The Bartlett School of Construction & Project Management
BCPM0091: Agile and Hybrid Project Management: Part B
Assessment Brief
This is an individual assignment, delivered through a case that will count for 80% of
the final mark. The case should address the following:
“In a fast-evolving business environment, project management becomes critical in
delivering successful project outputs. Different methodologies, both traditional
(Waterfall, Prince 2 or Critical Path Method) and modern (Agile, Scrum or hybrid), set
the guiding principle to manage a project and help to ensure that the processes flow
in a trouble-free manner while the project objectives are achieved. By analysing a
project case, identify and justify what are the key factors that influence the adoption
of a project management methodology. Critically discuss the effectiveness of these
methodologies, using theoretical frameworks to support your assessment, and put
forward recommendations based on this.”
Drawing on project management theory and your learnings from the module, produce
a 2000-word case addressing the statement above. You can write from first-hand
experience or drawing on a real or hypothetical project case. The project case does
not have to be exclusively operating in the construction industry; however, you need
to be clear about the industry sector(s) it does belong to, and discuss accordingly.
Then analyse the factors that determine the adoption of the project management
methodology in your project case, and the effectiveness of the selected methodology
to achieve project success. Make recommendations drawing on this analysis, and if
needed, suggest and justify briefly a different choice of a project management
methodology that the project case should adopt.
You should draw upon the lectures, seminars and guest speakers to produce this case
and use the feedback you received. You are expected to provide evidence of your
understanding of the subject areas covered in the lectures, supported by extensive
independent reading with and beyond the suggested reading list. For more information
on structuring a case assignment go to:
Your paper should show:
- A critical reflection of the existing literature;
- A soundly argued analysis of the problem;
- Your insights into practical issues of particular relevance
- A professional standard of presentation of your work, vis-à-vis English
language, layout, visual language (tables and figures), citations, and
referencing style.
Summative assessment sequences and weighting1
Summative Assessment
ion date
L1 L2 L3
S2 Part B: 2000 words individual assignment,
delivered as a case. Detailed above.
80% 7th
19th April
+ +
This assignment has a limit of 2000 words (excluding tables, figures and appendices).
All sources and references should be acknowledged using the Harvard referencing
Please read carefully your Course Guide regarding the structure, presentation and
assessment criteria for Term Papers together with the sections indicating penalties for
late submission, over-length coursework, and poor referencing/plagiarism.
Assessment Criteria
The following criteria will be used for assessment:
Statement of the problem and outline of context – 30 %
Analysis or investigation of the problem – 40 %
Conclusions and recommendations – 20 %
Presentation – 10 %
Assessment Support
On Academic Week 25, Session 10 of the module, there will be a workshop to discuss
the assessment of this module, both Part A and Part B. This will be an opportunity to
ask questions about the assessment
All students will be asked to submit a short outline of their assignments (through a
Moodle Quiz in the “Assessment and Feedback” section) before Session 18
(Academic Week 29) of the module. These outlines should be short (150-200 words,
excluding any references) and verbal only without visuals aids (although you are
encouraged to use visual information in the final submission). Session 18 of the
module will focus on providing general and anonymous feedback on these short
outlines and raise questions about the assignments, so that students can benefit from
each other’s work.
Specific feedback will be provided after the end of the module to each individual outline
submitted by commenting on your quiz response. Any other questions about the
assignment should be asked ideally at the end of lectures or via the BCPM0091 “Ask
an Answer” forum on Moodle. Only one submission per student will be accepted. Draft
versions will not be assessed before the final submission.
1 L1: Subject-specific knowledge; L2: Critical academic and research skills; L3: Practical and
transferrable skills
The Module Leader will endeavour to respond on Moodle to student queries within 24
hours of them being raised. Students should check their course book and the Moodle
Forum and information given during the module thoroughly before raising queries via
Submission Details
The final document (with a maximum word length of 2000 words) is to be submitted
via Turnitin (see link in Moodle) by 3pm on 19th April 2021. File to be uploaded via
Moodle in Word or PDF format.