Design Flood Estimation
Due on: 10:00 pm, 22/03/21. Any late submission will attract a penalty of 10 % per day.
Submission: Must be submitted via Moodle Turnitin. All working and/or summaries of
the data that have been used for the calculations are to be included in the report. Only
the report will be marked. Any assumptions that are required should be stated clearly.
Any supporting spreadsheets cannot be uploaded.
Total Marks – 60 (10 for quality of presentation)
Q1. Flood Frequency Analysis (24 marks)
Flooding can be the result of several interrelated variables. This exercise uses analytical
approach to understand the probability of flooding within a watershed and how flood
frequency can be influenced if the catchment is ungauged. The streamflow records at a
Bureau Hydrologic Reference Gauging Station (Big River at Jamieson (405227)) are to be
used in the assignment. Streamflow records at this location are available since 1970.
Catchment information and daily flow details are available at
1. Using the recorded flow data undertake a Flood Frequency Analysis using
FLIKE to determine the peak flow for the 1% and 2% AEP flood events. You
will need to decide what probability distribution to use as well as picking the
fitting method. You should justify your choices. (8 marks)
2. Comment on the uncertainty in the derived FFA estimates and the possible
reasons for this. (4 marks)
3. A bridge is to be constructed at the outlet of the catchment. Collect
information about the latitude and longitude of the catchment centroid. This
bridge is to be designed for 1% and 2% AEP events. Using the RFFE method,
what flows should the bridge designers use? Compare your results with from
part 1. Which one would you recommend and why? (6 marks)
4. Discuss how you calculated catchment centroid (if Autocad or ArcGIS is used,
please include relevant printouts from the software in the Appendix). (3
5. Comment on the uncertainty in your answer and compare this uncertainty to
the relative uncertainty from Part 2. (3 marks)
Q2. Explain the following (around 100 words
for each topic) (26 marks)
Answer the following:
1. Design loss and design flood (4 marks)
2. Uncertainties associated with the design rainfall (4 marks)
3. Major differences between ARR1987 and ARR2016 (4 marks)
4. Temporal distribution of rainfall storm (4 marks)
5. Design Flood hydrograph modelling approaches (3 marks)
6. What is time area method? What are it's limitations? (4 marks)
7. What are the effects of urbanisation on the flow/hydrograph? (3 marks)
Note: The lecture notes, ARR2016 as well as the workshops problems and solutions on
these topics are helpful for this assignment.
Note: Submissions are expected to have selected plots and tables to support your
arguments and conclusions. Detailed plots/tables/calculations are to be included in an
Appendix (not the main solution).
NOTE: Quality of presentation will be judged by use of clear, convincing arguments,
figures and tables. Expectation is that your submission will resemble a professional
looking engineering report. This should be a short document summarising your
responses to each question (mostly words and a few figures/tables that are well
formatted) and an appendix with nicely formatted tables and figures presenting details
for the marker to see and assess incase additional information is needed.