Lab 1/Project 1 – Introduction to Smart Contract Development
COMP6452 Software Architecture for Blockchain Applications
2023 Term 2
1 Learning Outcomes
In this lab, which also leads to Project 1, you will learn how to write a smart contract using Solidity and
deploy it on the Ethereum testnet blockchain. After completing the lab/project, you will be able to:
• develop a simple smart contract using Solidity
• test your smart contract manually and automatically by issuing transactions and running unit tests
• create and fund your account on the Ethereum testnet
• deploy your contract to the Ethereum testnet
This lab provides step-by-step instructions to develop, test, and deploy your first smart contract.
Then as Project 1, which is graded, you will extend that smart contract to fix several defects and add
additional functionality.
2 Introduction
Smart contracts are user-defined code deployed on and executed by nodes in a blockchain. In addition to
executing instructions, smart contracts can hold, manage, and transfer digitalised assets. For example, a
smart contract could be seen as a bunch of if/then conditions that are an algorithmic implementation of
a financial service such as trading, lending, and insurance.
Smart contracts are deployed to a blockchain as transaction data. Execution of a smart contract
function is triggered using a transaction issued by a user (or a system acting on behalf of a user) or
another smart contract, which was in turn triggered by a user-issued transaction. A smart contract
does not auto-execute and must be triggered using a user-issued transaction. Inputs to a smart contract
function are provided through a transaction and the current state of the blockchain. Due to blockchains’
immutability, transparency, consistency, and integrity properties, smart contract code is immutable and
deterministic making its execution trustworthy. While “code is law” [1] is synonymous with smart
contracts, smart contracts are neither smart nor legally binding per the contract law. However, they can
be used to execute parts of a legal contract.
While Bitcoin [2] supports an elementary form of smart contracts, it was Ethereum [3] that demon-
strated the true power of smart contracts by developing a Turing complete language and a run-time
environment to code and execute smart contracts. Smart contracts in Ethereum are deployed and exe-
cuted as bytecode, i.e., binary code results from compiling code written in a high-level language. Bytecode
runs on each blockchain node’s Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) [4]. This is analogous to Java bytecode
executing on Java Virtual Machine (JVM).
Solidity [5] is the most popular smart contract language for Ethereum. Contracts in Solidity are
like classes in object-oriented languages, and contracts deployed onto the blockchain are like objects.
A Solidity smart contract contains persistent data in state variables, and functions that can access and
modify these state variables. A deployed contract resides at a specific address on the Ethereum blockchain.
Solidity is a high-level, object-oriented language that is syntactically similar to JavaScript. It is statically
typed and supports inheritance, libraries, and user-defined types. As Solidity code is ultimately compiled
into Ethereum bytecode, other blockchain platforms that support the EVM, such as Hyperledger Besu,
can also execute it.
Fig. 1 shows the typical development cycle of a smart contract. Like any program, it starts with
requirement analysis and modelling. State diagrams, Unified Modelling Language (UML), and Business
Process Model and Notation (BPMN) are typically used to model smart contracts. The smart contract
code is then developed using a suitable tool ranging from Notepad to sophisticated IDEs. Various libraries
and Software Development Kits (SDKs) may be used to minimise errors and enhance productivity. De-
pending on the smart contract language, code may also need to be compiled, e.g., Solidity. Smart contract
code and results must be bug-free because they are immutable and transparent.
Analysis &

Testing (Local
& Testnet)
Deployment Execution
Figure 1: Smart contract development cycle.
Because transactions trigger smart contract functions, we need to pay fees to deploy and execute
smart contracts on a public blockchain. In Ethereum, this fee is referred to as gas. More formally, gas is
a unit of account within the EVM used in calculating a transaction’s fee, which is the amount of Ether
(ETH) a transaction’s sender must pay to the miner who includes the transaction in the blockchain. The
amount of gas needs to execute a smart contract depends on several factors such as the computational
complexity of the code, the volume of data in memory and storage, and bandwidth requirements. There
is also a cost to deploy a smart contract depending on the length of the bytecode. Therefore, it is essential
to extensively test and optimise a smart contract to keep the cost low. The extent that one can test (e.g.,
unit testing), debug, and optimise the code depends on the smart contract language and tool availability.
While Ethereum has a rich set of tools, in this lab, we will explore only a tiny subset of them.
Most public blockchains also host a test/development network, referred to as the testnet, that is
identical in functionality to the production network. Further, they usually provide fast transaction
finality and do not charge real transaction fees. It is highly recommended to test a smart contract on
a testnet. Testnet can also be used to estimate transaction fees you may need to pay in the production
Once you are confident that the code is ready to go to the production/public blockchain network, the
next step is to deploy the code using a transaction. Once the code is successfully deployed, you will get
an address (aka identifier or handler) for future interactions with the smart contract. Finally, you can
interact with the smart contract by issuing transactions with the smart contract address as the recipient
(i.e., to address). The smart contract will remain active until it is disabled, or it reaches a terminating
state. Due to the immutability of blockchains, smart contract code will remain in the blockchain even
though it is deactivated and cannot be executed.
This lab has two parts. In part one (Section 3 to 8), you will develop, test, and deploy a given smart
contract to the Ethereum Sepolia testnet by following step-by-step instructions. Part two (Section 9) is
Project 1 where you will update the smart contract and unit tests to fix some of its functional weaknesses,
and then deploy it onto the testnet. You are not expected to complete this handout during tutorial/lab
time. Instead, you will need additional time alone to complete the lab and Project 1. Tutors will provide
online and offline support.
3 Developing a Smart Contract
In this lab, we will write a smart contract and deploy it to the public Ethereum Sepolia testnet. The
motivation of our Decentralised Application (DApp) is to solve a million-Dollar question: Where to have
The basic requirements for our DApp to determine the lunch venue are as follows:
1. The contract deployer SHOULD be able to nominate a list of restaurants r to vote for.
2. The contract deployer SHOULD be able to create a list of voters/friends v who can vote for r
3. A voter MUST be able to cast a vote only once.
4. The contract MUST stop accepting votes when the quorum is met (e.g., number of votes > |v|/2)
and declare the winning restaurant as the lunch venue.
The following code shows a smart contract written in Solidity to decide the lunch venue based on
votes. Line 1 is a machine-readable license statement that indicates that the source code is unlicensed.
Lines starting with //, ///, and /** are comments.
1 /// SPDX -License -Identifier: UNLICENSED
3 pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
5 /// @title Contract to agree on the lunch venue
6 /// @author Dilum Bandara , CSIRO’s Data61
8 contract LunchVenue{
10 struct Friend {
11 string name;
12 bool voted; //Vote state
13 }
15 struct Vote {
16 address voterAddress;
17 uint restaurant;
18 }
20 mapping (uint => string) public restaurants; //List of restaurants (restaurant no ,
21 mapping(address => Friend) public friends; //List of friends (address , Friend)
22 uint public numRestaurants = 0;
23 uint public numFriends = 0;
24 uint public numVotes = 0;
25 address public manager; // Contract manager
26 string public votedRestaurant = ""; //Where to have lunch
28 mapping (uint => Vote) public votes; //List of votes (vote no, Vote)
29 mapping (uint => uint) private _results; //List of vote counts (restaurant no , no
of votes)
30 bool public voteOpen = true; // voting is open
32 /**
33 * @dev Set manager when contract starts
34 */
35 constructor () {
36 manager = msg.sender; //Set contract creator as manager
37 }
39 /**
40 * @notice Add a new restaurant
41 * @dev To simplify the code , duplication of restaurants isn’t checked
42 *
43 * @param name Restaurant name
44 * @return Number of restaurants added so far
45 */
46 function addRestaurant(string memory name) public restricted returns (uint){
47 numRestaurants ++;
48 restaurants[numRestaurants] = name;
49 return numRestaurants;
50 }
52 /**
53 * @notice Add a new friend to voter list
54 * @dev To simplify the code duplication of friends is not checked
55 *
56 * @param friendAddress Friend ’s account/address
57 * @param name Friend ’s name
58 * @return Number of friends added so far
59 */
60 function addFriend(address friendAddress , string memory name) public restricted
returns (uint){
61 Friend memory f;
62 = name;
63 f.voted = false;
64 friends[friendAddress] = f;
65 numFriends ++;
66 return numFriends;
67 }
69 /**
70 * @notice Vote for a restaurant
71 * @dev To simplify the code duplicate votes by a friend is not checked
72 *
73 * @param restaurant Restaurant number being voted
74 * @return validVote Is the vote valid? A valid vote should be from a registered
friend to a registered restaurant
75 */
76 function doVote(uint restaurant) public votingOpen returns (bool validVote){
77 validVote = false; //Is the vote valid?
78 if (bytes(friends[msg.sender ].name).length != 0) { //Does friend exist?
79 if (bytes(restaurants[restaurant ]).length != 0) { //Does restaurant exist?
80 validVote = true;
81 friends[msg.sender ].voted = true;
82 Vote memory v;
83 v.voterAddress = msg.sender;
84 = restaurant;
85 numVotes ++;
86 votes[numVotes] = v;
87 }
88 }
90 if (numVotes >= numFriends /2 + 1) { // Quorum is met
91 finalResult ();
92 }
93 return validVote;
94 }
96 /**
97 * @notice Determine winner restaurant
98 * @dev If top 2 restaurants have the same no of votes , result depends on vote order
99 */
100 function finalResult () private{
101 uint highestVotes = 0;
102 uint highestRestaurant = 0;
104 for (uint i = 1; i <= numVotes; i++){ //For each vote
105 uint voteCount = 1;
106 if(_results[votes[i]. restaurant] > 0) { // Already start counting
107 voteCount += _results[votes[i]. restaurant ];
108 }
109 _results[votes[i]. restaurant] = voteCount;
111 if (voteCount > highestVotes){ // New winner
112 highestVotes = voteCount;
113 highestRestaurant = votes[i]. restaurant;
114 }
115 }
116 votedRestaurant = restaurants[highestRestaurant ]; // Chosen restaurant
117 voteOpen = false; // Voting is now closed
118 }
120 /**
121 * @notice Only the manager can do
122 */
123 modifier restricted () {
124 require (msg.sender == manager , "Can only be executed by the manager");
125 _;
126 }
128 /**
129 * @notice Only when voting is still open
130 */
131 modifier votingOpen () {
132 require(voteOpen == true , "Can vote only while voting is open.");
133 _;
134 }
135 }
Line 3 tells that the code is written for Solidity and should not be used with a compiler earlier than
version 0.8.0. The ∧ symbol says that the code is not designed to work on future compiler versions,
e.g., 0.9.0. It should work on any version labelled as 0.8.xx. This ensures that the contract is not
compilable with a new (breaking) compiler version, where it may behave differently. These constraints
are indicated using the pragma keyword, an instruction for the compiler. As Solidity is a rapidly evolving
language and smart contracts are immutable, it is desirable even to specify a specific version such that
all contract participants clearly understand the smart contract’s behaviour. You can further limit the
compiler version using greater and less than signs, e.g., pragma solidity >=0.8.2 <0.9.0.
In line 8, we declare our smart contract as LunchVenue. The smart contract logic starts from this
line and continues till line 135 (note the opening and closing brackets and indentation). Between lines 10
and 18, we define two structures that help to keep track of a list of friends and votes. We keep track of
individual votes to avoid non-repudiation. Then we define a bunch of variables between lines 20 and 30.
The address is a special data type in Solidity that refers to a 160-bit Ethereum address/account. An
address could refer to a user or a smart contract. string and bool have usual meanings. uint stands
for unsigned integer data type, i.e., nonnegative integers.
Lines 20-21 and 28-29 define several hash maps (aka map, hash table, or key-value store) to keep
track of the list of restaurants, friends, votes, and results. A hash map is like a two-column table, e.g.,
in the restaurants hash map the first column is the restaurant number and the second column is the
restaurant name. Therefore, given the restaurant number, we can find its name. Similarly, in friends,
the first column is the Ethereum address of the friend, and the second column is the Friend structure
that contains the friend’s name and vote status. Compared to some of the other languages, Solidity
cannot tell us how many keys are in a hash map or cannot iterate on a hash map. Thus, the number of
entries is tracked separately (lines 22-24). Also, a hash map cannot be defined dynamically.
The manager is used to keep track of the smart contract deployer’s address. Most voted restaurant
and vote open state are stored in variables votedRestaurant and voteOpen, respectively.
Note the permissions of these variables. results variable is used only when counting the votes to
determine the most voted restaurant. Because it does not need to be publically accessible it is marked
as a private variable. Typically, private variables start with an underscore. All other three variables are
public. Public variables in a Solidity smart contract can be accessed through smart contract functions,
while private variables are not. The compiler automatically generates getter functions for public variables.
Lines 35-37 define the constructor, a special function executed when a smart contract is first created.
It can be used to initialise state variables in a contract. In line 36, we set the transaction/message
sender’s address (msg.sender) that deployed the smart contract as the contract’s manager. The msg
variable (together with tx and block) is a special global variable that contains properties about the
blockchain. msg.sender is always the address where the external function call originates from.
addRestaurant and addFriend functions are used to populate the list of restaurants and friends that
can vote for a restaurant. Each function also returns the number of restaurants and friends added to the
contract, respectively. The memory keyword indicates that the name is a string that should be held in
the memory as a temporary value. In Solidity, all string, array, mapping, and struct type variables must
have a data location (see line 61). EVM provides two other areas to store data, referred to as storage
and stack. For example, all the variables between lines 20 and 30 are maintained in the storage, though
they are not explicitly defined.
restricted is a function modifier, which is used to create additional features or to apply restrictions
on a function. For example, the restricted function (lines 123-126) indicates that only the manager can
invoke this function. Therefore, function modifiers can be used to enforce access control. If the condition
is satisfied, the function body is placed on the line beneath ;. Similarly, votingOpen (lines 131-134) is
used to enforce that votes are accepted only when voteOpen is true.
The doVote function is used to vote, insofar as the voting state is open, and both the friend and
restaurant are valid (lines 76-94). The voter’s account is not explicitly defined, as it can be identified
from the transaction sender’s address (line 78). This ensures that only an authorised user (attested
through their digital signature attached to the transaction) can transfer tokens from their account. It
further returns a Boolean value to indicate whether voting was successful. In line 90, after each vote,
we check whether the quorum is reached. If so, the finalResults private function is called to choose
the most voted reataurant. This function uses a hash map to track the vote count for each restaurant,
and the one with the highest votes is declared as the lunch venue. The voting state is also marked as no
longer open by setting voteOpen to false (line 117).
Let us now create and compile this smart contract. For this, we will use Remix IDE, an online
Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for developing, testing, deploying, and administering smart
contracts for Ethereum-like blockchains. Due to zero setup and a simple user interface, it is a good
learning platform for smart contract development.
Step 1. Using your favourite web browser, go to
Step 2. Click on the File explorer icon (symbol with two documents) from the set of icons on the
left. Select the contracts folder – the default location for smart contracts on Remix. Then click on
Create new file icon (small document icon), and enter LunchVenue.sol as the file name.
Alternatively, you can click on the New File link in Home tab. If the file is created outside the
contracts folder, make sure to move it into the contracts folder.
Step 3. Type the above smart contract code in the editor. Better not copy and paste the above code
from PDF, as it may introduce hidden characters or unnecessary spaces preventing the contract from
Step 4. As seen in Fig. 2, set the compiler options are as follows, which can be found under Solidity
compiler menu option on the left:
• Compiler – 0.8.5+.... (any commit option should work)
• In Advanced Configurations select Compiler configuration
– Language – Solidity
– EVM Version – default
• Make sure Hide warnings is not ticked. Others are optional.
Step 5. Then click on the Compile LunchVenue.sol button. Carefully fix any errors and warnings.
While Remix stores your code on the browser storage, it is a good idea to link it to your Github account.
You may also save a local copy.
Step 6. Once compiled, you can access the binary code by clicking on the Bytecode link at the bottom
left, which will copy it to the clipboard. Paste it to any text editor to see the binary code and EVM
instructions (opcode).
Similarly, using the ABI link, you can check the Application Binary Interface (ABI) of the smart
contract. ABI is the interface specification to interact with a contract in the Ethereum ecosystem. Data
are encoded as a JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) schema that describes the set of functions, their
parameters, and data formats. Also, click on the Compilation Details button to see more details about
the contract and its functions.
4 Deploying the Smart Contract
First, let us test our smart contract on Remix JavaScript VM to ensure that it can be deployed without
much of a problem. Remix JavaScript VM is a simulated blockchain environment that exists in your
browser. It also gives you 10 pre-funded accounts to test contracts. Such simulated testing helps us
validate a smart contract’s functionality and gives us an idea about the transaction fees.
Ethereum defines the transaction fee as follows:
transaction fee = gas limit× gas price (1)
The gas limit defines the maximum amount of gas we are willing to pay to deploy or execute a smart
contract. This should be determined based on the computational and memory complexity of the code,
the volume of data it handles, and bandwidth requirements. If the gas limit is set too low, the smart
contract could terminate abruptly as it runs out of gas. If it is too high, errors such as infinite loops
could consume all our Ether. Hence, it is a good practice to estimate the gas limit and set a bit higher
value to accommodate any changes during the execution (it is difficult to estimate the exact gas limit as
the execution cost depends on the state of the blockchain).
Figure 2: Compiler options.
The gas price determines how much we are willing to pay for a unit of gas. When a relatively higher gas
price is offered, the time taken to include the transaction in a block typically reduces. Most blockchain
explorers, such as, provide statistics on market demand for gas price. It is essential to
consider such statistics when using the Ethereum production network to achieve a good balance between
transaction latency and cost.
Step 7. Select Deploy & run transactions menu option on the left. Then set the options as follows
(see Fig. 3):
• Environment – Remix VM (Shanghai)
• Account – Pick one of the accounts with some Ether
• Gas Limit – 3000000 (use the default)
• Value – 0 (we are not transferring any Ether to the smart contract)
• Contract – LunchVenue
Step 8. Click on the Deploy button. This should generate a transaction to deploy the LunchVenue
contract. As seen in Fig. 4, you can check the transaction details and other status information, including
any errors at the bottom of Remix (called Remix Console area). Click on the ∨ icon next to Debug button
Figure 3: Deployment settings.
at the bottom left of the screen. Note values such as status, contract address, transaction cost,
and execution cost. In the next section, we interact with our contract.
Figure 4: Details of the transaction that deployed the contract.
Figure 5: Interacting with the contract.
5 Manual Testing
Now that you have deployed the LunchVenue contract onto the Remix JavaScript VM, let us test it
manually via Remix to make sure it works as intended.
Step 9. As seen in Fig. 5, we can interact with the deployed contract using the functions under Deployed
Contracts. Expand the user interface by clicking on the > symbol where it says LUNCHVENUE AT 0X...
Those buttons can be used to generate transactions to invoke respective functions. For example, by
clicking on the manager button, we can see that manager’s address is set to the address of the account
we used to deploy the smart contract. The address selected in the ACCOUNT drop-down (scroll up to see
the drop-down list) is the one we used to deploy the contract. When we click the button, Remix issues a
transaction to invoke the getter function that returns the manager’s address. The respective transaction
will appear on the boom of the screen. Getter functions are read-only (when the compiler generates them,
they are marked as view only functions), so they are executed only on the node where the transaction
is submitted. A read-only transaction does not consume gas as it is not executed across the blockchain
Similarly, check the numFriends, numVotes, and voteOpen variables by clicking on the respective
Step 10. To add yourself as a voter/friend, click on the ∨ icon next to the addFriend button, which
should show two textboxes to enter input parameters. As the address selected in the ACCOUNT drop-down
list was used to deploy the contract, let us consider that to be your address. Copy this address by clicking
on the icon with two documents. Then paste it onto the friendAddress: textbox. Enter your name in
the name: textbox. Then click the transact button.
This generates a new transaction, and you can check the transaction result in the Remix Console
area. Note that decoded output attribute in Remix Console indicates the function returned the number
of friends in the contract as one. Alternatively, the getter function provided by the numFriends button
can be used to verify that a friend is added to the contract. We can also recall details of a friend by
providing his/her address to the friends getter function.
Step 11. Go to the ACCOUNT drop-down list and select any address other than the one you used to
deploy the contract. Copy that address. Return to the addFriend function and fill up the two textboxes
with the copied address and a dummy friend name. Then click the transact button.
This transaction should fail. Check Remix Console area for details. While you cannot find the reason
for failure (more on this later), you will see that the transaction still got mined and gas was consumed.
The transaction failed due to the access control violation where the transaction’s from address (i.e.,
msg.sender) did not match the manager’s address stored in the contract (see lines 123-126).
Step 12. Let us add another friend as a voter. Go to the ACCOUNT drop-down list and copy the second
address. After copying, reselect the address used to deploy the contract from the drop-down. Return
to the addFriend function and paste the address we copied to friendAddress: textbox and enter the
friend’s name. Click the transact button. This should generate a new transaction. Check the transaction
details, as well as make sure that numFriends is now increased to two.
Repeat this step three more times to add a total of five voters. Each time make sure to copy a different
address from the ACCOUNT drop-down list.
Step 13. Next, we add restaurants. Expand the addRestaurant function by clicking on the ∨ icon.
Enter a restaurant name and then click the transact button. Check the transaction details on the
Remix Console. Use numRestaurants and restaurants getter functions to make sure the restaurant
is successfully added. Also, note the difference in gas consumed by addRestaurant and addFriend
Repeat this step once or twice to add total of two to three restaurants.
Step 14. It is time to vote. Let us first vote as a friend. Go to the ACCOUNT drop-down list and
select the second address. Expand the doVote function. Enter one of the restaurant numbers into the
restaurant: textbox. If you do not remember a restaurant’s number, use restaurants getter function
to find it. Then click the transact button.
You can check the function’s output under decoded output in Remix Console. A successful vote
should be indicated by true.
Step 15. This time try to vote for a restaurant that does not exist, e.g., if you added three restaurants
try voting for restaurant number four. While the transaction will be successful you will see that decoded
output is set to false indicating that vote is invalid.
Step 16. Next, try to vote from an address that is not in the friend list. Go to the ACCOUNT drop-down
list and select an address that you did not register as a voter. Return to doVote function and then vote
for a valid restaurant number. While the transaction will be successful you will see that decoded output
is again set to false indicating that vote is invalid.
Step 17. Go to the ACCOUNT drop-down list and select an address that you registered as a friend.
Return to doVote function and then vote for a valid restaurant number. Keep voting from different valid
addresses to valid restaurants.
Once the quorum is reached, the contract will select the more voted restaurant as the lunch venue.
The selected venue can be found by calling the votedRestaurant getter function.
Try to issue another vote and see what happens to the transaction.
6 Creating and Funding an Account
Now that the LunchVenue contract is working as expected, let us deploy it to the Ethereum Sepolia
testnet. We need a digital wallet to create and issue Ethereum transactions. Also, we need test Ether to
deploy and interact with the contract.
In this lab, we use MetaMask, a browser-based, easier-to-use, and secure way to connect to blockchain-
based applications. Once the account is created, we will fund it using an already deployed faucet smart
contract on the test network. We also use – a blockchain explorer or search engine for
Ethereum data – to check the transaction details.
Step 18. Visit and install the browser extension (it works on Chrome, Firefox,
Edge, Opera, and Brave browsers).
Step 19. Once installed, click on the Get Started button. A first-time user must create a new wallet.
Click on the Create a new wallet button. Read and agree to the policy, enter a new password twice,
and click Create a new wallet. This will generate a 12-word or higher Secret Backup Phrase (aka
mnemonic) to recover your wallet in case of an error. Save the mnemonic in a secure location. You are
required to confirm the Secret Backup Phrase too.
Finally, MetaMask creates a new account with associated public and private key pairs. Your 160-bit
address is derived from the public key, and the private key is used to sign transactions. Your address will
appear as a long hexadecimal string with the prefix 0X at the top of the MetaMask plugin.
Click Copy to clipboard to copy your address and see it on any text editor (you may have to move
the mouse pointer to where it says Account 1). You can also get your address as a QR code or even
update your account name and export your private key using the Account details button. Notice that
your current account balance is 0 ETH.
Step 20. Next, let us fund our account with test Ether. For this, we use a faucet smart contract that
donates Ether. Because we will use the Sepolia testnet to deploy our smart contract, from the drop-down
list at the top of MetaMask, select Sepolia test network (see Fig. 6).
If the Sepolia test network is not visible, click on Show/hide test networks. Then find the
Show/hide test networks slider and set it to ON.
Figure 6: Selecting a testnetwork.
Step 21. Sepolia testnet has a couple of faucets (see
networks/#sepolia). Try one of the following faucets:
• Sepolia PoW Faucet at – Copy your MetaMask Account
1 address into the textbox that says Please enter ETH address or ESN name. Prove you are
a human by completing the captcha. Next, click on the Start Mining button. Wait until you
accumulate at least 0.05 ETH, which could take several minutes. Then click on the Stop mining
and claim reward button. Finally, click on the Claim rewards to claim your test Ether. This
should create a new transaction to fund your account. Click on the transaction ID link, which will
take you to
• Infura Sepolia faucet at – Copy your MetaMask Account
1 address into the textbox and click on LOGIN AND RECEIVE ETH. You will be required to create
an Infura account. It is not a bad idea, because Infura is useful for blockchain developers as
it provides connectivity and APIs to several public blockchains. You will get a popup with the
title TRANSACTION SENT!. Click on the VIEW ON BLOCK EXPLORER link which will take you to
As seen in Fig. 7, on Etherscan, you can see details of the transaction such as Transaction Hash,
Status, From, To, and Value. For a few tens of seconds, the transaction Status may appear as Pending.
Once the transaction is included in a block, the Status changes to Success and additional details such
as Block, Timestamp, and Transaction Fee will appear. Click on the Click to see More link to see
further details of the transaction.
Figure 7: Transaction details.
Return to MetaMask. You will now see a small amount of ETH in your account. This should be
sufficient to deploy and issues transactions to our token contract.
Step 22. Because our contract requires interaction among multiple accounts, create at least two other
accounts for testing. Click on the circle in the top-right corner of MetaMask and then click on Create
account. Follow the instructions to create a new account. Copy this address and return to one of the
Sepolia faucets, enter the new address, mine, and claim your reward like in Step 21.
Alternatively, you can work with other students who are taking this class to vote from each other’s
7 Deploying Smart Contract on Testnet
Step 23. Return to the Remix IDE. In the Deploy & run transactions pane change the Environment
drop-down list to Injected Provider - Metamask. If you do not see MetaMask, you will need to reload
Remix IDE.
The first time, MetaMask will pop up asking you to connect with Remix. Make sure your address is
set as the Account. Follow the instructions to complete linking MetaMask with Remix IDE.
Step 24. Click on the Deploy, button to deploy the contract. MetaMask will pop up again, asking you
to confirm the transaction to deploy the contract.
You will see that MetaMask has already set a transaction fee. If it is set to 0, change the value by
clicking on the Edit link. This will list some suggested gas prices based on the expected time to include
a transaction in a block. Then click on the Confirm button.
This will generate and send a transaction to the Sepolia testnet. You can find a link to Etherscan
with the transaction ID on the Remix Console. Click on the link and wait till the transaction is included
in a block. When the Status is marked as Success, your smart contract is successfully deployed onto
the test network. Carefully go through the transaction parameters. Note down the To address, which is
the address of our contract. If you lose it, it is impossible to access the contract.
If the Success status is marked as Failed, check the error messages on the Remix Console. Do the
needful to fix the error and attempt to redeploy the contract.
Congratulations on deploying your first smart contract to a global network!
Step 25. Let us now interact with the smart contract on the testnet and validate its functionality.
Enter the contract address in the textbox near the At Address button, if not already populated. Once
the button is clicked, like Fig. 5, Remix will populate the UI with a list of buttons and textboxes to
interact with the newly deployed contract.
Step 26. Repeats the tests from Steps 9 to 17. You would need to iterate between multiple accounts
created on MetaMask.
Alternatively, you can share your LunchVenue contract address on the test network with other students
in the class and get them to issue transactions to your contract.
8 Unit Testing
In this section, we automatically test our smart contract using Remix’s unit testing feature. A unit test
is a software test that focuses on components of a software product to determine whether they are fit
for use. First, we write test cases. Then every time we make code changes, we can check whether our
changes break the rest of the code by automatically checking whether test cases are satisfied (of course,
changes may require new or modified test cases).
Step 27. Click on the Solidity unit testing option on the left (look for the double-check icon). If
the icon is not visible, you must activate it from the Remix plugin manager. Click on the icon at the
bottom left. Search for Solidity Unit Testing plugin by typing “test” in the search box, and then load it
up by clicking on the Activate button.
Step 28. The unit testing configuration area should be like Fig. 8. Make sure tests is set as the Test
directory:. Else, create the tests folder by clicking on the Create button. Then click on the Generate
button to generate a sample Solidity test file. Usually, the name of the test file reflects our contract name
and has a suffix of test. This file contains the minimum code to run unit tests.
Click on the How to use... button. Read through the Unit Testing Plugin web page and other
pages in the section to get an idea about how to perform unit testing with Remix.
Figure 8: Unit test options.
Step 29. Let us write the unit tests for our contract. Edit the LunchVenue test.sol file in the tests
folder to include the following unit test code. You will have to remove some of the boilerplate code from
In line 6, we import the remix tests.sol file, which includes a set of utility functions for testing
contracts. The remix accounts.sol file (included in line 11) gives access to ten test accounts to emulate
the behaviour of Ethereum accounts. Line 12 imports our LunchVenue contract to be tested. In line 16,
we inherit the LunchVenue contract to test its functionality. This is required as we want to emulate user
beforeAll function runs before all the tests; hence, it can be used to set states needed for testing.
Between lines 19-23, we create a set of variables for test user accounts. Their values are assigned to test
accounts between lines 29-33.
As per the configuration in remix accounts.sol, account at zero index (i.e., account-0) is the
default account. Therefore, it is automatically used to deploy the contract during testing. Consequently,
it becomes our contact’s owner and the manager variable is set to this account. acc0 to acc3 are used
as friends who could vote for a lunch venue. Note that account-0 is a label that can be used to set the
transaction sender, whereas acc0 is the respective variable.
managerTest (lines 38-40) is our first unit test that validates whether the default account is set as the
manager of the contract. An Assert.equal function compares whether its first and second arguments
are the same. Otherwise, it throws an exception with the error message given in the third argument. For
example, in line 39, we check whether the manager is set to acc0. If not, it will throw an exception with
the error message “Manager should be acc0”
setRestaurant (lines 44-47) test case adds two restaurants where we expect the smart contract to
return the number of restaurants available to vote for each addition.
In the setRestaurantFailure test case (lines 51-64), we try to add another lunch venue. #sender :
account-1 in line 50 indicates that we are calling the function while setting account-1 as the msg.sender
of the transaction. This is a convenient feature Remix unit testing provides to issue transactions as
originating from different addresses. This test case should fail, as only the manager is allowed to add
a restaurant. However, in unit testing, we are checking for expected behaviour, which in this case is a
failed transaction. Hence, without letting the test case fail, we can capture the failure as the accepted
behaviour using a try-catch block.
In programming, try defines a block of statements that may throw an exception. When a specific
type of exception occurs, a catch block catches the exception enabling us to handle the error within
the program without crashing it. Therefore, when we execute line 54, we should reach line 56 as the
EVM will throw an error with the reason. We check for this behaviour using Assert.equal in line 58.
If we get some other error or the transaction is successful, the unit test should fail at line 60, 62, or 55,
1 // SPDX -License -Identifier: GPL -3.0
3 pragma solidity >=0.8.00 <0.9.0;
5 // This import is automatically injected by Remix
6 import "remix_tests.sol";
8 // This import is required to use custom transaction context
9 // Although it may fail compilation in ’Solidity Compiler ’ plugin
10 // But it will work fine in ’Solidity Unit Testing ’ plugin
11 import "remix_accounts.sol";
12 import "../ contracts/LunchVenue.sol";
14 // File name has to end with ’_test.sol ’, this file can contain more than one testSuite
15 /// Inherit ’LunchVenue ’ contract
16 contract LunchVenueTest is LunchVenue {
18 // Variables used to emulate different accounts
19 address acc0;
20 address acc1;
21 address acc2;
22 address acc3;
23 address acc4;
25 /// ’beforeAll ’ runs before all other tests
26 /// More special functions are: ’beforeEach ’, ’beforeAll ’, ’afterEach ’ & ’afterAll ’
27 function beforeAll () public {
28 // Initiate account variables
29 acc0 = TestsAccounts.getAccount (0);
30 acc1 = TestsAccounts.getAccount (1);
31 acc2 = TestsAccounts.getAccount (2);
32 acc3 = TestsAccounts.getAccount (3);
33 acc4 = TestsAccounts.getAccount (4);
34 }
36 /// Check manager
37 /// account -0 is the default account that deploy contract , so it should be the
manager (i.e., acc0)
38 function managerTest () public {
39 Assert.equal(manager , acc0 , ’Manager should be acc0’);
40 }
42 /// Add restuarant as manager
43 /// When msg.sender isn’t specified , default account (i.e., account -0) is the sender
44 function setRestaurant () public {
45 Assert.equal(addRestaurant(’Courtyard Cafe’), 1, ’Should be equal to 1’);
46 Assert.equal(addRestaurant(’Uni Cafe’), 2, ’Should be equal to 2’);
47 }
49 /// Try to add a restaurant as a user other than manager. This should fail
50 /// #sender: account -1
51 function setRestaurantFailure () public {
52 // Try to catch reason for failure using try -catch . When using
53 // try -catch we need ’this’ keyword to make function call external
54 try this.addRestaurant(’Atomic Cafe’) returns (uint v){
55 Assert.notEqual(v, 3, ’Method execution did not fail’);
56 } catch Error(string memory reason) {
57 // Compare failure reason , check if it is as expected
58 Assert.equal(reason , ’Can only be executed by the manager ’, ’Failed with
unexpected reason ’);
59 } catch Panic(uint /* errorCode */) { // In case of a panic
60 Assert.ok(false , ’Failed unexpected with error code’);
61 } catch (bytes memory /* lowLevelData */) {
62 Assert.ok(false , ’Failed unexpected ’);
63 }
64 }
66 /// Set friends as account -0
67 /// #sender doesn’t need to be specified explicitly for account -0
68 function setFriend () public {
69 Assert.equal(addFriend(acc0 , ’Alice ’), 1, ’Should be equal to 1’);
70 Assert.equal(addFriend(acc1 , ’Bob’), 2, ’Should be equal to 2’);
71 Assert.equal(addFriend(acc2 , ’Charlie ’), 3, ’Should be equal to 3’);
72 Assert.equal(addFriend(acc3 , ’Eve’), 4, ’Should be equal to 4’);
73 }
75 /// Try adding friend as a user other than manager. This should fail
76 function setFriendFailure () public {
77 try this.addFriend(acc4 , ’Daniels ’) returns (uint f) {
78 Assert.notEqual(f, 5, ’Method execution did not fail’);
79 } catch Error(string memory reason) { // In case revert () called
80 // Compare failure reason , check if it is as expected
81 Assert.equal(reason , ’Can only be executed by the manager ’, ’Failed with
unexpected reason ’);
82 } catch Panic( uint /* errorCode */) { // In case of a panic
83 Assert.ok(false , ’Failed unexpected with error code’);
84 } catch (bytes memory /* lowLevelData */) {
85 Assert.ok(false , ’Failed unexpected ’);
86 }
87 }
89 /// Vote as Bob (acc1)
90 /// #sender: account -1
91 function vote() public {
92 Assert.ok(doVote (2), "Voting result should be true");
93 }
95 /// Vote as Charlie
96 /// #sender: account -2
97 function vote2 () public {
98 Assert.ok(doVote (1), "Voting result should be true");
99 }
101 /// Try voting as a user not in the friends list. This should fail
102 /// #sender: account -4
103 function voteFailure () public {
104 Assert.equal(doVote (1), false , "Voting result should be false");
105 }
107 /// Vote as Eve
108 /// #sender: account -3
109 function vote3 () public {
110 Assert.ok(doVote (2), "Voting result should be true");
111 }
113 /// Verify lunch venue is set correctly
114 function lunchVenueTest () public {
115 Assert.equal(votedRestaurant , ’Uni Cafe’, ’Selected restaurant should be Uni Cafe
116 }
118 /// Verify voting is now closed
119 function voteOpenTest () public {
120 Assert.equal(voteOpen , false , ’Voting should be closed ’);
121 }
123 /// Verify voting after vote closed. This should fail
124 function voteAfterClosedFailure () public {
125 try this.doVote (1) returns (bool validVote) {
126 Assert.equal(validVote , true , ’Method execution did not fail’);
127 } catch Error(string memory reason) {
128 // Compare failure reason , check if it is as expected
129 Assert.equal(reason , ’Can vote only while voting is open.’, ’Failed with
unexpected reason ’);
130 } catch Panic( uint /* errorCode */) { // In case of a panic
131 Assert.ok(false , ’Failed unexpected with error code’);
132 } catch (bytes memory /* lowLevelData */) {
133 Assert.ok(false , ’Failed unexpectedly ’);
134 }
135 }
136 }
When we call this.addRestaurant in line 54, we are issuing the transaction as “this” contract. The
keyword this refers to the contract itself, i.e., the LunchVenue unit test contract. Therefore, msg.sender
is set to this contract’s address, not to the manager’s address which is set to account-0. Because the
msg.sender and manager are not the same, line 124 in the LunchVenue contract throws an exception
with the error message “Can only be executed by the manage”. We catch this exception in line 58 in the
unit test file as the expected result. Even if you change line 50 to #sender: account-0 the test case
will not fail as this always refers to the contract’s address. In fact, line 50 can be removed as the sender’s
address we set is immaterial in this test case. It is just added to help you understand what is going on
(e.g., setFriendFailure and voteAfterClosedFailure test cases do not set the sender address).
setFriend and setFriendFailure test cases try to add friends that can vote for a restaurant. In
vote and vote2 test cases, we vote for a restaurant as Bob and Charlie, respectively.
Because account-4 is not in the friends list, the voteFailure test case (lines 103-105) doVote should
return false. Next, we vote as Eve (lines 109-111). As the minimum number of votes is received,
the smart contract should select Uni Cafe as the highest-voted restaurant and disable further voting.
lunchVenueTest and voteOpenTest test cases verify this behaviour. Finally, between lines 124 and 135,
we make sure no more votes can be cast once the lunch venue is decided.
Step 30. To run our test cases, go to the Solidity unit testing pane. Select LunchVenue test.sol
from the set of checkboxes. Then click on the Run button (see Fig. 8). You should see an output like
Fig. 9.
All tests should be successful. If not, check the error messages, apply necessary fixes, and retry.
Ideally, unit testing must be performed before you test it either on Remix JavaScript VM or on a test
network. However, this lab presented topics in a pragmatic order to make it easier to follow and retain
the motivation than bombarding you with more Solidity code. Therefore, in Project 1 and 2 make sure
to complete your unit testing before any deployment.
Figure 9: Unit test results.
9 Project 1 - Extending the Smart Contract
While our smart contract works, it has a couple of issues. For example:
1. A friend can vote more than once. While this was handy in testing our contract, it is undesirable
as one could monopolise the selected venue. Ideally, we should record a vote for a given address
only once.
2. The same restaurant and friend can be added multiple times leading to similar issues.
3. While the contract is stuck at the doVote function, other functions can still be called. Also, once
the voting starts, new venues and friends can be added, making the whole process chaotic. In a
typical voting process, voters are clear about who would vote and what to vote on before voting
starts to prevent any disputes. Hence, a good vote process should have well-defined create, vote
open, and vote close phases.
4. If the quorum is not reached by lunchtime, no consensus will be reached on the lunch venue. Hence,
the contract needs a timeout. However, the wallclock time on a blockchain is not accurate due to
clock skew. Therefore, the timeout needs to be defined as a block number.
5. There is no way to disable the contract once it is deployed. Even the manager cannot do anything
to stop the contract in case the team lunch has to be cancelled.
6. Gas consumption is not optimised. More simple data structures may help to reduce transaction
7. Unit tests do not cover all possible cases, e.g., we do not check the doVote function with an invalid
restaurant number.
Your Project 1 task is to address these issues by improving the smart contract and unit tests.
Step 31. Update the LunchVenue smart contract to satisfy at least five of the above-listed weakness.
Save it as a separate .sol file. Do not modify function definitions unless essential. Also, clearly mention
which weaknesses you address and how you address them. These could be added as comments to your
code. You may need to look into more Solidity functions to resolve some of the issues.
Step 32. Create a new unit test file for the updated contract. In addition to fully testing the original
contract, add at least four other test cases to validate the new functionality. Proceed with Step 24 for
the updated contract too. That way, we can check your work (code and transactions), in addition to us
deploying a new instance of your contract.
10 Project Submission
You are required to submit the following as a single .zip or .tar.gz file:
Deliverable Points (15 in total)
Source code of original LunchVenue.sol 1
Source code of original LunchVenue test.sol 1
Source code of updated .sol file to fix at least 5 weaknesses 8
Source code of updated test.sol test file 4
2 addresses of above smart contracts deployed on Sepolia as addresses.txt 1
You should have the following structure of directories in your submitted .zip or .tar.gz file (DO NOT
include the root directory):
• contracts/
– LunchVenue.sol
– LunchVenue updated.sol
• tests/
– LunchVenue test.sol
– LunchVenue updated test.sol
• addresses.txt
The contracts should be written with Solidity version 0.8.x.
These need to be submitted by the deadline given on the course Moodle page.
• The standard late penalty applies as per the UNSW assessment implementation pro-
cedure. The late penalty is a per-day (not hourly) mark reduction equal to 5% of the
max assessment mark, for up to 5 days. Zero marks after 5 days. All days, not just
Monday-Friday, are included in the days late. See course Moodle page for examples
on how penalty is calculated.
• Plagiarism checker will be used to analyze the submitted code and answer for open
question (changing the name of state variables will not help). The UNSW has an
ongoing commitment to fostering a culture of learning informed by academic integrity.
All the UNSW staff and students have a responsibility to adhere to this principle of
academic integrity. Plagiarism undermines academic integrity and is not tolerated at
the UNSW.
[1] L. Lessig. (2000) Code is law. [Online]. Available:
[2] S. Nakamoto, “Bitcoin: A peer-to-peer electronic cash system,” 2008. [Online]. Available:
[3] V. Buterin. (2014) A next-generation smart contract and decentralized application platform.
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[4] G. Wood, “Ethereum: A secure decentralised generalised transaction ledger: Byzantium version,”
Ethereum project yellow paper, Mar. 2019. [Online]. Available:
[5] Ethereum. (2021) Solidity. [Online]. Available: