COMP9417 - Machine Learning
Homework 2: Perceptrons, Kernels & scikit-learn
Introduction In this homework, we will explore perceptron learning in more depth. We will then dive
further into some existing sklearn modules and compare their perforamance on simulated data.
Question 1. Diving Deeper into sklearn
In this question, we will consider the scikitlearn implementations of the following classifiers:
• Decision Trees
• Random Forest
• AdaBoost
• Logistic Regression
• Multilayer Perceptron (Neural Network)
• Support Vector Machine
You are required to compare the performance of the above models on a classifiation task. The following
code loads in these classifiers and defines a function to simulate a toy dataset:
1 import numpy as np
2 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
3 from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
4 import warnings
5 warnings.simplefilter(action=’ignore’, category=FutureWarning)
7 import time
8 from sklearn.svm import SVC
9 from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
10 from sklearn.ensemble import AdaBoostClassifier
11 from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
12 from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
13 from sklearn.neural_network import MLPClassifier
14 from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
15 from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
16 from sklearn.datasets import make_classification
18 def create_dataset(n=1250, nf=2, nr=0, ni=2, random_state=125):
19 ’’’
20 generate a new dataset with
21 n: total number of samples
22 nf: number of features
23 nr: number of redundant features (these are linear combinatins of informative
24 ni: number of informative features (ni + nr = nf must hold)
25 random_state: set for reproducibility
26 ’’’
27 X, y = make_classification( n_samples=n,
28 n_features=nf,
29 n_redundant=nr,
30 n_informative=ni,
31 random_state=random_state,
32 n_clusters_per_class=2)
33 rng = np.random.RandomState(2)
34 X += 3 * rng.uniform(size = X.shape)
35 X = StandardScaler().fit_transform(X)
36 return X, y
(a) Generate a dataset using the default parameters of create dataset. Then, randomly split the
dataset into training set Xtrain and test set Xtest (use the sklearn train test split function
with random state=45), with 80 % of examples for training and 20 % for testing. Fit each of the
models to the training data and then plot the decision boundaries of each of the classifiers (using
default parameter settings) on the test set. If you prefer, you may use the following plotter function
which plots the decision boundary and works for any sklearn model.
1 def plotter(classifier, X, X_test, y_test, title, ax=None):
2 # plot decision boundary for given classifier
3 plot_step = 0.02
4 x_min, x_max = X[:, 0].min() - 1, X[:,0].max() + 1
5 y_min, y_max = X[:, 1].min() - 1, X[:,1].max() + 1
6 xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(x_min, x_max, plot_step),
7 np.arange(y_min, y_max, plot_step))
8 Z = classifier.predict(np.c_[xx.ravel(),yy.ravel()])
9 Z = Z.reshape(xx.shape)
10 if ax:
11 ax.contourf(xx, yy, Z, cmap =
12 ax.scatter(X_test[:, 0], X_test[:, 1], c = y_test)
13 ax.set_title(title)
14 else:
15 plt.contourf(xx, yy, Z, cmap =
16 plt.scatter(X_test[:, 0], X_test[:, 1], c = y_test)
17 plt.title(title)
Note that you can use the same general approach for plotting a grid as used in Homework 1, and
the plotter function supports an ‘ax’ argument. What to submit: a single 3 × 2 plot, a print screen of
the python code used, a copy of your python code in
(b) Next, we will study how the performance of each of the clasifiers varies as you increase the size
of the training set. Fix your training and test sets from part (a). Then, starting from a random
subset (no need to set a seed) of your training set of size 50 (chosen with replacement), train your
classification model, and compute the accuracy on the test set. Repeat this process for training set
sizes of [50, 100, 200, 300, . . . , 1000]. Repeat the experiment a total of 10 times for each classifier.
Then, for each classifier, plot its average accuracy (achieved on the test set) for each training set
size. Compare the accuracy across different algorithms in a single figure, and in 5 lines or less,
discuss your observations: For the models covered in the course so far, use what you know about
the bias-variance decomposition to inform your discussion. Which model you prefer for this task?
Please use the following color scheme for your plots: [Decision Tree, Random Forest, AdaBoost,
Logistic Regression, Neural Network, SVM], and please include a legend in your plot. What to
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submit: a discussion of your observation, a single plot, a print screen of the python code used, a copy of your
python code in
(c) Using the time module, record the training time for each of the classifiers at each of the training set
sizes. Plot the log of the average training time over the 10 trials of each classifier as a function of
the training size (use log base e). You may add code for this section to your code in part (b). What
do you observe? In 5 lines or less, discuss your observations. Use the same color scheme as in (b).
What to submit: a discussion of your observation, a single plot, a print screen of the python code used, a
copy of your python code in
(d) We now focus on the DecisionTreeClassifier module. Use create dataset from the pre-
vious question to generate a new dataset consisting of 2000 samples, 20 total features, 8 of which
are informative, and use a random state of 25. Next, generate equally sized train/test data, using
a random state of 15. Fit a deciscion tree classifier (using default parameters) and report both its
train and test accuracy. What to submit: train accuracy of your model, test accuracy of your model, a
screen shot of your code, a copy of your python code in
(e) Fit multiple decision trees with min samples leaf varying over k = 2, 3, . . . , 130. For each itera-
tion, compute the AUC score on both your train and test datasets from the previous part. Provide
a plot of both train and test AUC over k. What to submit: a single plot, a screen shot of your code, a copy
of your python code in
(f) In this part, you will perform cross validation over the min samples leaf hyperparameter from
scratch (Do not use existing cross validation implementations in this question, doing so will
result in a mark of zero.) For min samples leaf ranging from k = 2 to k = 95, run 10-fold cross
validation (i.e. split the training data into 10 folds, fit a decision tree with min samples leaf set
to k on 9 of those folds, and record the auc score on the 10-th, repeating this process 10 times). For
this question, your 10 folds must be created by taking the first fold to be the first 100 rows, the
second fold to be the next 200 rows, and so on.
Produce a plot displaying your results: the x-axis should be min samples leaf, and for each k
plot a bar-plot over the 10 CV scores. Further, report the value of k that results in the highest CV
score, re-fit the Decision tree with this choice and report both train and test errors. What to submit:
a single plot, train accuracy of your model, test accuracy of your model, a screen shot of your code, a copy of
your python code in
(g) Finally, we will use scikit-learn’s built in GridSearchCV to repeat the analysis in the previous
part. Report the optimal min samples leaf chosen by this process. Re-fit the Decision tree with
this choice and report both train and test errors. Explain why the results might differ between
your implementation and sklearn’s. What to submit: train accuracy of your model, test accuracy of your
model, a screen shot of your code, a copy of your python code in, some comments to address the
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Question 2. (Perceptron Learning & Features)
This question requires you to refer to the following training data for parts (a)-(c). You are only permitted
to make use of numpy and matplotlib. You are not permitted to make use of any existing numpy
implementations of perceptrons (if they exist).
x1 x2 y
-0.8 1 1
3.9 0.4 -1
1.4 1 1
0.1 -3.3 -1
1.2 2.7 -1
-2.45 0.1 -1
-1.5 -0.5 1
1.2 -1.5 1
(a) Plot the data. Recall that the polynomial kernel is defined as k(x, y) = (m + xT y)d for m ∈
{0, 1, 2, . . . } and d ∈ {1, 2, . . . }. Each such kernel corresponds to a feature representation of the
original data. Find the simplest polynomial kernel for which this data becomes linearly separable
(note: simplest in this case is defined as the polynomial kernel with the smallest values of both m
and d). What to submit: a single plot, a value for m, a value for d.
(b) The optimal kernel found in (a) induces a feature representation in Rp for some integer p deter-
mined by your choice of kernel, write down this feature representation. Then, choose a subset of
two coordinates from this p-dimensional vector and plot the transformed data. Is your transformed
data linearly separable? For example, for vector (w, x, y, z)T ∈ R4, a subset of two coordinates
could be the first two coordinates (w, x), or the first and third coordinates (w, y), etc.). What to
submit: a single plot, a description of the feature vector, and an answer to the question of linear separability.
(c) Train a perceptron on the transformed data (using your feature transformation in (b)) with initial
weight vector w(0) = 1p (the vector of ones in Rp). Use a learning rate of η = 0.2. Note: this
should be done in numpy. Provide a table outlining all updates of the weight vector, and the
iteration number at which the update occured. State the final learned perceptron and the number
of iterations until convergence. Demonstrate that your perceptron correctly classifies each of the
points. You may use the following table as a template for presenting your results:
Iteration No. w0 w1 . . . wp
0 1 1 . . . 1
first update iteration 1+δ0 1+δ1 . . . 1+δp
where δj is the update for wj computed at the first iteration. To demonstrate that your perceptron
classifies each point correctly, use the following table:
xi φ(xi) yiφ
T (xi)w
[−0.8, 1]T φ([−0.8, 1]T ) r1 > 0
[1.2,−1.5]T φ([1.2,−1.5]T ) r8 > 0
where ri = yiφT (xi)w∗ should be positive if your perceptron has converged. What to submit: the
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final weight vector, a table of iterations, a table showing that your model has converged, a print screen of the
python code used, a copy of the python code used in your file.
(d) Let x, y ∈ Rn (i.e. x and y are n dimensional vectors), and consider the following kernel:
k(x, y) =
(1 + xiyi).
What feature representation does this kernel induce? Hint: try the cases when n = 2, n = 3, then
figure out the pattern for larger n. What to submit: a solution can either be typed or handwritten (take a
photo and upload to the pdf). All working must be shown for full marks.
Points Allocation There are a total of 15 marks, the available marks are:
• Question 1 a): 1 mark
• Question 1 b): 1.5 marks
• Question 1 c): 2 marks
• Question 1 d): 1 mark
• Question 1 e): 1 mark
• Question 1 f): 2 marks
• Question 1 g): 1 marks
• Question 2 a): 1 marks
• Question 2 b): 1 marks
• Question 2 c): 2.5 marks
• Question 2 d): 1 marks
What to Submit
• A single PDF file which contains solutions to each question. For each question, provide your solution
in the form of text and requested plots. For any question in which you use code, provide a copy of
your code at the bottom of the relevant section.
• .py file(s) containing all code you used for the project, which should be provided in a seperate .zip
file. This code must match the code provided in the report.
• You may be deducted points for not following these instructions.
• You may be deducted points for poorly presented/formatted work. Please be neat and make your
solutions clear.
• You cannot submit a python notebook, this will receive a mark of zero. This does not stop you from
developing your code in a notebook and then copying it into a .py file though.
When and Where to Submit
• Due date: Monday March 29th, 2021 by 5:00pm.
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• Late submission incur a penalty of 10% per day for the first 5 days and 100% for more than 5 days.
• Submission has to be done through Moodle.
Final Reminder: You are required to submit one PDF file, AND also to submit the Python file(s) with all
your code as a separate .zip file.
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