibly after print-
ing an appropriate error message).
• When performing a calculation that would produce a result outside the range−231 . . . 231−1
inclusive (e.g. when computing −1×−231 the calculator is allowed to do whatever it wants
except it is not allowed to raise any Ada errors e.g. it cannot raise a CONSTRAINT_ERROR
etc. For instance it could choose not to perform the operation, or to exit immediately, etc.
• Similarly, when performing an operation that would cause division by zero, the calculator
should not raise an Ada error, but otherwise it is allowed to do whatever it wants e.g. do
nothing, exit immediately etc.
• Likewise, when performing an operation that would exceed the capacity of the operand
stack, the calculator is free to do whatever it wants except it cannot raise an Ada error.
Similarly for an operation for which there are insufficient operands on the stack.
• The capacity of the calculator’s operand stack is 512.
• Decimal integers in commands (e.g. “5” in “push 5”) that are outside the range −231 . . . 231−
1 inclusive are treated as representing 0.
2.3 A Demo Session with the Calculator
The user supplies the initial master PIN when starting the application, which is called main. For
example, to start the application setting the master PIN to “1234” the user would run:
$ ./main 1234
The calculator accepts commands from the user and its prompt indicates whether it is in the
locked or the unlocked state. Initially, it is always locked. Here is an example session showing
its expected output for valid commands.
$ ./main 1234
locked> unlock 1234
unlocked> push 5
unlocked> push 10
unlocked> *
unlocked> store a
unlocked> load a
unlocked> push 20
unlocked> *
unlocked> store b
unlocked> list
a => 50
b => 1000
unlocked> remove a
unlocked> list
b => 1000
unlocked> lock 2345
3 Your tasks
Get started early. This assignment is worth 20 marks in total.
3.1 Task -1: Download and Install GNAT Community Edition 2019
Download and install GNAT Community Edition from: https://www.adacore.com/download.
Ensure that the bin/ directory is in your PATH so that you can run the Ada tools directly. If
your setup is correct, you should be able to run commands like gnatmake and gnatprove and
see output like the following (noting that in this case the commands were run on MacOS):
$ gnatmake --version
GNATMAKE Community 2019 (20190517-83)
Copyright (C) 1995-2019, Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.
$ gnatprove --version
2019 (20190517)
Why3 for gnatprove version 1.2.0+git
/Users/toby/opt/GNAT/2019/libexec/spark/bin/alt-ergo: Alt-Ergo version 2.3.0
/Users/toby/opt/GNAT/2019/libexec/spark/bin/cvc4: This is CVC4 version 1.7.1-prerelease
/Users/toby/opt/GNAT/2019/libexec/spark/bin/z3: Z3 version 4.8.0 - 64 bit
3.2 Task 0: Downloading and Building the Helper Code
You need to implement the calculator in SPARK Ada. However you are provided with some
helper code to get you started.
Download the ZIP file containing the helper code from the LMS. It contains a small number of
Ada packages:
• main.adb: a top level main program that shows basic usage of the other packages. You
will replace this with the top level of your calculator implementation.
• MyCommandLine: Provides a simple SPARK API for accessing command line arguments.
• MyString: Provides a simple SPARK abstract data type for strings. Used for representing
lines of input as well as variable names, command names, etc.
• MyStringTokeniser: Provides a simple SPARK interface for tokenising strings. By “to-
kenising” we mean to break a string up into its various whitespace-separated tokens (where
each token contains no whitespace).
• VariableStore: Provides a simple SPARK API for a database that maps variables to
integer values.
• PIN: Provides a simple SPARK abstract data type to represent 4-digit PINs in the range
0000 . . . 9999.
• StringToInteger: Provides a simple SPARK interface for parsing tokens that represent
decimal integers and converting them to Integers. Note that if supplied an integer outside
the range of −231 . . . 231 − 1 inclusive (e.g. if supplied with the string “2147483648” (231),
the Integer 0 is returned.
Besides main.adb don’t modify the other supplied code, excpet for adding comments.
After unpacking the ZIP file, it will create the directory assignment3 in which the Ada code is
placed. You can build the code by running ‘gnatmake main’ in that directory.
$ gnatmake main
gcc -c main.adb
gcc -c mycommandline.adb
gcc -c mystring.adb
gcc -c mystringtokeniser.adb
gcc -c pin.adb
gcc -c stringtointeger.adb
gcc -c variablestore.adb
gnatbind -x main.ali
gnatlink main.ali
Note: if you are building the code on MacOS, you might get the warning message:
ld: warning: URGENT: building for OSX, but linking against dylib
(/usr/lib/libS ystem.dylib) built for (unknown). Note: This will be
an error in the future
This warning can be safely ignored.
Building the code should produce the placeholder main that you can then run. As mentioned,
the supplied main code simply shows some examples of how to use the other supplied packages.
3.3 Task 1: Understanding MyStringTokeniser (3 marks)
Your first task is to understand the MyStringTokeniser package. This package has no comments
but it does have SPARK annotations which describe aspects of its central procedure Tokenise.
You should read and modify the provided main.adb program: in particular the parts of it that
use the MyStringTokeniser package. This will help you to get an idea of what this package is
You should then carefully read the SPARK annotations on the Tokenise procedure.
You need to:
1. Add comments to the file mystringtokeniser.ads describing each part of the postcondi-
tion of the Tokenise procedure. For each part of its postcondition, you need to describe
what that part is saying and why it is necessary to have it as part of the postcondition.
Hint: think about code that uses this package. Try removing parts of the postcondition and
run the SPARK prover over code that uses this package to see what happens.
2. Add comments to mystringtokeniser.adb that explain the loop invariant for the Tokenise
procedure and, in particular, why the following part of the loop invariant is necessary:
(OutIndex = Tokens’First + Count);
3.4 Task 2: Implementing the Calculator (6 marks)
Using the provided code, implement the calculator as specified in this document.
Your implementation should follow good software engineering practices regarding modularity,
information hiding / abstraction, loose coupling, and so on.
Therefore, you are strongly encouraged to decompose the core operations of the calculator into
a separate Ada package that your main.adb can make use of.
3.5 Task 3: Proving it Free of Faults (5 marks)
Your next task is to use the SPARK Prover to prove that your calculator is free of runtime errors,
and that all pre-conditions on the provided code are always satisfied.
To do this, you will likely need to write loop invariants, and add defensive checks to your code.
Your goal is to have a working calculator implemented that, when somebody selects SPARK →
Prove All in GPS, does not produce any warning or error messages from the SPARK Prover.
To get full marks here, your code must of course avoid things like integer overflow. However it
should not avoid performing legitimate operations that do not cause overflow.
3.6 Task 4: Proving it Secure (6 marks)
Your final task is to use the SPARK Prover to prove that your implementation is secure. By
“secure” we mean it should at least satisfy the following security properties (however this list
is intentionally not complete—to get full marks here you will also need to think of and prove
additional security properties):
• The arithmetic operations (“+”, “-”, “*”, “”), load, store, remove, and lock operations can
only ever be performed when the calculator is in the unlocked state.
• The Unlock operation can only ever be performed when the calculator is in the locked
• The Lock operation, when it is performed, should update the master PIN with the new
PIN that is supplied.
By “performed” we mean that the operation has executed. This is different to an operation
attempting to be executed. For instance, in the following example session the user attempts to
perform the Lock operation; however the operation is not executed, because the caculator was
in the locked state.
$ ./main 1234
locked> lock 2345
Already locked
For this task you need to write a short description (no more than one page) describing:
• The security properties that you proved of your implementation and, for each,
• How you specified the security property using SPARK annotations and how the annotations
encode the security property.
If you prove additional properties of your implementation, besides those mentioned above, you
should document those in your report.
Your report should be written as Ada comments at the top of your main.adb file.
4 Submission
You should submit a ZIP file containing your SPARK code. Your code should live inside the
assignment3/ directory in your ZIP file. We expect to be able to build and run your code by
doing the following from the command line, assuming your submission is called submission.zip:
$ unzip submission.zip
$ cd assignment3/
$ gnatmake main
$ ./main 1234
Your main.adb should inclue comments that clearly identify all authors in your pair.
Your code should build and run against the original packages you were supplied with. However
your submission should contain updated versions with (only) additional comments added, as
required (see above).
Late submissions Late submissions will attract a penalty of 2 marks for every day that they
are late. If you have a reason that you require an extension, email Toby well before the due date
to discuss this.
Please note that having assignments due around the same date for other subjects is not sufficient
grounds to grant an extension. It is the responsibility of individual students to ensure that, if
they have a cluster of assignments due at the same time, they start some of them early to avoid
a bottleneck around the due date. The content required for this assignment was presented before
the assignment was released, so an early start is possible (and encouraged).
5 Academic Misconduct
The University misconduct policy applies to this assignment. Students are encouraged to discuss
the assignment topic, but all submitted work must represent the pair’s understanding of the
The subject staff take plagiarism very seriously. In the past, we have successfully prosecuted
several students that have breached the university policy. Often this results in receiving 0 marks
for the assessment, and in some cases, has resulted in failure of the subject.
